
Wednesday 14th March 2018 - My life is for life


Lyrics - My life is for life

Ashby have sent out a weather warning for Sunday. Really beginning to regret getting the number now, it might have to be a bundled up long run with company though I have run it when it's snowed before, I prefer the years that I've risked sunburn though!

Managed the LSR yesterday but decided against the gym as stomach was still delicate and I didn't want to push my system too far. I should hopefully be able to get there tomorrow afternoon. Stomach feels better so far this morning but my knees are niggly, left one especially so I'll have to see how that is after I've walked Grace.

What:           easy miles
Why:            see above
Last hard:    managing the stomach issues
Last rest:     6/3

Yesterday's lyrics - Catch My Fall by Billy Idol.
If you think you can or you think you can't you're probably right.


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    Thanks chaps for advice yesterday, it confirmed my approach as being psychological moreso than physiological, I tried to think of my last marathons as 5x5 mile runs then a dash finish instead of a 26 mile lump. That worked far better for me. And flapjack/haribo at 15miles. After the comments yesterday I ditched my lunchtime gym session and went for  a 7.5mile with increased gusto. LMH/AH fuelled up to have a go at the 20 mile you spoke of next Wdnesday (not working), St Patricks Day at the weekend, no chance then.

    What: Travelling today, gym session when get home
    Why: For the right reasons
    Lyrics: 98% Yes 2% No

    Stay well chaps
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    DustinDustin ✭✭✭
    Morning all
    Benjy - To echo Ale/LmH sentiments, I have found higher mileage or a higher mileage base better to build from.
    The majority of my longer runs are slower (60-90s slower than race pace) but I do include every 2-3 weeks mileage at mara pace (maxing out at 20-22 with middle 12 at MP). It feels harder in training and you think "I can't do that for 26" but come race day you've had a 2-3 week taper and don't have the accumulated fatigue of training.
    Easy runs as recovery are just as important as harder sets. I think some form of Lactate paced runs and VO2 max runs help. I rarely train 'hard' more than once a week in marathon training though.

    What - easy miles
    Why - 5x1km at VO2 pace yesterday (ave ~3:50)
    last rest - 15/12
    last hard - yesterday
    lyric - don't think so
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    GobiGobi ✭✭✭

    Raced at the weekend and blogged but not perfect

    What: run AM coach intervals PM
    Why: Wednesday run day
    Last hard: Sunday
    Last rest: 12th January
    Lyrics: No

    I am staying around(trying)
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    alehousealehouse ✭✭✭

    Good to see you Gobi! What race?

    Benjy: there are of course other options with a 20 miler; I was suggesting one way. Others might include 10 relatively easy, 10 harder; 5 easy, 10 harder, 5 easy; 5 easy, 5 harder, 5 easy, 5 harder etc. I think one of the important things is that the long run doesn't have too much impact on the rest of the week. Also research seems to suggest that a MLR of around two-thirds to three quarters of the long run is particularly beneficial. Plus what Dustin said.

    What: a walk this pm

    Lyrics: no
    Progress is rarely a straight line. There are always bumps in the road, but you can make the choice to keep looking ahead.
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    Glad to have been of help Benjy. If the long runs are new to you I'd definitely just do them easy. You might want to think about fuelling them too. When it comes to the marathon itself I usually think that the first 13 miles should feel far too easy (I like to find someone to run with and chat too if possible); 13-20 you should start to feel that you need to concentrate a little more; 20-23 is why you put all those miles in when training and 23 onward is kitchen sink time - whatever you have left you throw at it.

    Gobi - I think most of us want to be the best we can on the day, nothing unusual in that.

    Is your back feeling any better Alehouse?

    Enjoy the easy Dustin.
    If you think you can or you think you can't you're probably right.
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    WaboWabo ✭✭✭
    afternoon all
    nice to see y ou Gobi
    LMH I love t hat marathon analogy, glad your stomach is settling
    alehouse, yes to park run, now to convince oh!! 7-12 party then back to mine

    What: 1 mile this morning
    why: no t ime for more
    last hard: yesterday morning
    last rest: 31/12/16
    have a good day all
    possunt quia posse videntur - we can because we know we can 
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    alehousealehouse ✭✭✭

    Hope I've not confused things, Benjy!

    LMH: back is definitely making progress! Normally I can almost lay my hands flat on the floor when "touching my toes"; two weeks ago I could barely get past my knees...and it was actually too painful to try: now I can almost touch my toes once I have warmed up. Aiming to be run/walking by the end of the month! 

    What: going for that walk shortly. Will be well wrapped up: getting colder again here.

    Progress is rarely a straight line. There are always bumps in the road, but you can make the choice to keep looking ahead.
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    Chick: It just came out of nowhere as these random things happen.

    What: 4.6 miles
    Why: Magic cream helped
    Last hard: Yesterday
    Lyrics: Maybe so a no;-)

    I can still feel it but more a dull ache than stabbing pain I am so thankful!!
    ALF: Always a little further
    Miles makes smiles.
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    GobiGobi ✭✭✭

    Age group duathlon Qualifier - I was 40th and 2nd in Age Group but 2nd run ruined by cramp in my hamstring

    Hi all
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    That's good Alehouse!

    My knee has seized up as the day has progressed but fortunately I've managed to get a cancellation appointment with the physio tomorrow - just hope I can hold it together with the gaffer tape for a run in the morning!
    If you think you can or you think you can't you're probably right.
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    LMH: Long runs aren't new to me, I've been in what seems like perpetual marathon training since mid-2016 due to York 2016 then 2017 then VLM entry announced as soon as York 2017 finished, so 14, 16, 18, 22 have been quite consistant distances since, but average run lunchtime or after work is 6-8. I just don't train for speed that's my thing, although I didn't do too bad at 3:42 o nthe last one it's more a case of if I want to get faster is it speeding up the long runs etc? You chaps have some impressive times and there was me thinking I'm getting a bit too old for good times. So hearing you chaps has knocked that one on the head. Hope that knee works out, it's an absolute bugger when something stops activity, I go stir crazy, don't do indoors.

    AH/Dustin: No, not confusing at all, all really appreciated, thank you for taking the time, all very helpful indeed.

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    LMH: Long runs aren't new to me, I've been in what seems like perpetual marathon training since mid-2016 due to York 2016 then 2017 then VLM entry announced as soon as York 2017 finished, so 14, 16, 18, 22 have been quite consistant distances since, but average run lunchtime or after work is 6-8. I just don't train for speed that's my thing, although I didn't do too bad at 3:42 o nthe last one it's more a case of if I want to get faster is it speeding up the long runs etc? You chaps have some impressive times and there was me thinking I'm getting a bit too old for good times. So hearing you chaps has knocked that one on the head. Hope that knee works out, it's an absolute bugger when something stops activity, I go stir crazy, don't do indoors.

    AH/Dustin: No, not confusing at all, all really appreciated, thank you for taking the time, all very helpful indeed.

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