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The Runner's World team





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    From this spectator: AWESOME !!!

    Congratulations, well done to all who took part.
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    Not a bad performance from a bunch of girlie shandy drinkers ;-)
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    Just hopped up the stairs to the PC - amazing runs guys. I saw Rich fly past and TC was flying over the walls - so fast.

    Unlucky Marshallini - at least you got further than me though - I only made it through Big Bear Woods ! Heartbreaking to get off to such a good start (albeit with leaving my shoe in the mud quite close to the start) and then hobbling for so long as 100's of runners passed me.

    Ankle does hurt - I will have it looked at tomorrow - ta Jj.

    Who's up for next year ?
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    JjJj ✭✭✭

    In the nicest possible way.

    [pads off, tummy sounding remarkably like a large tube of Smarties]
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    Congratulations to you all.

    It brings it all back to me what it was like last year, it's definitely a lifetime experience and I remember how you were so so far in front of me last year Cougie, going under the wire when I was still on the first obstacles.

    You're all very brave to go back for a second time! (or third ... fourth etc)
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    any piccies out yet for looking from afar?

    well done all
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    What a fantastic day!!

    Good to put some more faces to names, 10p, FB, Count, KK,Pienapper etc - nice to meet you all (and anyone else I met, not being ignorant just too many) Also god to meet up with a few faces from the past - My SSM from 12 years ago!!

    10p - I spoke to the guys wearing the 'badger' shirts and they are from the Royal Tank Regiment - one of their guys didn't run and they will post to me once i've called their SHQ (its then SHQ emblem) - if you want it let me know.

    Next year its definately the Front Squad......erm, who said that? Mummy its them voices again!!!
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    Wow, that was fun.

    Was really pleased to meet those I did and to finish. A very nice man was helping me over those tubes at the end but he pushed me a bit hard and I flew over nearly knocking myself out when I landed. Took me some time to persuade the marshall I was ok to finish, and I wobbled over the line! Right off to wash the bath out after cleaning my stuff in it, yuck!
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    Good that!

    It wasn't as cold as I thought it might be, mind you it WAS cold.

    Bit disappointed not to meet more of you! Saw FB and Petal immediately and then introduced to Celtic Duon and despite the late start didn't see any one else.

    Talking of start, didn'y get far, S3 on map, before glue (mud) sucked one shoe off. Mr Mouse was probably drunk when he layed the course out as he didn't seem to be able to set a straight line over the hills. :-) Anyway kept pushing on and after the tyre crawl managed to slip and kick up a load of muddy water on my face which promptly went in my eye. Result: couldn't see a bloody thing, some clean water from one of ATC lads helped clear it. The next obsatcle, the Viet Cong tunnels was negotiated better than I thought, I don;t like enclosed spaces that small.. Anyway got to the Paradise climb and still struggling with sight, so decided to seek help which was fortunately close at hand and had my eye washed out by one of those nice St Johns Ambulance lady nurses.( There were loads of wounded in there!))

    Somewhere after that I started laughing, well who in there right mind would do such a stupid thing sloshing through mud water and crawling over and all these obstacles.. Had someone with any sense been nearby, I should probably have been slapped across the face and told not to be so hysterical!!!!

    Finished absolutely plastered in mud, more cuts, scratches and bruises on the knees than a rumble on the carpet!!

    I now feel really satisfyingly knackered!

    Good day guys!
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    Good that!

    It wasn't as cold as I thought it might be, mind you it WAS cold.

    Bit disappointed not to meet more of you! Saw FB and Petal immediately and then introduced to Celtic Duo and despite the late start didn't see any one else. (Mrs 'kk' reports that FB is a Gentleman in that after changing he went back out to escort Petal back to the end)

    Talking of start, didn'y get far, S3 on map, before glue (mud) sucked one shoe off. Mr Mouse was probably drunk when he layed the course out as he didn't seem to be able to set a straight line over the hills. :-) Anyway kept pushing on and after the tyre crawl managed to slip and kick up a load of muddy water on my face which promptly went in my eye. Result: couldn't see a bloody thing, some clean water from one of ATC lads helped clear it. The next obsatcle, the Viet Cong tunnels was negotiated better than I thought, I don;t like enclosed spaces that small.. Anyway got to the Paradise climb and still struggling with sight, so decided to seek help which was fortunately close at hand and had my eye washed out by one of those nice St Johns Ambulance lady nurses.( There were loads of wounded in there!))

    Somewhere after that I started laughing, well who in there right mind would do such a stupid thing sloshing through mud water and crawling over and all these obstacles.. Had someone with any sense been nearby, I should probably have been slapped across the face and told not to be so hysterical!!!!

    Finished absolutely plastered in mud, more cuts, scratches and bruises on the knees than a rumble on the carpet!!

    I now feel really satisfyingly knackered!

    Good day guys!
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    Must say that was the most enjoyable event I have ever done, was even smiling when I was cold….…. Im aching like hell but the legs are ok (though a bit bruised and cut).

    Was great meeting you all, hope everyone is ok and no injuries manifest……

    Wow that was sooooooooooooooo good.

    Who won the TT v RW? I hear Richard ran a stormer……..
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    Ive just sneezed mud! ugh.

    Great to see you all, thanks to Bod, Petal and Miss P, it was great to run in a group and be able to help each other out so much.

    I'm sure that by tomorrow I will be saying it was really fun, but right now I hurt too much. I feel like I've been thoroughly beaten up.

    Well done to all those that finished and bad luck to those who didnt, hope the ankle is ok Cougs.

    see you all soon.
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    Well there I was on the the Icy Death Plunge and the divers are saying "jump!"

    What? An 18st Fat Bastard walk out on
    this 'twig' of a piece of wood held down by a bale of straw?

    Well I did anyway!!
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    Well done all of you who finished.

    Unfortunately I took a fall crossing the Behemoth when someone came off a rope and 3 of us all fell together. I think I must have landed awkwardly on the safety net because I have done something to my back. Slightly painful but nothing too serious. I went through the Fires Of Hell and the Ditches Of Despair wondering whether to carry on and then I decided my back injury could just escalate into something worse that would take a longer to clear up so I decided to jack it in :o(

    On the positive side, while I was being wheeled away in an ambulance my son carried on and finished. Hooray! I always knew he was a tough guy and now he has proved it.
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    Didn't feel like a stormer Carl! As I am sure you all realise it's a hell of a lot easier starting at the front. No crowds at the obstacles and the mud is just, well, mud when we run through. By the time we got changed and walked down to watch it had changed into a knee deep swamp.

    A lot of respect and congratulations to everyone, particularly those out there for 3 hours plus, and thanks so much to the supporters Jj, Nicko, Imelda and particularly Mellifera (or something?!) who popped up at almost every obstacle to shout encouragement, although I think it had something to do with me being a couple of places in front of her boyfriend.

    Anyone who didn't get a t shirt and still wants one, mail me and i'll put it in the post.
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    Bad luck HB, and sorry to hear about your injury Cougster, hope it doesn't put you out of action for long.
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    JjJj ✭✭✭
    It was too a stormer. And well done Carl - did you stay with Sue all the way? You looked like Little and Large setting off! LOL!

    "Who won the TT v RW?"
    Do you really need to ask?

    Bad luck, HB.
    And kk - I can't believe I STILL didn't meet you!!
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    Stayed with Sue most of the way, lost her just after the 3 rope walks on the assault course (I had a minor $h.tting myself attack and took ages)…. Saw Oxy and a few others on the way round… Was going to drop into The Mermaid but TT had a gathering at another pub just down the road and figured id catch you all at a social some time soon….

    Well done RW (if you do win) TT will be in training to get you back next year……

    Thanks for coming up to support Jj, fantastic as always (though I only saw you at the tent………. You wernt chatting up Daz by any chance???). Daz did well, 1:32 I think?
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    Carl’s race report………………..

    Tough Guy 30th January 2005

    Woke up quite scared of what I was letting myself in for, this wasn’t helped by ringing Simon what with him being there and saying it looked more scary than he thought.

    I really don’t do heights, cold, and nothing precarious….

    The race

    Set of at a steady pace and was couldn’t of gone faster due to the crowds throughout the course, didn’t find the course to hard at this speed….wow then did the grin on my face change……. Just the first feeling of cold was like razor blades around my toes, but soon warmed up again…Most of the assualt course was good fun but it went on and on and on, I had no idea it was so long and must of taken over 2 hours…. Mainly due to bottle necks and queuing for 10 mins on some obstacles….

    Confronted my fear of precarious heights early on with the first big climb, was pretty stable and lots to hold on to… however the rope walk was another matter, when I got up there I never thought I would make it accross, if there was a way down I would of taken it… After a mild panic I had a go and gingerly inched my way across. So many people happy to help and I asked for lots of helping hands… so so much support and cammaradarie……

    I tried everything (well nearly everything), skipped the tyre tunnel and very very nearly skipped the concrete tunnel through fear of getting stuck but had a go in the end… took me about 10 mins to get through though, one inch at a time.

    The Bridge of ???? was the next thing I skipped, I tried the 1st then 2nd duck under the poles but on the 2nd one I felt what I can only describe as 1 million volts go through my body. I burst out of the water in shear panic. Felt so guilty at missing a major obstacle but at the same time pride that I was having a go and made it so far and already overcome many things I didn’t like.

    Most things were quite fun but id been on the course so long the cold was beginning to bite, waiting around did not help and the only respite was a warm up by the fire earlier. The best bit was the deep thick mud…. Or so I thought until I got stuck, had to dive forward to get out and got a face full of mud and grit…

    The only other thing I skipped was the suicide leap or whatever its called, got to the top and just couldn’t bring myself to jump… took some easier routed around some things like straight into the water at the death slide (no point trying as id of fallen off straight away).

    Finished in around 3:40, though at least an hour maybe 90 minutes of that was hold ups. I might have been braver and tried the water bridge and leap had I not been so cold already. Thought the assault course was never going to end……Managed to sprint home in style though.

    Didn’t find the race physically demanding in terms of endurance but the mental strength from overcoming the cold and so many obstacles will really help me in future events….
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    Like the icelandic mud wrestling championships?
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    Well done to those who completed it yesterday, commiserations to HB, Cougie, hope the injuries are not too serious. I pulled out at the fires of hell, having been trapped in netting, had my leg whipped by a branch and some bloke use it as a foothold I'd had enough. Wasn't a physical thing, just stood there and realised I didn't want to do it, very different feeling to last year. Mike had a good run, left me with a club mate at the start and, unencumbered by his aging aunt, finished in 1.48 He only started running again three weeks ago!

    Good to catch up with some of you before the start, sorry to miss you Jj.

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    JjJj ✭✭✭
    "chatting up Daz"

    Babs! :o( Hope you're OK today.

    Nice to see you again, eddum!

    Shambs - your brief comment summed it up for many spectators, I think.
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    Erm I think the clock read 4:05 when I came through the end.

    And Jj I'm sorry I missed you and the others out there, you could have helped Mrs 'kk' out with the two cameras she was carrying not that she caught either me or son No2.
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    provo results up

    Run No Name Sex Age Time Position
    752 RICHARD MELIK (TL) M 39 1:23:44 48
    1139 MICHAEL COOKE M 21 1:46:55 397
    4015 JOHNNY MUIR M 23 1:50:49 =487
    2109 ELAINE ARMOUR F 35 1:58:20 681
    3001 RICHARD JOHN BAKER M 28 2:19:49 =1245
    2108 ANNA MCLAUGHLIN F 32 2:41:50 1780
    2110 RICHARD DONOVAN M 51 2:41:51 =1781
    4205 MARTIN ROBINS M 30 2:41:51 =1781
    3020 ROMEK GRIFFITHS M - 2:44:42 =1848
    3021 PAWEL VERNON KOWALIK M 37 2:46:01 1876
    4401 JONATHAN RUSSELL M 31 3:27:37 =2862
    3007 CLARE DONOVAN F 51 3:38:07 =3078
    4247 CLAIR NICHOLLS F 30 3:38:07 =3078
    4638 SIMON WRENN M 28 3:38:07 =3078
    6065 TARA JEAN STEVENS F 25 3:52:34 =3270
    4011 AMANDA JANE HESLEGRAVE F 35 3:56:28 22
    7022 PAUL HOLMES M 26 3:57:17 =3327
    3004 ROGER CHARLES MUIR M 50 4:04:09 3403
    3034 JANE AIKMAN F 39 DNF N/A
    1102 LES KENNEDY M 37 DNF N/A
    3023 VAL METCALF F 40 DNF N/A

    no result for TC after his storming run - is given as a DNF??

    not as enjoyable as last year but a stinking cold/cough really does NOT help............but I may be back.......

    here's team Tripe Talk results

    2225 MATT GILES M 28 1:17:04 7
    4115 DARRYL CARTER M 31 1:39:30 228
    3745 DANIEL MARTIN M 34 1:54:31 596
    2223 MIKE RUSSELL M 54 1:57:45 669
    3740 EDWARD MILBOURN M 26 2:19:38 1238
    3739 CRAIG CAMPION M 21 2:28:27 =1469
    3743 CHRIS HALL M 27 2:31:07 1529
    3738 JOANNA CUSHWAY F 36 3:22:35 2730
    3737 RAY CONNOR M 38 3:24:13 =2780
    3742 SUSAN SELLER F 49 3:24:13 =2780
    3735 JEREMY ANDERSON M 33 3:30:21 2946
    3736 CARL BARTHORPE M 35 3:35:38 3037

    so looking at that lot - they had the absolute winner but I think we stacked more early finishers in our top 10

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    I jumped off the Death Plunge!!!!

    O 'DOG' I'm going for a lie down!!
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    Well done, all!!

    You're all mad!!

    FB, isn't this the third year running that RichM has been '39'?
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    I can hardly type as my arms are sore.
    What a great day. One for the calander.
    Only person I really got to know was the Count but the rest of you seemed a nice bunch.
    3.27 for me but suffered from cramp at the first water obstacle. I was not the only one thought. There were loads suffering.
    Did my bit for humanity and helped a geezer over the Anaconda as he was toiling with cramp.

    Still I did it and I am a TOUGH GUY!!

    Hope to get to know you all a bit better next year.

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