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Friday 23rd January 2004

nrg-bnrg-b ✭✭✭
Morning All.

80 mins of LT-15 in the next 15 mins.

Back soon...


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    Good morning

    Snail thank you for reply over porridge will go and get Scotts porridge oats this lunch time and give it a whirl,do we add anything to porridge raisens,jam etc sorry a real novice with porridge;-)

    It was to be my recovery run after Wednesdays long run but afraid legs not willing so another rest day for me:-(

    But hopefully will be able to run tomorrow

    Have a good day out there folks
    ALF: Always a little further
    Miles makes smiles.
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    Morning, I'm back.

    What: hill session. Hillx7 increasing distance/intensity with each one. 1m warm up/cool down.

    Why: building strength/endurance and I enjoy it.

    Birds are noisy this morning!

    Lets see if I can manage to make porridge without burning it today.

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    What: rest am, 4M easy pm.

    Why: Southern XC tomorrow, category "C" race so using it as a had training run.

    Last hard: Tues

    Last rest: 14 days
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    morning all

    what:lsd(12 miles) with mate from the gym

    why: schedule says so and to run with a bit of company for a change!

    hope the weather holds out.
    had hailstones yesterday:(

    catch you later
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    Pammie*Pammie* ✭✭✭

    Rest today

    Just heard they've had snow in Greece.
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    Morning All,

    What: nowt
    Why: Friday = rest day and I'm utterly knackered after the last 6 days of training and racing.
    Last hard run: Did the planned 5x2k @ 10k pace through the Notts Uni campus last night, it was brutal. The 2k repeat ran up and over the hill leading up to Trent Building for anyone that knows the campus. Followed this with 5M easy which coupled with the warm-up and the 6M at lunch brought me to 19M for the day. On my knees, weeping like a child by the time I got home.
    Last rest day: Friday

    Have fun out there ;-)
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    nrg-bnrg-b ✭✭✭
    Morning Everyone,

    Busy day at work, deadlines to meet.

    What: Completed 1:20 min LT-15 run for 9.72 miles.
    Why: Stage2 BT
    Last hard: 2003
    Last rest: 26 days ago.

    Hope to see you at tonight's Social.

    Have a good one.

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    HillyHilly ✭✭✭
    Morning all,

    welcome to Jon Pepper who posted on yesterday's thread!

    Enjoy your rest WP! I'm sure you'll be fine tomorrow.

    What:rest day for me
    Why:physio, then take daughter to docs, then out for club presentation night.
    Last hard:yesterday
    Last rest:Friday

    Good luck in x-c tomorrow BT and nayone else racing this weekend!
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    Morning all,

    What: 9 miles done, 6 at lunchtime and another 9 tonight
    Why: weight loss and aerobic base building
    Last hard: November 30th
    Last rest: 27 days

    Have a good one (and welcome JP)
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    ChaosChaos ✭✭✭
    Confession time :-( All set for a 30 minute ankle tester last night but before I knew it... there was a pint of lager in my hand! Still no idea how it got there.

    Anyway will make up for it at lunchtime today.

    What: 45 min steady
    Why: to get out there
    Last hard: 04/01
    Last rest: Yesterday (oops)

    good w/e everyone, am off mountain-biking in Wales.
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    Morning all.

    7.5 miles home from work tonight.

    Just got to get through the day first!
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    Good morning everyone!

    What: Lots of walking (4 miles done before breakfast because it was preferably to staying in bed with a snorer, a snuggler, a kicker and a kneading cat, and another 5 on the agenda for later), and a gentle run with 12-year-old daughter this evening.
    Why: Fat-burning and transport and I've been promising for weeks to take Kevin out for a run.
    Last rest: Monday.
    Last hard: Yesterday's fartlek run (4.5 miles) was quite hard.

    I might finally get round to going to the gym and doing some weights this weekend.
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    Morning boys and girls

    What: bike 4 miles to work am and back pm 45 min @ pace

    Why: night off tonight

    Last hard: Wednesday

    Last rest: last friday

    New adidas trainers arrived this morning! yippeeee

    Keep falling forward, only faster :)
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    Friday at last.

    What:Will try and do a long slteady 1.5/2hours tonight, but find long ones hard on my own, especially on pavements. Plus might be too stiff from circuits last night.
    Why:Need long runs, 35miler approaching and still haven't done any long ones recently.
    Last rest:Tuesday.

    Weekend:Football Sat and Sun.

    Good luck to all racers.
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    MinksMinks ✭✭✭
    Goodbye stranger, it's been nice - hope you find your paradise ...

    Am I right NRG-B? (Must be the first time in ages I've recognised the lyrics!)

    What: 3 miles steady.
    Why: Schedule says so.
    Last hard: Probably last Sunday's 12 miler, which for some reason felt 100% harder than the 11 miles the Sunday before.
    Last rest: Yesterday - had planned a run, but hectic day at work and going to bed late on Wednesday wiped me out, so decided to rest instead!

    Have a good day guys. Enjoy the mild weather while it lasts as apparently we're in for some arctic conditions next week!
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    nrg-bnrg-b ✭✭✭
    Minks: Got it one! One of my all-time favourite groups. Proper music.
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    Morning all,

    What: nothing
    Why: planned rest day, and legs are telling me I need it
    Last hard: yesterday
    Last rest: 7 days

    Have a good one.
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    morning morning
    nearly the weekend hurrah!

    what: Forum Social in London
    why: haven't been before and its about time I socialised!
    last hard:tuesday
    last rest: last friday

    think I am getting a cold which is not good news so I'll see how it goes this weekend.

    Off to see HIs Dark Materials tomorrow!
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    Morning all,

    Very pleased with last nights track session. Did 4 x 1600m, and at a pace slightly faster than last weeks 5 x 800m, wihich is very pleasing (although I was handicapped by the weather last week). I was by no means going flat out, so there's plenty of room for improvement. Legs still feel a little tired this morning though.

    Today: nothing
    Why: Friday is rest day
    Last hard: track last night
    Last rest: Wednesday

    Was hoping to do my weekend long run (16m) tomorrow, but it's looking like it might be Sunday now. No matter.

    NRG-B, see you at the social tonight. Snail, are you coming?

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    Oh, and you Birdypie (think that's two days in the row we've posted at the same time now)
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    you must be following the same work schedule as me:
    get in
    get coffee
    log on
    check out the forums!

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    Morning All

    Good luck Big Tim in your race tomorrow
    and anybody else running this weekend

    What: 4 miles am done, 10 miles pm
    why: mileage building

    have a good day everybody
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    Moring all

    What Rest
    Why Friday is rest day

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    morning all

    What: rest
    why: racing slaughterford 9 on Sunday

    dreading it a bit.
    good luck to other weekend racers
    and have fun at the London social
    and well done marmite master on 5 x 2000 survival - hardest game in the world.
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    Yes, but instead of "get coffee" it's "get tea and a couple of slices of toast"
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    ChaosChaos ✭✭✭
    of course - 2nd Breakfast is a very important meal
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    Marmite Master - I felt sick just reading your post! There's Portland Hill and the one that runs parallel(ish) to it. both horrid, horrid, horrid. But terribly good for you.

    What. Long run today. Oh, ha ha. I have just seen the paper boy (well, man actually) slide down the road. I am considering ice skates for this run.
    Why: Hal decrees
    Last hard: yesterday - tempo run followed by snowbording on ice. Always hard work.
    Last rest: Wednesday. ICe induced.

    Ah well, it's meant to snow today, so things will improve!

    Have a good day, everyone!
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    Morning all

    Goodness me MM, that's some day you had yesterday. I sense that you're responding to WP's incipient challenge to put in "the toughest session yet - match that". Strangely reminiscent of the Horwill-inspired duel between the long missed Drew & Achilles show in the run up to FLM last year.

    Our club run last night was a tough fartlek type approach, rather sensed everyone was searching out weaknesses by throwing kenyan style surges in all the time. HR 20+ bpm higer than I usually train.

    w/e plan

    Today rest
    Tomorrow : Mud, brambles, map and Compass - another opportunity to add to the "runner gets lost" saga
    Sun : 4mile race which I will use as a speed trial. I will intentionally go off faster than ever before and expect to finish as the wandering dead. based on last 10k and the prediction routines I should do 26:30, target sub 26.
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    Got my bags packed to set off for a weekend in York, taking in the Brass Monkeys halfmarathon. Intending to do it as a sociable long Sunday run rather than a race, but I'll see how I feel on the day.

    6 easy lunchtime miles today.

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    Busy here already I see!

    Welcome to Jon Pepper on yesterday post!

    What: am: Squash ( played )pm: 5-8 mile easy.

    Why: Two long sessions yesterday just a short session today.

    Last Hard: Sunday

    Last Rest: Wednesday

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