
Sub 5 hours



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    deep breath Delia, know how u feel lets not use all our energy up now though we've got that little jog round London to think about!
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    think everyone else has gone to bed not us we're well ard
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    might sleep well tomorrow night ...
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    off to sort gear out for tomorrow all the very best of everything to you all!!!!
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    Sounds great Delia! I was thinking of going for a little jog around London myself. Can meet you at Blackheath if you like? I'm thinking of going quite a long way - about 26.2 miles if you fancy it?

    Hope there won't be too many people around...
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    RoobarbRoobarb ✭✭✭
    Think I may join you. Do you mind?

    Feeling strangely calm. I know I said I probably wouldn't be on line again but vacuuming now in case mother comes tomorrow!

    Off to bed soon. Feel a bit tired after doing virtually nothing all day!

    Good night and good luck!
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    Hello peeps. I've been sorting my stuff out. I am starting my run at Blackheath tomorrow - can I join you?

    What are you doing with your change of clothes?

    Couldn't figure out how to put my chip on my shoe - done it now though.

    Just came up with a great idea though - thought I would walk the first 5 miles and then run 20 cos I know I can run that far. That way I won't be too tired for the after show party!

    Debbs - I am feeling strangly calm now too.
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    Evening being told to go to bed by mother

    C U all in the morning will join you for a jog in the streets of london tomorrow as long as you are intending to go over 26.2.miles

    nite nite
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    Night night sleep tight everyone.

    Over and out
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    debbodebbo ✭✭✭
    I hope all you FLMers are tucked up in bed and sleeping soundly!

    I really hope it goes well for you all tomorrow and that you have a fab time and good runs too!

    I'll be thinking of you as I sit in front of the telly!!

    You'll all have to think of us who are doing Lochaber next weekend.
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    Not feeling good yesterday. Wake up with tight chest and cough up a greeny. Not this year I guess. See you all next year - you'll all be back. Now to find a marathon to do so as not to waste this training.
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    potting shed sorry to hear about your chesty cough and you having to pull out at the last minute.

    Getting ready to spend the morning watching the telly, best of luck and positive thoughts to everyone.
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    debbodebbo ✭✭✭
    I'm sending positive vibes too. I'm already watching the telly!!
    Potting shed - what a shame - sorry to hear that.
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    off to post my number for deferral and then to mile 17. looks like a hot one!
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    Well that was fantastic! I have never watched since I first ran FLM. Talk about emotion! I was very moved. Thought I'd get my post in before the first of the elated runners. Well done all - you deserve extra plaudits for running in that heat.
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    No one posting a race report yet, can't wait to hear how everyone got on. It did look fairly warm.
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    Tracey GTracey G ✭✭✭
    I went to watch the marathon with my two kids, and was look out for the people in this thread. I saw Stonking Bonkers at Westferry and Katherine Youle at Limehouse.

    Looking forward to hearing all your results. What a great day and the weather was lovely, hope not too hot for you all.
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    It was so good to finally meet most of you! Sorry I lost you all, one minute I was getting a lucozade drink and the next I could not see you!

    Think I need to join a sub 6 forum though. Finished the marathon in 5hrs 40 in the end!
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    Good luck to all those running next weekend. I will be thinking of you as I know what you will be going through!
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    Lucy thats brillant, well done.
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    Lucy I am sure it won't be as warm in Fort William as it was in London today, I am sure the heat must have slowed a few folks down a bit.
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    Well done Lucy, and first back in! That's a fantastic time and you should be so proud of yourself for finishing. Did you cry?
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    Felt like crying a few times around the course, but held it together until the finsh, when I met up with my boyfriend and family, then I lost it completely!!
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    debbodebbo ✭✭✭
    Well done Lucy! I'm glad you'll be thinking of us next weekend!

    Come on everyone else - we're in suspense here!!
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    Hello all

    Managed 5 hours (I think!!). Absolutely fantastic atmosphere, loved the whole thing.

    Foot held out pretty well after the injury problems of the past 5 weeks. Tired, but exhilerated.

    Well done everyone who ran today and good luck to next week's marathon runners.

    Cup of tea and bed soon, I think!

    Thank you all for your support and encouragement and thanks to everyone who turned up today to shout our names and keep us going. You are stars!!! As are all the people who did it, whatever time each of us did.
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    Well done Sweetest Thing.
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    hi everyone - just home and tired and excited and in a daze - was it all real? Did it happen or was I dreaming?

    No, my knees tell me it was real.

    have never run long in that hot weather - completely threw me, as did the incredible support from the very beginning, so i went out too fast despite all the warnings - got absorbed into high-fiving all the little kids.

    missed support team at mile 17, but saw husband and daughters at hotel at mile 18 which was a real boost

    very very heavy legs from 19 to 24 and then the crowds got me on automatic to get in at I think 5h 05. when i looked at my garmin it said i'd actually run 28.89miles at 10.44 pace, so i was well pleased, tho a bit sorry not to officially go under the magic five.

    so so sorry not to have met peeps at clarendon hotel - ended up catching train from south quays to greenwich and finding myself at blue start without enough time to go backwards to find hotel

    i don't think i'll ever get over the amazing crowds shouting our names, or the incredible support from all you guys

    off to bed - look forward to hearing from all tomorrow
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    Hi All - WELL DONE!!!

    So much for Pen 8. I was still queueing for the loo at 9:45 so just had to file in at the back with the Cornish Pasties when I finally emerged! The crowds were amazing - at times it was like running through a football stadium it was so loud!

    I started to get really tired at 23 miles, but as it was so close to the end I held on in there. First (and last) marathon completed in 4:45:46. I feel like I've broken my feet in 17 places!

    Haven't watched the video yet, but have heard this fantastic rumour that Paula Radcliffe stopped for wee at the side of the road, in front of the whole world, at mile 22!!

    Good luck to our Lochaber Ladies for next week.

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    Morning all
    im in pain everything hurts
    Managed 5.15 really struggled in the heat
    great to meet up with you all(got a suntan on the way)
    Thanks shades you were fab wouldnt have made it with out you girls
    Spudhead Topsec sorry i didnt stay with you tryed to but it wasnt there hope you all feel ok today
    Welldone everyone
    Good Luck next weekend to all those running
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