
1000 miles in 2024



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    TTTT ✭✭✭
    Cal it's down in South Vietnam, Mekong Delta, fabulous place to visit. Like you I retire trainers at about 350 miles, I have five pairs on rotation at the moment, but they are not doing much this year.

    Jack and Hobie what fantastic pictures, remind me we do live in an amazing world.

    Chamock I am back to Yorkshire weather, wear sun glasses always carry an umbrella! Really good run with 21 miles, well done.

    MrMr2 like DR I am hoping to be still running in my 70s, we have a member of our running club who is so inspiring in that respect. 

    Harmander good to see you are still pacing the newbies, well done on the marathon, and hopefully the broadband will be fixed soon.

    Donnie I also use the gym more since I was injured, something about being dry..........

    MrC well done on quicker than HM pace. 

    Spent much of the last week recovering from being tired, very tired, who would have though holidays would be so tiring?????

    Back this week, 

    YTD: 152.87
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    JackFWJackFW ✭✭✭
    Harmander, you are crushing it as per usual. Well done.

    TT, Mekong Delta had some impressive floating markers from memory. 

    3 x 10km runs this week. A big run planned for Sunday. Let’s hope the weather is kind. 

    YTD - 390m
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    TTTT ✭✭✭
    Split run with a spin class in between, getting back to it slowly.

    Jack Vietnam must be a short flight for you? How big a run on Sunday?

    YTD: 158.39
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    Donnie2Donnie2 ✭✭✭
    As TT commented there's a lot to be said for staying dry!! Three treadmill runs of 4.2, 4.2 and 4.4. 

    Ytd: 164.5
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    DubairunnerDubairunner ✭✭✭
    29.3 3.65
    31.3 3.65
    1.4 6.3
    2.4 4.16
    4.4 3.25
    5.4 4.16
    6.4 4.85

    YTD 389.11 miles

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    MrCMrC ✭✭✭
    14 miles this afternoon against the wind! But at least the sun was out.

    YTD 409 miles.
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    JackFWJackFW ✭✭✭
    Congrats on the milestone, MrC.

    TT, it’s an 8 hour flight from memory. 4 hrs to Darwin, then another 4 hrs to Ho Chi Minh City. 8 hours is not a long flight for a travelling Australian. I’m flying to Rome in a couple of weeks. 24 hours! Gah! 

    Donnie and DR, good to see you clocking up the miles. Keep it up.

    30km run this morning. The weather gods were kind as it rained either side of my run.

    YTD - 409 miles
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    Donnie2Donnie2 ✭✭✭
    Managed 5 miles yesterday. Been away Saturday, drove 200 miles home, squeezed the run in almost as soon as I got back. Left Mrs donnie to unload the car! Much prefer it when time isn't a factor. 

    Gym this morning for 4.1

    Ytd: 173.6
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    MrM2MrM2 ✭✭✭
    edited April 8
    Donnie... That's a very understanding MrsDonnie!!!

    JackFW... Well done on your 30km run, And now well over the 400' line!

    MrC... That run of 14' against the wind sounds tough!!!

    Dubai... Very steady build up, and now approaching 400'. Well done!

    TT... Thanks. Some of my most satisfying runs have been in my 70s! Sounds like you needed a rest after your holidays!

    End of last week it was a case of dodging the windiest times, with wind speeds up to 50mph, locally, at times! Managed a very slow 11' on Friday and a split 7' on Saturday (3' in a.m. and 4' in p.m.) Conditions were a lot better today, and with daughter WFH, I was more relaxed on my 8' run. 

    YTD: 0470' .
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    TTTT ✭✭✭
    MrMr2 I think I need another holiday! Being at home is tough, lots of things which need doing....... 

    Donnie very tolerant MrsD.

    Jack well done on the 400.

    A slow and steady run this morning, 

    YTD: 164.61
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    chamolkchamolk ✭✭✭

    Unplanned down week last week. Not sure what happend but completely drained of energy and managed only 1 run of 4.5 miles. Got out for 7.5 today though and finally feeling a bit more like myself. 

    Not quite the taper I planned for London but should be ok

    Hope everyone is keeping well

    YTD 442
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    MrCMrC ✭✭✭
    Chamolk marathon fatigue we have all been through it. Good idea to take a down week.

    Workout Wednesday today with 4x1 mile repeats @ 10K pace, was supposed to be 5 but left hamstring felt a bit tight so cut it short.
    6 miles in total inc warm up and cool down.

    YTD 427 miles.

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    MrM2MrM2 ✭✭✭
    chamolk... Sounds like you needed that slack week! Hope you can now get back to your planned approach for London.

    MrC... good to show a bit of caution.

    Haven't seen any reports from Brighton, over that very windy week-end. Can imagine that it made for a tough run. With our weather it's always a lottery, and even more-so on the coast.

    Rest day yesterday, but managed to fit in a simple 5k this afternoon, avoiding the rain, but the wind is very reluctant to go!

    YTD: 0473' .
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    TTTT ✭✭✭
    Chamock not a medic but iron intake???

    MrC 10km pace sounds good.

    Mrmr2 well done on avoiding the rain, quite the achievement. 

    Out this morning, and just a short sleeve tee-shirt, and cut offs, lambs in the fields and bunnies starting to be seen, summer is round the corner! 

    YTD: 173.22
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    MrM2MrM2 ✭✭✭
    Made the most of today's great weather; running 7 miles and then 3 miles after a brief pause to check indoors. Both runs better than I've managed for a month!?  The 3 miles were supposed to be a 'wind down' but they went so well that they became a mini-progression run; going from 10:15 to 9:38 with a middle mile of 9:46. 
    YTD: 0483' .
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    JackFWJackFW ✭✭✭
    edited April 12
    Chamolk. A wise runner always listens to their body, above their running schedule.

    3 x 10km runs this week. There has been a lot of rain about this week but luckily I always seem to miss it. 

    YTD - 429m.

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    MrCMrC ✭✭✭
    10 mile steady run this morning, dared to run along the canal path and not too muddy. No after effects on the hamstring so all good.

    YTD 437 miles.

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    MrM2MrM2 ✭✭✭
    MrC... Hope it stays that way!

    Got out for a slow 7 miles this afternoon. Hoping to see the 500 roll over this week-end. (10 miles to go)

    YTD:0490' .
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    TTTT ✭✭✭
    Mrmr2 that sounds like a fabulous run, and then going over 500 miles this weekend, amazing!

    MrC as Mrmr2 says long may it stay that way.

    Very short and very slow run as I walked 22 miles yesterday in prep for my two challenge walks later in the year.

    YTD: 177.38
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    chamolkchamolk ✭✭✭

    Well done on the 400 Jack

    So whatever I had last week seems to have passed - energy levels returned to normal during the week so I'm assuming it was some form of viral thing, possibly fatigue from training but it seemed a bit abrupt. I think low iron probably wouldn't have resolved so quickly.

    Unfortunately a hamstring niggle (seems to be at least 3 of us here have been having hamstring issues recently) yesterday turned in to a proper pain, 8 miles in to a 10 mile marathon pace run. Ended up walking home. Resting today and I'll see how it feels tomorrow 

    Have a massage already booked for Tuesday. Hoping it's tendonitis rather than a tear, like Ale's. I already deferred from last year so that's not an option, I'm raising money for charity so I'd rather not cancel. Fingers crossed.

    YTD 454
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    alehousealehouse ✭✭✭
    Sorry to hear about the hamstring, Chamolk! I'd be pretty sure it isn't a hamstring tendon tear: I think you would know! Hope that it is "just" tendonitis rather than a muscle tear. Nothing to be gained from running on it this week, and everything to be gained from rest. Be careful with the massage: I have been told that when the hamstrings are struggling then any massage must be up and down and not across the fibres. 

    Update: I can, after seven weeks, now walk about 500 metres or so without needing a crutch, although am still carrying one just in case. I had a PRP injection (look it up!) just over a week ago, with another one to come next Thursday. Doing some very gentle stretches and a little (max ten minutes) on the exercise bike on the lowest resistance. 

    Will be a long while before I post any running, sadly. Hopefully me not running will motivate you all to do a little more or get out there when you aren't feeling the vibes!
    Progress is rarely a straight line. There are always bumps in the road, but you can make the choice to keep looking ahead.
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    MrM2MrM2 ✭✭✭
    alehouse... Thank for the up-date. You seem to have a very measured and structured return strategy! Hope it comes together and results in some benefits for your future running.

    chamolk... Sorry about your 'hamstring niggle'. Hope your Physio session will be helpful!

    TT... Thanks. (Got the job done today.) Cannot imagine a 22 mile walk!
    Are the two walking challenges that you mentioned competitive events?

    Wind was back up to near 20mph this afternoon, but otherwise good running conditions. So, a repeat of Thursday's 10 miles (7' + 3' with a pause in between, to check indoors.)  I paused for almost 10 minutes after the 2nd mile of my 3' run, as a couple wanted to chat to that guy who keeps running by their kitchen window!
    So, 10 miles to add...
    YTD: 0500' .
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    JackFWJackFW ✭✭✭
    Mr M2, congrats on the 500! Half way there!

    Thanks, Chamolk. Hope the niggle is only that and nothing more. Take it easy. The fact that you could walk the final 2 miles home suggests it’s not too serious. Good luck!

    Alehouse, it’s good to see you are making progress. You make a valid point - when we are complaining about a run, we should appreciate that we can get out there because many can’t for various reasons.

    MrC, glad to hear no lingering affects for you after your canal path run. Have fun cleaning the mud off those shoes.

    36km for me today from home and via the capital city trail which is a bike and walking track that circles inner Melbourne. 

    My last big run before the holiday. I just need to maintain some running fitness while I’m overseas. I have a trail marathon in mid June which is looming over my holiday…

    YTD - 452m
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    MrM2MrM2 ✭✭✭
    Thanks JackFW, and congrats. on your 36km run!!! Haven't done one of those for years! Enjoy your holiday, and don't get injured! (Mid-June is not far away.)
    Should have rested today but I saw the forecast for tomorrow (Winds over 40mph all day!) and decided to end my week with another (easy) 7 miles, and rest tomorrow!

    YTD: 0507' .
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    DubairunnerDubairunner ✭✭✭
    Alehouse, glad you’re on the mend

    MrM2 motoring along nicely 

    Jack, great long run

    Chamolk, hope everything is okay for London. I applied to London a few times in the early 2000s and then gave up, no interest in running it now

    7.4 8.05
    9.4 3.11
    10.4 9.73
    11.4 7.92
    12.4 5.22
    13.4 3.65
    14.4 8.02
    15.4 3.44

    Starting to get hot out there!

    YTD 438.25 miles

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    alehousealehouse ✭✭✭
    You'd love the six degrees and sleet this morning, DR! Good job it wasn't like this for yesterday's Manchester Marathon: 7 degrees at the start yesterday, and up to 11 by lunch time. Good to see you going well this year!

    Hope that rest is helping the niggle, Chamolk!

    Great long run, Jack! And great miles from most, but from MrM2 in particular. 
    Progress is rarely a straight line. There are always bumps in the road, but you can make the choice to keep looking ahead.
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    Donnie2Donnie2 ✭✭✭
    Great work all round. 

    Chamolk: good luck with London. Never done it, would like to. 

    Alehouse: hope the recovery continues apace. You sound in decent spirits. 

    I should have been at Manchester yesterday,. Dispite efforts to literally give the number away it went unused. Its triggered an email saying if I enter by midnight tonight, I can have the bargain price of £50. Plan to accept. 

    Three runs to log, 

    5.1 (road) 
    4.2 (treadmill) 
    3.1 (parkrun) 

    Ytd: 186.0
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    Hobie 1495Hobie 1495 ✭✭✭
    Well done everyone, logging some decent miles as always.
    Yesterday I did a hideous flat race....Half marathon on Pendine Sands....never again....return along the beach was 5 miles into a solid headwind....tried to maintain a steady pace for the whole thing but struggled towards the end...finished in 20th in 2:06....give me hills any day.
    348 miles YTD....my knee & legs are not talking to me today.
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    MrCMrC ✭✭✭
    Hobie well done on the race, even if it’s not your thing, I also hate the wind.

    Jack great running well done on the 36km run.

    Taking it easy this week with the Shakespeare half on Sunday, 6 miles yesterday including a 3 mile tempo effort and 4 easy miles today.

    YTD 447 miles.
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    MrM2MrM2 ✭✭✭
    Dubai...Lots of consec. days! But not over the 10 mile distance yet....?
    Like you, I have no interest in running London (again). Happy to have run it in 2005 and 2006 (through the ballot) with times of 3:47 and 3:37 but it holds no attraction for me now, although I love to follow the elite runners; London always has such a great line-up! 

    Alehouse... Thanks. Hope that things are still heading in the right direction for you!

    Donnie... Sorry that you had to miss Manchester. Good to see you 'ticking over'. Hope you'll soon be able to pick up where you left off.

    Hobie... What an event! (Must be worth more than 13.1' !)

    MrC... All the best for your Half!

    After 6 days of running last week (45 miles) I needed to rest yesterday! Surprised to find the body keen to go this morning. Kept it to just 5k of local road circles. (Mile times: 9:50, 9:31 and 9:13 with 5k in 29:36)
    Didn't expect to be seeing sub-30 again...? Happy.

    YTD: 0510' .
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