
Scrap heap challenge

Hi Forumites.

My old car 'Bessie' is in desperate need of a new distributor cap. The man in the garage has enquired and it's going to cost me £140 for a new one even without him laying a finger on her.

Bessie is dearly loved and i really don't want to have to let her go but if i can't get a second hand distributor cap i'll have no choice.

She is a G reg Fiat Panda (don't laugh, she's lovely) 1 litre model so because of her age and changes in fiat spec etc etc i'm putting out a country wide carb hunt.

Are there any Fellow runners (renowned for liking carbs) who own a scrap yard or know of a wonderous scrap yard which may have my part please put on your thinking caps and contact me at stanley369@btopenworld.com if you can help.

Here's hoping Bessie can be saved from the crap heap for another year.



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