
The Thousand Mile Club - 2017



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    AndrewDAndrewD ✭✭✭
    7 miles today.
    335 YTD
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    Little NellLittle Nell ✭✭✭
    Hello... hello... hello!!!

    Just popping in to say I'm back off the injury bench and running again - YAY! :smiley:

    Lots to catch up on here - so I will read back and do a full comment tomorrow... but just to log my miles this week... I actually started back on Monday (due to getting back too late from work to make it to Pilates - grrrr!) but haven't had enough time to get back on RW!

    Monday: just a steady run to test out the calf - 4.05 mi. (all fine)
    Tuesday: interval track session with work colleague (they've finally cleared the fallen tree from the bottom bend - so it was nice to be able to run all the way round again!) - did a pyramid session by time: fast 2 min, 3 min, 4 min, 5 min, 5 min with 1.5 min recoveries in between - 4.79 mi. with w/u & c/d.
    Wednesday: sports massage (lovely!) :smile:
    Thursday: 5.07 mi. easy
    Saturday: 7 x long hill reps (takes 2 mins to run up), jog back to recover - 6.23 mi. with w/u & c/d
    Sunday: 10.10 mi. late in the evening due to having to go back to bed this afternoon after what can only be described as a "heavy" night out in Manchester last night :blush:

    YTD: 534.39 miles
    (phew... that's more like it! My epic spreadsheet tells me the last time I had a zero mileage full week, as I had last week, was the week ending 10 April 2016 - so I was probably due a rest - LOL!)
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    Morning all,

    Another good week for me, really enjoying all my runs at the moment.

    JR, Some good steady mileage going on, hope you are still feeling okay and haven't caught the bug.
    Nell, Glad the calf is now feeling okay, nice to have you back.

    Stats for last week.

    09.05.17 - 13.75
    11.05.17 - 5.0
    12.05.17 - 5.0
    14.05.17 - 5.0

    YTD = 398.55

    So as promised I ran into work last Tuesday, I left home around 5.15am and was in the office just after 7.00, with my Tom-tom showing a distance of 22km in 1.53 so not to shabby either.
    I also tried out my new Salomon hydration backpack which was great, easy to use and very comfy.
    I shall be having another go in the morning with a slightly longer route, I am already looking forward to it.
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    AndrewDAndrewD ✭✭✭

    Nell - welcome back! And glad to hear that the calf is ok now. Take it easy though.

    Very solid again David!

    Rest day here today, much needed as my right hamstring feels a bit grumbly today.

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    Donnie2Donnie2 ✭✭✭
    YTD 339.3

    Enjoyed my first park run, I plan to be back next week
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    Just RunJust Run ✭✭✭
    Just a 5k this week. Did push though and ran 25:14 on a tough loop with a 1/2 mile hill. I know I pushed because I dry heaved at the finish. Been a while since I pushed myself and it felt good afterwards if not during.

    May - 37.67

    2017 - 362.16
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    AndrewDAndrewD ✭✭✭

    I did 5 miles on Tuesday night, but nothing yesterday as the rain was constant here all afternoon and evening.

    340 YTD

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    NickW2NickW2 ✭✭✭
    Haven't posted here for a bit. Have picked up a niggle with my knee and foot (not sure if related) that has been hanging around for a couple of weeks, since doing 2 races in 3 days. So probably an overuse injury, have been trying to manage it by running less and no fast paced stuff, seems to be improving but slowly. Since I last posted:

    3/5 - 7.4 miles
    7/5 - 4.8 miles
    10/3 - 7.6 miles
    17/3 - 10 miles

    Got very wet yesterday evening! Not raining as hard as earlier in the day but could still wring out my clothes when I got back! Was a nice run with club mates though.

    May 35.2
    YTD 436.8

    Think I need to average 17-18 miles per week from here to reach 1000. Sounds easy but will probably be below that for the next few weeks so it will go up...
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    Donnie2Donnie2 ✭✭✭
    348.4 miles

    Shared somewhere back in this thread that I'd experienced some anxiety about outdoor running after an unexplained faint (nothing exercise related). Last saturday was my first park run and yesterday a local running club 10k event. Big steps. Really happy. 
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    Good to see everyone making progress and ticking over - particularly those who are recovering from niggles - I too have  one (left quad)

    This meant that I had a really sluggish run on Tuesday but a good one today - both of 13.71 miles - today I was six minutes faster but that niggle is back.

    As this has made my average dip under 8 miles a day, I am tempted to go out again tomorrow despite my weekend schedule. Will see what the weather is like - defo go out if it is raining lol.


    YTD = 1107 .41 miles in 200 hours, 12 minutes and 4 seconds

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    NickW2NickW2 ✭✭✭
    Well done Donnie, glad the outdoor runs went so well for you
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    Just RunJust Run ✭✭✭
    Brilliant to hear that Donnie! :-)

    Steady 5 miles in 44:30 today. Starting to get a bit more pace in my runs. 

    May - 42.67

    2017 - 367.16
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    Just RunJust Run ✭✭✭
    edited May 2017
    Just to add......I also have a niggle. My left knee has a bit of fluid on it but stretching makes the world of difference. I think my tight hamstring and hip flexor are to blame and the knee gets the grief. I think most runners are always a little bit injured if we're honest. Just down to experience when deciding which niggles to ignore and which to act on. 
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    AndrewDAndrewD ✭✭✭
    5 easy miles tonight. Had to miss last night as the rain here was terrible.

    345 YTD
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    Another 13.30 miles including Parkrun.
    That niggle sort of went away after a while but I can feel it again now. Oh well, I still have the other leg.
    Have to keep going, Luxembourg Marathon next Saturday.
    YTD = 1120.71 miles
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    Just RunJust Run ✭✭✭
    Just over 5k today, nice and easy with a real push at the end. The last 1/2k is a strava segment and i'm now 3rd overall out of 55 runners. Not sure I can realistically go any higher on the leaderboard but these segments during runs are brilliant for a bit of competition online against others.

    May - 45.86

    2017 - 370.35
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    AndrewDAndrewD ✭✭✭
    8 miles today, including a 10k race in 45:33.

    353 YTD
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    A lethargic 16.95 miles this morning making:
    YTD = 1137.66 miles
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    senidMsenidM ✭✭✭
    After a quiet couple of weeks post Halstead Marathon, back up to near Harmander levels this weekend.

    Ran 3 stages of the Green Belt Relay, a great event btw, so 30.4 miles this weekend.

    YTD:     496.18
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    That is fantastic SenidM.
    A bit more than a Parkrun and you have reached halfway with seven months to go
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    Another enjoyable week for me, with 3 training runs and my long run to work.

    Donnie2, Great to here you are now getting outside, well done.
    JR, I totally agree with you, last week my left calf seemed really tight I suppose all you can do is stretch, stretch and stretch some more and take it easy if it feels worse.
    Harmander, Hope the niggle you have sorts itself out before Luxembourg, hope you have a good run.
    AndrewD, Great time 45.33 is a pretty respectable time for a 10K
    Senidm, Sounds like you had a busy weekend, 30.4 miles - blimey.

    Stats for last week

    16.05.17 - 15.46
    18.05.17 - 3.75
    19.05.17 - 5.63
    21.05.17 - 5.93

    YTD = 429.32

    As I was saying, I ran into work last Tuesday which was a lovely run until around 21K then came the hills (300 feet in 3K) which I must admit was bloody hard work, I really need to find a route in that doesn't have quite as much elevation at the end.
    I have the Weald Challenge HM Trail run next Sunday, which looks like a lovely run across the Ashdown forest, hopefully now fairly fit I shall be looking around 1.45 to 1.50 we shall see.
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    Donnie2Donnie2 ✭✭✭
    358.9 miles

    Second parkrun last Saturday.

    Any thoughts about how quickly fitness is lost when unable to run / exercise? No date yet but in the near future a minor op will result in a three week layoff. Bit frustrating when I'm really excited again about running.  
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    When following a progressive fitness programme (such as a marathon build up) all things else being equal, I have gone with the idea that if you lose three weeks of training then start again three weeks prior to when you stopped - so a three week break sets your fitness level six weeks.
    Hope this helps
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    AndrewDAndrewD ✭✭✭
    Still plodding along here - 5 last night brings me to 358 YTD
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    Quietly plodding along.
    13.71 miles on Tuesday and today  making 
    YTD = 1165.09 miles
    Hoping to keep up 8 miles a day average until end of May
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    AndrewDAndrewD ✭✭✭

    I broke out of my plodding for a couple of quicker miles yesterday (2 miles at 7.35 pace within a 5 mile run) - too hot for that. Back to easy running tonight!

    363 YTD

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    Just RunJust Run ✭✭✭
    Busy week with Mrs JR away on a residential so difficult to get out running. Managed a 5k Tuesday and went out straight from work Friday for just over 7 miles before the kids finished school. A rare parkrun this morning with friends. Unlikely i'll get out tomorrow as i'm driving to Wembley for the league 2 play off final to watch Exeter City. 

    May - 59.33

    2017 - 383.82
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    Just RunJust Run ✭✭✭
    Donnie2 Three weeks is how long your running fitness takes to go (from what i've read). Basically, you'll find the first few runs back a bit of a chore but no need to cut mileage back any more than 50% unless you're told otherwise.
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    Donnie2Donnie2 ✭✭✭
    377.1 miles

    3nd parkrun today (23.29) Minor op on Thurs - probably out for 2 to 3 weeks
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