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Moraghan Training - Stevie G



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    It would appear so SQ, although Strava has me on 51,912m. I have to use the ‘elevation correction’ feature on Strava as my watch’s barometric altimeter is pants.
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    TippTopTippTop ✭✭✭
    Jools - spot on with the cigs. They were very much a situational response.
    I'm not sure if the rules for all races in Ireland are the same (as a 17 year old here Jr can race up to 25km), but unfortunately all the distances offered as part of the Viking Marathon (even the 1/4 Marathon option!!) are 18+ for insurance purposes.
    That's a big improvement on the HR front; fingers crossed it carries on like that.

    SG - likewise it sounds like you're going in the right direction. Being restrained seems to be working quite nicely for you.

    SQ - I'm about to start a weights program too. Deadlifts and squats will also be in there. Ideally I'll actually be lifting 6 days a week. Great year from you. There is a known bug with Garmins with the optical HR where it does indeed pick up cadence instead of HR.

    10m moderate NYD. Yesterday off as I was still coughing up gunk. 4m moderate this morning, with another run later. Will look to get into a groove and knuckle down now.
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    Stevie  GStevie G ✭✭✭✭
    edited January 2023
    TT I'm not sure if it's the Gosport half in my pen pic or not, as I did 2 there, but one year a guy and his son rode up on my shoulder talking about a sub 1hr 20 train! The kid wasn't yet 15!!

    I dare say most of us have been in that awkward race scenario of having the first lady close, and hearing all the cheers for her whilst ignoring yourself. But racing a kid, no-one is thinking "that adult is going well" :)

    6 days a week weights is impressive.

    I do well to dig my pansy little weights out 6 times a year.
    Takes as long getting them out / putting them back as using them usually.
    A few curls, a few looks in the mirror frustrated I'm not yet hench and then over with for another while.
    And feeling it in my pigeon arms for days and days later.
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    Stevie  GStevie G ✭✭✭✭
    edited January 2023
    Sensible progression continues then.

    Last week had 2miles of effort, half miles 623 624 pace and 1mile at 6.29 all split with generous walk recovery .

    4mile tempo after a 2.5m warm up in 6.27 average today
    Mile splits all within 2 secs of each other so nicely consistent and not trying to push too hard.

    Not particularly ideal conditions and done at lunchtime after way too long procrastinating but the numbers show the progression pure and simple .

    As a comparison I did my last 6mile tempo in wet and wind at 620 ish and had done a few good condition ones 610-15 sort of lick.

    So 20 secs a mile or so off the easy runs and 15 or so secs off this tempo would be nice, but we're moving the right direction.
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    Nice reports everyone, some serious commitment in all those numbers.

    Plan called for 10 with 5 @ LT today but I don't trust my hamstring to do that so it was more like 10 with 9k @ something below MP effort. The 9k/5.6 miles came out at 6:08 pace. I did a similar but shorter run last year where it came out at 5:50 for the same effort so I definitely have a lot of work to do to get back to last year's form. I do still have this lingering cough from the lurgy, it is very much background tickle that barely elicits more than the odd throat clearance now but still, I hope that's part of the reason. Also carrying probably 2-3 kgs more and I've done no cycling/swimming worth talking about recently.
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    Just read the 46 new posts. Run out of time so will post last week and year review later on. 

    Last week could be summed up with wet and wild parkruns, decent training, terrible football watching decisions.
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    TippTopTippTop ✭✭✭
    SG - that gives me the same vibe as a (then) clubmate rocking up at Reading one year and knocking out about 80mins in a run/walk fashion. Some people are just very very talented! 
    Before London 2016 I was doing a session in the gym with work colleagues every lunchtime and significantly less running than normal, and I felt strong as an ox throughout. Plus I like lifting heavy and I built a home gym to help my wife in her recovery with long covid, so I've pretty much got everything I need there, so it'd be daft to not make use of it.
    Nice improvement on the tempo.

    Reg - snap on the cough (and weight). Sounds like a well controlled tempo.

    4 + 7 yesterday. I've ended up with a sinus/ear infection, so back on antibiotics - everybody at home seems to have caught different bugs, so between that, and not being able to shift the cough, I'm a delight to be around at the moment! Lol.
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    Six days a week sounds a lot, TT, but I bet it will work for you. I’m going to commit to 2 x 15 mins weights a week (with more or less daily bodyweight core stuff). Hope you shift the sinus stuff soon. 
    6:08 pace isn’t to be sniffed at Reg. Obviously well off your half marathon pace but you are getting there. 
    You’ve managed recovery well so far, SG and 4M at that sort of pace is good going. Any thoughts on harder intervals or will you wait for those? Re being close to the first lady- the best for me was at Snowdonia marathon where they do a great job of filming it with various motorbikes near the leaders. I was in and amongst the top three females and definitely went faster as well with the thought of a bit of TV time. What a muppet. 
    Glos XC on Saturday for you, Jools?

    Monday’s strides had awoken the legs enough to head out yesterday evening for an easy long run. Further than anticipated at 17.5M at 7:50 pace. Certainly tired by the end. Fortunately had more than enough time as my daughter’s gymnastics sessions are getting longer. In fact, as a seven year old, she is now doing 11.5 hours a week - surely not many sports have this total training time at any age? Obviously it is not all go, go, go but it still seems a huge amount to me. Anyway, she seems to enjoy it and wipes the floor with me on any of the core/conditioning exercises other than pull ups (just!). 
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    6 x 1500 last night, 5.08 down to 4.58. Not too bad as it was windy

    Xmas - ran a couple of times with Ollie and his Bedford running buddies, did a session at Luton on the Thursday, 8 x 800. Last Saturday did Weymouth parkrun (very wet and windy) 2nd behind a youngster..Bournemouth PR on NYD. 

    Year review?

    Races - 66. Obviously track bumps it up
    Best race - Probably the 16.02 at Battersea, Masters relay leg was pretty good, as was Masters xc in Dublin
    Best outing - Dublin for the XC international.
    Worst race/moment - Spraining my ankle just before my 50th after a Parkrun. Gutted.
    All posters are ace! No favourite but hopefully hear from PeteM more and Bus.

    Wishes for this year - stay illness free and a better track season! Don't think i'm going to Torun for the World indoors, just won't be fit enough.

    Obviously for Joe to get his life back too.
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    TRTR ✭✭✭
    Good to hear from Pete

    Simon - thats a lot of races, great going, especially at the level you run at.

    SQ - excellent evening long run, havnt done any long weekday evening mlrs myself for a while, I'm trying to get the longer runs done early and then do a few miles home again later. But can only get 12ish done early as i have walkies before runnies.......great to hear your daughter is going well. As she gets older the time juggling will begin clashing with school, same as swimming. But at the mo the sky's the limit.

    TT - as SQ says 6 gym sessions is a lot on top of running, my comment about you being an all or nothing dude applies again. Make sure you rotate exercises etc
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    Stevie  GStevie G ✭✭✭✭
    SQ - will see what I fancy for tomorrow, and where I do it.

    9 miles yesterday on my last day off work was pretty darn windy and overcast. Drove to an estate somewhere, then ran a circular sort of route (ish) out to Marlow and back. Slow bit over a bridge over a dual carriage way and then slightly traily 3/4mile after, so 7.33 felt a good result.

    6 so far today, 4 later.

    TT  -there certainly are some talents out there. Us hard working ex footy players have a job to compete :)

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    Did just under 9 yesterday morning, first bit with the kid on his bike past school. Pretty tired in the last mile, bit too much after Tuesday night possibly...

    County xc (Beds/Bucks) at Amptill on Saturday, so not too much tonight. Shame it's not Hughenden again - might have tempted SG out for a run ;)
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    I'd treat the fetch elevation with some caution. Mine says 73,730m, Garmin says 23,513m and Strava says 26,003 so I'd go with the majority. 

    I can find a run where I have done a mile along the Thames path near Longridge and it says I climbed 72 metres! The algorithm samples between the pancake flat flood plains to the north and the 70-metre high "cliff" to the south of the river crest.

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    Wow that is quite a difference. I wonder why Fetch uses a different algorithm rather than just copying across the data. Thanks anyway, PMJ. Now then, you must work on that WAVA best :)

    SG do you often drive a short way to start runs? It obviously adds time but most open up more options nicely. 

    Very nice progression on the 1500 reps, SC.

    Double recovery yesterday of 4 & 4. 10M along the canal this afternoon including 8 x strides. 7:50 pace. Means XC champs on Saturday will most definitely be untapered, but so be it. Too hard to fit in a proper run on both Sat and Sun at the moment. 
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    parkrun continues to irk me. The basic concept is very easy and is captured by PSH's initial idea that he wanted a few friends to meet up and do a 5k time trial on a Saturday morning. I quite enjoy that and if I have no other commitments, it is pleasant to run down to the local park, do a fastish session and run back. Of course, it can't be all one-way traffic and I am happy to volunteer and do a stint of "duty" from time to time. 

    There is, however, a sensible cap. I helped out on New Year's Eve and there were 249 finishers and 28 volunteers. I just got an email today as they were 6 short of the 28 they need: "requires you to arrive a little earlier (8:00am) and spend a possible few extra minutes afterwards (we are nearly always done by 10:20am)". My involvement was to marshall but the first runner knew where he was going and after that everyone just follows the person in front. I'll pace at Balck Park on Saturday and they have zero marshalls. 

    While standing at my post, just before the start, a runner passed and said "I see the Nazis have got you working for them." I asked him to explain his comment and he said he liked parkrun but not parkrun and I know what he means. 

    The next day I ran at Reading parkrun. I listened to the first-timers briefing: useful facts if you are running at an unknown location and clearly at 9am on a wet and cold Jan 1st it was all visitors. Afterwards one of the runners then gave a loud appraisal of the quality of said briefing to nobody in particular but clearly upset that he had not been asked where he was from nor if he was on a "significant milestone". Again, I enjoy a bit of parkrun tourism but you visit as a guest. If you want a round of applause for doing your 100th parkrun then do 100 at the same place and you will be known and recognised. If you are doing your 100th event at your 100th location then you are on your own.
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    Stevie  GStevie G ✭✭✭✭
    I thought it says in the spiel somewhere if you're "celebrating" a landmark run, let the spieler know before hand?
    But it's pretty bad form getting lippy with a volunteer of a free event.
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    28 volunteers is absolutely insane. 

    I don't get the doing lots of parkrun achievement thing.

    Si does more real races in a year than you can do Parkruns  :D

    14 yesterday and a recovery day today, so just under 6 miles this morning and a lunch bike ride, first time I have been out for ages and I had a massive grin for the first few miles, I missed cycling.


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    PeteMPeteM ✭✭✭
    Philip, I take your points but some parkruns do need a fair few marshals as they are very twisty and through woods. Bracknell and Homewood are 2 local such examples. Even when not the case, its often quite easy to go wrong and not just if you're leading, as the leader(s) may be out of sight! Happened to me recently at Upton and I've run there about 30 times, just not for a while, and had forgotten the exact route in the field you only do once. 

    Despite the above 28 marshals seems crazy and I fully agree some parkrun RD's are super zealous about it all and others much more relaxed. I do my volunteering at Savill Junior in WGP, a relic from when my daughter ran there many years ago, but convenient for me as it is a Sunday. They have a RD who always over cooks the number of volunteers he needs. I usually get to marshall about 50 metres from the finish and with no further turns. Totally pointless but gets me the credit and if they want a marshall there then who am I to argue!
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    Stevie  GStevie G ✭✭✭✭
    It's nice to know it's there whenever you want to step in for one, wherever you are in the country. And you can't knock it being free, when certain companies are punting their 5ks at £26! (I swear I've had about 6 or 7 emails from a certain high price race company this week so far).

    I'll just never get the insistence that you "have" to go every single week, irrespective of anything. Injury, illness, race the next day (race the SAME day, I've seen before too :D )

    When I first joined my club I was amazed to see people would punt a parkrun out, race on the Sunday, do the track on the (really badly placed) Monday track session, and then do the Tuesday session too.

    And not like they were newbies who have one pace whether it's them on their own, or in a race.
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    Stevie  GStevie G ✭✭✭✭
    Wouldn't necessarily rule it out in the future, but I think I'd prefer the "tour" approach rather than punt the same one out every week.
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    Stevie  GStevie G ✭✭✭✭
    edited January 2023
    Always tough back at the track after a while away, even more so on the covid rebuild :D 

    Saw a local guy who is infamous for destroying himself had recently done some 300s in 56/57 the other day (and treated himself to doms for 2 days!!), so fancied that distance.

    10x300 off 60secs felt a reasonable way in.

    Usual slight doubt where the actual 300m line is :D but settled into basically all at 58/59, bar a lazy 60 last one.

    That's "ok", I suppose, first time back, legs comfy, breathing the limiter, but that's probably always like that for me in fairness. I don't think I could run hard enough to destroy my legs these days!

    The tempos and easy pace are a bit off right now, so it makes sense the reps are too at the top end, but it's all a progression, and this'll be a 60+ mile week, with 4mile tempo and reps. Plus a 9 & 10 as singles.

    Decent move upwards from a 54.5mile week, with 2x1/2mile and 1mile as the only quality.
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    TippTopTippTop ✭✭✭
    SQ/TR - the 6 weights sessions a week is not as onerous as it sounds. They're all pretty short sessions (initially about 15-20 minutes), and it's a different body part for most - 2 x legs sessions, and 1 each of shoulders, chest, back, and arms.

    SQ - 11.5 hours a week is quite a chunk. If you were to run that much averaging ~7:30 a mile you've got a 90m+ week. Nicely done with the 17.5m

    SC - 66 races! Nice 1500s.

    SG - it's coming back nicely. Keep being restrained.

    It turns out I had/have a full blown sinus and ear infection. No bugs for ages and two come along, one right after the other. On antibiotics, which are starting to have an effect. I've not run since Tuesday, and definitely won't today. Ideally I'll get a few jogs in over the weekend, but my main aim now is to be clear of this by Monday (hopefully) to be able to put in a good 15 weeks to London. 
    It's particularly frustrating as 4-6 weeks ago I was in better shape at that time of year than I usually am, but have slid right back now. Still, at least the prolonged enforced rest seems to have settled my sciatica and hamstring issues.
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    Sorequads said:
    Wow that is quite a difference. I wonder why Fetch uses a different algorithm rather than just copying across the data. Thanks anyway, PMJ. Now then, you must work on that WAVA best :)

    SG do you often drive a short way to start runs? It obviously adds time but most open up more options nicely. 
    My GPS doesn't collect elevation so the elevation is added via a map and Strava etc do that themselves so when fetch gets the data feeds it doesn't have the added data. I exchanged a few emails with fetch and the elevation services cost a lot so he has one the site can afford but it is definitely not the best: you get what you pay for and I throw a few pounds towards fetch each month but he can't compete with the big boys.

    I frequently drive a few miles from home to start a run which gives me that next ring of places so if I run from home I can get about 5 miles away on a circular route but if I drive 5 miles then I can end up 10 miles away.
    Stevie G said:
    Wouldn't necessarily rule it out in the future, but I think I'd prefer the "tour" approach rather than punt the same one out every week.
    parkrun tourism is an odd thing. I obviously run at different parkruns but I would not describe myself as a tourist. I won't get up at 5:30 and drive to run a lap of Wycombe Rye (as was the desire of 2 elderly ladies I chatted to on NYE) but if I am staying away on a Friday night I will try and find a close parkrun on Saturday. I see parkrun tourism was mentioned in this AW article on carbon footprint of runners:

    It will be interesting to see what happens to parkrun in the coming years. It had a big bubble a few years ago and was close to 200k runners the first Saturday of 2020. We are all seasoned runners and know the pros and cons. It is easy to start parkrun and assume it is good but a 3 mile run will burn 300 calories so is not much use for weight loss and then you need to either "punt the same one out every week" or start to tour which takes time and money. 

    The data on 2 Jan 2023 shows 4,881,721 people have taken part but 4,255,699 have less than 25 events and the vast majority with more than 25 events have done so at less than 30 locations so the real active core are simply repeat offenders. My 336 runs at 35 events puts me in a slightly less populated box but I'd align myself with repeat offenders more than an out and out tourist.

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    I reckon Pete has his own blue pixel in there somewhere  :D 

    I am in the orange bit with less than 25. I've only done about 4 or 5 different ones. I only ever did one away from home and that was when I was in Liverpool for my 40th birthday and finished first up there. It's probably only when you do dozens of them that you need to spice it up by going to lots of different ones.

    Sounds like you are seeing the positive side of your setbacks TT, at least it's not something caused by running that's holding you back.
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    PeteMPeteM ✭✭✭
    Reg, I must have my own pixel now, but only because I have recently joined the 500 club! I've not actually done that many events, just checked and its only 56. I'm in the PMJ camp in that I generally won't go much out of my way for a parkrun, so the vast majority of mine are at places under 30 mins drive away. Over half are at 5 courses, all between 10 and 30 mins drive away and nearly 80% are at just 10 courses. The only time I've ever gone more than an hour from where I was for a parkrun was to Dulwich, when someone offered me a lift and also said it was the fastest course. Wouldn't argue with the fastest bit and did get my all time parkrun pb there (as I think SG has on his only visit) but its a pig of a journey and wouldn't be keen on a repeat.

    Good early year work going on from you and SQ, TT, SG, Simon and others. You've inspired me with the bike. Will get out on mine this lunchtime I think.
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    Stevie  GStevie G ✭✭✭✭
    edited January 2023
    Sorequads said:

    SG do you often drive a short way to start runs? It obviously adds time but most open up more options nicely. 

    Missed this one :)
    In working times, or for most Sunday runs I'll go from the door.

    But if I've a day off and need a single - I'll often drive to Marlow (5miles), or like the other day Bourne End (3.5m?) and exactly that - opens up more options and keeps it fresh.

    Can be pretty dull if you're doing the same 4/6 milers repeatedly.

    Track this morning, will be followed up with a 4 shortly, up through some steep woods, and then out on the road, for a real lift midway when at peak elevation, and then down and back. Nice run to end the week's runs pre rest day.
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    Stevie  GStevie G ✭✭✭✭
    edited January 2023
    Nice stats Phil - I'm one of the commoners in the 4.8million crew, fewer than 25.

    Had to check on my number - 22 apparently, so could swiftly move into a more select 292,000 :D

    Only two people who have done 500 events have done them at 500 different locations then?
    That must take some planning. I don't know how many you can do in say a local hour radius.

    Maybe it'd take 2-3 years to exhaust them? New ones get added, and if you're near London, you probably have a tonneload there. But you would then start needing to face 60, 70, 80 min trips to them, and once you're 8-9 years in suddenly be facing marathon trips?
    Probably all part of the fun!

    Dulwich is certainly a fast course, can't remember quite how high it is in the pecking order, but probably top 10, 100% top 15.

    It was a strange day - all time 5k pb, but I came away slightly disappointed as lost to a pal for the first time ever :D 

    I didn't have a GPS, but I remember booting an absolutely insane first half mile, dropping off a fair gear, but then still rescuing it sub 17 comfortably (16.53).

    It's pretty clear, having hit 16.56 a few years ago, that 5k is probably the one distance I didn't maximise.
    A 34:30 10k should definitely give rise to a 16.45 at least i'd say.

    Not to worry - happy to still be racing decently into 40s etc.
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    Coincidentally SG, I have also done 22 Parkruns with a best of 16:53  :)

    12.2m at lunch today at 7:20, if I run early morning it's in the 8 minutes a mile region and lunch time is often 30 seconds odd faster.
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    Enjoyed helping the missus getting to 40 different ones before 40 - they just serve a purpose now and again. I'm very unprolific - first one at Bushy in 2007 giving me my Parkrun number of 3926, but only done 106 since then.

    Incidentally, the guy I ran with when i did my 15.52 PB at Poole PR, Dan Mulhern, was the guy who won Poole when Melissa Courtney set her WR. About a minute faster now! He was only 17 when he ran with me.
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    Nice graphic PMJ.
    I’m one in a thousand apparently (well 1,174) with 486 parkruns at 169 venues. Spent 5 years mainly doing my local one with the occasional tourist visit when I happened to be away on a Saturday then became single & had a 33 week run of different venues. That got me close to the 100 so I kept up a high % of new venues til I’d crossed that threshold. Slowed a bit since then about half my runs are at 5 venues. Not sure where I’m going tomorrow but won’t be far.
    Definitely improving: managed a hilly 11 miler last night so 43M in 4 days. Having a day off today though, other than the cycle commute.
    Good reps there SG & decent MLR Reg.
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