
High Protein Breakfast



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    Ooooh, handbags!! I like special K with red berries, more sophisticated ( is that how you spell it?!?!?)
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    Porridge in the microwave is the daddy (or mummy) of all breakfasts. I cook mine in a pyrex bowl, leave it to cool, chuck in a handful of raisins (because they go soft and yummy) and wolf it down. On the way out the door I have a handful of nuts (the eating type) and I'm on my way. I still eat mid-morning. Mainly because I'm a greedy git but also because you shouldn't go more than 3 hours without food.. bad for your blood sugar levels. An apple and some more nuts sees me through to lunch.
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    Does this mean that my half-a-grapefruit in the morning is not enough? I hate breakfast...am never hungry first thing, only thirsty.
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    Plain & boring Double serving of Weetabix keeps me going till ten then I am normally starving
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    I had museli this morning. It's actually filled me up for a change, whereas my other breakfasts don't suceed, but I did make 100g of the stuff! Only 365 calories though. 7g protein, which is not really as much as I want.
    I'll make up for it at lunch. I always have tuna and cottage cheese sarnies.

    I have a recipe for cottage cheese wholemeal pancakes but I don't have time to make them in the morning.

    RoadRunner - how do you survive on half a grapefruit? Since I started this post saying my brekkie had filled me up I'm starting to get a bit peckish! :-)
    A lot of people say they can't face breakfast but that usually means they had too much to eat the night before or that they get up too close to lunch! I base this on the people I meet who make this comment, by the way!

    I'm always hungry at breakfast time because I run first thing in the morning.

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    How do you guys get yourself up for a run in the morning??? I leave the house at about 7am to get to work. I'd have to get up about 5:30am to fit a in a run, a shower, some breakfast and getting dressed.
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    Yes and its now dark at 5.30
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    Beth, I don't run in the morning! When I usually get up (about 6.45) it is too early for me to feel hungry, but my Mum always made me promise not to leave the house without having something to eat! Half a grapefruit is all I can manage although sometimes I have an egg or a slice of toast. I start to feel hungry later. But as I run at lunchtime or in the evening, it doesn't matter. I always have an early lunch (11am) if I run at lunchtime.

    Like Gordon, I'd have to run at about 5-30 if I ran in the morning because I have an hour's commute to work most days.
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    I see people run in the morning and I think how do they do it. I have to be in work for 08:00 and have an hour to commute also. I like to run just be fore my tea, that way my metabolism is still burning up calories whilst I eat.
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    GlennGlenn ✭✭✭
    Beth - A thought, maybe a stupid one, it's still early. If protein is really the main priority for you at breakfast what about a pack of shelled prawns or other shellfish type stuff? Apologies if the idea makes you want to hurl, but if not it seems ideal.

    You could always stir them in porridge :-)
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    Shellfish sounds OK, actually, Glenn. Thanks for that.

    RoadRunner: I still don't see how you can go without brekkie, even if you don't run in the morning. It is the most important meal of the day, but many tell me that they can't face it and have nothing. At least you have a grapefruit half. Got to get the metabolism started somehow.

    I get up at 6.30am to run. Start work at 8am, 5 minute car journey to work. I like morning running but if I was in the UK and had to commute a fair distance I don't know whether I'd get up even earlier. I'd probably do evening runs as well.

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    What is it with grapefruit halves? Can't anyone manage a WHOLE grapefruit? I quite like them - not the nasty sour yellow ones, but the pink- and red-fleshed ones. Too fiddly to bother with at breakfast time, though.
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    Grapefruits are the work of the devil!!!

    They are only beaten in the disgusting food challenge by bees bum-juice (honey) and bealzebub's brown sauce (marmite).

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    I'd have cottage cheese near the top of my disgusting-but-healthy food list. A cottage cheese, celery bagel followed by a sweet egg white omelette and stewed rhubarb with a sprinkling of ground ginger...groooough.

    Grapefruit is great. But it isn't a breakfast, it's a fruit.
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