
Moraghan Training - Stevie G



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    Stevie  GStevie G ✭✭✭✭

    i love that the king of unnecessary races, Pete is saying what's the point of racing in the heat image

    In fairness to the lads, once you've signed up and paid, you aren't really going to weasel out just because it's hot.. It's like quitting a race, unless you're really in the danger zone, it just sets a bad precedent!

    Cripes, If i'd bottled hot days in most summers in the mid 2000s, I'd have never raced between May and August!

    Aim is to try that 6 week 5k training plan I posted the other day. I'm taking the deafening lack of any comments on it, that it's greatimage
    Will be a bit different to what I've done before.

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    Stevie  GStevie G ✭✭✭✭
    Dachs wrote (see)


    I think it depends on your height/weight as well, so the proportionally greater your surface area to dissipate heat, the better.  I seem to remember reading a theory along those lines as to why Paula Radcliffe struggled in hot marathons.  Think it was Noakes.  I'm medium height and slim even by the standards of distance runners, so compared to some of the big old boys, I might be less affected.



    I probably didn't understand this, but surely by that logic, the higher your surface area, the more it would favour taller/heavier types?
    It's got to be an advantage all in for longer distance being smaller, as you're simply carrying less weight around. I'm a bag of piss, and still 11stone. Some of you chaps probably have 2 stone less to lumber around image

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    DeanR7DeanR7 ✭✭✭

    im carrying an extra stone more than you SG image

    good racing in the heat even if the results didnt match up to expectations....but lets be honest we have spent the last 6 months piss and moaning about the cold and wind so complaining about the sun is not going to get much sympathy



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    PeteMPeteM ✭✭✭

    SG, your confusing parkruns with races; I treat parkruns like a weekly threshold (ok a bit harder!) but don't consider them like races and very rarely am aiming for a pb (would be impossible for me on most courses I run). I would contend my volume of actual races is less than most on here and it is only ever about 50% of what I enter. I often don't run if I don't like the conditions and if you enter the cheaper races put on by clubs you're never out of pocket too much (I learned that by wasting about £60 entering the GNR once then deciding it was just too much faff to bother going all that way to run it!).   

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    Daughter #1 was out on the track yesterday, did 3 400s (hurdles, flat and relay), a leg of the 4x100m relay and 3 jumps. She hasn't been on the tack for a few years and was only a few seconds down on her PBs so the obvious takeaway is that on a hot day you need to run short.

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    RicFRicF ✭✭✭

    She hasn't been on the tack for a few years...

    So she was on a horse then?

    Good over the jumps I imagine.


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    Stevie  GStevie G ✭✭✭✭

    Dean, you muscular bastad image

    Pete, fair does, though you lose marks for horrific misuse of "your"

    Off to a sports massage shortly. Seemed like a genius idea a few weeks ago, read on the local fb group about free sessions from trainees at the local college.
    Now I'm thinking, I hope this doesn't leave my legs monstered as I quite like a Tuesday morn hard session.

    Hour session apparently, so will be interesting as it starts with a "structural analysis", which I'm sure won't come back with "you're as strong as an Ox", and then 50mins of getting stuck in.

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    CC82CC82 ✭✭✭

    Good post marathon outings in the heat and good reps SC.

    Heat isn't something we often get to moan about up here but it's pretty good today!

    Since properly taking up running I think I've only ever raced once in proper heat (by our standards anyway - as in more than 20 degrees).  That was in Summer 2014.  I ran 4 10k races in about 6 weeks or so.  In fact, I ran a Parkrun, then 2 weeks later a 10k race, 1 week later a 10k race, 1 week later an HM, 5 days later a 10,000m race, 9 days later the hot 10k race.

    Didn't give it full beans on the HM but did on all of the 10k races.

    These were my first attempts at going sub 40.  They went 40:18, 40:04, 39:44 (track), 40:22 (hot day).  I reckon without the heat that day, I'd have almost certainly gone sub 40.  I was going to say 5 secs per mile would be a massive overstatement but having checked my maths, probably not that far off actually.  I reckon it was about 22 degrees.  Take about 30 secs off my time for cooler conditions and that would probably have been about it.

    And I'm one grade above vampire.

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    CC82CC82 ✭✭✭

    Oh yeah - and running.

    2 weekends in a row with no running.  Can't remember the last time that happened.

    Last weekend due to caravan excursion with a 3 year old and this weekend due to the cold actually turning into a cold.  10k race this Sunday, so decided to just sleep as much as permitted by said 3 year old (which turned out to be not as much as I'd hoped...).

    Anyway - it's cleared up now and managed a run.  Nice and slow run through the nearby woods which always slows me right down due to terrain, ducking under trees, wading through ankle deep water, etc.  About high 8s or even low 9s for just over 20 mins, then on the way back decided to actually run and did 5 mins steady at 6:27/mile.  Legs feel very fresh.  An enforced rest is sometimes good image

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    The BusThe Bus ✭✭✭
    I'll take a minute thanks ????

    I've raced better on hotter days, but only after a period of acclimatization.

    Pete, tbh, even on the morning of the race I wasn't expecting it to be as warm as it was
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    Lots of people suffered at Alton 10 from a few lordshill guys messaging (Scott P who posts on RW)

    James baker winning 56:39 which is a relatively slow time for his regular self

    I ran in Gran Canaria in the world island youth games maybe 10-12 years ago and we had sprinklers and water stations on as it was a 40+ heatwave out there. Was nasty but can't remember much...Last I raced when it very hot was then Jersey last year, again plus 30 and water stations allowed on the track which isn't normal..Body clearly not adapted at all and stands for this weekend. No one apart from bus I think has been on holiday hat much to get decent heat acclimatisation image

    Suffered in the warmth even this morning 6am. Sweating a lot. 5.5miles though to my HR which is longest run (to my regular effort) for 9 nearly 10 weeks.. (I did 2 X 6miles last week but at 9-10 m/m) today was better 7:30s

    Feeling fitter, pain in the arse had been getting better but last few days quite bad.. Had a groaning Achilles which think stemmed from my calf issue which happened day before my op, but had acupuncture and massage twice and looking after the leg stretching and stuff, getting better and getting there though

    Managed a single faster mile on Saturday mid run, just did 4miles a day to HR last week and came in 28 miles, and HR started to come down, 2 weeks and a few days back running now.

    Sorry I've missed absolutely everyone posting !!!!
    Pain is weakness leaving the body
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    Let you off Edgers old son!!

    You know how I deal with the heat (after suffering at the Portland 10 and Swanage half)? Never run anything over 10k from May-October. Easy.
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    The BusThe Bus ✭✭✭

    Good strategy Simon image

    Scott - good to see you coming back mate. Every step and all that..

    Outside of the infamous Wycombe Half scorchers, Madeira was the hottest place I've run, with temperatures in the late 30s, but also very high humidity. Next time I do Marlow, I'll head there for 2 weeks beforehand image

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    Lanza was the hottest place I have 'raced'. Did some obstacle race POS with the wife.

    This weekend I was in Copenhagen for the long distance duathlon Euros. As is popular nowadays the Euros is part of an open race and at the same time it was also the Danish Nationals. From what I understand the Danish athletes could enter the Euros or the Nationals but not both. It was, however, the same physical race.

    A week out we'd expected rain but the European heatwave was the order of the day. A course recce showed the bike to be flat and fast.

    We were set off in different age groups depending on the size of the groups, so the M35-39 and the M30-34 were sent off together at 0830. I let the ego get the better of me on this run and came it at 41:07 for the 10km (5km lap splits of 19:18 & 21:47). I was aiming for 42minimum.

    On to the bike which was 2 laps of 30km each. Plenty of cat and mouse, rode to the numbers my coach and I had discussed and finished the bike a few seconds before 1hr40m. Wasn't sure where the get-off point was and my Garmin shows I was doing about 25kph when I hit the ground running.

    By this point everything had started hotting up. Back on to the same run course for 2 more laps of 5km. The lead-out and return was in the shade and probably amounted to 1.5km. The rest was fully in the sun. There was no place to get any water until after the first lap. Immediately off the bike I hooked up with a Swiss athlete and we paced each other and then I dropped her towards the end of the 5km. After 21:42 I hit the water station and threw 3 cups over me. The second 5km was not pretty and the split was 24:25 which was quite frankly very shocking. You can blame it on the heat or blame it on lack of endurance or hitting the first run too hard. Either way I wasn't happy with the 46:04 that I got for the last 10km run, but not atypical considering the heat. As I neared the line the guy 2 ahead of me did a forward roll over the finish line so the guy immediately ahead slowed down. I overtook the fool.

    Overall though I was happy with the result. 3h09, 38 of 87 in the AG and 13th/16 for the Euros. Loads of people suffered in the heat and those that did not suffer evidently took advantage. There were a number of surprise upsets and the guy that won my AG was 16th overall, ahead of a number of elites.

    Legs are generally OK today which was a surprise though the LH achilles took some strain and was tender after I finished, probably from when I came off the bike. It was alright this morning but dragging a bike box and suitcase around public transport has taken its toll.

    Lots of work to do over the rest of the year.

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    The BusThe Bus ✭✭✭

    Good work IC. Can't even imagine having to run a  second 10k with 60k of cycling in between and all in yesterday's heat - most impressive!

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    PeteMPeteM ✭✭✭
    Great performance Iron, especially on the bike. Agree with Bus its impressive you can still run the 2nd 10k in that heat and after 60k at race pace on the bike. Did you wimp out of Copenhagen's parkruns the day before though?!
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    PeteM wrote (see)
    Great performance Iron, especially on the bike. Agree with Bus its impressive you can still run the 2nd 10k in that heat and after 60k at race pace on the bike. Did you wimp out of Copenhagen's parkruns the day before though?!


    PeteM wrote (see)
    Great performance Iron, especially on the bike. Agree with Bus its impressive you can still run the 2nd 10k in that heat and after 60k at race pace on the bike. Did you wimp out of Copenhagen's parkruns the day before though?!

    Cheers guys.

    Ah yes, Copenhagen parkrun! We had a choice of 3, one of which was ~2km from my hotel. The plan said 30min easy jog so I was going to cycle there and back and mince round.

    Unfortunately I am too stupid to drive my iphone so the alarm I had set was for weekdays only and I slept in. image

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    Reg WandReg Wand ✭✭✭

    What's the plan now Iron? You sticking with duathlon?

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    Reg Wand wrote (see)

    What's the plan now Iron? You sticking with duathlon?

    The summer is for fun stuff like lots and lots of TTing on the bike - 10, 25 and perhaps some 50 milers.Maybe a couple of social races and parkruns. I still fancy the LFOTM in May.

    As we move to autumn I will fix some of my softer running PBs and then start hitting some more duathlons. The past 2 summers have proven to me that I suffer in the heat.

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    Reg WandReg Wand ✭✭✭

    Sounds good, I am sure I'll see you at the TT.

    I just checked my Strava and I haven't had a complete rest day since the 31st of March. I am working from home today so I could break that sequence today... 

    It's tempting just to keep the run going. That 10k has aggravated my calf strain, I knew it was a stupid idea to race so soon image


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    PeteMPeteM ✭✭✭

    Are any of your TT's open to the public Iron as I wouldn't mind a bash at one some time. Presume it is ok to do them on an ordinary road bike? What sort of speed do the slowest quartile usually go at? Reckon I would struggle to average even 20mph on a short and flat one but would be good to try.  

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    PeteM wrote (see)

    Are any of your TT's open to the public Iron as I wouldn't mind a bash at one some time. Presume it is ok to do them on an ordinary road bike? What sort of speed do the slowest quartile usually go at? Reckon I would struggle to average even 20mph on a short and flat one but would be good to try.  

    The 'Club' events are open to anyone and you can enter as a come and try it (Perversely an 'Open' is only open to members of clubs and the NGB and have arcane rules).

    I think you'd surprise yourself Pete. Come along any Thursday evening. Currently starting at the Maidenhead Business Park. £4. Ride what you want.
    Last week's results are here.

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    DachsDachs ✭✭✭

    Quality work again IC, great to see you back in a GBR vest.  Sounds like a fair old ordeal in the heat, ideally you need a swim leg as well to cool off!  That final 5K split tells its own story.  But sounds like a fantastic experience.  Did you get to take in much of Copenhagen?


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    Thanks Dachs. A swim afterwards would have been nice.

    I haunted the district that the AirBnB apartment was in, and the bit alongside the quay where the expensive team hotel was. I had a leisurely morning yesterday then flew back.

    I'd have liked to see more of it, but I spent most of the time sitting or laying in the apartment resting up.


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    Stevie  GStevie G ✭✭✭✭

    Nice to hear from you Scotty, the thread wills you back to full fitness.

    Iron, as someone who never even learnt to cycle, it doesn't take too much to impress me for that sport, so you're well into "big pimping" territory, work it baby!

    I started session 1 of a 6 week, 12 session 5k training session today, and it started with a fairly demanding one. Certainly awoke me from the "easier" sessions of 200s and 400s I'd been doing.

    8x600 off 90secs, theb 2x400 off 60s, 2x200 off 30s

    So an over distance volume session for once, with intensity 5k pace, which my tracker gave as 82secs (although this was written for me 10years ago, so i just went with how it came out)






    Happy with that, as we're looking at averaging 1.18ish laps for the 600s, and clearly had enough to do 1.16 400s and then what would be 1.12/1.10 for the 200s

    We're getting there.

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    PeteMPeteM ✭✭✭

    Thanks Iron, your link only showed 35 but nearly all of them were over 20mph! Will try and get along one Thursday.

    Tough and good session SG and promise to stop talking cycling on your forum now! 


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    Reg WandReg Wand ✭✭✭

    Pete, I was at that TT and I don't think there were more than 35. I don't know what the field size means but perhaps it's just not updated from previous years.

    I don't think I'd ever averaged over 20mph until my first race on the bike. You seem to go much faster than you'd expect.

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    CC82CC82 ✭✭✭

    Sounds epic IC - well done image

    Good reps there SG.

    I had a mini track session with the 10k race in mind this weekend, just to get some speed in the legs.

    6x 400m (400m jog) - all in 1:15-1:16.

    followed by 2x 200m - 33.4s / 34.4s.

    I don't think I've ever ran reps that quickly before (apart from the odd rogue rep that I've gunned a bit too quick.  I've got one 1:13 400m and one 32s 200m I think... But suffered for it!).

    Definitely feel like I'm getting quicker.  Legs feeling pretty great image

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    Stevie  GStevie G ✭✭✭✭

    Nice one CC, shows the difference low reps and high recoveries can do to your speed. Couple of years ago I had to do 800s at 3k pace, off 3mins. That was hard work, but by about 2mins you're ready to go again.

    I think session 11 or 12 on my little plan is a little similar to what you've just done, 5x400, off 2-3mins but at, well, 800m pace! So they need to be ferocious, the plan had 70secs a lap, but bearing in mind today was meant to be 82, amnnd they were a chunk quicker, presumably i'd have to look at....well we'll worry about that in 10/11sesssions time!

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    Reg WandReg Wand ✭✭✭

    Would someone please make a comment about SG's plan.

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