
Fat club Friday 13th

Well, the date is an excuse to be bad
Im on call again, so dont hold out much hope of choccie avoidance
Gym tomorrow, when they let me out of the hozzie
Shall try to be more positive next week
Good luck girls


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    Hadn't even noticed the date. I wonder whether it's too late to go home and claim that I've suddenly come over all superstitious and can't possibly be at work.

    Hope it's not a bad day on call, Ruth.

    I am going to be saintly today. Ha!
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    4 nights now - no alcohol - actually I had to look the number up so that's good.

    Went running with a club last night for the first time - it was great. But very hungry when I got home so mushroom rissotto, banana, and sponge cake - should be enougth carbs in that lot to refuel.
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    Well done, Pixie! I'm running away from a family history of type 2 diabetes too.

    I contacted Diabetes UK about doing the GNR for them and they came over all officious and started asking me to jump through hoops to prove I was good enough to run for them. Wouldn't have minded if I'd been asking for one of their golden bond places, but I had my own place already - and I'm a member of their organisation. So I thought, if you're not going to throw your arms open and be grateful then I'll go and scrounge sponsorship for someone else. Which proved a good thing, because I came across the Keswick Mountain Rescue Team last month and decided that I really, really wanted to raise money for them. Bit of an uphill (sorry!) struggle when I work in Birmingham and most of my population think the road I live on is a mountain and wouldn't dream of visiting anywhere apart from Bewdley, Benidorm or Bangladesh, but I'm working at it.

    I really do want to raise money for a diabetes charity sometime, though. Might go for something local.

    You WILL be able to run 13 miles by March. Next time the chocolate Hobnob packet beckons, put your shoes on and go out for a run instead. When you come back, the Hobnobs will be carbing-up food rather than an indulgence.

    Cheers, V-rap.
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    Morning all,
    Oh Friday 13th... didn't realise till you said! Now, I 'intend' to be good today.. the thing is, I'm going out tonight with some friends.. I have told myself that I am NOT drinking alcohol at all.. then I think, no, I'll just have one.. but it's a bit like the old Hob Nob situation - I just can't stop at one..!!! So best thing methinks is to have nothing at all & stick to mineral water (BORING!!). Want to keep a clear head for the 10K on Sunday and not still be suffering from any after affects of alcohol... I'm not running today, but going to go to the gym instead (which I hate, but haven't been for so long that I'll probably have to have an induction all over again!). Anyway, have a good day everyone!
    Michelle x
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    Diabetes UK is undoubtedly the best online source of information, Pixie - www.diabetes.org.uk is the address and there is enough on there to distract you from the forums (fora if you're a Tim-style linguistic pedant) for a day or two and put you off chocolate Hobnobs for life.

    I think their fundraising department was having a manpower crisis when I contacted them!

    If you want your research interpreted slightly more technically, go to www.bmj.com and put "diabetes" into the search facility.
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    Morning all,

    Naughty last night - had curry and lots of wine, yum, yum. Will have to be extra good today to make up. Well done Mij for staying off the booze (it sounds like an AA meeting). I'd forgotten it's friday 13th so will watch out for strange events now.

    We also have diabetes in our family (sister sadly died last year as result of long term diabetes and not changing her lifestyle accordingly) so I am acutely aware of the advantage that running gives you. A close freind was diagnosed with it last year and has gone from a portly, burger-eating beer monster to a svelte (can men be svelte?) healthy eating/juicing occasional glass of wine person who says he's never felt better. he certainly looks at least 10 years younger.

    V-rap I ran a smal local race for Diabetes UK without loads of questions. I think they just get a bit anal about the bigger, higher profile ones.

    Have a healthy eating day everyone.

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    Hey, Everyone!

    In my time I've managed to give up drinking (almost completely) and smoking. My problem, however, is CHOCOLATE! I just can't give it up. HELP!

    Happy Shambling!
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    Who ever said you had to give up chocolate, Shambler?

    Three easy steps to being at peace with your chocolate addiction:
    1. Take up running. You need the calories, you need the sugar, you need the iron, you need the antioxidants. It's health food!
    2. Eat proper meals and don't cut calories so far that you get starving hungry just when the only food in the house is the children's Easter eggs.
    3. Have good quality chocolate with a high (at least 70%) proportion of cocoa solids. Better for you, and so expensive that it's difficult to afford too many serious binges.

    Well done on giving up smoking and reducing the sauce. Chocolate is small fry healthwise in comparison.

    Cheers, V-rap (unreformed chocolate lover).
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    Have a good walk, Pixie. I'm about to get stuck into a nice bowl of rather worthy but VERY garlicky mixed grain and chickpea pilaff. Then off to the supermarket by car in the hope of staving off the need for a weekend shop. The good thing about shopping in the afternoon when I won't be going home until 7pm is that I won't be tempted to buy ice-cream. And not having to take any of the kids with me, of course, so I won't end up with Pot Noodle (Kevin), every mango in the shop (Tinkerbell) or yet another different shape of pasta to add to the dried-pasta mountain (Angelmouse).
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    I have to confess – I’ve just had a large (12”) ham and pineapple pizza for lunch

    And I enjoyed every slice ;o)

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    Team meeting cookies!

    None of my team bring cookies to my meetings ;o(

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    Hi everyone,
    Just got back from the gym... am feeling very saint-like.. just did 3K on the running machine, cos I want to take it easy before Sunday's race.. and did 30 minutes on the cross-trainer thingy, then did weight-machines for the rest of the time. This week I have run a total of 18 miles altogether, so with my 10K race on Sunday (if I make it!), that will be a grand total of 24 miles in one week - which will be a record for little ol' me!!! Have just eaten a large bowl of chopped fruit (haven't chopped it myself, Asda's have done it!!) so now, I have just got to survive the rest of the day being good... what time is it??? Oh no.. long way to go yet..!!!
    Michelle x
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    By the way, well done Shambler for giving up booze & fags..!! I've never been a smoker myself, but I did give up drinking completely for 18 months - not intentionally, I just couldn't stand the taste of alcohol after I'd had a very bad bout of Trigeminal Neuralgia 2 years ago, & couldn't drink whilst on the medication, then when I came off it, couldn't bear the taste for some strange reason! However, this has subsided considerably now and I am back on the drinking - although, nowhere near as much as I used to!!! Keep up the good work!!!
    Michelle x
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    Thank you all for your support.

    V-Rap - I don't (can't) want to give up chocolate completely - all I ask is a modicum of self-control!! But I am concentrating on my Shambling, and I do eat a balanced diet - just had poached salmon, salad & jacket potato for lunch; and have managed to shed 1½ stone since January. It's just so nice/good/helpful to have you guys as support and to know I'm not the only one!

    Thank you all.

    Happy Shambling!
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    Bah! Left my purse at home in my gym rucksack this morning (didn't bring rucksack to work because I'd only have been tempted to sneak out to the gym, and today's a rest day), so no shopping. Still, I've finally managed to make a waiting-room poster out of the Marathon News feature on Fauja Singh just so that everyone goes home feeling inspired - or inadequate - tonight. If Lay-Zee-Boy hasn't removed it within a week, I shall put a sponsor-me-for-the-GNR poster up beside it.
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    But that's what Friday's are for. Then you go for a long run over the weekend. That's right, isn't it?

    Happy Shambling (and chocolates and wine and amareti biscuits)!
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    EP - I guess distance is all relative. When I started, Shambling for 30 seconds was long!!

    Enjoy your 3-4 miles, it's great that you're out there doing it!

    Happy Shambling!
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    ok, i keep reading about all this carbing up we should be doing as dedicated, fit runners who do all this exercise, but i'm getting a bit confused with the labels on stuff. i'm being good and reading the labels as i go round tesco, and tryng not to buy too many things with more than 5% fat, but the carbs bit of the nutrition info has 2 rows - one for carb that sugars. is this good? i have no frame of refernece. it's like choosing friut, you see all the people going 'squeezy squeezy', so i do the 'squeezy' thing to , but have no frame of refernce. i have to ask someone - 'i'm squeezing about htis much....is that good?' anyway, i've tangentialised, sorry. back to carbs. is sugary carb good, or do i want stuff with a low fraction of sugary stuff? i know sugar is bad for the teeth, but is it bad for the tummy, too?
    Feeling a bit peeved today, as am having enforced rest day due to overnight onset of hideous tickly chesty cough thing that would make running impossible (climbing the stairs ishard enough as im finding breathing so difficult). anyway, im going to start rambling again soon, so i'll sign off before i get too carried away. packing madness has taken over completely now.
    see you all soon, as i have a break in internet access for a bit due to the whole moving to wales thing, but should be back sometime next week.
    keep smiling,
    Pamela x
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    Please, please someone answer Pamela's question - I'd like to know, too.

    Pamela - for your chest, try some hot water with lemon, honey and PLENTY of ginger. Should work a treat.
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    Depends what you want it for, Pamela, and there's a fair body of expert opinion that believes the starch vs sugar debate to be a big red herring.

    When you need energy quickly - immediately before and during exercise, and when you're filling your muscle glycogen stores up during the half-hour afterwards (not a huge issue unless you exercise hard most days), you're best to take in easily absorbed carbohydrates. Unfortunately, how sweet something tastes isn't much of a guide to how quickly the carbohydrate in it becomes available to your body - baked potatoes and wholemeal bread, for example, are almost as fast-acting as pure glucose, and some sweet fruits are absorbed slowly. Have you come across the term "Glycaemic Index" yet?

    The rest of the time, it's probably better not to have a blood glucose spike and an insulin surge, so you need fruit and veg and grains and a bit of protein and fat to slow down absorption.

    Confused? Welcome to the world!

    Cheers, V-rap.
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    Thanks V-rap! Can you suggest some (easy) reading on the subject.
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    EP - I hear you. I find the whole thing very confusing............

    I think I need a lie down (or some choccie)!
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