
Moraghan Training - Stevie G



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    SCoombes2SCoombes2 ✭✭✭
    8 x 1k on the grass at Luton last night. Annoyingly breezy and tiring. Averaged about 3.17's, off 80 secs recovery. Times better than I felt, which should be a good sign.

    That's it until Friday night at Battersea
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    The BusThe Bus ✭✭✭
    Stevie G said:
    Excellent scenes, Phil vaguely thinking about racing again, and Bus talking about road racing again!

    Find a flat fast road one, or even something remotely quirky and I might join for an old fashioned threat meet :)
    Thinking of one of the LFOTM or Battersea 5k jobs....
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    Stevie  GStevie G ✭✭✭✭
    edited April 2022
    I was looking at the LFOTM the other day, but realistically that's too awks a mission for me without taking a day off.

    The BP races are always good. Dare say I'll do a couple.
    Just need to work out which ones first!

    Currently have 3 races signed up for in mid May, and one in autumn, so need the right balance of committing to stuff, but not too much stuff too early!
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    Stevie  GStevie G ✭✭✭✭
    Decent thrash around with some 12x0.25m action today. Put the 4%s on and did my usual sort of loop, which features a romp across local roads, with a bit across grass early doors.

    As you'd expect reps depend on the exact scenario of the road/slight wind/anything in your way/slight ups and downs, so never as consistent as track. But this one felt really nice


    0.25m on the road, rather than 400m on the track, so a sec difference, so an average of 1.17, which is probably a 1.16 400m so felt pretty tasty.
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    SCoombes2SCoombes2 ✭✭✭
    Wonder if it's because i'm posting a link to a race?

    Anyway you can find the entry on Results Base if anyone fancies it - Newport Pagnell 5k on 2nd July. 

    Off to Batterse-ah in a bit for the 5k.
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    Reg WandReg Wand ✭✭✭
    Nice one SG, good paces.

    Coincidentally I did a very similar but slightly lighter volume session today. Mine was 10 x 400m on the roads. Chosen mainly because I fancied a workout and I only had two already programmed into the watch, the alternative being 6 x 1k.

    Given I tested positive for the Covids (second time in less than three months) a couple of days back, I thought the lighter version was more, less sensible  :D 

    It was funny, after my second 7 hour ride in two days and whilst everyone else in the hostel was partying, I went to bed early, I assumed it was just 14 hours of cycling up and down hills but looks like the virus played a part too! A few people picked it up actually, it's ironic given this trip was cancelled two years running because of Covid and when we do go it turns out to be a super-spreader event  :D 

    Anyway I digress, 10 x 400 with 200m recovery. Did these back and forth on the same bit of road, the outs being slightly slower. Started with a loosener 79 then 77 on the slow direction and 75 on the quick averaging 76. Aim was 5k pace as I have a sprint triathlon on Monday so those will do being a bit quicker than that.
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    Stevie  GStevie G ✭✭✭✭
    Simon, I assume the missing detail there is "my attempted posts have disappeared...."..
    I saw a couple of notification from you but no post...

    Good luck in this non inclusive race tonight ;)
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    Stevie  GStevie G ✭✭✭✭
    Assume you're not feeling under the weather then Reg, if you're able to do 400s through it?

    Although I do remember years back monstering some 200s when feeling a bit off, then had to take a few days off after. Think you can get away with the shorter reps in a way you certainly wouldn't for longers.
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    Reg WandReg Wand ✭✭✭
    I don't feel too bad SG, typical mild cold stuff. The good thing about the 400s is they're over before too much strain is suffered. 
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    Stevie  GStevie G ✭✭✭✭
    I found mine quite a romp, probably because on Tuesday I'd done longer reps in the 8x600 being the main part, and then 2x400 and 2x200.
    (One of the few times I'd actually programmed this stuff into the watch, so they were actual 800m, 400m, 200m etc., whereas today it was much easier to key in 0.25m).

    Will need to get some 5ks in the diary soon and begin the summer tour  :*

    Unfortunately probably not the one SC suggested, as we probably have a team event on.
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    Reg WandReg Wand ✭✭✭
    I'd like to get a 5k in soon but might not fit it in until July as I have 4 triathlons booked between now and end of June culminating with Ironman Nice. Even half of my Eastleigh time would be a big improvement.
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    Stevie  GStevie G ✭✭✭✭
    edited April 2022
    If you can maintain what you've been doing, it'll be the biggest given of a pb in the thread's history. Even more so than me going for a 4mile pb, 14 years on ;)

    I'll be interested how my first 5k comes out, as the little gaggle of parkruns I did between Christmas Day and March were no quicker than 17.55. But then Eastleigh must have been 17.53 slowest for each half, so we'll see.

    Sessions have felt decent this last couple of months. Longer reps like 2km, or 1mile reps just came off nicely, when those can feel a right slog at times.
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    The BusThe Bus ✭✭✭
    edited April 2022
    Good reps chaps, especially those done with Covid Reg!

    First parkrun since November today as a bit of a tester. Despite a mild hangover (both from alcohol and running up mountains!!!) the solid spell of consistently mediocre runs and weight loss paid off with a course PB of 21:10 and 2nd overall. Happy enough with that, as I've done no speedwork for a very long time!  The last mile was hard mind - good job no one was pushing me for 2nd or it would definitely have been a give up or puke up job! I still don't know how people manage to do fast times on this course, as the second half is nearly all uphill!

    Interestingly, I was overtaken in the first mile by a rather large chap on a downhill. I expected him to blow up completely, but although I overtook him on the first hill, he still managed to finish 4th or 5th, so fair play to him! Looking at him afterwards, I suspect he is probably a fairly fit rugby player rather than a lard arse :-)
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    Stevie  GStevie G ✭✭✭✭
    edited May 2022
    Must be a mad course for you to have had numerous goes and chuffed with a 21xx pb , must be a beast!

    With a string of races coming, and nothing beyond a 10k for a bit, I was wondering how I'd piece a 13miler together today.

    I had a vague plan to explore a woods route up to Hazlemere/Penn, and then come down some other lane I'd trawled up on a prevo visit.

    Missed the turn I was aiming for and instead had an interesting tour of some random offroad fields and paths with gates, and eventually got home with 16miles on the clock and glad to finish :D 

    7.13 or so pace strangely fast. I did stop the watch a few times to look left and right and wonder where the heck i was going, but a fairly ok lick there.

    Glad I hadn't booked a Monday race though, although in fairness wouldn't have been out for a 13, and especially not a wanderlust one!
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    The BusThe Bus ✭✭✭
    still need to show you how to read an OS map SG 🤣 Good pace for that route though!

    As for WW parkrun, it is all off road, on sometimes uneven, pebbly paths with around 330 ft of climbs, mostly in the second half. Some people seem to be able to run quickly on it, but definitely not a PB course…
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    Reg WandReg Wand ✭✭✭
    edited May 2022
    First triathlon of the season today, just a sprint; 400m swim, 12 mile bike and the '5k' run was 2.7 miles, although they do at least publicise that it's not a full 5k run.

    The swim is in a pool at the Hart leisure centre and they're supposed to give you a signal with 2 lengths to go and I somehow missed this so I did 450 metres  :D. So that was about 50 seconds wasted. Bike was ok, a few hairy moments and when I came round one tight corned I noticed a guy in the ditch and I think his bike was on the other side of the road and he appeared to be looking for something! I am guessing he ended up in the ditch and lost a bottle or something!

    Marshalling wasn't great and as I got back to transition there was no sign for the 'bike in' and the marshall was not in hi-viz like the others so I had to slam on the brakes and ended up on one wheel before regaining control and squeezing into the turning! Managed the fastest bike split by a minute and a half and 25.3 mph average over not the fastest course.

    On to the run and legs felt a little mashed after the bike. It's a weird run course and goes through housing estates, parks, lumpy pavements and crosses a couple of roads so it's hard to find a rhythm. I felt strong but not fast. It's a time trial really this race as you all set off at different times so no idea how I am doing against the others. Lots of tight turns meant slowing down quite often which wasn't ideal and the tightest turn was right near the end  where I missed another turning and skidded on the gravel as I tried to correct course. Finished feeling like I had plenty left and almost smashed into some guy at the finish line who'd walked back to get a medal.

    Also got the fastest run of the day of 15:00 and it was 5:36 pace on the Strava segment although my full  run had 5:41 but it probably included some of transition or corner cutting. It was more than enough for the overall win by just over 2 minutes and would have been nearer 3 minutes if I could count swim lengths!
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    TRTR ✭✭✭
    Well done Reg, you bounce back ftom CV quickly (twice), good to top the podium.

    Nice to see Bus giving it some too.

    I managed to get back to it squeeking under 1.25 at worthing 1/2, when pete was at thorpe park (in strong coastal winds obviously), so im hopefully getting over the lurgy (CV?) I had for Brighton, probably worth a couple of minutes on a better day with even better health. 33rd out of 1000ish, 2nd M50. Onwards and upwards, ill be m55 in my next race in a few weeks.
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    Stevie  GStevie G ✭✭✭✭
    Good work Reg. Your CV infections seem as easily binned off as all of those muscle tears :)

    Why don't they make the run leg a proper measured distance in a lot of these triathlons out of interest? Anything to do with having a transition straight, so everyone does a slightly different run or anything like that?

    Good stats there TR, and promising times ahead for those races that itemise it in 5 year brackets too.

    8m for me out offroad in Marlow. Took a few miles to loosen up after yesterday's monster 16, and a bit tight of an ankle now, but essentially will be fine after some eating!

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    Reg WandReg Wand ✭✭✭
    SG - I think there's a couple of reasons, firstly it's a triathlon so it doesn't really matter if it's exact, PBs are not really a thing in triathlon, well some like to pretend they are but in reality the courses are all so different it's pointless comparing. Secondly it's much more difficult to map out a run when you've got to consider a swim and bike as well as transitions. this generally means a compromise somewhere as it's liekly you're not starting from the ideal spot.

    I've always been quite fortunate with sickness or rather not getting ill. I  never missed a full day of school, my mother was a single working parent who worked for herself so we weren't allowed to be ill or there'd be no money for food!

    Nice going TR.
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    Stevie  GStevie G ✭✭✭✭
    edited May 2022
    Makes sense Reggie.

    16x200m for me today off 60secs across town again.

    First two looseners at 39/38, with the rest 1x37, 2x36, 5x35, 6x34
    Would be tastier on the track, but felt a good monster on the changing pavements/roads and a couple on grass etc.
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    TippTopTippTop ✭✭✭
    SG - you manage some good paces on the roads for reps. 

    Pete - nicely done at Thorpe Park.

    Reg - nice pace at the end of the triathlon. 

    SC - I hope the Battersea 5km went well? I spoke to Ben P yesterday who said the depth was impressive!

    I had a short track session Wednesday (4 x 400m, 4 x 800m - 76, 75, ,75, 74 + 2:45, 2:42, 2:42, 2:35) but running for the rest of the week was minimal due to being busy sorting out new fencing with all the manual labour that entails.
    Unsurprisingly it turns out that 4 days of repeatedly carrying 45-50kg of awkward length/shaped concrete a few hundred metres at a go, as well as digging, etc, is not conducive to running a good 10km. Turned up at Shinfield yesterday with Jr (his first ever 10km, my first for 3 years). Back and legs were dead until about 6km (21:13) before my back eased (legs were still dead) and I managed the last 4km at 34-flat 10km pace to come in at 34:50 in 4th place. The course was a lot bumpier than I expected, but it was good to be racing shorter stuff again. Plenty of work to be done though!
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    Stevie  GStevie G ✭✭✭✭
    A humble one by your standards TT, and still 4th place in what will have been an increased quality field with the late inclusion into the county champs.

    I do sort of envy the Berkshire scene! Whole stack of races, and quite easy to get a medal as it's age graded!
    Bucks as comparison has about 2 events, no age grading, and includes all the north Bucks mob so you get the MK type clubs involved!
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    SCoombes2SCoombes2 ✭✭✭
    edited May 2022
    Thanks TT - It did thanks. Good 10k there I reckon

    Good training SG, Great Parkrun Bus, and another storming performance back on the dark side Reggie!

    So Friday night was the Under the lights Battersea 5k. Great evening for it, Iwas in the 2nd race, slowest on times with lots of ladies and older blokes! So, instead of doing an idiotic 2.58 first K, I'd simply try 3.12's. So happily I got a bit stuck through the start finish and down to the far end and started with a 3.11. Generally not that exciting tbh, felt decent around the D through 2k with a 3.14, so roughly on pace. So back through the start/finish and down to the 3k mark with a 3.16 (although i'm sure I went through 3k on 9.36!).

    Anyway, back around the D through 4K with a 3.20...starting to flag a bit. But felt ok and for the first time I was able to respond and push the pace a little - and down the turn towards the finish I could see the hallowed 15.xx timing..sadly I got dropped a bit by my group and went through on 16.02, 3.02 last lap, which is heartening.

    So best time since 16.05 at LFOTM in late 2019. Yes TT quality was ok - I was 6th V45! Some great runs, best V45 was Andy Bond from Dulwich in 15.26..great run!

    Just watching my lad doing athletics at Peterborough on Sunday as I was slightly hungover after watching Bournemouth at Blackburn on Saturday.

    Went over to Wendover Woods yesterday - shame I didn't have Bus's number! Nice 13k run around - finally found the parkrun course at the end!

    Nothing today apart from the school run, then a 3,000 tomorrow night for Bedford in the Eastern masters at MK.

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    Stevie  GStevie G ✭✭✭✭
    Good racing Simon, a near given to dip your snout into sub 16 fare doing that this early in the year.

    Never mind the fast end, what was the crap end of the race like? They bill it as 16.30 for men don't they, but I bet there were a few well over 17? 
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    SCoombes2SCoombes2 ✭✭✭
    Stevie G said:
    Good racing Simon, a near given to dip your snout into sub 16 fare doing that this early in the year.

    Never mind the fast end, what was the crap end of the race like? They bill it as 16.30 for men don't they, but I bet there were a few well over 17? 
    Yeah this didn't have as much quality as previous editions. Even I didn't get chicked (I was the last one actually as the first lady did 16.04!

    Results (runbritainrankings.com)

    Oh my mate Tony was slowest man ;)
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    Stevie  GStevie G ✭✭✭✭
    I suppose you will always get the odd quality runner who has a bit of an underwhelming one and trawls in under expectations.
    But you always seem to get a few who just blag it and turn up well off the required standard.

    And if that latter bit is an option, I want in :)

    Just kidding. I'd do the Sri Chim ones to be fair.
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    SorequadsSorequads ✭✭✭

    Jumping back on the thread after time seems to have flown by in the last few weeks. Some quality racing from SC and more. 

    Sorry to hear about the car incident, TT. Good job you’ve too running form and we’re mid air - if need full race effort for that 😆

    Sounds a good family gig at Thorpe Park, Pete. Saw a similar one at Alton Towers. 

    Feels like new territory on the thread for me with PMJ and Bus eyeing up races. Great to hear. Might get to the LFotM in June if anyone can make that. 

    Outstanding consistency of sessions from SG. 

    Very strong racing TR, and dramatic from Reg!

    Have been enjoying getting back to grass track sessions. Week one was 12 x 400 (mostly 1:30s) off 200 walk jogs. Week two saw 6 x 800 (3:00s) off 400 walk jog, then a single 100. And then today a hint of progress: 12 x 400 (mostly 1:24s) off 60s static recoveries and a 400 jog after the fourth and eight rep, followed by 2 x 100. Good to have some company for this one. 

    No long runs yet post marathon, but donned my first ever ‘double number’ at the Glos T&F championships in the 5000. It seems a bit weird the county championship being the first track race about, and a very low turnout ensued - as confirmed by my 18:31 being good enough for 8th. 

    To be fair, it was a lovely event with a friendly vibe. Only my second track race and I revelled in the repeated shouts of support, precision timing feedback each lap and an actual massive bell 😆. Started off too punchily in 1:22, got caught in no man’s land and then ran consistent 1:30s solo for the next 4600. Had a bit to give in the final 200 which felt good, but suggested I had been a little conservative. Really think I need to relearn how to properly suffer in a race. 

    Still, a useful market and really hope to get the some more track races this summer and improve upon that. 

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    SCoombes2SCoombes2 ✭✭✭
    Well done SQ. Yes it sounded far too nice that 5,000m ;)
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    TippTopTippTop ✭✭✭
    edited May 2022
    SC - good strong finish there! And a nice shot in the arm with your fastest in almost 3 years. 

    SQ - I can't remember my last track race. I'm considering possibly doing one or two of the Watford open meets if I can make them work where I expect I'll have to properly suffer simply to avoid being disgraced. Good workout progress. And well done on the race too - sounds like more to come which is positive.

    SG - the RD reminded us on the start-line about it being the county champs. I'd registered the change from Wargrave but completely forgot about it until then. The county champs are like our club champs in that if it's a race I want to do then I'll enter it, but that's not a deciding factor/reason to do it on its own. I've never completed a full set of club champs (usually 3 races each of 5km, 5m, 10km, HM and you've got to do at least one of each to be included).
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    Stevie  GStevie G ✭✭✭✭
    Yep TT, I certainly understand that. Back in Marlow days the champs was set up way too heavily stacked on attendance versus pace, so I remember doing some horrible slog races, and a couple when ill, to avoid wrecking the year's work.
    I gave it a miss at both Sandhurst and Dashers to date, but this year's champ is extended to the end of March, has a few races I'd do anyway, so might actually qualify for once.

    WFO today (!) . Always feels like you've had a day before you even start, with a drive and a run, and then setting the work desk up!!
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