
Sunday 15th February



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    Evening All

    Congratulations MikeB, URR & WP on your pbs

    Hilly a good run with your recent injuries

    BT another quality run

    Venom well done on your longest run I am glad to see you getting back to normal service

    Monique another quality performance

    Popsider take it easy for a few days and I hope you recover quickly.

    Welcome Muttley to the training thread.

    What: 10 miles cycle ride out followed by 10 mile XC run followed by 10 miles cycle back followed by second 10 mile run of the day
    Why: mileage building and cross training

    I hope everybody has had a good day and all those racing have achieved pbs.

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    Congrats to MikeB, BT, URR, Hilly, Monique, WP and Swerve! Some fantastic results.

    Thanks for the good advice, BR and those who concurred.
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    an enjoyable 15 mins or so reading thru the thread

    Well done on the PBs - MikeB, URR, WP - some great stuff there.

    Also some excellent racing performances from Hilly, Monique (enjoyed the report - nice to know I'm not the only one who gets irritated by certain types of runner), Swerve, (sorry if I missed anyone else but I'm not going back thru the thread again - it's teatime)

    Sorry about your race ending prematurely Popsider - hopefully no lasting damage.

    Been a lovely sunny day here. Lots of birdsong & generally the impression of spring on the way soon.

    what: 2½ - 3 miles off-road with Matthew, then about 1 hour later, 8½ miles easy (in 65 mins)
    why: it's Sunday
    last hard day: Tue
    last rest day: Sat 7/2

    Matt had a real breakthrough run - after a not particularly great first half, he came down off the hill and really motored through the second half of his run to take 2 minutes off his PB for this course - I had to work quite hard to stay with him. Don't think he ever believed previously he could run like that - well maybe he does now.
    My longer run wasn't too fast - but still 1½ mins faster then last week's outing in the wind - and HR much lower. Bearing in mind last night I'd necked a good 2/3rds of the bottle of Freixenet I won last year for doing 100 Wirral Seaside Runs, felt q pleased with this.
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    HillyHilly ✭✭✭
    Well done to Matt!

    Thanks for congrats you kind people!
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    What a grand lot of reading! MikeB, WP, URR, PB's all, and Monique, Hilly, Big Tim with what sounds like good runs. Venom, pleased that injury seems to be on the out. Swerve, sounds like Stamford was not too awful, sorry Popsider that you felt unwell.

    You guys can't believe how lovely it is to read of all your antics from over here. And thanks for all your good wishes.

    Things continue to look up here. I got out for 40 minutes worth of run, half of it with an amiable spaniel for company. Temperature substantially sub zero and with a strong wind it was pretty breathtaking stuff, nor did I want to cool down outside, but very beautiful.

    I guess I'll have to come back later to use big brothers PC to find out how Hippo and friends got on.

    rest on your laurels, all.
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    back from ultra
    finished, outside the cutoff
    but who cares
    I did a marathon pb!!!!!

    Report later
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    great stuff Hippo
    looking forward to the report - in your own time :-)
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    Yipppeeee Hippo!!!!!

    That's the news I was waiting for. I'll tell the folks. They've been asking after you.
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    Brilliant Hippo. Glad to see base training hasn't made you slower after all!
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    Well done racers - another fine set of results.

    Eagerly awaiting some Draycote race reports over the next few hours/days.

    Have a good week ahead all

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    MikeB + URR, awesome going chaps, great results.

    BT, that's a hell-of-a training run, things are certainly looking good for C-P-C.

    Hilly, great result, despite recent set-backs you hammered out a great time today, brilliant stuff.

    WP, that's fantastic, I'm really pleaed for you, great going.

    Popsider, really sorry to hear that mate, but worry not, we all have bad race experiences and I have no doubt that you'll bounce back and be going like stink in no time.

    Swerve, great going mate, sounds like you had a belter, sorry I didn't get to see you and Popsider + other forumites there, next time.

    Monique, I think you put in a great, if slightly barking, run. There's no question about you being in sub-3:00 shape, the question is just, by how much? Great race.

    Stickless, really pleased to hear things are 'ok' at your end. Best wishes to your Dad, you and your family.

    HIPPO, YOU ROCK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    ok, so like many others I did the Stamford 30k today. First things first, the course is not undulating, it's not relentlessly undulating, it's bl**dy hilly and relentlessly so. Despite this, it's a cracking course, well organised, well marshalled and a great run - thanks to all concerned, great race. In the midst of a heavy training week I turned up with the intention of running this as a hard training run @ marathon pace. All turned out well and went through the distance in 1:57:41 to finish 19th. Really pleased with the outcome and the race provided a huge confidence boost for aiming at this pace at FLM. Be interesting to see how the recovery goes ;-)
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    Stone the crows MM, you're flying at the moment!
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    Brilliant Hippo, look forward to your report!
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    top performer of the day award goes to ULTRA HIPPO
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    matt the brum finished fourth

    under 4 hours
    runningheva got a vet prize

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    HillyHilly ✭✭✭
    Well done to all who raced today!

    MM-great marathon paced run-so you had discipline then!:o)

    Come on Hippo, give us a report and put us out of our misery!
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    Fantastic hippo

    You are a star
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    DustinDustin ✭✭✭
    Some impressive performances race wise and
    training wise YET AGAIN!!!!

    What : Meon Valley 19.5 mile 'plod'

    Copied from the Events thread:

    With the benefit of hindsight a thoroughly enjoyable day....
    Didn't go off too fast, and went through 3 miles (before hill#1) in about 27mins.
    Found it easier to briskly walk the steep hills (3 or 4 of them) and am amazed that my ankles survived the downhills intact.
    Never really pushed my pace and was constantly catching/overtaking which as we all know is the better way of doing it.

    All going swimmingly until about 10 miles when myself and 2 others turned left, minute later "oi you lot, wrong way, its up here!" So an extra 200 yards or so but many thanks for the tip off whoever you were...

    Despite the hills there were some reasonable flattish stretches in which to get the breath back, and passed 15 miles in 2.04 just before Buster Hill. Like the majority I "spedwalked" it and actually caught a few positions. Felt pretty good at the top and guessing it was likely to be more or less downhill to the finish I put the foot down and overtook more in the last 2-3 miles than since the halfway point.
    Managed a sprint(ish) last 400 and the clock ticked to 2.46.00 as I crossed the line.

    Knackered, chuffed and confident of a good showing at Bramley/FLM (!)

    Really enjoyed it and well done to everyone who took part - a real tester - organisation and drinks spot on! and apologies if I ate too much cake and jelly babies.Hopefully they didn't run out!

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    Congrats, Hippo! Brilliant stuff.
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    Good effort Dustin.

    Every Sunday there seems to be more and more amazing achievements but this one is something special. PBs all over the place, ultra successes and some very fast times.

    Quite breathtaking.
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    A very late post from me. Well done all you PBers and trainers.

    MikeB, URR and WP - wow, congrats.

    Hippo, more refreshments I think.

    So, day went like this.
    Picked up club mate at 11:30
    Got to XC race 12:45 and sussed out the course
    On the way back to the stat point we heard the gun go off
    Proceeded to skip around the course cheering on junior club runners at various places
    Soda Jr's race starts. I observe her running sideways looking for one of her mates over he shoulder and "waiting" for her to catch up!! Meantime the first 5 are moving away. Soda Sr trys to come up with some "positive" words for Soda Jr as she goes past. Soda Jr finishes 8th and 1st Loftus counter. Not her best but a solid run all the same.

    Then I see some of our senior ladies go past and start shouting for them and realise that we are up next. I head for the start line, warm up and get changed all in the same motion/time.

    Race time: I line up at the front and then remember where I finished last time and slip back a couple of rows. Bang and we are off. B*#$$!r, no watch so can't time. Its a 4 lap race so I do not bolt at the start, a steady pace with hard work going up all the hills. Things seem to be going OK and some runners that beat me up last race are behind me. I find the latter part of each lap very hard with slow inclines and two short steep ascents but never stop running. When I am passed it is here. We trundle round and on lap 4 I pass one of my clubmates who whalloped me at the last race and then in the last 400 meters get passed by 3 runners. Finished in 39th place, 20 places up from the last XC and only 5/8 back from normal.

    I am well pleased with the above. It is on the back of my highest milage week ever (nearly 60) and I am well looking forward to the last race in a few weeks when I will manage my time/milage better.

    Not sure how we fared in the team events, we had 6 males in the top 20 but so had our nearest competitors - will have to wait for the results.

    Well done all, its taken an age to digest the thread.
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    al these pbs


    Report on events, its long, so wont clog up this thread
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    Hippo!!!! Super! Marathon PB! All the base training has paid off.

    [doing a mexican wave with all the other forumites :)]
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    wouldnt like to comment on my race HR

    and stage 2 is well and truly delayed
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    nrg-bnrg-b ✭✭✭
    Well Done, Hippo!
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    Evening all
    Haven't read through thread yet but -
    Huge respect and big congrats to Hippo.

    What: 5m + 10k race + 5m
    Why: Club championship race 5 miles from home and gotta get the miles in.
    Last hard (before today) Thursday
    Last rest: Saturday

    Had a good slow run out, exept for a couple of accidental sub-10min miles. Arrived at race a little earlier than planned so had about 15mins to recover before start.

    Felt strong at start of race but knew that I needed to maintain control over my early pace to prevent blowing up before the end.
    Splits were:
    5.32 - 5.30 - 5.41 - 5.25 - 5.17 - 5.13 - 5.21 - 5.39 - 5.27 - 5.08
    Guess where the hills were!
    Didn't really start to feel the strain till about 8k and almost ground to a halt in the last, gently uphill, kilometer which makes the last split quite surprising. Knocked a minute off my time for this race last year and 54secs off my 10k PB taking me under 55mins for the first time.

    After about 20mins chatting and taking on water etc I then set out for home again, feeling surprisingly good again and maintained a fairly steady pace all the way, though I did have to give myself a strict talking to about a mile from home in order to stop myself from walking.

    A good day which has restored my confidence fully.
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    Oops slightly missed the midnight cut-off but have had a busy day!

    What : Shopping in morning (New hi-fi and a separate turntable plus loads of furniture for lounge ... almost £600 spent, nice work!).

    : To recover from shopping ... 22 miles in 2:46:07. First long run which has sneaked outside 7:30 pace but I finished feeling strong so I'm not unhappy. Was through 20 miles in exactly 2:30 but mile 21 has a crazy hill which is where the time was lost.

    Thats a 60 mile week for me ... first ever.
    Congrats to all today, some great reports.

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