
It's easy, just get up and go...

When asked what i like about running, often my reply is the freedom, can go out when or where I want and just need me shorts, shoes and a t shirt and i'm done. The reality is somewhat different...

1) Check plan decide on route/session
2) Decide when i'm running, start drinking and aim to eat at least 1hr before
3) Choose/find kit
a - Top; choice - long sleeve, short sleeve or vest.
b - Bottom; choice - long or short, if short then need cycle shorts underneath
c - Underwear - running pants
d - Socks, find a matching pair
e HRM, where's the strap?
f GPS, GF201, is it charged?
g Sunglasses/hat/gloves depending on season
4) Apply vaseline to feet (and eybrows if v hot)
5) Check nipples for wear and tear - cut out and apply 2 small plaster squares
6) Choose shoes - which are dryiest, least smelly.
7) Get changed
8) Get key/mobile/money
9) Fill water bottle
10) Go out door
11) Go back cos forgot bottle
12) Stretch
13) Walk, allowing GPS to get a 'lock'
14) At last, run!!


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