
VLM 2017 !!



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    MWW - unless you are a GFA or have a charity place you may have to endure my sense of humour  for 29 miles - yes I take a detour. lol
    Don't worry, we will still finish in 5 hours
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    HS2- LOL, yes, ballot place (although still, raising money for charity)! You will be needing your sense of humour, I generally lose mine at about mile17!
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    MWW is that 17 miles in or from the finish line? - Blue Start it is then

    Which charity are you raising funds for?

    I am just supporting my friends raise monies for their charities
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    I'll be at Silverstone too... look out for the loony in a pirate running top!
    lets be honest.... its all prep for an Ironman on my 100th birthday
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    HS2- well, could be either 17 miles from the start for finish...never quite sure how it will go! I'm raising money for "Action for M.E", my middle daughter has a whole host of autoimmune conditions which in themselves are bad enough but she has CFS/ME as well. She can do very little for herself and has been house bound since she was 14, she is now 20.

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    rh44rh44 ✭✭
    Had a mare over the past couple of weeks. The week after my longest run ever of 13.2 miles my hamstring pulled, not through running but twisting round too quickly at work when someone had an 'incident' on the warehouse floor.
    I only managed a couple of walks in the week and a 9 mile run last weekend rather than the 120 mins I should've been doing.

    Back on it this week though, with a lovely little run on Monday in Wales after work, then back down the Taw Estuary in N.Devon last night for an hour and a bit. 130-140 minutes this weekend in what looks like dodgy weather!! :)

    Didn't think that I'd ever miss running but when I couldn't/can't go out I'm a right miserable sod!
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    Rossi71Rossi71 ✭✭✭
    Nice 8 miler planned for tonight. Done 15 at the weekend and got 16 planed for Saturday this week. Only planning on doing 1 20 miler before the big day. Done this last time and it seemed to work. Broke though my fundraising target last weekend too which has given me a good boost of confidence also :-)
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    I'm feeling a long way off the mark when hearing about these long distances being run.  Got out with the running club on Tuesday.  Started well again but ended up walking again as got chest pains before the end of the hour.  Should be OK to get out again tonight though.  There is progress of sorts in there but being able to do longer distances still seems a distant goal - other than on the big day itself obviously.
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    Thank You MWW.
    I know the feeling of a child becoming ill - I had to give up work to look after one of mine for whom I am still a part-time carer. He contracted Churgg Strauss Syndrome . Has had 24 operations after being on life support for 7 weeks - at 15 he was on the fringes of the national Youth Basketball Squad - later he could not even do his shoe laces and was on self administered morphine ten times an hour to cope with the pain - he is now registered disabled. - But life goes on. He is now 33 - one has to remain positive.
    By Saturday night I would have run more than 450 miles since January - you just have to do the roadwork.
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    A question was asked on another Forum if there will be pacers at Silverstone Half on Sunday - I will be the slowest Pacer. 

    Here are the others:

    Silverstone Marathon pacing




    Johan Olivier


    Paul Addicott


    Matt Dunn


    Jack Easthope


    Harmander Singh

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    These guys are really good - I am a novice by comparison.

    We will all keep the same pace throughout and keep up the same pace for the VLM too so just double the time next to our names.
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    Spenno  - hope to see you on Monday at the SFH Marathon Evening.
    Here is a heads up of what I will be presenting. Others may find it useful too.

    Saint Francis Hospice Marathon Evening – 6 March 2017

    Less than 50 days to go – No need to panic


    My five top tips for someone running the London Marathon for the first time?


    1.    Do the training – don’t skip a session just because of the weather etc.

    2.    Set yourself some interim targets including fundraising to stay motivated.

    3.    Manage your health by listening to your body including dealing with minor aches and pains.

    4.    Don’t take risks by trying new things/activities/food etc. without having a good reason that you understand – having an experienced run buddy is a good idea, having an experienced coach is better.

    5.    Look forward to the day not dread it - by planning in advance from the taper to the conditioning of the body to waking up relaxed not nervous on the morning of the race – also plan a celebratory meal with family and friends for after the race.


    A useful race time predictor


    This calculator lets you input an actual race time to see what you should be capable of at another distance. It is adjusted for distance (ie its 10K prediction isn't just double your 5K time), but there are three caveats:


    1.    It assumes you've done appropriate training for the distance. Doing a 22-minute 5K today doesn't mean you can do a sub-4 marathon tomorrow. Obvious, really.

    2.    It assumes you don't have a natural significant bias towards either speed or endurance. Some people, no matter how much training they do, will always over-achieve at one end of the scale.

    3.    The calculations become less accurate for times under three and a half minutes and over four hours.


    The formula is T2 = T1 x (D2/D1)1.06 where T1 is the given time, D1 is the given distance, D2 is the distance to predict a time for, and T2 is the calculated time for D2.


    The formula was originally devised by Pete Riegel, a research engineer and marathoner, and published in Runner's World many moons ago by Owen Anderson in 1997. It has stood the test of time since then and has been widely used.


    My offer to all SFH runners is to come and join me on Sunday 26 March for a course familiarisation run


    I have organised a 20 mile run of the actual course on Sunday 26 March so first timers can familiarise themselves in advance as this will allow them to feel comfortable on the big day as they will know exactly where they are on the course and more crucially know what lies ahead. The details are:


    Meet at the foyer of Cutty Sark DLR station at 9:45 am, ready to run at 10:00 am the 20 miles to the finish – so bring your drinks and Oyster card to be able to get back home afterwards from Westminster station after stopping at McDonald’s on Whitehall where I expect to be rewarded  with a Big Mac Meal (from each runner of course).


    We will run slowly at 12 minute/mile pace so it will take us four hours and we will be there by 2:00pm

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    Received my pacer kit this morning - it is awesome (as always).

    I hope people are not getting hot and bothered by my constant upbeat messages.

    You have all entered the race willingly, lets celebrate your perseverance to date and look forward to completing it - the distance will have to be covered regardless of how glum you may be feeling now or be on the day.

    I am sorry if this sounds insensitive as that is not my intention.
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    DadAgainDadAgain ✭✭✭
    Did another 32km (20 mile) run starting 4am this morning and finished feeling strong and comfortable. Could easily have carried on for another 10km. 

    Dispite the humid conditions I had a blast and even stumbled across a $20 note which covered my big breakfast costs nicely.

    50 days to go and I'm fired up! Definitely going to target 3:30 after this weeks midweek tempo run with 10km of 18km run done comfortably at sub 3:30 pace. (4:55/km).

    Also had my first ever appointment with a sports nutritionist on Friday who will be helping me with my diet and after reviewing my regular habits was advising me to increase my carb intake during races and log runs.

    Anyone know if it's possible to get lucozade in powder form? The only stuff in the shops here is fizzy and in bottles. I'm assuming that's not what's on course on race day - and I'd really like to practice with the real deal in a couple of long runs.
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    Yes powder form available.
    Alternatives are Dextrose tablets and simple Glucose.
    Good to hear about your progress and enthusiasm.

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    SnafflepantsSnafflepants ✭✭✭
    edited March 2017
    Hi everyone :) 

    Just posting to say hi - hope everyone's training is going well?

    This is my second marathon - I did Manchester a couple of years ago. Not looking to get close to that time as I've had a year off with back issues since and fitting training round childcare constraints along with being an active ED and RD at our local parkrun.

    Did my first 20 miler today (in shockingly bad rain) and despite the conditions felt OK. 

    Can I ask when we should expect start location info? Or do you not get that until the expo? Apologies - but Im a newbie! 

    Hope everyone who's had illness is in the mend 


    Snafflepants x
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    TopSecTopSec ✭✭✭
    20 mile run done yesterday.  Was scheduled for 18 but a memory popped up on my FB page that I had done 20 last year at this point!? Did 4 on my own, 13 with some friends and then 3 on my own.  Rather slow but not worried about that.

    I am fuelling at the moment with gels and blok chewy things, I don't like too many though as they make me feel a bit icky!  I did my first London on 1 jelly baby every mile, I tend to avoid too much lucozade  too as that can make me want to vom  

    Think I'll have a drop back week this week and only do 13/14 at the weekend, just feel mentally that I need to have an easy one.  I'm entered in a marathon the following weekend that is 4 loops so I plan on doing 3 loops, unless I'm feeling tip top and I'll do all 4.  Weekend after that I'm part of a 200 mile relay team so will only get about 17 split into 3.  Then fly home so will do a 22 on weekend of 3/4 April then taper  B)

    Hope everyone else has had good weekend :)

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    HS2- definitely remain positive and appreciate our blessings :)

    I managed a slow 21 miles yesterday, took about 3hours 50 mins :) I am doing the Llanelli Half Marathon next weekend so cut back week :)
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    spenno2spenno2 ✭✭✭
    Harmander be good to meet you tomorrow at Saint Francis.

     I've got my kids with me also has my wife has her own training to do. 

    Shame I can't do the 26th, got no chance its Mother's Day 
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    Thanks so much for the URL Harmander - really helpful and it's got me so excited! 

    Happy to have an easy week this week with a Half on Sunday - off to the Physio later #ouch
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    You are welcome Snafflepants.
    Which half are you doing on Sunday?
    I am doing Silverstone
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    Hi Harmander - going to join your pacing group at Silverstone, will be great to meet you, I find your messages motivational, hope you are the same in person ;-)

    Completed 15.5 miles, my longest ever run this weekend so feeling great.

    See you Sunday, Jonathan 
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    Did an 8k run yesterday with someone from the running club.  Felt pretty wiped out afterwards but getting more comfortable with that distance so hoping I can keep getting out with the running groups this week to keep building on that.
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    KingaKinga ✭✭

    Did 18 miles over the weekend, longest ever run (going to say this a lot over next few weeks LOL), but gotta be honest felt dead on my feet for last couple of miles, literally everything hurt!!

    All good experience though I'm sure and hopefully its given me an even better indication of pace required as the miles increase.

    Just a half this weekend ahead of a 20 miler over a reportedly hilly course next weekend.

    Perhaps at that point I'll be better placed to really focus on a realistic target for the big day

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    Thank You Jonathan Parsons 7,
    I look forward to helping everyone to get under 2:30.
    The Red flag on the rucksack says 11:22 a mile and 2:29 finish - gives those following an extra minute to catch up.
    At 34 minutes for every 3 miles will get us to 12 miles in 2:16 - then 13 minutes to do the last 1.11 miles - I would prefer 45 minutes for every 4 miles (11:15/mile pace) to allow us an extra minute as we would get to 12 miles in 2:15.
    Just curious to know what you guys would like.
    (incidentally I paced for 2:15 last week at the Roding Valley Half (tough course) and did 2:13:16 - and this was after a slow start so am quietly happy with my fitness although want to do a sub 2:00 (2:06 at least) in training to make sure.
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    Top sec I'm doing a challenge event this weekend too mines in Kent, it's a night event. I have the same plan, complete 3 laps for my 20 miles & if I'm ok walk the last lap for a marathon. 

    I had a bad start to my training with loads of back pain after a work injury but now seems to be settling down. I managed 17 miles this morning, as my long run instead of yesterday, which is my longest run since the Berlin marathon. So I'm really happy, especially as it was a hilly course & I've stuck with flat runs since the start of training. Today was made better better by also getting 2nd place for my cookies at today's event. 
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    TopSecTopSec ✭✭✭
    Well done Ellie!  On both counts :)  Should really have run today but was raining here this morning and when it rains in Houston, it really rains so didn't fancy getting stuck out in it!  Hope to try tomorrow although again it is a bad forecast, I may have to resort to the dreadmill :(

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    spenno2spenno2 ✭✭✭
    Good to meet you last night harmander. Great advice you offered and great to see you supporting Saint Francis.

    hopefully I make the 9th April. Most certainly can't do Mother's Day. I'm still trying to wife to let me do it lol
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    Good to meet you too.
    It is a pleasure to help those helping others. _ You guys are fantastic.
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