
Moraghan Training - Stevie G



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    RicFRicF ✭✭✭

    Bus, I wondered if anyone would 'bite' the Ferrari 'joke' comment. It was a friend of my wife's who had the thing. Took out one of the front seats (2 + 2 job) so she (and wedding dress) could fit in.

    Only investment car I regret not buying (when I could) was a 1970 Aston Martin on a garage forecourt for only £3500 in 1980.

    No idea what type it was. But the numbers went silly for such rust buckets, so who knows?

    I could afford a Ferrari these days, but why? Being able to run is worth more.

    Waste of money, cars. Rather not have to work than finance a 'keep up with the Jones' standard of living.

    PMJ has seen the ex council house we live in. I'll forgive anyone who wouldn't be seen dead in it.

    I tell you, being able to run and do ok at it, is priceless. It cannot be bought.

    Really. It's impossible. No matter how much money someone has, they simply cannot buy the ability to knock out a ten miler at '7' minute mile pace.

    As for the recovery from runs.

    Bus. At the Pednor 'thigh breaking descent 5 mile race', I mentioned (to you) my method of training was now based on recovery.

    In basic terms, do a run and the next day ask yourself if you could repeat it.

    If the answer is 'no' then an adjustment is required. (do less).

    If the answer is 'yes' then repeat it. (faster or more).

    Then have another check up.

    The problems occur when fatigue is laid upon fatigue. A point arrives very soon when you will never recover.

    That's when the lazy sod turns up and thrashes you in a race.

    Trouble is, when past a certain age, we wait an age for the moment we can move on. This last phase of mine has lasted nearly a year.










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    image I could afford a Ferrari too. We'd have to live in it mind, as the house would need to be sold image

    Nail on head Ric re recovery! These days, if I waited until my legs felt like they could repeat the previous days session without complaining, I'd probably never run again! I definitely need more recovery, but have become habitualised!

    Even as I sit here knowing and typing this, and recognising less is more, I'm STILL planning on going out again later and running a specific distance solely on the basis that when I add a parkrun Saturday, and a long run Sunday I'll end up on a completely arbitrary round number for the week on Sunday. Bonkers I know.......

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    Could you not just pick a slightly smaller arbitrary round number, Bus?

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    Don't be so sensible Lit!

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    RicFRicF ✭✭✭

    Here's my weekly mileages for the past six months:


    I ran along yesterday feeling liking I was bouncing along, as fit as I like. So clearly hitting a set (mileage) number each week doesn't matter too much to me.

    That sort of thing might have mattered once, say the first time I hit 50 miles in a week, or even the few occasions I managed 100 miles plus.

    Now its means to an end.

    If the training isn't a 'plus'. I don't do it.




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    RicFRicF ✭✭✭

    I forgot.

    I've still no takers for the Abingdon marathon (ticket image).

    At this rate I'll have to do the damn thing myself.


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    If I did that mileage Ric,  I'd be bouncing along too - or at least the various bits of my body that had turned to fat would image. You're one of those annoying people like my wife who seem to have a natural level of fitness that can just be topped up image

    Anyway, in a rare fit of sense, I didn't run image. I used the time to get my road bike ready for tomorrow and fit some new brake pads to my commuter bike  - a very long overdue job that may even prove a life saver given how little rubber was left on the old ones!!

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    Stevie  GStevie G ✭✭✭✭

    Saw the car pic Ric, but I'm such a non car man I didn't for a second recognise it as a flash car. I just thought, well that's an old car image

    I have form for this. Some tv guy used to come into our work every so often, and (they told me) drove a top end "xxxxxx" (flash car). Got the middle aged women all warm.

    My first thought when he drove in the carpark? "What's with the noisy car".

    It's a "xxxxxx"(flash car) they say. And what? I say.

    edit...made details a bit more vague...just in case!

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    Stevie  GStevie G ✭✭✭✭
    RicF wrote (see)

    Here's my weekly mileages for the past six months:


    I ran along yesterday feeling liking I was bouncing along, as fit as I like. So clearly hitting a set (mileage) number each week doesn't matter too much to me.

    That sort of thing might have mattered once, say the first time I hit 50 miles in a week, or even the few occasions I managed 100 miles plus.

    Now its means to an end.

    If the training isn't a 'plus'. I don't do it.



    It really shows how long this thread has been going, as it doesn't feel that long ago, that you were doing 10milers every day!

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    Stevie  GStevie G ✭✭✭✭
    The Bus wrote (see)

    image I could afford a Ferrari too. We'd have to live in it mind, as the house would need to be sold image

    Nail on head Ric re recovery! These days, if I waited until my legs felt like they could repeat the previous days session without complaining, I'd probably never run again! I definitely need more recovery, but have become habitualised!

    Even as I sit here knowing and typing this, and recognising less is more, I'm STILL planning on going out again later and running a specific distance solely on the basis that when I add a parkrun Saturday, and a long run Sunday I'll end up on a completely arbitrary round number for the week on Sunday. Bonkers I know.......

    Not treating every run like a session might help  imageimage

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    Them's the old days SG! Most of mine are less than 9 min miles now, so hardly a session!

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    Is that that due to terrain tho?
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    You'll like this, Bus (you won't): a couple of weeks ago I ran 73.7 miles. Then the following week I only ran 57.7 miles. This was partly because I'd done a half marathon and I wanted to do a long cool down but then it started raining heavily and we decided to go home instead. I suggested to my coach that I could go out and do a recovery run later the same day. He said 'you don't have to run the same number of miles every week, you know'. So I decided to drink chocolate milk in the bath instead. If I run really slowly at Chester it'll be because I didn't make it up to exactly 60.0 miles.

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    Partly Iron, but that's still 30s - 1 min down on what they were...

    Lit - 73.7 I can cope with, as it's nicely above a nice round 70, but not so far as to be in reach of 80, but 57.7 I'd definitely have to worked out a way to get to 60! Mind you, on holiday I accepted a 38.1, and managed to drink beer instead of having to find a way to round it to at least 40, so maybe I'm mellowing image. Either way, 70+ is good work (and I definitely can't see me doing one of those anytime soon!!). Good luck at Chester, but sounds like you're prepared!

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    ML84ML84 ✭✭✭
    I'm exactly the same as Bus, and if that makes me mental then you can't be too dissimilar.image my last 11 weeks mileage has been

    84.5- 68.4- 78.7- 77.3- 70.4- 80.1- 70.9- 72.8- 70.3- 70- 70.2.

    That 68 mile week still irks. Haha. Over 60000ft of ascent over the 11 weeks too which should put me in good stead for a fell relay in a few weeks.

    Like Bus mentioned I had a cracking weekend up in Fort William watching some mates run the Ben Nevis race. Decided to have a run up on Friday tea time and only passed a handful of people with not a soul at the summit. Took me 66 minutes to get up there although not on the race route.

    Rehydrated around the bars in fort William before another run up the day after whilst watching the race. The summit was ram packed with people queuing for a picture at the trig point. Madness.

    Surprisingly my legs felt fine as just once up and down the other year ruined me for 3-4 days after. I've been up 4 times now and I've never been able to see further than 20 metres at the top. The clag is always down!

    I take my morning runs very easy now and try to keep them on a flat loop. Usually 30 mins and around 7.30 pace. I remember doing them at 6.30 pace before. :-/
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    I used to hammer everywhere. Since being coached my 'easy' stuff is tremendously easy. The hard stuff is harder.

    Generally I do more easy than I would on my own.

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    That's some good mileage there Matt. I had the initial descent of BN pointed out to me once, it's a pretty drastic route down!

    No running for me yet since my mishap. Feels a lot better now though but I'll save it for tomorrow's triathlon relays, which I think is Iron's annual swim?

    I have noticed your easy stuff and I am not sure I'd have the patience to do it, having said that most of my bike to work rides are done very easy, probably 65% so maybe not.

    Last 12 weeks I've made sure I've rounded up anything under 10 milesimage

    25, 25, 20, 24, 13, 27, 16, 18, 21, 22, 13, 23


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    Reg Wand wrote (see)

    No running for me yet since my mishap. Feels a lot better now though but I'll save it for tomorrow's triathlon relays, which I think is Iron's annual swim?

    I have noticed your easy stuff and I am not sure I'd have the patience to do it, having said that most of my bike to work rides are done very easy, probably 65% so maybe not.


    Very much my annual swim. Or bath. I did bob about in the pool and lake on holiday but nothing more than about 50m.

    Last 12 weeks running distance (total hours training). Lots of racing so volume is reasonably low.

    0km (7h), 25 (7:19h), 23.6 (6h), 24.3 (10h), 8.35 (5h), 23.1 (12h),
    25 (7h), 25 (6:15h), 27 (6:30h), 26 (8:30), 15 (5:15h)

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    RicFRicF ✭✭✭

     You're one of those annoying people like my wife who seem to have a natural level of fitness that can just be topped up image

    Not so.

    I simply don't allow myself to get too unfit and out of condition in the first place.

    I don't 'slob out'. Never did. But really, I'm too lazy to have to drag myself back from a position where I'm 3 stone overweight.

    As for cars. I can't remember if I've put this one up before.




    It isn't mine but I'll be looking after it when it's delivered next year.

    As in, parked in a lock up garage in view of the house.

    Further to the 'mileage for the sake of it' idea. I read with interest the antics of Ron Hill and Steve Jones.

    Didn't seem to matter how knackered or injured they were, their race results were linear in relation to the miles they ran in training, i.e, the more the better.

    In RH's book 'The Long Hard Road -part one', he relates how a foot injury he had was so bad he was limping. Didn't stop him doing a marathon (2:20) after which he mentioned, " The foot was no better"!

    As if the race had nothing to do with the problem at all.

    Steve Jones had a diary where for day after day he was plodding about doing seven minute miles feeling tired and knackered.

    Then he did a 15km race which he knocked off in 42/43 minutes!

    In my case. If I ran and trained while ill, injured or tired. I got worse. Always.



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    Nearly the same colour as my car...

    I always thought you didn't do the swimming bit of a tri in case you went rusty Iron...

    Good run of miles that Matt - no wonder you are feeling strong enough to nip up The Ben. Twice! I don't come close on the miles , but I have done just over 50,000ft of climbing in the last 11 weeks image

    I've only been up the Ben once, 28 years ago - it was crystal clear and I got sunburnt image Took me about 8 hours though! Must do it again!

    Double bike today rather than run. I was going to do the Rye parkrun, but the weather forecast is for heavy rain all night, so may well not bother. As for Sunday. oddly enough, that 26M  Chiltern Marathon would give me exactly 50M for the week - but even that is not going to tempt me Philip! There's no route on the website, but its bound to be extremely hilly too. The 20M is a bit more tempting....


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    CC82CC82 ✭✭✭

    Cars - never given too much of a f*** about them.  Bottomless money pits really.  A necessary evil in my life given I live in the middle of nowhere and I need to drive a fair bit to get to work.

    Running - 4 miler (7:25ish pace) + some strides this morning followed by 6 miler (7:13 pace) this afternoon.  Was in the gym for the first time in months yesterday.  Going to make an effort to go once a week and do some strength/core work (like I had been doing before daughter number 2 arrived in May).  Misread my sheet and mistakenly thought I'd been doing weighted squats initially at 40kg, then upped to 45kg after a few weeks.  Did 3 sets of 8 at 40kg and was surprised at how difficult I found it.  When I re-read my sheet, I'd been reading the weights off the deadlifts rather than the squats.  I'd never done more than 35kg on the squats before!  Oops!!  The inside of my thighs are very tight today.  It doesn't really impact running too much as they are obviously muscles that I don't engage much when running otherwise they'd already be stronger...!

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    Stevie  GStevie G ✭✭✭✭

    good efforts all, love how Ric you're stretching out onto other subjects like cars to keep things ticking along image

    Been a long day of work (!) and running. Seems like days ago that I was on the track doing 16x200 off 60.

    1x31 (rep 2, trying to impress the boot camp lot just finishing up")
    1x35 (got slack late on, rep 13 or 14.

    Like these short rep burns. usually find you can smack them however you're going.

    4 eventually at 2ish.

    350miles tomorrow. Driving though luckily, rest day at the big match image

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    RicFRicF ✭✭✭

    I'm really with CC on the car front. My chosen vehicle is a 1993 1.0 ltr Nissan Micra. I've only owned five cars since 1980 so I tend to make them last.

    Did have a mad moment when I took delivery of a second hand Mercedes S500.

    That soon went. A relief to be shot of it.

    Training wise its a mixture of running and cycling. Generally alternate days, sometimes; like today, both.










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    Good session SG,despite the slackness image

    Despite passing my driving test 31 years ago, I never actually owned a car until 2014!

    I know what car SG has ad Philip have, and that Ric drives a Mercedes (thereby reinforcing how much he reminds me of Mr Morris in Friday Night Dinner image), but, based on what we know about each other from this thread, who can take a guess at other's cars? 

    As a starter, I reckon Dean drives an Audi R8.....

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    SG and Bus have the same car I think?

    Shit on it!

    I think PMJ is actually driven rather than driving.

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    Nice FND quote Iron! In a way, me and SG do have the same car - certainly it shares the same platform.....

    PMJ wouldn't give p that amount of control...

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    RicFRicF ✭✭✭

    Didn't own a car until 2014! so that's why you're called 'Bus'.

    However, you missed the bit where I mentioned the Merc was no more.

    It was interesting for about a week, and was useful as a changing room. But it was massive and after a raft of problems, mainly concerning the front suspension, I felt I had better things to be bothered about.

    My wife shifted the thing and replaced it; and her own Micra runabout, with a used Honda Jazz. This is an entirely sensible vehicle and useful beyond comparison. In fact, it was deemed to be the ideal car to do everything with.

    We've had it over a year and I've haven't driven it yet!

    Easy solution to car problems. Don't have a car.

    It's raining.

    I think I'll go for a run and view those who can only drive with a sneering contempt...and hope they don't run me over.





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    Don't spoil my illusions Ric!

    I've had company cars every now and again, including now, but they have mainly been used by Mrs Bus, except when we go on holiday. I can count on my fingers and toes how many times I've driven to work in the last ten years and every time I have to I remember why I don't!
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    DachsDachs ✭✭✭

    Right, it must be some kind of record reporting on a race by 11am, but such are the consequences of an 8 am start.  Of course an 8AM start time in central London meant leaving home at about 5:45...

    Thought I was well capable of a PB, dreamland would have been sub 32. Long story short, I was nowhere near. Couldn't hit the necessary pace from the off, and in the end I didn't even break 33. 33:11 for third, albeit only 12 seconds behind the winner. I've run faster on notably slower courses this summer.

    Can't complain really, I've had a very good run of it recently, and I know I'm in much better shape than that. Just a combination of lots of racing catching up with me, and of simply not being able to run my best that early in the morning - most of my best races and sessions seem to come in the evening, I'm convinced it's why I always run well at Yateley.

    Won another mango. Beginning to think I ought to set up a market stall.

    What's my car then Bus?

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    PeteMPeteM ✭✭✭

    Continued my stalking of Dachs by eschewing the attractions of parkrun and also doing the Battersea 10k. Was targeting a sub 37'30 but knew quickly that wasn't happening. After a recklessly fast 3'31 first k quickly drifted to the 3'50 range and stayed there. One 3'35 in the middle as I tried to up the pace but that took too much out. Even the last k was only 3'50 and ended in a disappointing 38'09. Worst 10k time of the year behind Staines, Elmbridge and Shinfield so bit cheesed off I bothered with the early start and travelling. Garmin made the distance 10.2k so hopefully it was a bit long and then the time looks much better. Still at least I won a grapefruit for 3rdv 50 which can go on Dachs' market stallimage. Think a) I am over-raced and b) have concentrated so much on short stuff at Battersea over the summer I need more stamina and to learn to pace the start of longer races better. 

    Well done Dachs anyway; not many can run 33 for a 10k and be disappointed!

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