
Sub 3



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    TRTR ✭✭✭
    LMH - with less available time,  some pre half mara sharpening could be a good thing anyway.

    6m real easy earlier. Will resume on boxing day, and will switch to something a bit more structured.
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    Some impressive training going on especially with TR's streak!

    Just ticking over post Valencia. Will finish year with just over 2000 miles and 4000 miles on bike. I will run parkrun tomorrow and do a few more runs this year, then the real training for London can start in January. Hopefully a few easy weeks with excessive drinking and eating will allow me to put on a few kilos!

    Merry Christmas to all.

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    CC2 - Speedy GothCC2 - Speedy Goth ✭✭✭
    edited December 2018
    *Pops head back in*

    Long time no see! I got put off when the forums changed format and never got around to figuring them out until now. Nice to see most of the usual suspects still around, although I admit to some confusion when Jools wasn't a diminutive Bristolian female. Two Jools's?? 

    So, after a few years of life disasters I was definitely in around 3.03 shape for London last year. However the freak heatwave rather ruined that and I came home in around 3.09, albeit considerably higher up the female field than 2017 despite being only 7 seconds quicker over the line. I didn't do an autumn one, which is probably for the best as it was a hot summer and I don't do well in heat, plus I had a five week long chest infection which ruined the World Masters for me. The heat clearly got to me as well, because I randomly entered a 6 hour race on December 16th. Off lower mileage than marathon training, no sensible plan and precious little thought given to nutrition (oh, and with a sniffle thanks to the Office Cold) I managed 12 laps (officially 39.36 miles, but I got rather more on the watch) and a ladies' course record. Which of course makes me want to do one properly... And being of unsound mind, I carried on after finishing until I got to 40 miles, because it was on my bucket list to run 40 miles in one go before I turn 40. Which is, well, soon. 

    Due to that madness I am in recovery mode right now, rather than banking mileage mode. So for the first time since it became an option (ignoring the one year I was ill and the year it was cancelled due to ice but a load of us ran anyway) I did not run parkrun this morning. I volunteered instead. I prefer running tbh. It's rather chilly standing around in a field. I did manage to record everybody's times though, so all good! The Strava oracle says I'm on 2142 for the year. I dare say I can get that up to 2200 if I really try by the end of the year, although I plan on the 31st being a rest day, so maybe not!
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    TRTR ✭✭✭
    edited December 2018
    Tick Tock - go for it, you can afford to put a couple of kgs on.

    CC - good to see you. I remember you having a tough time with your home life and not really having the time to run. Well done on getting back to a decent level. How is your collection of boots these days?

    After a day off yday, i did the first session of my Brighton campaign today with 10m inc 12x3min. The aim is to get up to 20ish reps.
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    Gotta be honest TR, I sold most of them. I've gone vegan and can't bring myself to wear all the leather. I still have some 'day wear' ones that I've yet to find decent replacements for, but most the extreme gothy stuff I just don't wear anymore anyway. I'm old you know. I don't go out clubbing any more and the goth festivals always seem to coincide with marathons.
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    12 x 3 mins? Already? Jeezuz. I did 11 miles, quite slowly, today.

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    TRTR ✭✭✭
    edited December 2018
    CC - none of us are getting any younger ! I had a few ruined years too, missed vlm through injury, but had a short build up for Abo and completed my first mara in 3 1/2 years in a frustrating 3.01, having been stopped by cramps several times late on. So after a few easy weeks ive pretty much kept marathon training since Abo. As i can see a sub3 if i can avoid the cramps - which i think were just due to lack of prep. So my first session was today.
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    Oh, 3.01 though.... What pace for the 3 mins? I might manage 1 x 3 mins at the mo!
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    Hey CC Speedy - glad to see you post :) also as TR says good to see you running. Any plans in place for 2019? My wife went vegan a few years back having been a vegetarian for 30 odd... All her Doc Martens got switched out for non-leather versions. I gave up red meat several years ago and must admit to getting sick of chicken too in recent times. I reckon I'll be a non meat eater pretty soon. Can't ditch the dairy though.

    TR - great stuff on getting a session done today. I carded a zero Monday and yesterday so will be trying to play catch up the rest of the week. Ergo I did 14 this morning along the canal tow-path in fresh sunshine which felt more like early springtime than middle of December.

    LMH - yes fitting around campaigns is more likely but I'll keep that between us 😁
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    Sub 3 at VMLM would be a good start Saint Jason, yourself? 

    I really want a pair of the purple vegan DMs to replace my old New Rocks, but they're £115. Ouch. I currently have purple hair so they'd go so well...

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    WardiWardi ✭✭✭
    edited December 2018
    Good to see you re-visiting CC2, hopefully you'll have a better 2019.
    I did pop down to York Parkrun yesterday and witnessed a wonderful festive sight and atmosphere with 648 runners on the day, most kitted out in Xmas gear.
    Nice post Xmas runs TR & SJ.
    Got some new running shoes for Xmas and decided to bed them in today (NB 890v6).  Found myself trotting along 20-30 secs quicker than usual which might be a one off fluke or they are quicker than my usual Zante's.  7.5 miles done.
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    Magic shoes Wardi!

    Ultras are different aren't they CC2? I have enjoyed the few I've run but I like them to not involve navigation and need them to be flat so they are quite difficult to find, easy to run them quite well off decent marathon training.

    I won't tell sj  :)

    Nice start to the campaign TR.

    The weather was too nice this morning couldn't resist sticking a few extra miles in, didn't quite have time for a full LSR as was due at the in laws but managed a very enjoyable 19 which now puts that arbitrary round number I wasn't targeting within quite easy reach...........Mileage this year is well down on last with the few weeks I lost at the start so I'm not really chasing anything significant.
    If you think you can or you think you can't you're probably right.
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    JooliganJooligan ✭✭✭
    edited December 2018
    Apologies for confusing you CC & welcome back. I seem to remember a couple of posts from you a year or 2 back.
    You’re well set for a cracking campaign TR. 
    Good running LMH SJ. What’s the goal then LMH? I’m guessing 4K at least. Nice one Wardi. Could do with some magic shoes atm.
    Managed a double parkrun Xmas Day to bring up the 3K then followed that up with almost 11 today: Poole Round-the-Lake 10K after a 4.5 mile wu. Disappointed to be almost a minute slower than last year but it was a good workout anyway. That’s definitely my last race of 2018 though I will be doing a parkrun Saturday of course  :p
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    Not this year Jooligan, I'll be a couple of hundred short due to all the time out at the start of the year but I've realised the year doesn't end on Saturday anyway so my calculations are out. Doh! Sorry to hear that you were disappointed with your race.
    If you think you can or you think you can't you're probably right.
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    TRTR ✭✭✭
    edited December 2018
    SJ - good going on the 14m.

    Wardi - you had best get a few more pairs of those shoes and stash them away.

    LMH - very nice, only 1 more mile to find in january. I guessed youd be up near 4000 which is awesome with no doubles.

    Jools - ~10  sec per mile isnt much given how many miles you have been doing and all the racing.

    12m today, felt a bit heavy legged, probably from ydays reps. Onwards and upwards.
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    WardiWardi ✭✭✭
    edited December 2018
    Jooligan.. I'm up in the NE this weekend so one of the Newcastle parkruns (probably Rising Sun) will be my 3rd of the week.  Congrats on the 3000 miles.
    A decent 12m in the bank TR, a good base for the longer stuff to come.
    Nice work fitting that 19m in LMH, good calorie burner!
    11m this morning, 4 laps of York racecourse watching the sun trying to break through the mist which was very pretty.
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    Afternoon all. A belated Merry Christmas and an early Happy New Year! 

    I thought I'd pop in and say hi. I did spot some good Valencia performances on a previous skim through, so well done where appropriate, with a special mention to TickTock (and my commiserations for your Mum).

    From a quick skim today I can see the usual solid training (and TR already done with the 3,000 target).

    Not much to report here. A while back I got hit with a massive migraine and vertigo that it turned out was due to a sinus infection. It still hasn't fully cleared and has massively hit my training (an average of 33 for the last 7 weeks, 28 if you take out the one week where I felt moderately ok). I've done 3 parkruns as tempo efforts in the last fortnight, the first two at 5:45 pace, and the last one at 5:40 pace, so a bit of work to do over the next 14.5 weeks to get marathon pace quicker than 5:38/mile, but I'm hoping to have lost most of the excess weight and to have a good block of training behind me by Wokingham Half towards the end of Feb, by which time work should be calmer and I should be caught up with my studies.
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    saintjasonsaintjason ✭✭✭
    edited December 2018
    TT - hopefully you are starting to see light at the end of the tunnel with juggling your health issues and other commitments. Good to hear you planning ahead.

    CC2 - like a couple of people here I'm on the comeback trail having had a few indifferent years with work etc. I got back into decent shape throughout 2018 so whilst motivation is high looking to maintain/continue. Snooping your Pof10 it looks like you have kept things ticking along and now at world masters level... Most impressive. A far cry from coach Steve in 2008!

    Wardi - think those NB are on my shortlist. Asics seem to be changing their uppers annually by messing with the toe box. Either that or my feet are evolving. Anyway, glad to read a report of a speed increase. Are IAAF still looking into the vaporfly's?

    TickTock - you must be in a minority wanting to actively add weight :)

    Jooligan - fantastic consistency and motivation to race so often. Congrats on hitting your annual total.

    LMH - solid 19 in these unseasonably nice conditions.

    TR - a lot of base work recently so the sustained faster stuff must have shocked the tendons/muscles as you say. Super solid stuff which must be filling you with confidence heading into 2019. Top stuff.

    10 more here this morning but far from comfortable as I woke with a sore neck. Ran anyway but arm swing/rotation was affected. I think it's a reoccurance of a muscle spasm I had about 18 months ago. Muscle has contracted but hasn't relaxed so stuck. Booked in to see fizz in the morning.
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    TRTR ✭✭✭
    Wardi - well done on the 11

    TT - hope you find some fitness and form by Wokingham.

    SJ - 10 more is decent esp with a stuck neck, hope the fizz sorts it out. Agreed, probably the intensity change after lots of plodding. I guess im fitter than i was before Abo. Its certainly a change to be up to marathon mileage, having done a few 20s and regular mlrs so far out.
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    Sorry to hear that you're still struggling with ill health TT.

    Hope the physio can sort you out sj.
    If you think you can or you think you can't you're probably right.
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    PadamsPadams ✭✭✭
    edited December 2018

    Hi all, belated Happy Christmas! Hope you all had a good one.

    CC2 - good to see you back and still running well. I like the comment about goth festivals clashing with marathons - a problem affecting lots of people I'm sure! For some reason in my mind those hobbies/lifestyles make up a Venn diagram with virtually no intersection.

    TT - sorry to hear you're still having health issues. Are these problems related to the previous ones? You either seem to be very unlucky or you would have thought there's some underlying problem linking everything together.

    I haven't posted for a while, partly as I never go on the internet at home (and when at work I've been very busy) and partly as I haven't had a lot to report. Just ticking along at about 35 mpw, might hit 4x this week despite a couple of days off thanks to 11M on Monday and 11M yesterday. I've done a couple of "races" - XC a couple of weekends ago (3rd, but beaten by two guys I would normally hope to beat, although it was the morning after a reasonably big night out), and parkrun last weekend in 16:44.

    Only 1,236 press-ups to go (144 left today then 363, 364 and 365) - the last week or so it seems to be getting easier. Not sure if that's because I know I'm on the home straight, but sets of 30 have become a lot easier and I've been doing more sets of 35ish to get them done quicker.

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    Dan ADan A ✭✭✭
    Padams - was thinking of you & press-ups the other day as I was in the same position trying to get them in on Christmas Day after eating my body weight in Quality Street.  Good luck with the final few, but remember, if you stop straight away they become just as difficult within a month as they were at the beginning  :/

    Also, I think my two best sports of running and darts have a Venn diagram intersection even smaller than CC2's.  Certainly if my last trip to the UK open qualifiers is anything to go by  :D

    Ticking over here with a decent 17:36 parkrun on Christmas morning; quicker than the week before Valencia, despite the 4.5 hr run two days before.  NYD will be a double - no's 199 & 200.
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    Hopefully the physio can sort you out sj.

    Padams - nice work on the press-ups! Yep, everything is linked it seems. Stuff like the sinusitis is just another manifestation of my body not processing certain foods properly at the moment - they think it all ties back to a double course of antibiotics earlier in the year triggering my IBS issues.

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    What is all of this press up madness? 

    Tipptop, I've not been around to know what issues you've had, but I suffered from IBS for over two years. I had every test imaginable, they all came back 'normal'. I was put on a horrendous 'diet' called Low Fodmap that basically meant eating nothing but meat and rice. That made it worse. It was stressing me out so much that the stress made it worse as well. In the end I fixed it myself by going vegan. I was already dairy and egg free, so I didn't expect it to make any difference, but as if by magic the bloating is gone, the 'emergency episodes' are gone, the horrific cramping is gone, my eczema isn't totally gone but is massively improved, my skin is better and the fatigue is much improved too. My issues probably started with a stomach bug early in 2015. I went vegan in September 2017. At the very least, if you're not already meat and dairy free, it has to worth giving Veganuary a try.
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    PadamsPadams ✭✭✭
    CC2 - a challenge Dan did last year which I heard about and decided to do this year. 1 press-up on 1 January, 2 press-ups on 2 January etc. until you reach 365 on 31 December (in a non leap year). Obviously you don't have to do all of the day's allocation in one go, but has to be within the 24 hour period. I've managed it except for one day where I was very ill - I caught up the following day but technically I've failed!
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    saintjasonsaintjason ✭✭✭
    edited December 2018
    Padams - Impressive press-ups with the end in sight now. Do you have arms like Arnie?

    Dan - tidy parkrunning and impressive streak.

    TR - indeed being up to 20 already will pay dividends. I've kept at 16 but will most likely find the first 20 tough going. I intend to smash them out once a week like Abo campaign so they begin to feel comfy.

    Saw fizz this morning. Same one I saw a mere 13 months ago for same issue (not 18 months as I thought).

    She tried to release the muscle but it isn't having it. Tried some dry needling which didn't help either. Have it taped up now and will return next week for some more punishment.

    Today's 10 felt sluggish and I was in some discomfort but battled through. Will stretch and try and keep it moving. Meeting a friend over from Canada for a few beers this evening so should ease the aches and pains.

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    TRTR ✭✭✭
    edited December 2018
    Padams - great stuff on the press ups. Some of us chasing miles is one thing (it helps towards the bigger picture),  but you have banged out all those press ups just for the challenge of it.

    Dan - good speed there in tbe parkrun.

    10m more for me. I'm on 3040 so will be short of 3120 which would be the next target.
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    Padams and Dan, rather you than me! I can barely do one.

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    Try some heat on it too sj - I have a wheat pack that I heat in he microwave that is great for that sort of thing.
    If you think you can or you think you can't you're probably right.
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    Stevie  GStevie G ✭✭✭✭

    TR, well done on the 3,000 miles!

    Told myself a few weeks ago I wouldn't seek the same out, after a 2month 50week max and 32 race year had naturally reduced things from last years 3,220.5 (!)

    However, a 66.5 and 69 (behave), meant I was in sight, and an 80 mile shift in 8 days would see me there.

    Roll on a few days, and I'm at 2,970 with 3 days left. Should be taking a rest day really, but will cheat just to see this 3,000 out! Would be rude not to.

    As you were.

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