
Moraghan Training - Stevie G



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    Stevie  GStevie G ✭✭✭✭
    edited January 27
    Good track sesh last night.
    Arguably the first sesh I've done with the Friday gang that you get proper feedback from split wise. Although the 500m's a couple of weeks ago at least let you work out your pace, but the recoveries were the length your partner took.

    This one was 6x800m, off 2mins for the first 5, and then 1min on rep 6, with 200m romp in.

    The tracker matey sent out reckoned 2:48 is 17:30 pace, but I did think 2.48 sounded a little too slow for what I'd be doing.

    Had great company in a youngster who first turned up last week. He sat on my shoulder and just let me keep the effort consistent.

    2.43, 2.41, 2.42, 2.40, 2.41, 2.43 then a 33sec 200m
    (The two 2.43s actually jumped out as 2.42 on my watch at the time, but post sesh I see they needed rounding up).

    Call it an average of 2.42 pace, which would be 5.26 miling, which is sub 17 pace. 

    Happy with that, as a few of them we had to dip into lane 2 or even 3 at times. So probably slightly quicker.

    The young lad left me a bit behind on the 200, but I was happy with 33 to end it, including a swerve round someone.
    He's probably got some good potential, as while he was using me to pace, I wonder if I'd been someone quicker would he have pushed on. Maybe. Though you could say the same with me I suppose!

    Anyway, feels the best week of training I've had for a long time. Long run to come tomorrow.
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    TRTR ✭✭✭
    You've rehabbed yourself well SG, minimal downtime, and good to go again.

    20m yday, 66m for the week so still a bit less than normal, but trying to get over a bit of knee trouble without setting myself back. Lots of running on tired legs from weights, hopefully I can freshen them up a bit for Chichester 10k next week, might be a shock.
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    Stevie  GStevie G ✭✭✭✭
    Luckily most of us have had a range of tightnesses and  niggles over the years, so know what we can see off ourselves and what will take a pro to look at.

    My physio is probably still shaking her head such an easy stretch or 2 was all that was needed :)

    All the best people did 66miles this week, my 2nd in a row. 14.5miler for a 7.24 pace job. Usual drill, first few miles slower than that, by mile 5 or so all quicker. Some is the ups, some is just having warmed up, on what was a surprisingly cold day again, albeit just a 2 layer job, no gloves or tights needed.

    Hope your knee niggle goes.
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    JooliganJooligan ✭✭✭
    Glad to hear the bench is getting less busy.
    Good luck running the tightrope TR. Still getting plenty of miles in & a proper LR too. 
    Positive signs this weekend after an inauspicious start. Woke with a tight/painful back. Stretched a bit at home but seemed to be aggravating things. Drove to a nearby car park then jogged a mile down to parkrun after a bunch of lunges & leg swings had failed to improve matters. By the time I got there I was in considerable discomfort: ‘crabbing’ badly according to a clubmate. Few stretches during the briefing must’ve helped cause once we set off I felt ok: slow but not painful. First K in 4:28 which includes the beginning of the long climb, next in 4:52 (uphill) & halfway in 11:50 almost at the top. 3rd time I’ve done this course since my incapacitation & I’ve been over 12 both times. 3rd K in 4:46 but we’ve started back down the hill & I’m gaining on a woman whose dog had dragged her past me up the hill. I get past her, another 6-legged twosome & a young lad who’s burnt himself out on the climb with a 4:03 4th K. By this point my injury had been uncomfortable/painful on my recent visits but this time it was barely noticeable so I was able to keep pushing & managed a 3:59 final K despite the 200m kicker which takes you to the finish. Jogged back to the car via a lap of the lake to make it up to 10K for the day. I then drove to Abertillery to marshal at a little fell race. Mile & a half with 600’ of climbing each way. Good spot as the runners come past twice. Pleasant surroundings too.
     I arrived about 3 minutes before the first runner & an hour later I was heading back up to the trig with the last runner: a lady doing her first ever race 😂 
    Today I got out this afternoon with the intention of doing 14 miles. Made up the route on the fly & as I was feeling reasonable I decided on 15 but turned out I’d underestimated the distance back to the car so ended up with 16M@8:53. Best bit was I was able to push up a 2K hill after a dozen. So much so that Strava tells me it’s my 3rd fastest time up it in 11 attempts 😎 That brought up 42 miles for the week for the first time in 3 months.
    Hopefully I’ve turned a corner & can get enough miles in to run Newport in 3 months time.
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    TippTopTippTop ✭✭✭
    Great pictures Jooligan!!

    SG - good to see you flowing well with your training.

    SC - your knee sounds like it could be a similar issue to mine - my VMO (teardrop muscle above the knee) on one side is weak. The towel exercise is one of some I am supposed to be doing.

    Reg - sounds like the muscle building is going well if the extra weight isn't particularly noticeable. Good reps.

    SQ - careful with that hamstring.

    I ended up seeing the chiropractor on Friday after a very easy 7m on Thursday left me feeling uncomfortable despite the Wednesday off. We've now got a new benchmark for how bad my back/hip can be apparently. A 4m jog Saturday and an easy 6m yesterday with Jr felt ok. 
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    Reg WandReg Wand ✭✭✭
    Positive signs Jools, nice to hear about one of your multi-event weekends, albeit a light version compared to some of your madcap adventures of days gone by.

    Decent 800m reps there SG, you're coming across almost reinvigorated by this little niggle.

    Nice mix of running and lifting TR and SQ.

    SQ - I wouldn't say it was 5kg of just pure muscle, there's definitely just some useless fat in there too! So much so that I've even had comments of 'you're looking well' which is always a bad sign! That is compared to the peak fitness emaciated runner look normally accompanied by 'you're looking like shit!'

    Last week was 2 rides, 3 runs and 6 gym sessions.10 hours in total with 24 miles running. That's a month consistently running 25 mpw, I'd like to push that up now and get to 40 mpw and get the total time up to 15 hours by getting 2 more rides in. Still plenty of aches, pains and hamstring soreness but all manageable so far.

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    Reg WandReg Wand ✭✭✭
    TT - I've been watching quite a bit of the kneesovertoes guy's stuff and he did a collaboration with some other fitness bloke. They were doing an exercise they ended up calling the 'teardrop squat'. They had band on the J hooks and were squatting on tip-toes, knees over toes with the intention of working the VMO, holding the band as support.


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    TippTopTippTop ✭✭✭
    Cheers for that Reg. That looks like exactly what I need.
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    SCoombes2SCoombes2 ✭✭✭
    Oooh yes Thanks Reggie. Did 10, just holding the desk for balance - got to help hasn't it. Going to strengthen the quads.
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    Stevie  GStevie G ✭✭✭✭
    Hope all this squatting helps everyone.

    Decent day here. Passed the latest work related exam in the morn and got the usual Monday fare of 6 & 4 in.

    The "survival" group has been a comedy non event so far for someone with my routine, cruising through for the 10 or so weeks without a worry. We are down to 50 from 100 at least.

    This week has a slight risk, as it's average mileage per run. Now, last week I registered 12 runs, so my 66 became a mere 5.5 average.

    No mileage, and lowest mileage go, but technically someone could do one 7 or 8miler and boss me!

    I'll take a step tomorrow of programming whatever sesh I do as a warm up, sesh, cool down, rather than my usual routine of just doing the wu separate. That twice this week will help a bit.

    I won't mess too much with what I do to stay in this group though, that'd be daft.
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    Reg WandReg Wand ✭✭✭
    Just mark your warm ups and shorter runs as private until the adjudication and then make them public again the following week  ;)
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    SCoombes2SCoombes2 ✭✭✭
    Did 32 mins with the kid last night and similar this morning and slow improvement. Been wearing my old Vaporfly and i'll wear them tonight at training.

    Any 100-150m sprints I do up and down the road is ok on my knee.

    I hate doing these runs where your mood goes up and down by the minute depending on how the injury is ;)
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    TRTR ✭✭✭
    edited January 30
    Good mix there Reg, I'm with you on managing niggles and moans, Simon sounds in great shape to me.

    Simon - it's a rare run day for me to not have any issues to manage, defo gets tedious wondering how much you can get away with.

    SG - do it all as one run and just take manual lap times, it's obvious which sections are the warm ups etc. That's about as technical i get session/data wise.

    Today was 11m inc a quicker section of 7m, was thinking that my knee was aching more than id like, but the last few miles were spent wondering if id need to find a place for a pit stop as my tummy was wibbling, made me stop focussing on my knee for a while........maybe try this tactic to stop focussing on your  knee simon?
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    Stevie  GStevie G ✭✭✭✭
    edited January 30
    I programmed into the watch...
    Them about half a mile into the wu realised I'd not actually clicked into the sesh. Doh. Separate 2miler it was then!

    Oh well, nice sesh.

    3m,2m,1m with 90secs

    6.22, 6.07, 5.55 averages.

    The 6.22 being a strange mix of a couple of 6.26/7s and a 6.12. Can only thing wind took a bit off the slow Miles plus a bit of subconscious saving a bit for the faster bits . Or took time to warm up 

    Did this sesh 2 weeks back and the 2m and 1m came out quicker which is dece.
    More importantly the 5.55 felt less like holding on than the 5.58 did 2 weeks ago.

    3miler at lunch to mash my mileage per run up a bit more.

    21.5 across 5 runs..
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    Stevie  GStevie G ✭✭✭✭
    Is that knee niggle something you need to rest really, TR, or is it an active management job?

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    TRTR ✭✭✭
    SG - nice, won't a 3 miler bring the average down? You need a 20 miler.........I twisted my knee in Sept which is medial damage ive been managing, but i also have a longer term issue which i assume is some sort of wear and tear/arthritis  thing. I'm hitting the weights hard to try to get the muscles to take the pressure of the knee.........Will probably be the end if i have to stop for a decent length of time to rest it, so trying to avoid that.....I thought I was improving a bit recently, but maybe it's not a linear thing.
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    Stevie  GStevie G ✭✭✭✭
    edited January 30
    It will. 
    A 2m wu and 3mile recovery is risky stuff. Although the key is not to mess with the usual training too much, just for this nonsense.

    However, some colossal dimwit has managed to do 16.5miles over 6 runs so far. Oddly breaking today's runs into 5, seemingly around a track session! Costly that will be.

    And 10 of the 48 left haven't run at all yet.

    There's a possible 20miler, but that's next weekend.
    I'm hoping TT is having a word with some of his clubmates, telling them of my internet fame and securing me a free entry as we speak ;)

    As long as you're coping decently like you seem to be, the idea of stopping is a non starter, so hopefully continues to be managing well into the next age range.
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    SCoombes2SCoombes2 ✭✭✭
    LOL TR - I'm the squits king - well that was until i started on the coconut milk and that sorted the issues out.

    So went to Luton last night and did 5 x 1600, wearing my old VF's. Thankfully my knee was fine, back still a bit stiff, so i'll focus on that now. I'll carry on with the squats though - thanks for that link @Reg Wand

    First rep was about 5.23, got last one down to 5.12 I think.
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    TippTopTippTop ✭✭✭
    Lol SG. I can't even get myself a free entry. I'm also now doing the 10m there. Nice progression on that session.

    SC - sorry to read you're still having problems.

    A 7/3 double on Monday, and a very easy 12m yesterday. Yesterday's run was shocking. Felt like I was running through knee deep mud throughout yesterday's MLR (a bunch of recent blood tests highlighted that I'm considerably anaemic again).
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    Stevie  GStevie G ✭✭✭✭

    Takes me back to the late 90s and me and my mate's answer to DJ Luck and MC Neat was a potential DJ Squits and MC Slurry.

    Never took off though.
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    Stevie  GStevie G ✭✭✭✭
    A mere 5.12 1600 does suggest you're not firing right SC  :D
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    Stevie  GStevie G ✭✭✭✭
    Slough work day today, last Wed of the month.

    Decided I'd do a "proper" medium long run for once, so instead of my classic Thursday Slough 6 & 4, or my usual Wed 8 to 8.5, did a 10.5.

    Bit of Jubilee River action, surprised at the 1,000s of green parakeets making a large noise, out to Datchet's boundary, then back through Upton Court park and back.

    Did consider knocking out a 15 to the Datchet club house, like a few years back, but thought better of it.
    Back then I had a string of 15s low 7 or even slightly under it! Was going supremely well then!

    7.30 average today on the nose.
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    SCoombes2SCoombes2 ✭✭✭
    Good mileage SG - Upton Court was often the December Chiltern League I guested in. Great when it was cold and frosty as it was around football pitches. Often parked at Eton track and walked over the M4.

    Re: the 1600's - my back did ease a bit on the last 2 reps...

    Hope you feel more with it soon, TT! My travails are nothing in comparison..
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    SCoombes2SCoombes2 ✭✭✭
    Knee was ok yesterday, 9 miles in total - will see what it's like after track tonight..
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    Reg WandReg Wand ✭✭✭
    Good news SC. Eton track was where I would always set my 800/1500 pbs. It was the first meet of the summer and I was still reasonably fit from the hockey season. After that a diet of variable grass tracks and training by messing about with field events meant no chance of beating those opening season times! By the time we got to Palmer Park for the district championships the fitness had gone. Really wish I had actually trained back then.

    Another former haunt there with the Jubilee River, I used to quite enjoy those lunch time runs pretending I wasn't in Slough.

    How does that work then TT, if you've been anemic before, are you permanently on supplements for that? Does the running make it worse?

    A couple of days in the office meant I missed yesterday's run so got out mid morning in the sunshine for 9.5 @7:20. Felt ok considering I'd done a leg session in the gym at 6. I've officially started a 14 week Hyrox training plan, it's my own concoction. Plan is 6 gym sessions; 2 sled, 1 Push, 1 Pull, 1 Leg & one with Hyrox specific stuff like lunges, wall balls, burpees & rowing. For the running I will loosely follow the Faster Road racing HM plan 31 to 47 miles, which is 4-5 runs a week but I will probably cap it at 4 runs. That's a 12 week plan so I'll do another couple of base weeks to begin. 

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    TippTopTippTop ✭✭✭
    Reg - I've got IBS so that flaring up tends to lead to malabsorption and eventually anaemia. Unfortunately for me any kind of viral illness seems to trigger it, so covid followed by flu late last year was likely responsible for it. I am permanently on high strength supplements for it to try mitigate it (ferrous fumarate and lactoferrin).
    Nice one with the Hyrox training plan. Faster Road Racing is an excellent book!

    SC - good news on the knee, and ta.

    Took Wednesday off. Bit CNBA. A solid 7m yesterday felt ok, but 9m easy this morning was a bit stiff and sore again. Breathing is getting better, and my watch says that despite the lighter training last week/this, my relative VO2Max is going up, but that's possibly more to do with my weight going up a bit than any fitness gains! Lol.
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    SCoombes2SCoombes2 ✭✭✭
    TT - More good news, hope the improvement continues. 

    Reg - I had to do a Jubilee Cup athletics meet at Eton, put in the 400 as we were short, had to run against Jamie Baulsch ;)

    Knee seems ok, slight niggle through the middle of knee yesterday, but it went away. Last night's session was 8 x 800, 4 sets of easy/hard. Idea was to run the steady ones 20 secs slower than the hard.

    Went pretty well, although the steadies were a bit too slow at 3.05, down to 2.40 for the last. Fasts were 2.25/2.23/2.18/2.16.

    Bit of confidence before the indoor mile next week.
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    Stevie  GStevie G ✭✭✭✭
    Love that your chimpy 800 at 2.40 was quick er than my 6x 2.42s i was chuffed with last week :D

    I suppose you're getting a big recovery between each "hard" one, but still.
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    Stevie  GStevie G ✭✭✭✭
    edited February 2
    Will be intrigued how tonight's sesh goes.

    They're calling it a pyramid, but I wonder if it's more a trapesium.
    And also it has an out and back leg within each rep!

    So it's
    1min out, 1min back (45secs)
    1.5  out and back (1min)
    2 out and back (1.5min)
    2.5 out and back (2min)
    2.5 out and back (2min)
    2 out and back (1.5min)
    1.5 out and back (1min)
    1 out and back

    Started trying to load that into my watch but rucked it off... that'd be 23 separate stages, screw that!

    Not quite sure how it'll work with 35-40 people all turning on a sixpence , but I suppose the "perfection" is everyone runs a consistent pace and finishes at same time? But then how do 35-40 finish across 8 lanes at the same time :D 

    Unless you have 4 outbound lanes and 4 inbound?

    28mins worth means best not thunder some of these reps out or it'll get pretty ugly soon.
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    SCoombes2SCoombes2 ✭✭✭
    Stevie G said:
    Love that your chimpy 800 at 2.40 was quick er than my 6x 2.42s i was chuffed with last week :D

    I suppose you're getting a big recovery between each "hard" one, but still.
    LOL That last steady was well knackering after the 2.16 ;)
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