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Wednesday 4th February

Morning all

What: 5.5 easy am, 3 x 5k pm @ 165-170 HR

Why: stabilse HR at near marathon effort

Last hard: Sunday

Last rest: 11 days


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    What: rest day

    Why: recovery week, so need a rest at some point this week.

    Last hard: last night

    Last rest: too long ago

    Have fun :-)
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    What: 10K easish at some point
    Why: Recovery from hill session!
    Last Hard: Friday
    Last Rest: Sunday

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    What :Long run of 3-30 hours

    Why Marathon training

    Last :hard Sunday
    Last: rest Yesterday

    It shall be fun it is pouring outside;-)

    Have a good one
    ALF: Always a little further
    Miles makes smiles.
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    Morning All,

    Popsider, Lizzy B,

    A number of the road section from Notts AC, myself included, are now meeting and training from the Tennis Centre on University Boulevard. Perhaps most importantly, the chap who has been coaching the road section has also left Notts and is continuing to coach us. It's a real pity that things turned out this way, perhaps I'll write a detailed account of the whole sordid mess at some point. So if Popsider's mate wants to meet us, the session leaves @ 6:30pm on Tuesday.

    What: 7M easy
    Why: Recovery run, and it's a cut-back week.
    Last hard run: Well last nights run was steady until about 2M from the end at which point the pace gradually increased until it was an eyeballs out, screamingly hard sprint for the last 400m.
    Last rest day: Monday
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    ...this town has dragged you down.

    Barnsley, it was really nothing!

    what : VO max test
    why : good question. not looking forward to it. but it's to help a student's thesis from the club.
    last hard : mon
    last rest : tues


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    HillyHilly ✭✭✭
    Morning all,

    who needs training when I can read about such tough sessions? Makes me want to reach for my recovery drink!

    Well this morning I am pain free in my back, but still have a bit of soreness in my calves. I'm going to take my kit to work and jog after school around the playing fields, a few laps to test it out.

    Have a good day all!
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    Morning all,

    What: rest

    Why: schedule dictates - luckily because calves sore after mud plod yesterday

    Last rest: Sunday
    Last hard: Sat.

    Happy training

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    Morning all

    What: 8 miles to work split into 2/6.
    Why normal run to work
    Last rest: Saturday
    Last Hard yesterday.

    I'm just getting back into this lark and have no idea of speed to ran 7 last night increasing pace from 7.30 miles to 6 which is much faster than I thought I was at (perhaps the Timex is wrong!). I was really pleased with this.

    Unfortunately last night and this morning my body agrees and I've gopt shin soreness so its a diet of rest and ice for a couple of days.

    Why is it that when you want to run you can't and when you don't want to you can?
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    Morning all !

    What: 5 x 2.5 track

    Why: speed work this week

    Last hard: last night was hard enough in the wind and the cycle home

    Last rest: Friday

    Interesting point Gumpster... Why is that when you've done a 10 hour day all you want to do is rest but then the run makes you want to do more?
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    2.2 miles

    yes i know, but the trotts struck again

    guess ill be out again later
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    Morning all

    What: gym & swim
    Why: rest muscles from last nights hill sprints
    Last hard: Tuesday
    Last rest: Monday
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    ChaosChaos ✭✭✭
    Hi all,

    Gone a bit grey and dreary round here but that's not going to stop us getting out is it?!!

    What: 35 mins steady
    Why: mileage build-up
    Last... - it's all the same at the mo!
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    Just reading about all the hard training everyone's doing makes me itching to get out again! Only two more days of rest to go...

    What: Nothing
    Why: Gym yesterday, PT tomorrow, off running until Friday
    Last rest: Yesterday
    Last hard: Sunday (also last run)
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    Hilly, glad to hear that the back's better. Take it easy on those uneven playing fields!

    What: hurrah! club run tonight: could be longish (4-5), hills or speedwork. Won't know til I get there.

    Why: it's weds and that's now club night

    Last hard: monday

    Last rest: yesterday
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    Good morning everyone!

    What: About 10 miles at whatever pace comes naturally.
    Why: Junk, I mean, building up my weekly mileage as part of FLM preparation. Should hit high 30s this week, but plan to plateau at not much over 40.
    Last rest: Only did a little gentle run on Monday and some upper body weights and swimming yesterday.
    Last hard: Sunday.
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    Hi everyone,

    Not sure what I'm going to do tonight. I was thinking of doing a gentle jog to test out the calf, but I know just from walking around that it isn't quite right. So maybe I should leave it another day... dunno. Any thoughts?

    Went swimming last night - it was awful. Only two lanes open for public swimming, about 15 people in each lane. Made Oxford St on the last Saturday before Christmas feel empty. Oh well.

    Hope you all have a good day!

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    nasty handicap last night - managed a PW which was a bit annoying but just shows how the marathon training is affecting me!
    So as a result:
    what: rest, socialising with 'friends' (vaguely remember them) drinking alcohol and eating fatty foods
    why:body needs it!
    last hard: last night
    last rest: friday

    If someone could fit in the six miles I was supposed to do tonight at some point I'd be very grateful.

    Have a good one everyone
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    Morning All

    What: 5 miles am done, 8 miles pm
    why: Mileage building

    Hilly make sure you don't try to hard in your run today

    Good luck to everybody running today
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    Had rest day yesterday, feeling fresh and reasdy to go.

    What: 1 hour club run, probably reasonably steady.
    Why: XC on Saturday.

    Enjoy the very warm Wednesday.
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    What: Relaxed (if gusty) 11 miles into work - average 7:33 mins/mile.

    Why : Midweek mileage in the bank!

    Bye for now ...
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    morning - good to be back in office after two days at the mercy of BR (that's british rail, not the rather more likeable runner from oop north)
    8 trains yesterday, 7 of them delayed.

    What: 3m am / hill reps lunchtime / 3m pm
    Why: playing catch up.

    Met a running friend, Bill, on the train last night - he asked what running I had done this week...

    William, it was really nothing.
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    Morning all

    Continued Goodwill to SiT since I missed the collective vibe yesterday. MM - isn't it funny how social club runs where everyone agrees to take it easy just get faster and faster. Hilly - sounds good news re the bcak but take it carefully today please. WP, just how many 3hr30 sessions are you planning in total - amazing you come back for it week in week out.

    yesterday : jog to ciruits - felt slow, circuits - felt old, jog home, felt very old and very slow.

    Today : short speed session : say 6 x400m with 80 sec reccovery.
    Why : Legs need brutal reminder aout their purpose, they got long and slow on sunday now the little b****rs need short and fast ahead of 10k
    last hard : sun/tues
    last rest : Mon

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    Morning all,

    Amazing weather, 5:00 AM in Sussex running in shorts and T - felt a bit too warm...

    What: 10.5M steady done plus w/u & c/d
    Why:FLM schedule
    Last Hard: yesterdays speed intervals
    Last Rest: Monday

    Chichester 10K this Sunday so easing right back now and focus on a couple of short speed sessions.

    Enjoy it out there
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    How come everyone's 'too warm'?? It's raining like it's the amazon out here (only without the heat)...

    What: Nothing
    Why: Exam day. AARRRGGGHH.
    Last hard: Sunday
    Last Rest: Friday

    Went to my club run (well, it's the uni club) last night, and it's normally a good, taxing speed...We went SO slow. I was in the mood for blasting round, and I couldn't. Very frustrating.

    Oh, I tried Pilates for the first time last night. Have decided I'm muscularly deficient.

    Good look w/ injuries - take it slowly Hilly!
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    Morning all, unseasonably mild for February.

    What: Road accident on the way to the Club last night - struck by an empty, unlit (and locked) Vauxhall rolling at speed off a petrol station forecourt (driver had forgotten to apply the handbrake) - after sorting all of that out got to the Club and managed to meet up with a group halfway around one of our regular loops. Only managed a brisk 3 to 4 miles though.
    Last hard: 3 days (Tough Guy).
    Last Rest: 5 days.

    Sports massage this evening (last session for a while hopefully) and will run again tomorrow.
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    sod it.

    4 miles attempted, at about 2.5 back broke. Somewhere thoracic region. one step fine, next step purgatory. Thought I couldn't use left leg for a moment, but that cleared, was able to walk.

    surgery not far, hobbled there, told to wait, she'd see me next. did she heck (not my usual, btw). Realized I had a mile + to get home, and if I waited much longer wouldn't get there. No, taxi not a possibility. Rather drive a nail through my foot than even contemplate the business of sitting in a car seat.

    So I cut losses and walked home. Breathing alright if I only take little breaths. Sacroilliac region (the usual place of failure), bless it, remains solid and strong. All the tedious business of being unable to pick up a pint mug of juice, so a half pint will have to be refilled several times.

    hope the trouble I'm having with my hands is just the cold.

    as i said, sod it.

    hilly, heartfelt and bodyfelt sympathy.
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    Stickless, so sorry to hear of your troubles - such a shame. Get yourself looked at and treated double quick. Sounds as if running will have to take back seat foe a while until you're properly recovered - not for too long we hope. Take care.

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    Ah, I was drawn in by the lyrics-not heard that one in ages, and now I REALLY want to hear it!

    Brought my kit in for a lunch-time run, taking it easy on my ITBS knee-grrrrr...
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    Oh Stickless - I can't imagine how frustrating and annoying that must be. I echo Graham - let running go to the background and concentrate on fixing yourself - and my fingers are crossed that it takes no time at all :)
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    Morning all,

    What: done 5m easy, 8m steady tonight
    Why: recovery from yesterday's speedwork
    Last hard: yesterday's speedwork!
    Last rest: 2 days

    Miserable day today, motivation could be an issue later.

    Have a good one.
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