
1000 miles in 2024



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    JackFWJackFW ✭✭✭
    MrM2, congrats on the sub-30! 

    MrC, good luck on the Shakespeare HM this weekend. Look forward to reading your report.

    Hobie, Sounds like torture but probably a good workout for you. Running on sand really takes it out of my calves and quads. Hope yours are okay. 

    Donnie, the best way to recover from missing a race due to injury is to sign up for another. Do it! 

    Nice running, DR. Keep cool. 

    Alehouse, hope the recovery is going well.

    2 x 11km run Tuesday and Wednesday this week. A big blister the size of a dwarf planet has formed on the right foot following the introduction of new shoes. Weird considering that I bought the same model as my previous shoes which I had no problem with. The joys of running. 

    YTD - 466 miles.
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    Donnie2Donnie2 ✭✭✭
    Jack: good advice which I've taken. Had an email from Manchester marathon team along the lines of 'sorry not to see you this year, for a never to be repeated price of £49 why not try again in 2025. Signed up. 

    5.2 on the treadmill and 7.1 on the road to add. 7.1 was let's jog around and around a local lake for an hour and see how far I get without making to much effort. Happy with that. 

    Ytd: 198.3
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    MrM2MrM2 ✭✭✭
    JackFW... Thanks.  Sorry about the blister! Hope it can be managed and that you can still make use of your new trainers!

    Donnie...nice mix of runs, and approaching 200' !

    Dubai... What is happening in your part of the world? Our news paints a grim picture of floods and storms!

    Another 7 miles this afternoon...and it is still windy! (And temps. down to freezing tonight!)

    YTD: 0517' .
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    MrM2MrM2 ✭✭✭
    Glad to get out this afternoon for a run of 8 miles. Just took it easy.

    YTD: 0525' .
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    Donnie2Donnie2 ✭✭✭
    5 on a windy Wednesday night to add.

    Cal: hope your ok - haven't noticed you for a little while.

    Ytd: 203.3

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    DubairunnerDubairunner ✭✭✭
    No running here, as you said MrM2 we had apocalyptic floods, most roads closed. Got my wife’s SUV stuck and lucky to just get away with a puncture.
    No schools, most people working from home, no such luck for air traffic controllers. Could only get to work with my colleagues off roader. 
    People everywhere at the airport, feel sorry for them. 
    I was working on Tuesday when the storm hit, the tower started swaying, dark and never seen rain and lightning like it, no way you could fly in that.
    in fairness we are not used to rain, 2 years worth in 24 hours. Sitting in the garden with a sundowner, may get back to running tomorrow….
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    DubairunnerDubairunner ✭✭✭
    Good luck tomorrow Harmander and Chamolk 
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    Cal JonesCal Jones ✭✭✭
    Ugh so not been on here for a bit...I didn't do my Brighton 10K because I woke up with a sore throat on the Saturday and that quickly turned into a head cold. Yay me. 
    I didn't do much at all that week aside from a few goes on the bike at the gym to try and sweat it out, but I managed to trudge (run/walk) around Ashford parkrun last Saturday, then 2 miles run/walk on the track on Tuesday, 4 run/walk Thursday and then another parkrun (Great Salterns) today. My hip got a little quieter while I had my cold and couldn't do much but soon as I started doing anything more vigorous, it started grumbling again. Getting pretty sick of it now. But anyway, a couple more miles to add.

    YTD: 196 (Yeah, still not over 200. 1000 is looking very sketchy, eh?)
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    MrM2MrM2 ✭✭✭
    Dubai... Hope it all settles down and you can get back to 'normal'.

    Donnie... well done on passing 200' (Expect Cal. will be chasing you soon.)

    Cal... Seems ages since you posted a comfortable run. Hope that you will soon see an improvement!

    A very slow start to the day, and I wondered if the legs would ever get moving?! But they did, after a fashion, and I got out for a long run this afternoon. A total of 15 miles (Slow). Looks like I could drag myself through a half marathon but anything more would not be wise at the moment! 
    Weather looking good for tomorrow so will hope to get out again.

    Harmander and chamolk... Have a great day, tomorrow! Look forward to hearing all about it!

    YTD: 0540' .
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    MrM2MrM2 ✭✭✭
    Where is everybody?
    Ended the week with another run of 7 miles. Very sluggish although everything seemed OK after yesterday's long run.

    YTD: 0547' .
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    TTTT ✭✭✭
    Wow, lots of amazing running going on. MrMr2 well done on the sub 30. I was away with the same cold as Cal!

    Hobie from here that looks like an fab race, picture looks great, but sounds tough.

    Donnie sounds like the recovery is going well, and Manchester is a good goal. 

    DR I am glad to hear you are okay, it did not look good at all on the news. Never been to Dubai but told it is the biggest airport in the world???

    Cal that is such bad luck, colds are horrible and that hip sounds a pain. Like you I am pondering the 1000, so I am changing it, if no one minds to 3000 walking and running.

    Hopefully Harmander and Chamolk did well at London?

    I managed one run last week, but did do 24 miles walking from Scarborough to Whitby yesterday. The two walks are 44 miles in a day (Wolds Rangers Way) and Minster Way (York to Beverley, 56 miles) in a weekend. 

    YTDR: 182.75
    YTDW: 726.18
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    MrCMrC ✭✭✭
    edited April 22
    Jack I hope the blister has not caused any issues.

    Cal disappointed to hear the hip is still not right, you may already have done so but if not it’s probably time to see a sports physio, been going on too long.

    MrM2 still piling on the runs, you might get close to Harmander at this rate 😊.

    Wow TT that seems like a epic walk well done.

    Shakespeare Half for me yesterday. The full marathon and half were both taking place at the same time, however didn’t seem to cause any major issues with 1757 runners in the half and 755 in the full.
    Lovely sunny day with only a slight breeze.
    Lots of vocal support at the start and finish in the town centre and by the river, a bit sparse running in the countryside around Stratford which is to be expected.

    I came round in 1,39.32 slightly disappointed as a sub 1.39 would have given me an age grading of 70%.
    I had paced it just about right but lost around 20s a mile on miles 11 and 12 as we hit a dirt track it was covered in large loose pebbles which had not been imbedded making it feel unstable so had to adjust my stride. 
    Finished 186/1757 and 8/83 in the V55 Category chip time.

    A couple of 10k’s lined up in June before marathon training starts. 

    YTD 469 miles.

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    Donnie2Donnie2 ✭✭✭
    Mr C - thats good work. I'm in the V55 cat (edging towards V60) and I'm not sure I'll see 1:45 for the HM again. Well done. 

    TT: have you ever done the Lyke Wake walk (its across the north Yorkshire moors and ends at Ravenscar) - worth a look. Its another of those 24 hour challenges. 

    Hope the London people did well. Looking forward to the updates.

    Two runs to log - 3.3 on the TM and 3.1 at parkrun. 

    Ytd: 209.7

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    JackFWJackFW ✭✭✭
    I am another one with a head cold. Picked it up on the long haul flight to Rome via Abu Dhabi (Sorry, DubaiRunner, I was in transit with your competitor).

    With the jet lag, and the significant pasta consumption, I have not prioritised running over the last few days. There has been a bit of walking though. 

    My first holiday run was today through the Villa Borghese park grounds in central Rome. It was very windy and a touch cold, and I was surprised by the undulating nature of the park. I had visited before about 12 years ago, but you get a different experience when you’re only walking swinging hands with the better half. 

    10.6km and 205m elevation gain in an hour. It was quite a sluggish run as I wasn’t feeling the best and stopped a few times for photos. 

    Hope everyone is well. Where are the London reports? 

    YTD - 477 miles.

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    Cal JonesCal Jones ✭✭✭
    Jack, I went to my physio in January. But I'm basically skint (just paid all my big annual bills and am trying to set money aside for repairs to the flat I rent out) so can't really afford to go back.
    Did a 4 miler today with a couple of short walks. Still achy. Got a 5 mile race in two weeks which has crept up on me. I feel rather ill prepared.

    MrC - I saw the medals Runthrough did for that - IMHO nicer than London's!

    YTD: 200 (Finally!)
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    chamolkchamolk ✭✭✭
    Afternoon all. 

    Been a bit distracted the last day or two since the marathon - still in London, flying home this afternoon. 

    I've put a more detailed race report in the training section of the forum under today's post if anyone wants to read it. 

    Sunday had perfect marathon weather. I was the the yellow start which only had 3 waves - we started then red wave 1 was just after us. Due to the hamstring problem I knew my target of sub 3:30 was unlikely but the first 4 miles went really well and the legs felt fine. Started to niggle for a bit then it became very sore from mile 6. Just decided to keep going through, but the pace gradually dropped. The pain in the hamstring also was affecting my gait so I started to get calf and quad pains too. Managed to finish in 3:57:56 which I know isn't bad, all things considered. The legs were in a bad way yesterday but starting to feel a little better today. Hamstring still sore unfortunately, hoping to get it sorted soon as I've got Chicago marathon to train for

    Hope everyone is well.

    YTD 483 (only about 50 miles in April, including the marathon, due to this hamstring)
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    DubairunnerDubairunner ✭✭✭
    TT, 2nd busiest airport in the world, Atlanta out in front. I’ve no issues with you including your walking, that’s a lot of miles already!

    Jack enjoy your travels, in fairness was a bit of a mess here last week so Abu Dhabi was probably a better choice, although Emirates run the 380 on both those routes and if you’re in business there’s a nice walk up bar.

    Chamolk you’ve got to be happy sub 4 given the hamstring issues, well done!

    No running for 5 days last week due to flooding, we have a treadmill in our maids room but I hate it although with the heat building it will be used over the summer.

    20.4 4.09
    21.4 4.12
    22.4 5.54
    23.4 4.46 - hottest run of the year so far at 37 degrees
    25.4 6

    YTD 462.01 miles

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    Cal JonesCal Jones ✭✭✭
    I guess good drainage is rather lacking in Dubai, eh? I remember going there in 2017 and it rained one day and no one knew how to drive in it. There were loads of shunts happening.

    Managed 5 miles today (no walking) to see if I could manage the race I have coming up. Aerobically comfortable, but a little slow, though hip ached. I guess I will have to get used to it as long as it doesn't get worse.

    YTD: 205
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    MrM2MrM2 ✭✭✭
    TT...Thanks. They really are Long walks; 44 miles in a day would be quite a challenge.

    MrC... Thanks. No intention of trying to match Harmander!!! (Where is he?)
    Well done on the Half. Never got under 1:40 myself; a few seconds over on a couple of occasions...

    JackFW... Sounds like you had fun in Rome. Some years ago Rome was on my marathon 'to do' list but the medical paperwork seemed unhelpful.

    Cal... You must be 'sort of happy' with your 5 mile run, and I hope you are able to give that race a good go.

    chamolk... Well managed! coping with soreness from 6 miles sounds challenging, so a sub-4hr finish has to be a success. Hope you can get well prepared for Chicago!

    Dubai... Hope everything is back to 'normal'. I'd be reluctant to use the tread-mill, even in the heat, but my running in such temperatures is limited.

    Yesterday I ran a double; morning and afternoon. Wasn't planned that way. I had hoped to do one long run in the morning (14 miles) but the first 7 miles were enough to tell me that I'd be flogging a dead horse to add any more miles. However, in the afternoon I was quite refreshed and set off a bit more cautiously on another 7 miles. Came in 2 minutes quicker than in the morning. Feeling good, I added another mile; the quickest of the day?! So, 15 miles to add. Rested today, and hope to do a good run tomorrow.

    YTD: 0562' .

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    MrCMrC ✭✭✭
    Chamolk sorry to hear that your hamstring scuppered your A plan but even still a sub 4 is not to be sniffed at and considering the condition you were running in.

    MrM2 double run with a negative split, good running.

    11 miles this morning but legs felt a bit fatigued, I decided to get a bit more scientific with the runs so went for a lactate threshold test yesterday, basically running faster and faster on a treadmill 😁.
    Will be interesting to see the results and if they provide anything more than I don’t already know.

    YTD 484 miles.
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    JackFWJackFW ✭✭✭
    Chamolk, congrats on your London finish. It means more given the adversity you went through. Well done. 

    Harmander? We are waiting on your report and to hear how your trainees performed?

    DR, the only time I have spent in business class is on transit to the back of the plane! 

    MrM2, those double efforts never cease to amaze me. Your recovery powers must be superhuman. 

    MrC, we are both closing on half way, neck and neck. 

    Cal, seems like you are building some momentum now. Hopefully you are over the worst of it. 

    10.5km along the river Tiber in Rome yesterday and through Circo Massimo dodging and weaving the chariots.

    YTD - 484m 
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    Donnie2Donnie2 ✭✭✭
    Chamolk: never be unhappy with sub 4 for the marathon. Well done. Hope prep for Chicago goes smoothly. 

    Jack: enjoying the running and holiday updates. We plan to use time this weekend to book a break in Berlin. 

    Mr MM: the double sounds like a good day. 

    Cal: injuries being managed? 

    I've run on 4 consecutive days which has felt good. 

    5.0 (road) 
    5.2 (treadmill) 
    5.1 (road) 
    7.1 (road) 

    Ytd: 232. 1
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    MrM2MrM2 ✭✭✭
    MrC... Thanks...That Lactate Threshold Test sounds 'fun' . How will you use the results?

    JackFW... Thanks. Sounds like you're making the most of your time in Rome!

    Donnie... Four consec. days and feeling good...Sounds like you are well and truly back!

    Happy to get out for an 8mile run, leaving MrsM to soak-up the Snooker, before fish and chips.

    YTD: 0570' . 
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    DubairunnerDubairunner ✭✭✭
    Cal drainage is non existent, and our villas have flat roofs to accommodate air con units. As you saw in 2017 driving can be a challenge here…

    26.4 5.16
    27.4 6.57

    YTD 473.74 miles

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    Cal JonesCal Jones ✭✭✭
    Hip was pretty horrible after that 5 miler but I had a full rest yesterday and it was much better for parkrun. I did the iconic Somerdale Pavilion parkrun (coach trip organised by a group which meant a very early start for me, but worth it to tick this one off). Also managed to run all the way and in under half an hour without too much discomfort. Surprising considering the coach journey beforehand - I expected to be a lot stiffer and slower.

    MrM2, sounds like a nice day, especially the fish and chips part.
    Donnie - encouraging (I can't do consecutive days - long way from it, in fact).
    Jack - I enjoyed running along the Tiber when I went there in 2015. There's so much to see.
    MrC - did that involve pricking your finger, or just the running?

    YTD: 208
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    TTTT ✭✭✭
    Jack Rome sounds fabulous, spent a few days there, amazed at how wonderful the place is.

    Cal well done on the park run, I am in awe of your dedication to running on Saturday mornings.

    Chamock congratulations on London, really good run.

    MrMr split runs sound interesting, do you do many? Any disadvantages because I can really see the advantages. 

    DR I ask because one of my friends claims his fastest mile ever was running from one end of Dubai airport to another, trying, and succeeding, to catch a connecting flight.........

    MrC have you had the results yet?

    Donnie well done on the four days consecutive running.

    We have rain, and more rain, and more rain (but being Yorkshire we have the clothes, the drainage and the roads that can cope), I have been out for a couple of runs. Walking wise bit of a drop down week, but lots of days out!

    YTDR: 201.48 (yipeeeee)
    YTDW: 831.71 (forgot to add last week!)
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    Cal JonesCal Jones ✭✭✭
    Lot of walking, TT. I've had to cut back on walking - my hip seems to like that even less than running.
    I did run 6 miles today though. It was a nice day. (Well, still is). Hip wasn't that pleased but it can shut up.

    YTD: 214
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    Donnie2Donnie2 ✭✭✭
    edited April 29
    Cal: sounds like progress?

    TT: I mentioned the Lyke wake walk which is a challenge crossing the north Yorkshire moors. Have a look at it. It interesting! 

    Park run and 10k (well it ended up at 6.3 miles) in 52.45 to add. 

    Ytd: 241.5
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    TTTT ✭✭✭
    edited April 29
    Donnie, just had a look and it could well make the list! But the list is quite long at the moment.......... 

    Cal I am not a medic but has anyone considered a torn labarum/pincer and cam impingement? It's just your symptoms seem to be very similar to the ones I had. Mine ended up with major reconstructive hip surgery, but often physio can sort it out. 

    A run in the sun, yep, a run in the sun. 

    YTDR: 208.40

    Going to put the walking on each week, this week I have two twenty milers planned, it's like marathon training but slower.
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    JackFWJackFW ✭✭✭
    Donnie, Berlin is a fantastic city. You will love it. A great place for a weekend away.

    TT, your numbers are through the roof. What are the state of your feet?

    MrM2, I have been craving fish and chips since you mentioned it. No such luck here.

    Cal, is there a leaderboard for most parkruns in UK? If so, where are you situated?

    I have two runs to log. 12km and 10.5km along the Adige River from Trento in the Dolomites. 

    YTD - 498 miles.

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