
New Mature Runners Thread



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    OO54OO54 ✭✭✭
    I do try not to be judgemental but the child's weight struck me first. Then grandma arrived with a tray full of goodies.
    I wonder if we like sessions with technical names? But this one is just silly 🤭
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    Just the usual Friday Farmers Walk. 
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    WtnMelWtnMel ✭✭✭
    Just 'popping in' on my phone as Margaret is working on u3a stuff in the study and I don't want to break her concentration. I'll catch up properly tomorrow I hope.

    I won on points at golf yesterday because although I lost by four strokes, I won because of my higher handicap. I did go into a bunker twice but managed to get out within 3 or 4 shots. I was actually 10 shots in the lead after 9 holes, but the hot weather meant I wilted over the 2nd 9 holes and made lots of silly errors.
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    Well done Mel for your win on points at golf yesterday. You seem to have improved on exiting bunkers!

    This mornings parkrun was celebrating 75 years of the NHS and we were asked to wear appropriate colours. Sarah F wore her scrubs, and I a light blue t-shirt. I attach a photo, or two actually. I'm in the lower one. 

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    OO54OO54 ✭✭✭
    we were also celebrating in blue for the NHS 
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    WtnMelWtnMel ✭✭✭
    Morning all,

    Sorry - not got time for a 'proper' catch-up as we're heading to Warwick in a bit for a dance show the grand-daughters are taking part in. Nice photos HS and OO54 ..

    I'd better warn you now that I head off on my week's walking holiday in Dovedale on Friday and this week is a 'busyish' one with a few U3A meetings taking place. Mon - coffee & chat (am), country dancing (pm). Tue  - book group (pm). Thu - social cards (pm). I'll do my best to 'pop in' as and when but I have a long list of things to arrange before Friday - so I'll do my best!! :)
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    Afternoon all,

    WtnMel, I hope you enjoy the dance show that the granddaughter's are partaking in.

    You've certainly got a busy week ahead!

    Fingers crossed that the weather is kind for your weeks walking holiday. Hopefully your walking boots are broken in now!

    An easy pace solo 4 mile road run this morning. 
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    Good afternoon everyone,

    I ran 10 miles in the forest this morning with Sarah F and Jane. 
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    Just the usual Tuesday Farmers Walk this morning. 
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    AquariusAquarius ✭✭✭
    Sorry, forgot to say that we are in Torquay this week for my sister's 75th birthday. I'll catch up when we get home at the weekend. Wifi is a bit iffy at the cottage where we are staying.  
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    Enjoy your week in Torquay Aquarius, for your sister's 75th birthday.
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    OO54OO54 ✭✭✭
    I'm away too, Keswick for the week. Taking the bus every day to different place we don't normally go- Penrith, Kendal and Workington so far. I'll be back at the weekend in time for parkrun and a track race next Monday. Happy travels folks, and well done on the 10 miler hillstrider 👏

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    Enjoy your week away in Keswick 00.

    Good luck with Saturdays parkrun and Mondays track race. 

    Thanks for comments re my 10 miler. Conditions were good, very little mud, and not too hot. 

    This morning was 6 hill reps in the forest, with sprints over the top on the gravel track; with the Wednesday Group. 
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    WtnMelWtnMel ✭✭✭
    Evening all,

    HS - the dance show was a bit boring as we had to sit through 40 minutes of other people's children until it was the turn of our grand-daughters. It looks like the weather will be a bit mixed next week (sunshine & showers). I took the new boots for another 4ml walk this morning - no problems apart from my inability to tie the laces up tightly enough! ;) Well done re that 10ml run, your weekly farmer's walk and the hill reps. 

    Aquarius - hope you're enjoying your week in Torquay .. shame about the iffy wi-fi.

    OO54 - hope you're enjoying your holiday too.

    Book group yesterday was good as we had a lively discussion about our latest book (Burial Rites - Hannah Kent). Just the four of us as Chris was baby-sitting and she couldn't make it .. and our proposed new member Alan got confused between our book group and the one his wife goes too .. so he didn't turn up.

    Having my hair cut tomorrow morning and then I am off to the social cards group in the afternoon. In between those, I'll continue piling up things in the spare room that I want to remember to take on my walking holiday. I can't check in until 4pm and it's a 2.5hr drive so I can do the actual packing and loading the car on Friday morning. 

    In preparation for the walking holiday I checked my waterproof coat yesterday and errr, it wasn't very. So I used some Nikwax re-waterproofing stuff on it this morning. It's still drying out at the moment so I'll check tomorrow to see how waterproof it is now (it can't be any worse than it was!).

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    Good afternoon everyone,

    I'm having to write this using my laptop, as the page just keeps rolling using my phone!

    WtnMel, I can imagine it was boring waiting for the grandchildren to appear.

    Good news about the boots. I think that tying the laces tight enough is a common problem. 

    I'm glad that the book group went well, even with just the four of you.

    You will look nice and smart with your haircut for the social cards group this afternoon.

    I hope that your waterproof is waterproof now!

    This morning I did a solo 5 mile fartlek run on roads, working hard on the hills.
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    OO54OO54 ✭✭✭
    Sounds like you'll need a waterproof WtnMel as the forecast is not so good. Keswick was pretty wet too though ours was mainly bus trips rather than walking very far. We did check out the parkrun route in workington in case ever go back- that's about the furthest we walked.
    Back home now, just in time for tonight's club session, which was variable efforts on grass- not my favourite.
    Well done on the hill session hillstrider 👍
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    00,  I hope last night club session went well!

    It's been raining hard all day, but is brightening up now,
     and the rain is easing.

    No running today, just the usual Friday Farmers Walk. I'm thinking tomorrows parkrun is going to be wet and muddy. 
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    Good afternoon everyone,

    I still can't access this forum on my phone, as the page still spins.

    We didn't do the parkrun today because of the weather conditions. We ran 4.54 miles fartlek instead. The rain held off, but the wind was very strong.
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    OO54OO54 ✭✭✭
    Yes we just had a downpour or two hillstrider. Fortunately parkrun escaped the showers and we visited our home venue of Whitley Bay for a change. Performance felt a bit under par and with 2 races next week I was hoping for better, but let's see. Masters track racing on Monday and a fast 5km road race on Thursday 🤞

    I only use my phone to access the forum. I've pasted the link in one of my places and find this quicker than searching for it each time.
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    00, best of luck with your two races next week.
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    WtnMelWtnMel ✭✭✭
    Greetings from HF Dovedale.

    I survived today's 8.5ml walk which included 600ft of ascent. It was very wet and windy so the Paramo waterproof coat stayed on all day. And I'm pleased to report it WAS waterproof. Hard going on stony tracks and some steep descents. So my feet feet a bit battered and my quads ache a bit. The 'easy' walk tomorrow is 8mls and even more ascent (1300ft) so I'm looking forward to the rest day on Mon.
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    WtnMel,  Glad to hear that you survived yesterdays 8.5 mile walk, and that your waterproof coat WAS waterproof. I hope that todays "easy" walk was, in fact, easy. Make the most of tomorrows rest day.

    I'm still unable to post using my phone, as the forum page just keeps spinning. It doesn't recognise my password, so thankfully, I'm still logged into my laptop. I haven't actually logged out of my phone though.

    This morning was a solo 4.16 miles on roads.
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    AquariusAquarius ✭✭✭
    We’re back from our very wet visit to Torquay. The roads on the way there and back were atrocious. Cars were constantly zigzagging across motorway lanes at crazy speeds despite the 40 mph signs on the overhead gantries due to torrential rain. 
    We broke the outward journey at a Premier Inn at Gloucester, after driving in heavy traffic through rain which at one point was so intense we couldn’t see the cars in front, we couldn’t even see the road so didn’t know if we were drifting out of our lane. 
    The cottage we’d booked in Torquay was very nice with a woodland walk behind it down to a cove. We had a lovely meal and catch up with my sister and her family and set off home on Thursday, breaking the journey again with an overnight stop in Leicester this time .On Friday we crawled home (again in heavy rain) in one queue after another in a journey that should have taken less than 4 hours, but took seven.  Needless to say we were shattered the following morning and nearly gave parkrun a miss, but at the last moment decided to go (Town Moor) and just jog and walk around it together.
    Today has been a catching up day, as we’ve a busy few days coming up. Tomorrow we’re looking after a couple of g’children (teachers training day) then on Tuesday we’re taking the car in to get an update installed (long story - some other time) a chiropractor appointment on Wednesday (hopefully the last) and a funeral on Thursday. At some point I’d like to get some running fitted in, and read back to catch up with what you’ve all been doing.
    Right, back to the ironing (with my new iron 🙂)
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    WtnMelWtnMel ✭✭✭
    Another quick visit from me.

    HS - sorry to hear about your phone issues and well done re your solo run.

    Aquarius - those journeys down and back sound horrible. Glad your cottage in Torquay was good. Sounds like you'll be busy for the next few days. 

    Another 8ml walk done today with a bit more climbing than yesterday. And it rained hard at times so the waterproof was on and off a few times. I wore my shorts so apart from my legs, I managed to keep dry.

    Rest day tomorrow and all being well, I'll manage to meet up with a friend from when I did the Coast To Coast in 2014 who lives about 15mls away from where I am based this week.
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    Good afternoon everyone,

    Aquarius, terrible driving conditions to and from Torquay. There is nothing worse, except thick fog, than driving in heavy rain. In the past, I've had to pull onto the hard shoulders of motorways when visibility was zero. Not sure what I would do now, on the "Smart Motorways." 

    Good that you managed to do the parkrun. 

    Sounds like you have a lot on your plate for the next few days. Hope you are enjoying using your new iron😀

    WtnMel, thanks. I still can't get the forum on my phone, the page just keeps spinning.

    Well done for yesterdays long walk.  Good that you managed to keep dry, except for your legs.

    Enjoy todays rest day, and have a nice time with your friend.

    This morning was another 10 miles in the forest with the Monday Group. We finished just before the rain started. We were all sweating, although it wasn't that hot. We were perhaps putting more effort in. The sweat was running into my eyes, and they are still feeling sore.
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    WtnMelWtnMel ✭✭✭
    edited July 2023
    Afternoon everyone, 

    HS - well done re the 10ml run. I don't know if your phone is Android or Apple. If its Android, if you swipe down from the top of the screen you'll see a little rectangle icon with two curved arrows around it. If it's highlighted, auto-rotate is on. Turn your phone sideways (landscape mode) and unhighlight the icon and your screen should stay locked in landscape mode. You can also keep it locked in portrait mode instead by unhighlighting the icon when it's in portrait mode. Hope that helps.. 

    Met my friend from the C2C walk today and had lunch at a local cafe. Back at the HF house nand about to attend the 'walks talk'. Tomorrow, the easy walk is only 5mls which is too short for me - so I shall choose the medium walk which is 9.5mls. A bit further than I'd like but needs must.
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    WtnMel, thanks, it's an android phone.

    That was good meeting up with your friend and lunching in a local cafe. 

    I hope tomorrow's 9.5 miles walk goes well. 
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    WtnMel, I tried your suggestion, but the problem isn't rotation, but the screen moving from the top to the bottom continuously. It's only when I try to access the forum page, all other pages are ok. I'll leave it for a few days, and continue on here with the laptop.

    No running today, just the usual Farmers Walk.
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    OO54OO54 ✭✭✭
    edited July 2023
    I sympathise with your road tip Aquarius. I've done a couple of long ones lately and forgot how bad UK roads are. The train is our preferred mode if at all possible.
    WtnMel hope the walk went well and not too wet. 
    Today is a washout but still planning a run this evening. Then a 5k race on Thursday. 
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    00, it hasn't rained here at all today. 
    Good luck with Thursday's 5k race. 
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