
Effect of chest infection for 10 mile race

I have been training for a 10 mile race on March 2. I have done no training for over a week as I have had chest infection/flu-like symptoms. I still feel quite weak and am worried that it will still be a few days before I can start running again. I haven't been running that long - about 16 months - and don't really know the effect this will have. Last year at this time I was doing about 10 min miles - I can now manage about 9 min miles if I push myself. I know that I shouldn't run when I'm not well but am really worried about how much effect this will have on my training.


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    I would absolutely NOT train if you're feeling flu-ish, or need treatment for a chest infection. If it lasts a long time, then you might miss your race, but you won't do yourself any favours by training when you're unwell.

    I've got flu at the moment, and believe me, I'm climbing the walls. Haven't left the house for three days, not for anything, and I'm really going mad. But at least I'm recuperating as fast as my body can do it. And when I'm better, my motivation to get out there and run is going to be HUGE!
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    Many, many years ago when I was young and even more stupid than I am now I made the mistake of running a 7 mile cross country race in early January on a freezing cold day in pouring rain when I (thought) I had just gotten over the 'flu. I then had recurrent bronchitis for the next 12 weeks. Don't risk it if you don't feel 100%. Racing puts a lot of strain on the body, especially if you're relatively new to running.
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    the flu thing thats going round at the moment is a killer. I have been suffering for 3 weeks with it. today was the first time that i managed to run in all that time
    without feeling like deth after 200 yards.
    i managed 4 miles today and so far i feell ok. (legs hurt a bit)
    the only thing that i found that helped was rest and hot showers for steam for the chest. good luck wiht the race.
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    OK, don't laugh but try a cup of tea!
    If you are feeling brave buy either fresh thyme or rosemary from your local supermarket and pour boiling water over it and leave for 3 - 5 minutes - the thyme will clear a chest infection the rosemary will give you an energy boost and is antiseptic and antibacterial to help clear the infection. It doesn't taste as bad as it sounds.

    Stop running with a chest infection! you will cause longer term damage to your lungs (I am asthmatic and know this from past mistakes).
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    Thanks very much - I'll give that a go - do you mean to add the thyme or rosemary to a cup of tea or just plain boiling water. I don't really drink these "fancy" teas but do you get rosemary or thyme teabags?
    I did try a run yesterday - kept inside on the treadmill as it was a wee bit windy. Managed it ok but my legs are aching today. Infection is clearing - chest not sore - just still slight sore throat and not feeling 100 per cent but heading in the right direction.
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    Get fresh thyme or rosemary and plain boiling water - they taste better than the herbal tea bags. Most of the supermarkets around here sell small packs of fresh herbs, just one sprig of rosemary per mug is all you will need - the rest are great on top of roast potatoes!

    Glad to hear you are feeling better, take it easy on yourself.
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    Six cans of Stella, a red hot curry and a large bar od Dairy Milk every night for a week should see it off!

    Seriously though, just go to ground and look after yourself for a while. I started with a chest infection about two weeks ago and did my first run on Monday. It felt really great because I didn't push myself and I had looked after myself. My infection was only nasty for about 3 or 4 days mind you so if yours persists then take as long off as needed.

    Get Well Soon!
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    Hi Mairead,
    Definitely don't run with a chest infection. The general advice is that if you have a problem above the neck, such as a stuffy nose, then it's ok to run, but if the problem is below the neck then don't run.

    As for your training, you will lose roughly the same amount of fitness as the time not running. So if you don't run for 2 weeks, you will be back at the level you were 2 weeks before you stopped.

    Hope you get well soon,
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    Hi Mairead

    Which 10 miler are you planning on running? I'm in the same boat as you, running smokies10 on 2nd March and feeling like s##t! Ran the Las Vegas Marathon on 2nd Feb and have developed raging flu. I'm taking it easy and hoping the rest will do me good. Fingers crossed for us both, eh?
    Good luck
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    Hi MrsMac

    Yes it is the Smokies 10 that I am running - am feeling better and doing very little and feeling very guilty. I am trying to think positive as they say that rest is good for you. Will try another run tomorrow - still taking it really easy. See you in Arbroath on March 2. Congratulations on running the Las Vegas Marathon.
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