

The doc surgery just rang to say I am anaemic and to take iron tablets. Receptionist said she takes 200mg a day. My tablets I have been taking are only 14mg so is this why they are not really helping me? And does anyone know what I should be taking?
Tried ringing them back but no answer and I waited 2 days for them to tell me this much!
btw she didn't tell what the blood count was.
possunt quia posse videntur - we can because we know we can 


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    WaboWabo ✭✭✭
    just boinging me up to latest replies!!!
    possunt quia posse videntur - we can because we know we can 
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    When i was anaemic i had Ferrous Sulphate (i think!) 200mg tablets. I just asked at the pharmacy for iron tablets. Are your tablets combined with a multivitamin, if so i think those are just the RDA, whereas if you are anaemic you need more. Also the iron may be in a different form. If your doctors are as useless as they sound i would ask the pharmacist.
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    WaboWabo ✭✭✭
    Hi ef, mine are recommended dosage!
    But I have just left a message at docs to find out what doseage I need and what was my blood count.
    Bit useless of em I agree, she is a receptionist who rang me (I think)and simply told me I was anaemic and needed iron tabs. I asked what strentgh and she said she takes 200mg!
    possunt quia posse videntur - we can because we know we can 
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    I am also prone to anaemia and my doc told me simply to go to Holland and Barrett or Boots and take the recommened dose of a daily iron supp. Seemed to sort me out, word of warning: iron supps tend to cause constipation!
    Also add in some green veg to your diet to top up the natural iron intake.
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    Iron best absorbed with vit. C - even a glass of orange juice will help.
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    WaboWabo ✭✭✭
    ta girls! I have been downing glass of orange juice a day. As ef said though if you're anaemic the recommended daily is prob not enough to build up iron. My doc has been poo in this instance!
    possunt quia posse videntur - we can because we know we can 
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    Wabo, if you ARE anaemic, you need well over the RDA of iron to restore your blood count and replenish your iron stores.

    You can buy ferrous sulphate 200mg tablets quite cheaply from the pharmacy (you have to ask at the counter - it isn't out on the shelves) and should take one of them two or three times a day, ideally on an empty stomach.

    Have your blood checked again in 6-8 weeks to make sure you're responding to the iron, and continue taking it for about 3 months after your blood count is back to normal to replace your iron stores.

    If ferrous sulphate gives you troublesome indigestion or squits, there are other iron preparations available.

    Hope that helps!
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    I had to take 3 tablets a day, but then i was badly anaemic, my mum only had to take 1 when she was anaemic. They gave me terrible stomach pains when i took them on an empty stomach. I was advised to take them with meals instead. I didn't get constipation, more the opposite and it was black!
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    WaboWabo ✭✭✭
    thanks all! I will get some of them from pharmacy, but I will just take 2 a day as I don't think I am as bad as ef was - unless doc bothers to come back to me and tells me otherwise. I believe hospital is supposed to have written to me so that could throw some light on things.
    possunt quia posse videntur - we can because we know we can 
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    I can agree with Vrap also eat seaweed and try taking spartone aliquid form of iron(no problems at all with it) I was taking this and worked well till I found out I had pernicous anema had have to have injections!!!
    if you email me I can send you some to try I dont use it any more due to injections.

    Hope you feel better soon and not so wiped out!
    ALF: Always a little further
    Miles makes smiles.
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    I would add it to OJ and not such a bad taste i guess I was used to the taste

    Ah I see Trinity1 Did the same;-)
    ALF: Always a little further
    Miles makes smiles.
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    WaboWabo ✭✭✭
    Blood count back this morning and its 4 so thats much much lower than I have ever been. When I was anaemic before it was only 11!
    3 x 200mg a day!
    possunt quia posse videntur - we can because we know we can 
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    Wabo - Mrs FF is on iron tablets (ferrous sulphate 3 x 200mg a day). She has hers with OJ (recommended by several docs to aid absorption). Drink plenty of water to combat the dreaded constipation that may occur.
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    WaboWabo ✭✭✭
    thanks ff. I do drink tons of water so will carry on and now add oj too!
    My boss just said 'no wonder you were so cr@p at royal commando this year', cheers mate!
    possunt quia posse videntur - we can because we know we can 
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    floradix tastes a lot nicer than anything else I've tried.

    I managed to correct my anaemia by eating iron-rich foods as the tablets give me awful headaches.

    Am slightly borderline again now so eating lots of salad stuff & could have lentil soup for lunch...
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    Mmmmmmmmmm, lentil soup. One of my faves. Mrs FF is into making soups at the mo. Delicious!!
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    FOUR? Wabo, are you able to stand up? If so, serious respect!

    And how did it get that low? You've gone and got me worried now :o(
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    WaboWabo ✭✭✭
    Well I know v, thing is I made her repeat twice as I know that is so low! I am very worried too. I swam monday and could hardly breathe, head went buzzy when I was driving monday night and I feel very tired today. I did hill session last night and was ok but that's probably why so tired today.
    I am a strong cookie but should I be training with it so low? I cant seem to find out.
    Got that low due to very heavy regular periods, running (sweat loses iron) and not eating much red meat etc.
    possunt quia posse videntur - we can because we know we can 
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    Wabo, you shouldn't even be thinking about training with your blood count that low! And are you doing something to stop you losing so much blood with your periods?
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    WaboWabo ✭✭✭
    The nurse who rang also said I must get new doc (moved away) and didn;t really tell me much else. The doc said that woman my age (46) have non ovulating periods much like teenage girls but didn't offer anything else. I wouldn't take hormones anyway, so don't know what else to do - she did mention neurofen.
    But how can I have been training with it so low? I have cut down immense amounts but still train.
    I have looked at old posts on this and it scares me now how low she said it is.
    possunt quia posse videntur - we can because we know we can 
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    Wabo, you need a decent doc.

    There ARE non-hormonal treatments that can reduce period blood loss (tranexamic acid is the one with the best evidence), and hormone treatments like the Mirena coil can make a huge difference. As can surgery

    However, you need to find out WHY you're bleeding so heavily, too. So you need to be examined, and maybe have some specialised tests done.

    The quicker you sort this out, the sooner you'll be able to train properly.
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    WaboWabo ✭✭✭
    Off to find new doc in morning. She did examine my tummy and said all seemed ok? She also made sense to me when she said about non ovulating periods. Mind you I would have liked to know about non hormonal options. Thanks v, I will get new doc and book appt for better info I hope!
    possunt quia posse videntur - we can because we know we can 
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    Is blood count the same as ferritin/iron stores? When i was anaemic mine was 0.6, my doc told me it should have been above 20! She couldn't believe i hadn't fainted. I was permanantly light headed though and only went to the docs when i felt dizzy!
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    WaboWabo ✭✭✭
    All they have told me is that my blood count is 4. They told me that the hospital has written to me so until I see that information that is all I know.
    Problem is that my doc removed me from the list 31/10 but had given me an appt 3/11 and now all they tell me is the count is 4 I am off their list and must find a new doc!
    possunt quia posse videntur - we can because we know we can 
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    >>>Dino slowly self-combusts<<<

    EF, they're not the same. Ferritin stores tend to be sacrificed to maintain the blood count (haemoglobin) and take longer to replenish, which is why we ask people to stay on iron for a few months after the blood count has returned to normal.
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    Ah, thanks for that, i have heard of haemoglobin. Can't rememnber what it was though. Not as low as 4 i'm sure!
    I never did find out what caused mine, it was just put down to a student diet. However, i had given blood for the first and only time a few months before. I know that i can't have been anaemic then but could that have caused it? My doc didn't seem that interested when i mentioned it, just went on about diet which i don't think was that bad at the time. Anyway, what i really want to know is can i give blood again, i'd like to but don't want to end up feeling terrible again.
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    WaboWabo ✭✭✭
    lol dino
    possunt quia posse videntur - we can because we know we can 
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