
Sub 3



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    LMH - it reads to me as though shorter, faster runs are more likely to cause you problems than longer, easier miles so trying to get speed back with lots of shorter runs may cause more issues than it solves.  OTOH it's easy to back off on one of those if you're feeling any discomfort, so maybe you'd get away with it.  You're right, base endurance will still be fine.

    20+ yesterday, pretty slow but that was the plan.  Not quite at shelling peas level yet though, but still 6 weeks to Boston.

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    Morning all. Busy week at work so I've been neglecting the forum.

    CW - I was really sorry to read about your Dad.

    Jools - glad to hear the achilles issue didn't turn out to be more serious.

    LMH - hopefully signs of improvement with your hip. I would think twice about any faster running in the short term.

    Padams - heard a great story about dog running (Cani-X) yesterday. Guy who can run sub-18 5K with his dog but can't manage sub-20 without it  :). I dread to think what time you could do with a dog strapped to you!!!

    Dan - well toughed out at Thorpe Park.

    TkTk - nice to see you back!

    TT - a good base to build from and a great tempo run to reinforce that.

    OO - Good run at Bideford.

    So it was the Milton Keynes Half for me yesterday. Dan - I saw the Xempo pacers in all their splendour. Conditions were shocking to be honest. Although the rain stopped, the wind was terrible. No problems at the start but the sharp end of the field stretched out quite quickly and I found myself running alone after about 3M, at least until we started to mix in with the 20M runners who had started an hour earlier and were on a final lap. I had planned on going out at sub-80 pace and was bang on target when I passed 10M (60:44 which is a 10M PB) and the next mile was a 6:04 so all good. Now, I knew that the last two miles at MK were uphill so I was prepared for that, but what I wasn't prepared for was the most ridiculous headwind while trying to run up the hills. All thoughts of sub-80 were gone after mile 12 (6:37) and thoughts of sub-81 were fading after mile 13 (6:57). I just about managed a surge at the end to finish in 81:21. That's still a PB and on the day I'm not sure I could have done much more. Good enough for 16th overall which was nice. Having stalked a few of the other top 15 runners on Strava, I see that everyone had a similar slowdown to me in the last couple of miles so at least I was in good company.
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    PadamsPadams ✭✭✭
    edited March 2017
    LMH - I agree with CD, sounds like long slow stuff is OK. But only you really know how it feels. My general advice with injuries is if you're not sure, leave it another day.

    OO - sounds like a strong run on a tough course.

    - good run at MK given the conditions. Interesting that you mention that about CaniX. We went to a group CaniX run on Saturday, but Mrs Padams ran while I looked after mini-Padams. A guy we spoke to afterwards said that he runs about 21 mins in a parkrun, but has done 16:30 with his dog (off-road) and the typical winning times in a high level CaniX is low-13 for 5k off-road. So I am keen to get her better trained and see what we can do!

    Berkhamsted HM for me yesterday. Same conditions as ES's race i.e. stopped raining just as we started, but lots of water underfoot and pretty windy. I didn't recognise anyone at the front of the start line and no one looked particularly fast. This was an accurate assessment as I was in the lead group of 4 for the first 2 flat miles and they were only just under 5:40 (last year they were about 5:20 IIRC). Held back a bit up the first big hill from 2M to 3M (6:15ish) and then found myself drifting to the front at the top. A small gap formed so I decided to just push on from then and the next 10M were solo over than the lead vehicle. Splits ranged from 5:15 to 6:15 depending on the hills/wind, but generally not particularly quick, finishing in 75:08, my slowest HM since 2008. I was over a minute ahead of 2nd place, and had a bit left in the tank, but it was close to full effort.

    So I feel like it was a fairly poor run, but not too sure as everyone else seemed to be much slower than they expected, even allowing for the tough course. Not going to complain too much about the lack of fast runners given the cash prize!
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    TippTopTippTop ✭✭✭
    Well done on the win Padams. I wouldn't be too worried about the time given the conditions and lack of competition, never mind the course itself. Any flat races planned to get an indication as to where you are?

    Any tapir madness yet Wardi?

    That's a good chunk inside target OO. Well done!

    LMH - sounds like you need to ask the physio to clarify 'explosive'. She may mean short sharp stuff, but longer tempos could be ok? Hard to say without having that quantified really.

    Positive Jools. I read your blog (good read). Fingers crossed you get a clear path now.

    ES - sounds like a very good run in the conditions, and that the sub-80 is there for you on the right day. Well done!
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    PadamsPadams ✭✭✭
    TT - I haven't entered any other races yet. Athletics starts in April so will do some shorter stuff there, then our summer road race league (10k) starts in May. I've also got a free place at the Milton Keynes Marathon (beginning of May) but will probably pacemake a friend for 2:59 (assuming I can do a few long runs to get in good enough shape to manage that!).

    I'm also still strongly considering doing our club's 12 hour race again (September), but that relies on me getting some longer training done over the summer.
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    CharlieWCharlieW ✭✭✭
    Well raced OuchOuch! With the hills and wind that certainly suggests a comfortable sub-3 marathon.

    Congrats on the PB in the horrible wind, ES!

    Nice one Padams! I don't suppose the lead vehicle was close enough to offer any shelter? (Shouldn't be I guess, but I remember a windy 10K where it looked like it -- a milk float -- was helping the leader, not me sadly.)

    A fair cop LMH, my Sub-3 habit is to visit during workday lunches, sorry! Interesting assessment from your physio -- sorry I wouldn't know what to suggest though, as it's an unfamiliar problem. I have odd problems with my L quad not "working properly" at speed sometimes, maybe that's a tip for me too.

    I did in fact wake up early enough on Friday to get my penultimate taper tune-up run in (before a satisfyingly smooth tour of Surrey taking in about 8 appointments with no foul-ups!), and I did a little one on Saturday too, just as I would before a marathon. I even carb-loaded on Friday (I know it shouldn't be necessary for a half). Then in the race, well it was also wind-affected like ES' and Padams' ones were. Scores on the doors: 1:16:26, 31st/6887 (but a lot of charity runners etc), only 5th V40 (that time would have been 1st V40 last year!). I just wrote this on my website this morning:

    A strong SSE wind meant this wouldn't be the good absolute test of fitness I wanted. I sheltered OK behind others going south, but working harder than I felt I should, left quad a bit dicky initially; felt good for a few miles out of the wind, gaining on those ahead; then had a bit of a wobble late on, struggling alone into the wind again. Actually a decent performance in the wind (83.1% WAVA), but I hoped for better after about 8 weeks' marathon training. Made the schoolboy error of underdressing for the conditions and actually got cold, which won't have helped.
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    Padams - congratulations on the win and the cash is a nice bonus. I wouldn't worry about the time, yesterday was not the day for a fast race!

    CW - likewise great performance in poor conditions at Cambridge.
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    Thanks for the thoughts.

    Well done on the PB ES.

    Nice casual win Padams:-)

    Getting cold won't have helped at all Charlie.

    I managed 21 miles today, my right hamstring actually feels like the limiting factor at the moment which may be preventing the quad being an issue so perhaps a blessing in disguise - or maybe I'm clutching at straws - definitely slowing as the miles progress so if I haven't lost endurance it's the lack of power being more of an issue as the muscles tire I guess. I've emailed the physio to see what she thinks about Silverstone on Sunday.
    If you think you can or you think you can't you're probably right.
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    Dan ADan A ✭✭✭
    Padams - understated win as usual.  You'd be quite handy if you trained hard  ;)

    CW - 76 mins in the middle of marathon training is very good; particularly in yesterday's weather.

    OO - solid enough form for a sub 3 and a bit

    ES - good effort that weather; pleased for my pacing team that the rain held off, but it was utterly minging before and after.  Ruined what could have been a good day and made it all a bit of a struggle.  You failed to mention the "river" crossing after the first mile

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    Dan - yes, I had blanked out the memory of having to run through that! Bloody freezing as well!
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    That looks like one of those obstacle races! How did you manage to forget that ES?
    If you think you can or you think you can't you're probably right.
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    PadamsPadams ✭✭✭
    ES - that looks horrendous. I remember having to run through a "puddle" like that at the Watford HM once.

    CW - that's a solid time in those conditions, you could probably convert that into MP without much addition taking that into account (plus taper etc.). No shelter from the car unfortunately, it generally stayed about 30m ahead.

    Just a couple of runs with the dog the last two mornings. Knee is feeling a little bit sore but improving so not too concerned.
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    LMH, I think it speaks volumes about how hard the last couple of miles into the wind were that I forgot about running through deep water in mile 2!
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    TippTopTippTop ✭✭✭
    Flipping heck ES. I didn't realise it was an aquathlon you done!!

    Any plans for any marathons (other than the pacing job) this year Padams? I'm doing Endure 24 this year, and provisionally a 12 hour race, but don't think the latter will get 'signed off' by coach (and tbh, not convinced I want to do it anyway - it's a deferred entry from last year).

    CW - sounds like a good run in the conditions to me!

    LMH - how are you doing now? I wouldn't worry too much about tiring. Even at a slow effort, going from rest (even a short one) to 2 big runs in that short of a timespan is going to be more about shaking off some rust.

    Standard Tuesday double for me - 6m jog am, 10m easy pm. Though I have a habit of running the pm one progressively, rather than straightforward easy (nothing major, more moving from very easy to steady). Last Tuesday was 10 @ 6:47, today was @ 6:40.
    Weight is starting to come down ('only' 5.4kg - 12lbs - from race weight now), and starting to feel stronger and a bit more fluid. With 6.5 weeks to go I might have a chance of pulling out something presentable at London (at the end of January I didn't see how I could get close to last year's 'retired' 2:33, never mind quicker).
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    WardiWardi ✭✭✭
    edited March 2017

    Well done on the half maras Charlie & Padams (nice win!)

    ES.. admirable paddling skills & congrats on the PB.

    Taper madness settling in nicely here.  Tesco have withdrawn the crème egg offer so I might even stay at race weight!  6.5m steady with the club tonight.

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    It's probably for the best Wardi  :)

    This morning it's both calves that are tight and I can feel the left quad so I guess even though I feel as if I'm running ok I'm still compensating. It's not just slowing in the last couple of miles (that's when I can tell that the power isn't in the quad) my overall pace is much slower still too. You seem to be going in the right direction - hopefully I still have time too.
    If you think you can or you think you can't you're probably right.
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    TippTopTippTop ✭✭✭

    Good news on the crème egg offer withdrawal Wardi :D

    LMH - is it possible that the slower pace is due to tension/worry about your quad? Would also explain the tight calves. i.e. if it's playing on your mind you're going to be tight going out, therefore running slower for the same effort, subconsciously protecting yourself, etc? I know in the same boat I'd expect that.
    For me, I have previous in turning things around in a short(ish) time, but if I pull something decent off at London, given how bad I was a few weeks ago, then it would be my best trick yet. Really though it just means that if I put together a sustained large period of consistent, high volume training I should be capable of so much more.

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    I think any tension is more to do with worrying that I'm going to be hit by a car again TT. I really need to get over that but it is only three weeks today. I can't feel the left quad until I really start to tire (though it's still sore to touch) which is why I think it's more likely to be subconscious compensation. A slightly better run this morning though, the pace dropped off towards the end but I was able to produce a faster (though still much slower than I was) last mile.
    If you think you can or you think you can't you're probably right.
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    dctdct ✭✭✭
    I come (selfishly) looking for advice – anyone run a decent marathon off six weeks of training (other than DrD because he's in another running realm and I seem to remember him saying he ran Abo 2016 off a six-week block)?

    I ran a 2:48 at Berlin 2016, maintained a decent level of fitness until mid-Nov when I rolled my ankle playing football (never again!). Couldn't run for 12 weeks, logged a couple 40- to 50-mile weeks in Feb but the ankle still wasn't right. Lots of strength work and solid diet to keep weight down since.

    Even as I write this I know I should just postpone London…argh. I have an Abingdon place but still…London. Would be my first time, too.

    Apologies for never saying much/anything
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    CharlieWCharlieW ✭✭✭
    Dan -- wow, dramatic photo! (And while I'm in marathon training, I tapered shamelessly for my half last week (Padams too), so I was 100% fresh for it.)

    LMH -- hope your woes clear up soon.

    dct -- I haven't specifically done a 6 week buildup, but if you don't want to miss London than why not just see where you can get to fitness-wise and give it a go? (As you have GFA for a couple of years, no point in deferring.)

    Yesterday I "ran" a double but I still had DOMS really, so I probably shouldn't have tried. Especially that dodgy bit of left quad. Things are better today, still not 100% over the race but 14M done so far with a return run that could be another 10M to do later.
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    dctdct ✭✭✭
    CW – yeah that makes complete sense. An interesting experiment, if nothing else. Not sure why it took me more than 100 words to ask the question…
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    TippTopTippTop ✭✭✭

    LMH - sorry I was thinking of the consequences and forgetting the cause, but yep, that would make me tense too, and it's the same end result really. You'll get over it when you're ready - there's never any point in rushing these things - so just take your time. Sounds from this morning that it's heading in the right direction though.

    dct - as CW said, why not train and just accept whatever it is on the day if you really want to do London. Worst case is you won't be as fit as you'd like so you can just soak up the atmosphere and get some course knowledge for next year.

    Got my bloods back. My haemoglobin has crept back into the normal range, but my ferritin levels are ridiculously low, and I'm B9 (folate/folic acid) deficient, the latter of which is a new one for me, particularly as B12 is normal. Also explains why the weight has been more stubborn than usual to come off. I need to have some additional tests to check out a couple of other things, but, much like my fitness, it can only get better from here.

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    I'll be interested in your experiment dct.

    As you say TT sounds weird with your B12 being ok. Ferritin is always slow to come back up. I take Spatone every day which seems to keep me in about the right place despite not eating meat and starting from a fairly low base about a year back. Nothing I can do but keep getting myself out of the door and hoping it gets better so that's my plan  :)

    Watch the quad Charlie.
    If you think you can or you think you can't you're probably right.
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    PadamsPadams ✭✭✭
    TT - no, not planning a marathon this year. I'm not going to race another marathon for a while now as to do it justice would need a big time commitment.

    LMH - if I were you I would just keep the runs a bit shorter for a few days. Can you stick to off-road for a while?

    11M yesterday consisting of a run with the dog, into work and home again. Then 4M this morning with the dog.
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    TippTopTippTop ✭✭✭

    LMH - I've gotten a handle on it now - B12 needs folate to be metabolised, so when folate is low B12 can apparently build up in the blood, making it look normal (and when folate comes back to normal, B12 can drop, so I'll need to keep an eye on that). Once B12 is metabolised it uses the ferritin stores to produce red blood cells. In my case with low ferritin and low folate nothing is basically happening on that front, which explains why I sometimes feel breathless jogging (first thing in the mornings I feel horrendous).

    Padams - I thought that may be the case. Makes sense.

    Track last night. Rough day in line with my comments to LMH, above. 800, 1200, 1600, 2000, 2400 off 200 jogs. Fell between my usual run to effort and running to a pace. Decided to target 84s (around 10k pace) and ease off if necessary. By the 1600 that felt harder than expected, so eased off a little in that rep, and then eased off to HM effort for the last two, which felt disproportionately more comfortable for the slight drop in pace, which makes sense on the folate/iron/anaemia fronts I guess. 2:48, 4:12, 5:38, 7:08, 8:33.

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    CharlieWCharlieW ✭✭✭
    LMH/TT - How do you guys get these blood results -- GP, or some private service? My haemoglobin (or some measure of iron) was found low on two occasions last year but it's not like I'm ill or anything, so I didn't know if I could justify being seen to by my doctor if I wanted to get some values.
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    WardiWardi ✭✭✭

     As I can't talk about much running during the taper why not appease the washing machine fixation on here - a picture of an enormous box of Daz, read it and weep etc.

    Padams.. I guess you must have a training log for the dog by now!

    TT.. nice track session there.

    Charlie.. once you get to circa 50 yrs & onwards the Docs tend to take a blood sample as a precaution.  Apparently one sample can tell them a multitude of health related info. 

    Another couple of sound pieces of advice from the Barca marathon..

    The other most important part to keep in mind so that no blisters appear is the sneakers. Sneakers must be adjusted correctly, without giving up and, of course, do not release a sneakers on the day of running or release any material on day D.

    If you have suffered the wall, it is difficult to recover, but to leave behind you should eat fast-food foods - foods that contain sugar, for example. But if you want to reduce the likelihood of encountering the concrete block, do a previous carbohydrate intake during the days before the race.

    I intend to do an easy few miles later to fend off the onset of the 'wibble' condition.  Forecast for Sunday currently 12-16 degrees so all good to go.

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    TippTopTippTop ✭✭✭

    CW - I had the bloods ordered by the GP to see how my levels were coming up (previous anaemia diagnosis was by the 'eyelid' test). I then had a call to say I needed to come in for a follow-up because of the results, and the receptionist read me out some of the values I asked for over the phone. I've gotten the GP or nurse to print them off in the past - never a problem.

    Almost there Wardi!!!!

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    GP for me too Charlie but I'm (nearly) as old as Wardi suggests and have a multitude of illnesses that are monitored by blood tests as well as lots of history of anaemia. Just take a daily iron supplement if you're at all bothered. As I've said previously I find Spatone very easy on the gut.

    Don't you go playing with those sneakers Wardi! I'd love 12-16 degrees.
    If you think you can or you think you can't you're probably right.
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    OuchOuchOuchOuch ✭✭✭
    Padams - Congrats on the seemingly effortless win - can I borrow your dog, just when I get a decent pace up with mone, she is either chasing squirrels or low-level growling at a cyclist wearing a green jacket (always green).

    CW/ ES - great racing too.

    Interesting discussion on anaemia....I read somewhere marathon runners need 3/4 X the normal levels of iron, due to the amount of cell damage and rebuilding that goes on through our training/ sport.  Hence a daily iron tab for me.

    TT - great mileage and looks like you are closing in on where you want to be to run a competitive marathon.  Wardi - steady on, posting 'powder porn' and hope the next few days moves swiftly past for Barcalona - should be a very happy city after last night. Magic does happen.

    Plodding along here.  43 miles so far this week including my first ever 5K time trail when running with my brothers running club in Wales. 18.49 so a new PB!  Rest tomorrow and a 12 and 22 miler for the weekend to keep mpw at 70+ for the 4th week running (a new record for me).

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