
Moraghan Training - Stevie G



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    Haven’t seen much of Jools this summer. What is the latest adventure? 

    Had to go and google gladiator stories, Reg 😳. £100/month suddenly makes running look quite a cheap sport. 

    Strong racing in the heat, SG. You get the HR up towards the end! Take it easy tonight. Have seen many a club mate ruined in such circumstances. Our handicap race series is on a Monday! 

    Some good top end paces there, TT. 

    Bugatti 10k - a quick race recap:

    Organised by Almost Athletes, this is a professional-feeing yet friendly race. I had enjoyed doing some of the the pre race letter drops to some of the swankier mansions near the start - a far more pleasurable experience having a nose around some of these than whilst gunning up a hill mid race 😆. The evening itself saw many volunteers helping out so I’m confident that the speedsters to newcomers alike would have enjoyed themselves.

    After weeks of drizzle and cooler temperatures - ie perfect racing conditions - last night saw a return of 24C even into the evening kick off. Not to worry - it is a tough race with a hilly back half and 380ft ascent - and so no one will be troubling their PBs. Based at the prestigious Prescott Bugatti hill racing track and then taking in some glorious Cotswold countryside (with just a brief main road excursion) it is a lumpy road race but a firm fixture on the summer calendar. I think last night probably had the strongest top end the race has seen since I started - and excellent it continues to grow. 

    I really wanted to run to a progressive effort. In some ways a downhill start and uphill finish make this inevitable, but I tried my best to keep the brakes on the HR a bit until 6k and save a bit for the closing stages. 

    Through the first 3M in 6:07, 02, 20. In a loosely formed group although it was starting to splinter around half way. 

    There is then a long and deceptive drag around 7-8k. Nothing steep but it feels like it goes on for ever and just saps the energy from your legs. 

    Into the proper climbs and the mile splits reflect this: 6:41, 50, 54. 

    Overtaken by the first and then second lady, trying hard to catch a mate in front. Knackered now and willing any bit of tree cover to block the sunlight. 

    Final 0.2 up the steepest bit and onto the motor course for the finish line. 40:53 for 24/280 and 3rd MV40. 

    Slowest time there by around a minute, but hey, a V40 PB I guess! An absolute sweat-fest of an evening.  Enjoyable 3M cool down with a mate and a chance to cheer on the latter half of the field. Home for chilli and a cold beer. 

    Tired legs today. 

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    Stevie  GStevie G ✭✭✭✭
    edited August 2023
    Good racing SQ, sounds a bit like one of my offroaders a month or so back. There is some relief in those of times not being important.

    Not sure about the HR, as it's one of those wrist based ones. I don't wear the watch particularly tight either, so can't imagine it's spot on. Although I can definitely imagine the HR was increasing in that fashion :)

    Last night was more relaxed though decent enough for a day after a race.

    Long story short 8:59 for what ended up being 1.59miles on the watch.
    Totally solo 1.2miles, then had someone to get past.
    Did it quicker a few years ago, but I dare say i hadn't raced the day before and actually saw someone on the leg! Couple of months later in the year too I expect, so no mud to swerve etc.

    6th fastest time, and 5th fastest runner. Not surprised some of the faster times were either leg 1, or for people who passed 5 or 6 on their legs. Makes a fair difference.

    However, having said that I was happy that was fast enough at 5.37 pace.  For a route with say half a mile on paths with muddy bits to avoid and then grass. Rest was decent smooth stuff.

    The social was a bit crap if I'm honest. I'd gone for a 1.5mile loop recovery with a pal, and by the time we were back everyone was seated and settled, so one of those awkward scuttle round the edges before finally just rucking it off early.
    Pizza was too spicy for me, that was a struggle, dare say it wasn't even anything particularly hot either :D 
    I still had to get back to work, pick the laptop up and get 30 odd mins home, so wasn't too disappointed, with 3 evenings out in a row.

    Will still count this as a race, as we had numbers and were timed/results etc.
    Crap about 9th out of 14teams, but handicap races are tough to get spot on.

    Best bit was when I'd asked a team mate to keep an eye out for our 3rd runner (i was up last at 4th) as i nipped into the clubhouse.

    He hadn't seen me pop back out, didn't hear me shouting I was at the start line, and the panic on his face seeing our runner and going in there, to everyone (including me by then!) shouting "quick, go and find him", was comedy.
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    TippTopTippTop ✭✭✭
    SG - sounds like a decent run out for you, especially off the back of that 5km. Well done. 

    SQ - good work on the 10km. All time pb' (course or full stop) are definitely harder to come by as you age so an AG pb and podium is definitely a good result.

    2nd anaerobic workout of the week yesterday. Was initially supposed to be on a track but then plans had to be altered so went by time on the road instead. Efforts of 3mins x 2, 4:30 and 5:30 at 3-5km effort yielded an average pace of 5:28 for the 16 minutes. Probably closer to current 3km pace than 5km. 
    A heavy legged very easy 2.5hrs today came in as 18.5m. 71m for the week off 5 days. Would have liked to hit 20m today but bowed to the signs from my body. Hopefully back to 6 day weeks next week. 
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    Stevie  GStevie G ✭✭✭✭
    Huge mileage that is TT, as always you do well to leap between a bit of health issues and incredible mileage.

    13 for me, very humid, so was glad I hadn't chosen to race anywhere today. 7.40 pace. Reasonably flat smooth route, with a few little ups and downs, but less madcap than last week's random fields and paths and stuff.

    54mile week, but to be expected in a funny week with a Wed and Thur night turnout and the lack of sessions outside of those.
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    TippTopTippTop ✭✭✭
    SG - to me 71 isn't big mileage. Though I've got no desire to get back to ton-up weeks if I can consistently knock out close to 90 I'd be happy. I was happy to have a day off yesterday as it felt very muggy so well done on the 13.
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    PeteMPeteM ✭✭✭
    Not many can say 71 isn't a big weekly mileage TT! Impressive training volumes and sounds like you are making good progress.

    Good that SG and SQ are keeping the forum racing flag flying over the summer. Sounds a tough 10k SQ so you did well and nice to see SG improving steadily and picking up sone pots along the way.

    Since I was last on here I've holidayed on Safari in Kenya (wife's big b'day bucket list thing so had to cave in, but was (mostly) a pretty good experience in the end). Anyway that meant running and indeed any exercise took a back seat for a while. Tried a club 10k TT straight after returning and recorded a horrid 43'xx so that told me it was too soon and also plenty of work on running needed. Put a fair bit of effort in since with training and got a parkrun down to mid 19's again, so decided to have a go at Burnham Beeches 10k near Slough yesterday. 

    Its a pleasing course in the countryside, despite its proximity to Slough, and parking and set up all easy. They run a HM and 10k with the HM off 15 mins earlier and 2 and a bit laps compared to 1 for the 10k. We started a bit late for no good reason, but once underway I got into a group of 4 or 5 and held my place for the first couple of k at around 4 min k pace. Then comes the main drag, a climb of about 40 metres over 2k and I lost the group there, which meant a solo for the rest of the race. We soon caught up with the tail end (and then mainstream) of the HM though so it felt quite good bombing by all these people and knowing they still had another full lap when we finished ;).

    The crazy thing with this course was the k markers. They appeared to be well out and certainly didn't correspond with my Garmin. I was hoping it was my Garmin playing up amongst the woodlands; certainly when we got to the 9k marker and my watch showed only 8.4k it was pretty confusing! I was on about 34 mins then, so thought if these markers are right I'm on for a hell of a time. Sadly they weren't and my watch was much nearer the mark! The distance from the last k marker to the end was actually almost a mile (1.5k) and so though I kept my place ok, I ended with a 40'37. Still good enough for 13th of 320 which surprised me a bit. The most frustrating part was seeing in the results I had beaten all the v50's but not a super strong v60 who came 8th in a mid 38 :o. That meant I had to accept the v50 winner going up for his trophy and me getting bugger all, despite running a minute quicker than him and being in an older category. Chatted that through with SG y'day and he thinks its the way it has to be, which I suppose it is, though it still doesn't seem right. Anyway happy enough with the performance and hopefully can get back under 40 somewhere soon with a bit more training and an easier course.
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    Reg WandReg Wand ✭✭✭
    Nice racing SQ, you do some nice sounding races.

    SG - That's a fairly prolific period you've gone through, good you're progressing.

    Pete - You sound very enthusiastic about your trip to Kenya! Seems ironic that you go to Kenya and don't get any running in! I actually don't get that excited about going on holiday due to the fact that I enjoy the routine of my exercise at home.

    Nice few turnouts there, so are you V60 now? In triathlon your age-group is clearly defined as 60-64 and therefore you can't be eligible for a prize in any other age-group. I guess in running it's not as clearly defined by the category name v60 but the principle should be the same I think. For example if you look at the rankings, you wouldn't expect your times to also be shown in all the younger categories? Ultimately it's slightly unfair when you beat someone younger and they get a prize but they I'd justify it by the perspective of them being in a different sub-race.

    20 miles for me last week and plan to do 25 so this week. Achilles seems to recover well with a day of rest so I will keep the alternate days going for a while. Bike, weights and swimming easily fills the remaining time I have. I'm probably looking at a September parkrun and then an October XC as the first meaningful running action. I do have a triathlon early September which is mainly just motivational to get me back to training.

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    Stevie  GStevie G ✭✭✭✭
    edited August 2023
    Reggie, although I forget everyone ages, and still think Bus is V40 (come on back Bus if you're out there!), Pete is a Veteran in the V60 now, you can't have missed his tonne of pots :D 

    It's unreal for him to find a lower key race where someone pips him!

    The guy who organises the Aylesbury Boxing Day 5k is V60 and he was 1.12 half fare at his best, but he'd be over 2mins slower than Pete over 5k these days, so it's some going.

    But at the end of the day I go totally with what Reg suggests, races categories aren't "over" a certain age, they are a defined age band. So it's not Over 50, it's 50-59.
    You can't pick and choose the few times it'd go in your favour to gazump the V50.

    Obviously I'm a different age cateory kettle of fish and reserve the right to amend this opinion if I'm still fortunate enough to be racing in deeper age categories and the same thing happens :D 

    Good to see the latest comeback is ahoy Reg.
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    Stevie  GStevie G ✭✭✭✭
    5x1km for me today. Can't say I felt particularly sprightly, potentially a slight residual tightness from the Wed/Thur race combo plus Sunday humidathon...

    Steady and unspectatular.
    The first 2km are flat, but never particularly rapid, but it warmed up a bit later. All slower than the 5k continuous race last Wed (3.33 average), but a world of motivation difference between solo weekday morning reps from the door on road, versus a race isn't there?

    3.37xx, 3.41xx, 3.36xx 3.35xx x2

    I dare say come the autumn I'll need to bed in a proper plan / get back to the track.

    For now I'll seek a couple of 5ks out in the short term, try and get that 17:47 down.
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    TippTopTippTop ✭✭✭
    Pete - "despite its proximity to Slough:D
    That's rough luck with the prizes. Hard to know really what the best way of dealing with a situation like that is.
    Good run though; sounds like you're back in good shape after your break. I've done the HM around there a few times. Always a tough but scenic race. I seem to remember Dave Bedford being local and being race starter a few times too.

    Reg - good to see you getting a few miles in. I'm pretty much the same on holidays. I like having a routine (though my routine is haphazard at the moment) and being away takes me out of that.

    Nothing wrong with steady and unspectacular SG. Probably about current 5m race pace for you I'd have thought?

    Anaerobic workout yesterday (5 x 1km @ 3-5km + 2 x 400m: 3:25, 25, 24, 23, 21 + 75, 73). It was a little blowy on track and a bit drizzly/wet/muggy, plus didn't feel fantastic beforehand, but felt good during and afterwards.
    I think there's some kind of bug spreading around between us as one of the kids have been ill and another two are showing some symptoms, plus my wife and I feel a bit drained.
    Will hopefully do something very gentle later but will see how I feel.
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    SorequadsSorequads ✭✭✭
    edited August 2023

    Nicely outdoing SG there TT 😆. Good sessions from you both. 

    Good racing, Pete and unlucky on the prizes. I’ve benefited from the vagaries you describe in the past so sympathise with your frustrations. Still, you are running very well!

    Good to have a race booked in, Reg. no doubt your fitness gains will be rapid with a bit of post holiday and post injury structure. 

    Evesham Velopark 5k

    Put on by Cheltenham Harriers, this was the inaugural event in a series of 5ks around the very new criterium racing track. 5 and a bit laps (924m a lap apparently!). Very twisty, one tiny elevation bump per lap, perfect tarmac the whole way. 

    Warmed up during the B race, trying to take the opposite of the racing line to avoid getting in the way. A fierce wind in one direction, but you were never in it for long. Sweeping bends and none of the dreaded 180 turnaround cones. 

    Slightly misjudged my final little run to the start line, encountering a fence and then having to leg it as I could see and hear everyone ready and the final instructions being given. Situated myself at the back, as I suspected the front end would hare off. 

    The tiniest of declines to start, and we were off! 

    Juggled places in the final group and enjoyed having people to run with. Took splits each lap, and these were pretty consistent: 3:26, 32, 30, 35, 34. Managed to get on the tail of a runner with a big gap then ahead of him. Attempted to pass and do some of the work, but was at my limit. Having to chop my stride a little on the bends but took this as a good sign that I was maximising any drafting effects. 

    Good course to see the family ten times in the race. Three adults, one child and they took zero photos from them! 

    GPS mile splits coming in at 5:34, 41, 53 and then 5:38 pace for the extras. 19:04 on the clock. A V40 PB and the fastest and strongest I have felt for a long time. The GPS trail looked very good and many other runners were moaning of it ‘being long’. It perhaps was, but it’s always a weak excuse, and better to err on the side of caution in the first of a series of races I guess. Most pleasing was to really enjoy a return to shorter stuff and see some glimmers of speed returning. As usual - this seems to have come off the back of two weeks of higher mileage. Actually, most pleasing to get lapped by only two other runners 😆. Won in low 15:xx so a good top end. Ridiculously easy logistics with free parking 5m from the track. 

    So a funny week with two races and no long run - 54M in total. Trying to get things rolling this week as off camping on Friday. 10/3 double yesterday at easy then 10M with 20x 150 fast/250 slow this afternoon. 28-30s reps. Really was the last traces of chalk lines on the grass track. More following the imprint of my own footsteps than any markings. Shame it’s been so short lived this year. 

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    Stevie  GStevie G ✭✭✭✭
    Nice turnout SQ, though the maths was making me scratch my head at the footy when I first read it.
    I had obviously missed the "and a bit" to the 5 splits, as counted those up and thought you'd be in the high 17s!

    How long was the course do you think? Splits of 5.34, 41, 53 and presumably 5.38 for 0.1m are well under 19.04, which is 6.08 pace?

    Although there's always the flip risk - GPS overestimating pace?
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    Stevie  GStevie G ✭✭✭✭
    8 for me today, 7.40. 
    Slightly tight, but single today done and dusted and will get some strengthening/stretching stuff done later.
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    SCoombes2SCoombes2 ✭✭✭
    edited August 2023
    Good stuff all - read all the reports. Thanks for the shout outs, hols were 'action packed' so didn't really have any time to post. Will give a little run down of each parkrun in due course and get a few photos in.

    Some detail on Strava - and if you want a day by day account (who wouldn't? ;)) then check facebook 

    Only put on about half a stone, so could have been worse!
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    That was a shock to the system last night - LBAC social run over the fields. About 10 miles in the end, slightly jet lagged and humid too.
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    Reg WandReg Wand ✭✭✭
    edited August 2023
    Glad you had a nice time SC.

    SG - I don't suppose I forgot Pete's age but these days the information I bother keeping at the forefront of my mind is very selective! I think it's age, my brain is kind of like a full night club, operating one in one out, I need to forget something before I can remember a new thing  :D 

    Decent turnout there SQ, which shoes are you sporting there?

    Two 10km runs this week so far, both reasonable pace at low 7s per mile, picked it up in the middle yesterday and felt ok. Couple of rides a two weights sessions also this week. I've never consistently done weights in my life, the odd session every few years and a few phases with my 20 year old Argos dumbbells. I started with the machines but now I am slowly starting to add in some free weights as I am learning what to do. I started just as injury prevention but I am starting to actually enjoy just lifting (heavy to me) stuff up. 
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    SG - I think it is my watch adding a little bit of mayo. Very hard to know if the watch was reading it accurately and I think it is always best to assume the course is. That said, seeing some nice numbers mid race gave me a positive boost!

    Your trip looked epic, SC. Really enjoyed the photos. And congratulations again on the V50 records. Great work. 

    Reg - Adios Pro 3. Used by annual 50% Vitality/Runners Need discount back in March to pick them up for £115. The only time I’d ever by from there - ridiculous prices and limited stock. 

    In work early for A Level results. Wanting to  leave the car available for the wife and kids (and I suppose squeeze in a long run…), it was a 0440 start for the run to Worcester. Quite enjoyed starting in the dark for the first four or five miles. Almost like these were freebies, albeit slow ones, and the run then started at a new location when it got light. Slower than previously, but had a bag and didn’t fancy pushing it. 20.5M at 8:15s. Hadn’t been intending to do an autumn marathon but it now at least gives the option.

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    TippTopTippTop ✭✭✭
    SQ - congrats on the race, and particularly great that you felt so strong. I'm a big fan of the Pro 3s now that I've found a pair of socks that stop me blistering in them. Fantastic grip. You can get them for £153 on Sportsshoes now and there are often discount codes floating around too.
    Good long run this morning too.

    SC - great with the hols, and I saw some of your runs too so well done there also.

    Reg - good to see some runs still going on. I used to really enjoy my weights. Just taking steps to get back to doing it myself actually.

    Had a couple of rough days here so didn't do anything after Monday's track until today (13m easy). Wore a pair of Boston 11s for the first time and very impressed with them. They're a touch heavy but I wanted something more comfy for my longer runs and they definitely ticked that box. 
    Moving away from doubles for at least the time being as I've got too much on my plate and trying to fit a 2nd run in around everything else was getting stressful so what's the point. Will aim to get back in the gym instead of a jog and just do my main runs which will still give me a good weekly volume and hopefully make my runs more enjoyable/less hectic.
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    TRTR ✭✭✭
    Good to see you going well SQ, bodes well that you can pop put a 20m too.

    Reg - good stuff re the weights. I struggle to keep a routine up and not annoy niggles when i do get some done, and we have plenty of kit in the garage.

    Pete- prizes can be tricky, or non existent. I've had plenty of AG wins at bigger races but are run by events companies who do it for a job..........as against a trophy and £20 for first M50 2 weeks ago in the Harting trail race up on the south downs.

    Had a week in Wales, which had loads of hilly running and walking, followed by the trail race which ruined my legs and knees a bit. I'm off work for 10 days after tomorrow, so plan on some running on the flat (after Sunday's very hilly IoW 1/2).
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    Stevie  GStevie G ✭✭✭✭
    edited August 2023
    You hench lads.
    Us ectomorphs would already be hard gainers, let alone with 50-60mile weeks of muscle destroying running too.
    Oh well, at least we picked the right sport. Imagine being on weightsgoon .co.uk, would struggle!

    6x0.5mile for me off 90secs.
    Warm up felt a very weird weather condition, sort of an ominous brooding colour and temp. Then yes, there we go, it started raining decently just when I was faffing pre session.

    However, the paces felt right, at the usual sort of solid but not smashfest sort of road effort.

    2.53x2, 2.54, 2.50, 2.57, 2.52

    The 2.57 was a bit of an outlier on rep 5. Bit puddly and I'd stacked it on a bit of this stretch before, so made sense to slightly down the speed and be more certain of footsteps.

    Without that rep, the average was probably around my recent 5k race. On a mixed road (and grass for 1) loop, in today's weather this felt spot on.

    Will get back to the track one day (although I learnt its been closed 2 1/2 months and for another week or so!
    But for now these suit really nicely.
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    Stevie  GStevie G ✭✭✭✭
    Good work TR, these Wales jaunts seem to be increasingly popular for a few people I know.
    Obvs I've had a few trips there for bits and pieces too, and will try to next year as well.
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    Stevie  GStevie G ✭✭✭✭
    TT - in the early Moz days I used to get a double on Saturdays. That never sat well, as I'd get back from a footy game and have to plod another run out.
    Much prefer it these days where I'll do Mon - Fri, with 4 doubles, Sat OFF, then Sun Long.
    Except for occasionals where you might race on a different day etc

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    SG - The bloke who pipped me ay the Perth parkrun did 8 miles just after, 7 miles in the evening and 18 on the Sunday!

    Track last night, bit of a bad move wearing spikes. it was (4x600), (4x400), (4x300), (4x200). Bloody hard. 600's about 1.51's 400's 73 down to 69, 300's 50's and 33's for the 200's.

    Was like a zombie last night, still got a bit of jetlag I think.

    TT - Thanks, shoes wise I think i'll get some NB Propel v4 for the longer runs. Quite like the Rincon 3, but I think I need more cushioning.
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    TRTR ✭✭✭
    SG - i think I need to be more consistent on the weights, esp as I've had a few groans from the old legs and knees lately, mind you loads of Welsh hills and a 95m week the week after probably don't help.

    Simon - I like that guys style, I've made the Chichester 10k into a 20m day before, although SQ kept me company for a chunk of the warm down miles.

    IoW 1/2 tomorrow which is always a tough day out with hills, a few miles of trail and a warm day at an 11.30am start.
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    Reg WandReg Wand ✭✭✭
    Stevie G said:
    You hench lads.
    Us ectomorphs would already be hard gainers, let alone with 50-60mile weeks of muscle destroying running too.
    Oh well, at least we picked the right sport. Imagine being on weightsgoon .co.uk, would struggle!

    I don't see why being slim would inhibit gains, sure it might be harder if you're looking to be a body builder but when you're after strength without gaining too much weight, should be fine, if not an ideal starting point. Whether it turns out to be the elixir I am hoping for, well we will see. The downside is the time it takes with all the resting between reps, two hours I was in the gym this morning and I didn't really even sweat. I could have done a 16 mile run in that time.

    TR - Good luck with the IOW half.

    Sounds like a good plan TT, since I have had that time off running and presumably lost a fair bit of running fitness, it's been quite liberating. I can now do other things and even 3-4 runs a week will probably be offering some gains from a lower base.

    25 miles last week, achilles was a bit sore after yesterdays run. 

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    Stevie  GStevie G ✭✭✭✭
    Yesterday I carried a reasonably light chair 1 mile home.
    Arms feel like they've had a right workout! That's what we're dealing with here :D 

    15 miler yesterday, had gone out for 13, towards one of Bus's little stomping grounds early on, and actually managed a 4th on a segment of half mile at about 10xx min miling for goodness sake!
    Offroad and deceptively quite a climb actually, 250 feet.

    300 feet over about 0.6miles all in.

    Eventually warmed up to be 7.49 pace, which when there was a number of fields later on was fine.

    Ridiculously, I went past one pub, through a field, took a different route to a previous week, only to end up back at the same pub a couple of miles later.

    That was that dpdgy moment we've all had a few times, where the "how am i gonna spin out xx miles" turned into a "how am I going to get back in the planned xx miles".

    6&4 today.

    Often the easy runs are in the 730-745 sort of mix these days. That's fine etc etc, but it wasn't that long ago they'd be comfortably quicker at what felt the same level. Probably just a sign I could be a gear faster, but always have to be patient and not force things. 
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    Saturday was a bit tiring - jogged to Parkrun, did a hill session, walk/jogged back - nearly back and weary when the wife called me to tell me to get home, get money and run across to the other side of town to pick up some new school stuff for Ollie. Then walked down to football and back after, did about 19 miles all in!

    Got a lift to Caldecotte lake in MK yesterday, did 12 with a mate on very achy legs ;)

    Ran to L&D Hospital for a non serious eye appointment this morning - 9 miles but lots of up hill. Actually booked a swimming lane tonight, really need it to sort the legs out tbh.
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    TippTopTippTop ✭✭✭
    SG - that made me laugh with the chair!! Nothing wrong with your easy runs being that kind of pace. Mine are probably about there at the moment too. 
    I'm definitely enjoying dropping the doubles for now. I'm finding it mentally easier not having to fit in two runs around everything else I've got going on, and it means I'm actually starting to hit the distances I want in my main (now only) runs. I think, as you found, that 'having' to plod out a second run is just not enjoyable.

    SC - was it you who said you found the Propel v3 a bit stiff? How are the v4? I'm definitely the same with needing a bit more cushioning. Big weekend for you! I'm trying to find something to sort my ear out so I can learn to swim (I always get ear infections due to my ear canal structure apparently).

    Reg - that's a great way to look at it. That's not a great sign with your achilles. Is it time to get another opinion? Or is it just a continue to be patient situation?
    I've been using tree felling as my core and strength work for the last few days. In 2016 I was lifting heavy 4-5 days a week and got good definition with minimal extra bulk, which was ideal.

    Last week ended up as 51m from 4 runs. A 15m+ as 3 up, 1hr structured fartlek (10 x 3'/3' - 5:52/7:43), 3 down, and then a relaxed 12m yesterday. Fartlek was supposed to be just inside MP and easy for the on/off, so a little too quick on the first and a little too slow on the second.

    Spent most of Saturday and Sunday getting started on cutting down 3 x 40ft+ conifers. It is tiring but quite fun to be that high up taking down significant size branches (some of them are more like trees in their own right!).

    Back at it today. Plan is to try establish a regular routine to build up basic strength, so Mondays are on the menu as 10m @ 1/2 effort (typically cMP + 30-40s), with 2m before and 1m after.
    5 weeks ago I averaged 6:44 pace (for 75mins) @ an average of 164bpm, feeling shuffly and like hard work.
    3 weeks ago it was 65:14 for 10m @ 160bpm which felt better controlled.
    Today, despite a few rough personal weeks and haphazard training, etc, it was 65:08 for 10m @ 158bpm.

    I expect the pace on those to drop significantly over the coming months if I manage to stick at it, but pleased with that for now.
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    Reg WandReg Wand ✭✭✭
    Nice progress TT, do you live in a forest or something!

    My achilles was sore but it's recovered ok today, I deliberately tried to run a bit more off the toes yesterday and make sure I am engaging my left calf, and not still protecting it. Plus I ran off-road. 

    Nice long run that SC, nice weaving running and life together!

    SG - Is that a Wycombe thing, carrying chairs about, some nod to the town's historical roots?
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    TRTR ✭✭✭
    edited August 2023
    Reg - over a period of time the gym work has to help you be more robust, hopefully it will help the weaknesses too.

    SG - good work on the 15m. The easier you make the easy days the better it is. There's plenty of top level runners, running really slow on easy days.

    Simon - I'd be arriving for that appointment as a sweaty mess.

    Tired day at IoW yday 2 min slower than last yr, but I've run a lot of miles in recent weeks. It's a hilly affair with 5 or 6m of trail, so usually comes in around mp. I eased back a bit to avoid smashing and av HR was a good few beats lower than last yr (enough for the 10sec/mile difference?). Felt ok for 10m this morning so can't have dug too deep anyway.
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