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FLM clothing

What do people tend to wear for the big run. Just shorts and a vest or trews and vest and t-shirt etc etc.

Also if shorts are recomended, obviously 'one does not want chaffing' so are tight or loose shorts better??


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    Oh definitely tight shorts. And cropped tops please ?
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    Sorry - taking pervy head off for a second or two - you'll see all sorts of kit out there. It's usually warm, so I'd go for shorts and a short sleeve vest or running top.

    Up to you what's most comfortable, but please try and make sure you've worn the race day kit on your long runs beforehand. Something might be fine for 6 miles, but start to rub after 15.

    Sorry - enough sensible talk - where's that head again ?
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    shorts and cropped running top for me, or charidddddy vest if I'm running for one and not forgetting my URWFC baseball cap!

    Too warm for anything else except of course my knicks, trainers, socks and bobble.....and big smile!
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    Attagirl Wolfy ! You running with the 3.15 pacers ?
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    Looks like it Cougs! Running is a little bit poo at the moment due to cold/work and house pressures but I aim to stick with my original goal and see how it goes.
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    Well I know I'm a bit behind schedule, but should be back on track soon. Could have done better yesterday, but was pacing a mate round for most of it. I'll do some speedy work tomorra and see how I feel.
    Hope your cold goes soon !

    Oh, sorry Sara - turned your thread into a chat room !

    Er, wear a bin bag at the start to keep warm, and maybe invest in a little belt thing for gels & stuff.
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    At d end of the day Sara, only you will Kno wats best 4 u. Just try more/less clothing as your rus get longer and c wats best 4 u.

    I personally get vet hot & uncomfortable after the first few miles. So I start off cold and then end up Ok(does that make sense.

    I found a Teflon coated running jacket in a New Balance shop. And its the thinest top I've ever owned to be Waterproof, so its Ideal with just a T-shirt underneath. That and some tights(ron hill type) and Im well away..............well thats if I could run.
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    The best bet is to put on an old throwaway t shirt to keep you warm until you get into your running then throw it away after a couple of miles.If its nice and soggy aim for someone who isnt cheering1 ! !
    Otherwise the advice is sound ; dont wear anything new or that you havent done your long runs in. I ran in a charity vest one year and nearly skinned myself alive.
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    I must off miss read u earlier Sara. I thought u meant the once weekly big run.........U meant D BIG RUN.

    Defo shorts and a vest, plenty off vas between d thighs and inside arms.

    Ive done d last 2 FLMs and found April pretty darn warm when u is runnin 26.2 stupid miles.
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    You could always opt for the Rhino suit... Imagine how hard that must be!!
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    HillyHilly ✭✭✭
    As little as possible and wicking. No heavy cotton t-shirts and a definite no,no to tops tied around waists or bum bags for that matter!

    Whatever you feel comfortable in is the key really!
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    And never never anything new, however tempting it is to buy something special to wear for the big race. Wear well-worn comfortable clothing and as to how much, it's a personal choice but good rule-of-thumb is if you are comfortable before the start, you're most likely wearing too much.
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    I wore my old stirrup pants (veteran of many runs), a wicking t-shirt (likewise), and my charity vest on top of it. And well-worn shoes and socks. I didn't get any chafing, and just one little blister. The only difference this year is that I might wear proper running tights.

    Not sure I'd wear shorts to run outdoors. My legs are not pretty.
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    on the same kinda topic (clothes).....

    What kind of undies do fellas uaually wear for the flm?. only own cotton boxers and running anything more than 13M in them becomes a little tender...

    are y's the best way to go or is there some new fangled running pants that i haven't heard of yet?

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    or maybe commando is the best way to go?

    cheers for any guidance on this rather delicate matter....
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    For longer runs and races I always use lycra undershorts. They fit snugly, and cover the vulnerable areas of thigh, so there's no danger of chafing. I used to use vaseline but it's messy.

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    I agree with RC, lycra undershorts or cycling shorts (without the padding!) are the best. They can be worn under running tights on cold days without worry of chafing - on warmer days, they can be just be worn on their own. Nike do a good line in them, made out of their Dri-fit material to wick away moisture.
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    interesting. I rubbed a nice very sore patch on the inside of my thigh thanks to a pair of hockey shorts on sunday, that I foolishly run on an alomst 10 mile run, cos it was sunny. I think I'll investigate some tighter-fitting under-shorts for anti-chafing measures!
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    me again... talking of FLM gear - what about the "Technical Collection" promoted through the FLM website and magazines. Is it any good? Thought it might be a practical souvenir? Or would I be better lounging around in the "fashion" stuff and buying decent kit elsewhere?
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    Hilly says no bumbags but where to put your bog roll & energy gels???

    Can they be that bad?
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    H. you can get a little elastic belt like thing - I think it's a Hi-5 one. has a little compartment for flat things - key, credit card, t roll, immodiun or whatever, and the gels fit into loops on it. I used it last year, and completely forgot it was there.

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    Looked for one of those & couldn't find one. Where d'ya get it from? Are Bum bags a real no-no? Where you been?
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    H. I bought it at the Expo, but I'll look out for it in the magazines for you. Good thing is that its very snug against your body, so you don't get the big bum bag bouncing against you. Plus as its small you won't overload it with junk !
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    Yeah knowing me there'd be at least 3 kinds of lipstick, chapstick, perfume, deodrant, tissues of various sizes, a purse, phone, keys, cuddly toy.......

    Then again I like a big bum bouncing against me.

    Oh bum BAG you say...hmmmm
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    Smutty !

    Can't believe no-one else has jumped in here.

    Chimp et al must be otherwise distracted.
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    All this talk of bum bags is distracting. Seriously I use a bottle belt for longer runs and it has space for keys/mobile phone etc. Is this acceptable for race day or not?
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    If you are used to it Richard, then it should be OK, but do you really need it ?

    Loads of water stations so you can't get dehydrated. 5 Lucozade stations so you can grab sachets there. Phone reception at the finish is terrible as everyone is trying to get through - plus you can leave it in your luggage anyway. Same with keys.

    Go minimal !
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    Thanks for the advice. Is luggage that secure ? What if I dont make the finish ?
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    Seemed pretty secure to me. They all seemed to busy to rummage through. Maybe turn off your mobile though so it's not annoying them - that might tempt them to nick it and smash it !

    Of course you'll make the finish - only about 1% drop out. I think you can use public transport for free to get to finish if you do drop out though.

    Although given how nice Londoners were on the day, someone would probably give you a lift in !
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    HillyHilly ✭✭✭
    The only thing extra I carry apart from my kit is a runners purse that fits on my wrist. In it I put a couple of tissues, jelly sweets, £1 for emergency phone call. I don't even know it's there.
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