
Muscular Dystrophy Bury 20



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    Thanks Paul - will only trouble you if there's any doubt.
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    hi all what times are everyone going for I am going to try for 10M @ 8min miles and the last ten at about 7:30-7:45 per mile.

    Tilly I too am traveling from darkest essex!

    have a chilled week
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    Hi everyone,

    I work for the Muscular Dystrophy Campaign and just wanted to say good luck to all the runners taking part on Sunday! Lets hope the snow stays away!

    Also just wanted to let you know about our Ruperts Runners team in the London Marathon 2005! We have allocated all our Gold Bond places but if anyone has their own place and would like to run as part of our team you would be most welcome. As part of the Rupert’s Runners team we will offer you support throughout your training and fundraising with regular newsletters, information and a running vest. There will also be an opportunity to meet fellow members of the team at the post race Recovery Reception with a sports massage for our runners and a light meal.

    If you would like further details drop me an email at events@muscular-dystrophy.org and I will send you out some information.

    Good luck,

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    No snow left in this part of Essex now, How is it in Bury?
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    I do not live in Bury bur 14 miles away, All the snow has gone, but a little light snow now falling.
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    opinions please! have run 15 miles as my furthest- folksworth 15 and benfleet 15. quite tired after. Av 10 min miling for folksworth (slower for benfleet) Aiming for paris marathon in april. have been told Bury very challenging? is anyone else aiming to run this around 10-10.5 min miles?
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    Hi Jeckmac!

    I'm trainig for FLM. My first 17 mile training run last weekend was 9:50 minute miles (so 10 really!!). Will be looking for the same on Sunday, although my knee is playing up at the mo so I'm not sure how far I'll make it :-(
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    hey mitten, you are defo faster!but v tempted. dont want to miss last bus!
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    Is there some coincidence between the number of "did not finish" and the name "bury 20" They say its a tough race but thats going a bit far. Huge incentive to catch the last bus out of town before you go the way of St Edmund !!
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    Sorry I'm a bit confused now - is this race REALLY that hard?
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    Hi Jeckmac, they will be several people doing 10 min miles or slower I think Folksworth is harder than Bury. Don't worry about missing the last bus, it dosn't go until the last person is finished. The reason there was a large number of DNF last year was several people did not start due to overnight snow stopping them travelling to the venue. Whimps!. Just been round the course no problems. Paul (Race Sec)
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    I'm no whimp!! But I will point out that I could hardly walk yesterday......
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    Hi Mitten
    I did this last year as my first ever race!
    My friend convinced me it would be ok and I assumed that it was 20kM. Only found out 2 weeks before the event the error of my ways.
    It was tough but any race of that length will be!
    The two big hills are hard and they come at difficult times 9 miles is very steep, more like climbing stairs but not too long. Bull Hill at 18 miles is not that steep but seems to go on for so long. You get people along the route cheering you on which always help and some good drinks stations and encouraging noises from the marshalls.
    If you have run 17 miles you should be fine.
    Snow seems to have gone completely so we should be ok!
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    Thanks - that makes me feel so much better!!

    Did Watford a few weeks ago, which is meant to be pretty touch and I felt ok with the hills there. Managed to keep going up them all passing all the walker - a very good feeling :-)
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    ok am in no 414 (thanks paul) cannot promise will not have walk a bit up the hills etc. but gonna give it a go . see you there moro. off to bake a lemon cake for carb loading...
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    Hi there all - Jeckmac has persuaded me to do this one with her - that is if Paul says it is ok!!!

    <looks pleading in Paul's direction>

    Does this meant hat I might finally meet Mitten??!!
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    Yeap - I will definately be there poca! In fact am sitting at my Mum's in Bury at the mo!!

    Only problem is I haven't got my race number, changed to the 20mile so am picking up my number in the morning.

    How will we spot each other? Shall we arrange a meeting point/time?
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    Baked lemon cake , ate rather a lot, well loaded now... poca , Mitten lets meet outside the number pick up tent at 9.45?
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    Yeap cool with me. For recognition, I'll be in black running tights with a red gilet - and I'll probably be half asleep :-)

    My 'not getting drunk all year' ended last night with a bottle of wine. That's by far the most I have drank all year and I feel pants for it today.

    Logging off now, have a good evening everyone & see you tomorrow.

    Mitts x

    ps - mitten will be 'mitten-less'. I forgot to bring my gloves up with me :-((
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    Don't know if I'll be there girlies - not heard if they will let me in yet :o(

    The email address you gave me Jeckmac just keeps bouncing back and so I have tried the one on the website but no answer :o(
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    Bring me a slice of lemon cake!!!!!!!!!!!
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    Looks like another cold one - with a head wind for the last half again. No negative split this year I guess?
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    Poca - are you in then?

    I'm sure Paul will be feeling nice enough to let you in :-)))
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    Have the dubious pleasure of running this race in the morning, just how bad are the hills at 9 & 18 miles??. Am still aiming for about 2:20, will be wearing a stow striders vest if anybody fancies tagging along.
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    Just been looking over the map with my Mum's husbands who's a local chap. He used to cycle the routes round here and reckons that the 18 mile is a bit of b*tch.

    But saying that, he did say that runners used to pass him when he was cycling up it - so there is hope :-)
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    Ohhh, and CS I'd love to tag along but not at 2.20 thank you! How about 3.20?
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    I'd also like to point out that my Mum only has one husband.

    Must not post when tired......
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    For some reason I entered this race ages ago but never thought to check for a thread. D'uh.

    I'm kind of wishing I hadn't now - I was feeling nervous enough about it before, and now I've read all about the hills...well....argh really.

    I did 2:46 in the Oakley 20 last year, so, allowing for hills, I'm hoping for about 3 hours in this, so if anyone reads this in time and wants to say hi, I'll be wearing black 3/4 length tights and a black long-sleeved top, I have a long plait that just tickles the top of my thighs, and I'm number 52!
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