
Sub 3



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    TippTopTippTop ✭✭✭
    If you don't want to read all of that..... 15m at sub-2:30 pace, had to ease off due to calf threatening to cramp, finished in 2:35:06. Lol.
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    TippTopTippTop ✭✭✭
    Oh, and TT jr won his 3km race (run before the Reading HM on part of the course) with a cracking run - took it out hard and basically went with the "you'll have to hurt to beat me" approach :) 
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    WardiWardi ✭✭✭
    You must be overjoyed with that effort all things considered TT, celebrate well!
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    TRTR ✭✭✭
    Well done TT, thats a great return on yr training, a touch of cramp was to be expected but well managed.

    I reckon most other folks should be reasonably pleased with their day out, CC should be pretty chuffed.

    Wasnt lost on me that it was a pretty decent day for running today. We'll see what next sunday brings.
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    saintjasonsaintjason ✭✭✭
    edited April 2022
    Superb run TT and despite being on the edge you managed it very well given your years of experience. Well done on getting back to somewhere close to where you have been before. 

    3.13 for me 1:37:55/1:35:44. Started off super cautious, but in truth was inside 3.20 pace from the off. Felt comfortable and controlled throughout so kept the ~4.30/km rolling. 

    Some issues inevitably as it's a marathon. A slight stitch at exactly halfway as I crossed the timing mat that faded after a few more km's. Then some twinges from right calf that would eventually force me to stop for 30 seconds at 41km. A quick stretch and I was back at it. 

    I was passed by a club mate who started a wave back from me who was targeting sub 3 at around 30km. I caught him back up at 34km and decided to help him through to 38km which made me push on to some quicker splits. This slight deviation possible caused a minor slowing in the last 2km. 

    Overall, very happy as the ankle behaved and I proved that the aerobic engine isn't too diminished from the 5 month layoff. Great to be back out there. 

    Already enjoyed a few beers and pizza from our favourite establishment. A good day. 

    Sorry never saw anyone to talk to. I did see Speedy twice looking very good but too late to shout encouragement. 
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    OuchOuchOuchOuch ✭✭✭
    edited April 2022
    TT - Brilliant time, massive positive. You would have won the Taunton marathon today. Short report, 2.49.36 delighted and a touch surprised. 1.24 halfway, sub250 on the cusp/  slipping away as running solo second half but had a word with myself and the last 3m the fastest to squeak it. 6th overall, 1st oldboy.
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    TRTR ✭✭✭
    Well done SJ, strong running after all the time out. Could go sub3 in the autumn if you run one.

    Well run OO, was pleased for you when i sae that. Strong finish, those long runs paid off.

    I took a day off, and had some pink grapefruit instead.
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    OuchOuchOuchOuch ✭✭✭
    edited April 2022
    SJ - Excellent run, negative split! So pleased for you given your recent experiences. Super stuff. 
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    OO - fantastic run especially the solo running when it would have been too easy to slip off track. Glad the talking to worked out for you. 

    TR - you would have enjoyed those conditions. A tad cold as TT has alluded to at the start but otherwise benign conditions. I assume the fact that the grapefruit is out means you are still not 100%. Hope you feel better soon. 

    Way ahead of you too re autumn tergat. I am thinking Chester as it's the same day as London and hence would count towards at gfa time if I ran one. 

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    TRTR ✭✭✭
    SJ - i read about chester mara when i was there, looked nice. From the racecourse? This wont have beaten you up too much so you can get on it in a couple of weeks, probably worth targeting a 1/2 in a couple of months.......still bit lurgified, but i ran better yday, so its improving. Talking at a careers day Tueday though and will probably come into contact with 100s of folks, lets hope the vaccine protects me. Tues is probably just in time to catch CV before next Sunday.......there was a running grand prix at Goodwood today, would have even been half decent there today.
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    TippTopTippTop ✭✭✭
    sj - I'm so pleased for you! That's a fantastically executed run and a huge boost for you!

    OO - excellent excellent run. Solo ones are tough so nailing those last 3m like that is fantastic!

    TR - sorry you're still lurgified. Hopefully it buggers off soon. 

    I'm not entirely sure why, but I've really struggled with the cold weather over the last few months. To be fair it could be just a case of getting used to it again after not really training for so long, but I'm still feeling it now. 

    On the plus side, my average cadence was 175, which is a big jump for me in marathons, which I'll tie back to an improving core. I even maintained that consistently after having to slow down, so taking that long term view will hopefully reap rewards. 
    The last few weeks have definitely fully restored my mojo. 
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    WardiWardi ✭✭✭
    TT.. I must admit I lost a bit of enthusiasm for marathons after all the covid interruptions and cancellations.  I enjoyed them more when I was doing 2-3 a year.  Now marathon season has started I'll see if it rekindles my mojo!  I'm with you on cold weather, I much prefer the Spanish marathon temperatures.🌞

    OO.. congrats that's a fine run at the top end of your expectations, and top of the a/g podium too.👍 

    SJ.. really pleased for you, that's a very solid run after all your injury woes.  The beer and pizza were well earned.

    TR.. get well soon, colds are a bliddy nuisance.

    Just congratulating my fellow oldster club lady who won the V65 category today at Manchester (3.52).  She only started running in her late 50's!

    Another negative test so I'm off out to the Indian restaurant postponed from last week.  10k today which just scraped me over 50m for the week.

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    I am indeed very pleased. And very tired. Halfway in 1.27.30, finish line in 2.54.52. I didn’t spot anyone, but did see someone in paint covered jogging bottoms at the start, so maybe it was G Dawg… 

    SJ, that’s amazing considering you lack of training. TT, likewise. And OO, congrats on the podium!
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    OuchOuchOuchOuch ✭✭✭
    CC - A fantastic time and a negative split, very well raced. Thanks for the congrats. 
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    JooliganJooligan ✭✭✭
    Perfect pacing Speedy. It would appear you’re in excellent shape.
    Fantastic pacing from you too SJ, no chance I was catching you today. Well done for having the self-belief to go out that hard early doors.
    Very impressive OO. Any prizes?
    Incredible comeback TT. Did 2nd V45 get you anything?
    3:14 for me. 1:35/1:39 Slow down looks worse than it was as I lost 90s to an unscheduled pit stop at 30K. 
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    OuchOuchOuchOuch ✭✭✭
    edited April 2022
    Jooligan A solid time, and a good second half, well done.  The prize? A gift voucher, a photograph and air kiss from the current Miss Taunton.  Adam Holland won for his 352nd (?) victory.  You need more training,  my scooby doo 30 seconds start to err umm finish!  
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    JoolskaJoolska ✭✭✭
    Great running in Manchester from TT, SJ, Jooligan and Speedy, and from OO in Taunton.  Conditions looked good, albeit cold, in Manchester, and assuming Taunton wasn't dissimilar to what we had in Bristol, it was at least sunny even if very fresh!  Speedy, you ran for at least part of the time with one of my clubmates and an ex-clubmate who now runs for SWRR, judging by the photo you put on Facebook.

    Still no running for me, as I'm still getting very tired, and that then seems to make my chest ache.  I'm very anxious not to do long-term damage to my lungs (the almost continuous pain only stopped on Friday) - plus it's not as if I've got any short or medium term targets to fret about.  
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    Thanks all for kind comments. I can't complain with that run at all. Probably one of my more controlled races

    - awesome running and glad you got rewarded for excellent training over last few months. As mentioned you looked focussed and smooth when you flashed past me on a couple of occasions. 

    Jooligan - a fine run and despite the pit stop a nicely judged race indeed. Fair play for driving back straight after too. I noted the walk at Hilton? Services. I figured it was either stiffening up or part of a planned recovery phase. A bit of both I guess. Well done to you too. 

    OO - I forgot to congratulate you on the podium, awesome job. 

    TR - yes start and finish on the racecourse which I'm lead to believe can get muddy. Not what you'd want at the end. It's got a few lumps too but people do run quickly there. Will do some due diligence over next few weeks. How are you feeling? 

    Wardi - hope the Indian was worth the wait. Decent mileage considering you've not been 100% yourself. 

    TT - glad to read your mojo is fully back. Sets you up nicely with strong motivation to push on. 

    I spotted CW on some pics from Lord Didsbury. Good to see him going well. 
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    TippTopTippTop ✭✭✭
    CC - that's a great result. Well done!

    Wardi - good volume that with covid. Having seen how it has affected Mrs TT I'd have wrapped myself in cotton wool. Hopefully the Indian was worth the wait. 

    Jooligan - nicely done.

    Jools - sensible approach not to rush. It's not worth the risk.

    Everything feeling ok here. Standard few tight spots but it seems to have removed my shin issue ironically!
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    saintjasonsaintjason ✭✭✭
    edited April 2022
    Thanks Jools and sorry to read you are still not feeling great. As OO said very wise to be extra cautious. My son is still complaining of tiredness a fortnight after he had covid. However, glad to read you are more comfortable now that the painful chest has gone at least. 

    TT - bonus on the shin issue. A couple of short walks at this end. A little tender going 
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    I caught up with Charlie afterwards. He hadn't quite recovered from Covid and crashed and burned, but he'd known that was a possibility and didn't seem too unhappy.
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    TRTR ✭✭✭
    Well done CC, well executed, the coaching paid off.

    SJ - that racecourse was bumpy and the grass was long, guess i expected a cricket pitch.

    Did Didsbury run ? I saw Charlies result on strava, he would have been 2.50ish without CV, but he doesnt put big miles in anymore from whatcive seen, although he still does the long long runs.

    5m commute home, still lurgified, supposed to be 6m inc 2m mp tomorrow so we'll see what happens then. Ive got a rolled over North Dorset number for 3 wks time, so sunday might become a day out if things dont improve.
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    TRTR ✭✭✭
    Jools - very wise to take it easy for now, hope you feel better soon.
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    WardiWardi ✭✭✭
    CC2.. just missed your post last night, great to see you properly nail this one after the stuff you've had to deal with in the last couple of years.

    TR.. IME colds are usually gone after about 4 days with a bit of clogging up to clear, I reckon you should be ok for Sunday.  BTW Dids was spectating yesterday as he lives in those parts.

    Jools.. a swift recovery to you too.

    TT.. I traced the covid to a family gathering of 15 on Mrs Wardi's side 2 weeks ago.  4 of those attending got covid, I got off lightly and was only mildly affected - the other 3 were very poorly or bed ridden!

    Jooligan.. good links!

    The Indian was excellent last night - the restaurant does have a very good reputation.  Nice to be able to sit in a pub again for a nightcap too!
    5.2m today, strong winds so I guess the weather gods were smiling on Manchester yesterday.

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    TRTR ✭✭✭
    Wardi - i thought i didnt see his name in the results. Good you got to enjoy the night out......4 days, i must have had about 4 colds lately then, probably true given all the isolatimg we've had to do in the last 2 years.
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    saintjasonsaintjason ✭✭✭
    edited April 2022
    Pretty sure it was Dids who called out to me as I passed through Altrincham. I assumed he is from the area that he is named after? He certainly does a fair amount of running posted on strava from there. 

    I didn't know about Charlie's recent covid setback. My comment on him looking good was based on the aforementioned smiling and waving pic Dids posted on strava. 

    Wardi - glad you enjoyed the restaurant and the pub. Definitely feels more normal out and about but at the same time hearing of so many positive cases. I'm amazed I've seemingly avoided it so far. Including my son's recent positive test. I must surely cop for it soon. 

    TR - yes the racecourse part does seem a bit sketchy but looking at results plenty of folks run well there. It's well established and well run. Njord and Caz are involved as pacers each year too I believe. It has a great reputation too. It has some bumps but as we know what goes up must come down too. That doesn't bother me so much anyway as I have lots of hills to practice on. I think it's looking favourite as we are having our kitchen done at some point this year, if I can convince someone to actually do the work as everyone is so busy, so this means a euro race is unlikely.

    Hope the lurgy has eased and the run today goes well. 

    Jooligan - we all look relatively relaxed crossing the line. I remember posing for a photographer just after so definitely a lot better than the last time I crossed that line cramping and falling into the arms of a marshall.

    Normal service has resumed since sunday you'll be un-surprised to note Wardi, grey, wet and windy as per over this side. 

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    TippTopTippTop ✭✭✭
    Wardi - you were very lucky by the sounds of it then! It is ripping through my wife's work at the moment. They've almost dropped to skeleton staff levels. She's still dealing with long covid so is keeping everything crossed she doesn't catch another dose of it, whilst I'm hoping I at least avoid it until Friday evening as I'm off to see my Dad tomorrow morning.

    Jooligan - cheers for the links.

    sj - I was surprised by the condition of the course/roads. 3 broken bottles on the road in the first half mile, lots of little potholes (obviously I put my foot down one), and plenty of sections with rutted/broken tarmac. I'm used to it around here but I guess I didn't expect it in a race. Are the roads there usually like that or is it just the recent weather that has messed them up like down here?

    Manchester airport on the way back Sunday evening was crazy. It took me as long to get through security as it did to run the race (and would have been longer if I wasn't skipped ahead as my flight time got closer). On its own that would actually put me off doing the race again. I saw a few people actually quit Monday morning because they've had enough of it.

    A 4m jog yesterday. A little stiff for the first mile (as much standing in a hot airport queue as the race I expect), but much better afterwards. Today my legs feel pretty decent, but I'll continue to just bimble for now. 
    The biggest takeaway for me from the race was that it reminded me that the standard Lydiard stuff doesn't quite get the best out of me - it makes me strong but the pace doesn't feel comfortable. Though to be fair I've improved so much over the last few weeks that my pace perception was probably always going to be out of whack no matter what training I'd done.
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    TT - the airport issues have been headline news on our local reports. Security are struggling to recruit staff presumably laid off during the lockdowns. They are blaming hold ups in vetting applicants. It's a mess. 

    As for the roads, I was as surprised as you tbh. South Manchester is usually very pleased that its more affluent than other parts of the city but it is indeed looking very disheveled. I think the weather has inevitably played its part. 

    What did you think of the event generally? I thought it was far more subdued than in recent years. Still great support in pockets but seemed quieter than usual. Organisation seemed to work better with the walk up to the start being revised. 
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    OuchOuchOuchOuch ✭✭✭
    Race Report - Taunton, 2.49.34   6th / 1st M55

    Taunton was going to be a more relaxed experience than Manchester.  Woke at 6.30, had breakfast in bed, took the dog for a short walk and had a lift to Taunton with some running mates Steve & Phil, who I am going to Seville with in 2023 so most of the chat was on this. We got to Taunton an hour before the 10.30 off, greeted by warm sunshine and enough runners to create a buzz.   

    Training had gone well, hoping the speed from my 10K TTs would complement the endurance from my long runs.  Taunton is a fastish course, I run my HM PB there but there are a few climbs.  Target was 2.49-2.52 (sub 250 ideally),  HW around 1.24 to allow for 2 minute slowing in the 2nd half.  I've run enough marathons to hit on a formula, so brief warm-up, can of Monster 30 minutes before the off, chill, 4 gels en route and take the first mile easy.

    Best laid plans.  We were off, first mile 6.06! Doh.  The race calmed down, and the next miles were c6.25 and from mile 5 ran with 2 other marathoners which worked well as most of the course was in the country it was pretty, calm but quiet.   Ran with these guys until mile 18. 

    Halfway came in 1.24.07 so sub250 was on, if kept to c6.25-6.30 pacing. This was massively helped by a really tight course, so all the Garmins were beeping as we ran past each mile marker and this was also helped as for part of the second lap rather than share the road route with the cars, I switched onto the pavement which shaved a few metres off here and there.   

    The group was working well until mile 18, a hilly and 6.43 mm one, so now losing time and the imaginary 2.50 line was breathing down my neck. 1 of our group of 3,  decided to kick-on,  I followed though not at his pace though for the next few miles pace did pick-up c6.30s. Running solo and mile 20 came at c2.10 so sub250 still very much on with a 40 minute 10K which was motivating.  But,   had to have a scooby doo (first time ever in a race) which became apparent at mile 12 and now we were at Defcon 1!  Quickly, found a quiet spot (the beauty of country races) did the deed lost 30 seconds but back in the race and lighter.  Sped-up a bit and got past mile 23 needing a c20 min or so 5K so 6.30s.

    This was where my solo 10K really helped as though I was running solo and felt tough I was able to pick-up the pace with the next mile 6.15, onto hilly mile 24 with its 400m climb (6.30).  Got to mile 25 - a flat one - with a cushion and ran this in 6.13 so into the College where the finish was, and past the 200m to go sign had over a minute, crossing the line to the applause of half a dozen people in 2.49.34.  Really pleased as a sub250 was the aim for this year (what do I do now!).

    A hot shower, got changed, had my prize and then got post-race chat with my mates over a beer and a massive Sunday roast as the carvery was about to close-up, so they gave us what was left. 

    Only fly in the ointment, 3rd time run in VF Next% and 3rd time a right heel blister, this one from mile 10 despite thin socks and vaseline! 
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