
Longest Day (Ironman) 2004 - Carl's thread



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    fat buddhafat buddha ✭✭✭
    well done and hard luck at the same time Carl - awesome acheivement as Jon says...

    just have to do that trip to IMCH now eh??

    and get that dizziness checked out....
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    Jeeez. Carl - that's a hell of an achievement. 14 hours is amazing. And you've inspired me to go for an Ironman next season.

    You should be really proud of getting so close. It wasn't so long ago that you were going to defer to 2005. You're a star !
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    You the man, Carl.
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    This should have been the 3rd of 4 posts………


    At T2 I was feeling confident and knew I had around 5hrs 30 mins to do the Marathon, which was achievable but only just. I asked for my knee to be looked at but was soon told if I didn’t start the run in 5 minutes I’d be pulled from the race, id spent all day fighting to carry on so had a quick massage and off I went.

    Run. (4 loop out and back)

    My plan for the run was to alternate between 8 mins run 2 mins walk and I felt pretty good (surprising good in act given the problems id had on the bike). Never the less I’d messed up on my pacing earlier in the day and was determined not to repeat it again, I have experience of running a few marathons so had an idea how I would feel later.

    I soon began to feel disheartened as despite sticking to my strategy the 1st out and back took me 1hr 20 ins (it didn’t help knowing I was nearly last and seeing all the others with their collection of different colour wrist bands signifying lass completed I had none and a long way left to go.

    I don’t know if the course was long but even in my state and the pace I was going at, I should have been sub 1hr 15 for the fist lap and was hoping for maybe 1.20, 1.30. 1.40 (just 10k each lap). A bit of mental arithmetic and the likelihood I would slow down told me I would really struggle for the cut off of 15hrs 30 mins.

    The camaraderie on the run was great, I passed Superdaz a few times and he was full of encouragement for me, had to pull my arm away from the high 5’s a bit due to my painful arm and shoulder niggles.

    The second out and back was a little harder so I changed my pacing to 7.5 mins run 2.5 mins walk and more or less stuck to this but took 1hr 35mins. It was on this loop that I saw Daz at the middle feedstation, he was glad to see me and admitted finding the later part of the run hard going but was on his last loop, I ran with him for a while chatting but had to stop to walk towards the end. Towards the end of the second loop I was resigned to the fact that a realistic time for my finish was going to be around 10pm to 10.30pm, and I was slowing with every mile.
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    CartmanCartman ✭✭✭
    Carl, absolutely fantastic spirit and commitment...
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    Carl, that's blinking amazing,
    you are a true Star

    (So are you too jj, for the support you gave everyone)
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    can I just point out that I couldn't do this!!! Not even if I tried!
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    ...but minkey candy has you booked for Switzerland.
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    Thanks everyone…. The reason im not disappointed is that as you say what ive done was a big big achievement. The race to me became just something at the end of a long process, the achivement of just getting to the start line fit enough to be able to have a chance of completing is more than enough. The friendships, support and all the fun ive had just make this sport so worthwhile.

    Im actually in contemplation whether to do IM Switzerland or Longest Day next year, I really want to do Switzerland and that’ll be my likely choice but there is something in me that says im not letting the LD course beat me and that ill be back to beat it into submission, whether or no I do it next year just needs a bit of thought, though I kind of thing the fun and excitement of Switzerland and a trip with you lot will win hands down.

    I’ll be going into a bit of a race postmortem over the next few days, other than the obvious i.e. starting the bike to fast id like some ideas on the dizziness as I can only think it was something to do with my pre race eating drinking or race fueling though I ate and drank what I believed to be for optimum performance but have an idea I may have consumed to much (or maybe someone spiked my water).
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    Carl what you've achieved is pretty amazing and you sound like you've learned a lot from TLD which, with your Vet staus, will serve you well for future events.

    You'll never look upon the marathon with awe again....."only 26.2miles" will eminate when people mention it.
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    DazDaz ✭✭✭
    haha i dont believe you carl. you're already up for another one?

    i couldnt even be dragged by the hair to the start time of one of those races again! not built for long distance - physically and mentally.
    give me a sprint any day......the greater the % of time spent in transition the better as far as im concerned.

    i respect anyone that does one and even more anymore that goes back for more pain...
    Endurance Coach @ DazCarterFitness.com
    Elite Ironman, Ultra Trail Runner
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    DazDaz ✭✭✭

    still havnt got the grasp of thinking straight yet. once i have ill work on my physical rec
    Endurance Coach @ DazCarterFitness.com
    Elite Ironman, Ultra Trail Runner
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    Daz, I don't think the race is responsible for that, somehow...!
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    Well done and bad luck at the same time, but you did swim and cycle far further than most people can imagine doing. And running as far as you did took a lot of guts.
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    JjJj ✭✭✭
    Dazzle - you'e not getting out of it that easily.

    Someone who is 'not built for long distance' doesn't do an ironman in less than eleven and a half hours.


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    amazing report carl. you are so brave to get that far.

    and you'll do it next time for sure.
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    carl - fantastic, really well done

    take a couple of weeks' rest then get back training for Switzerland

    see you friday!

    (oh, and would now be a good time to STOP SMOKING??)
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    Deffo up for another one, im also surprised how little I ache today given the discomfort I was in less than 24 hours ago. The balls of my feel and ankles are shot to bits, combination of the stones and slippyness on the run.

    Think I may have a go at the Vit…??? whatever its called.
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    ....erm yeah, that would help.
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    Stopping smoking that is.
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    If you're going to do the Vitruvian get the entry form posted ASAP.
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    Yea Daz………………….

    Wernt you 30th !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    You should be turning pro next year lol, just think with a bit more coaching from Jj and a bit of pacing from me on the run we’ll have you down to sub 10hr at Switzerland.

    Oh and while im at the making wild predictions stage, given the experience I gained from yesterday and another 12 months training id like to hope I can be at the stage of looking for a sub 12hr IM, will mean loosing 2 stone but that will be my 12 month goal. Just have to see ho near I get but next time I will finish.

    Andy – I will be aiming to stop smoking don’t worry, reckon that would save me 30mins.

    Yes should see you on Friday.
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    Carl, do it when you want to and don't be bullied by everyone else! or else you'll be back on them before ya know it.

    (Jon, been cold turkey for 26 hours and 22 minutes... Mild cold sweats and slight tetchiness, only three fingers consumed within this time)
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    Glad you are ok Carl and positive, just goes to show you have what it takes.
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    Daz is just understandably depressed that he missed beating my PB by two minutes. I can't tell you how relieved I was when I saw the big clock roll over to 11.22 and he hadn't appeared.


    He'll be back though, I know it.
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    so THAT'S why you're doing Florida.... to put a bit of space between you and daz on the PB front
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