
Painful knee - Help needed

I'm a newbie to the site, and fairly new to running as well! (Better late than never eh!)

My problem is that last nite, after a run, i discovered that my need is in a considerable amount of pain. It is on my right knee, on the outside of my knee. It isnt actually my kneecap that hurts, but just to the side of it.

It's ok if i keep my leg still (!) but if i try walking it aches, and if i climb or decend stairs it is excruciating.

Can anyone suggest a course of action? I am assuming i will need to go to a phisio? If so can anyone reccommend a london based physio that isnt too expensive?

Many thanks in advance


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    I had very similar problems when I started running late last year. It started with my right knee, I let it repair and when I started up again I expected it to return but then had a problem with my left!
    I'm rapidly approaching 40 (ouch!) and put it down to trying to do too much to soon. I went to a phisio just once and wasn't at all sure that they would be able to help to any great extent. Fortunately (or unfortunately depending on how you look at it) I had to stop running for a few months due to another health reason and my knees (and shins!) recovered completely in their own time. I am now running again but am much more consious of my physical condition/capabilities and am building up distances much more slowly than I first thought was achievable, so far so good (My first half marathon in Nottingham this weekend may well proove me wrong!)
    In short, my experience is to listem very carefully to your aches and pains and let them heal as much as possible before doing more - it takes time but is worth it in the end. Also, if you havent already, make sure you buy your shoes from a specialist shop that can advise properly, I started running in M&S trainers - BIG mistake!
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    Cheers Vinny,
    I have followed your advice. I have been building slowly and my limit is 10k anyway so i am not overdoing it. I wear proper running trainers (Asics) so i dont think it's that.
    I have just had to walk up some stairs and the pain is getting worse, it felt like my knee was about to collapse! (I know that sounds a bit melodramatic!)
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    I have a friend with the same problem in both legs and he has had to give up running for a few months.If you look up lliotibial Band Syndrome-hip injuries in the RW health section that describes the problem.Hope it gets better soon.Stay off the hills or cambered surfaces.
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