
Wed 6th July 2005



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    Phew! Must admit this morning was like waiting for the start of every landmark sporting event rolled into one; I was so excited! Ended up with us having a long conversation with national identity, gosh, we always do over-analyse things

    Wardi - great run!

    Blisters - this job is actually doing what I've been doing for years, but in a far smaller company with a flat structure. I'd hoped for a career change after moving back the UK but it wasn't to be, the sort of jobs I was looking for either weren't coming up, or always had preferred candidates! I was quite restricted in my choice of jobs as I didn't want to commute (done the 4 hours travelling bit, don't want to do it any more) or move. But I've decided to accept, as I can only be a part-time student/part-time consultant for so long - and I'm fed up with having no money! And they are nice people in the company (I made sure I met them all!). Prospects? I've gone as far as I want to go in my career, so it's not really an issue, I just want to be happy and fulfilled! And with time to run/bike/climb/dream ...

    M - sorry that your run wasn't to be. Time to look at your training diaries and see why, in the past, you've had good runs, and why, in the past, you've had bad runs - and see if you can draw any conclusions. How did you feel during the run - focussed? Distracted? Bored? AS well as looking at physical causes for your performance it could be worth looking at the psychological side as well. Were you motivated? Did you truly *want* to do well? how did you feel when it started to go badly? Did you fight or give up? Might be worth doing an analysis of this and previous races (write it down) and see if you can spot any patterns. Personally, I *know* I'm rubbish at flat road races, I spend the whole race not wanting to be there - which does affect my performance. Give me vomit-inducing hills and I rise to the challenge.

    What: 1 hour easy on the the bike - av. 18.1 mph - Bramcote, Stabbo, Stanton by Dale, Sandiacre, Risley, Draycott, Breaston, Long Eaton, home. Ankle held up well (it did climbing last night too). Funnily enough, it only hurts when pedalling downhill - which does point to something rotten in my pedalling! Horribly windy - lost the front wheel at one stage when I got caught by a blast of wind between two buildings, nearly ended up on the road. The penalties of having a very light bike ...
    Why: injured
    Last hard: hmm
    Last rest: Sunday

    Have a great day all - it's champers for us tonight, two things to celebrate!
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    DustinDustin ✭✭✭
    Give Coe a knighthood, bet BR has mixed feelings, Coe being a Tory an' all that.
    Good news was someone here gave me London at 2-1 first thing, should've done more.....

    What: Yateley 10k
    Why: Midweek series

    So how we gonna pay for all those stadiums......oh yeah, increased council tax, congestion charges..........Can't wait for Blair to add it to his list of achievements .........
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    Afternoon folks,
    Delighted to hear that london will host the olympics. Hopefully it will save me, jon and bryn some transport costs. it would be great for the 3 of us to be in the team.

    Cant remember if i said but i seen Jimmy Watkins(gb 800m runner) sunday racing in the 1500m at the same race meeting i went to.looked good

    What:Track session tonight

    Last Hard:Sunday
    Last Rest:Monday-seen the physio

    Achilles feeling good now and tonights track session should tell me if it is back to 100%
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    oh yeah i also think that coe deserves the knighthood
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    Afternoon all

    Wardi, nice PB!

    What: 10 steady miles
    Why: Mid-week

    Last Hard: Yesterday
    Last Rest: 6 days

    Was in central London at lunch time so decided to visit Trafalgar Square. It was choca., traffic was at a standstill and the atmosphere electric. Flypast by the Reds really topped it off...bit of a closet plane spotter really! Have visited Athens several times a year since 1995 and have experienced first-hand how the Games can transform a City...can't wait!!

    PS Ran at a brisk pace from Piccadilly Circus to Trafalgar Square to arrive at 12:46 precisely, does this count as a double:o)

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    StuTStuT ✭✭✭
    Afternoon all,

    Great news for London, Coe did a fantastic job.

    Let's hope it brings through some GB talent.

    What: 5 miles steady
    Why: All I could manage in a lunchtime.

    Does anyone know what's happened to Tom. I miss his wise posts.
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    chris watch that achilles tonight. i've just gone down the bookies and got odds of 1000-1 on you winning the 800 in 2012 so don't want you getting injured!
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    Paul:Lol, your not serious are you, id love to though.
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    TmapTmap ✭✭✭
    A steamy run around Central Park in New York this morning, with some impressive flood debris from a storm last night.

    Working away from the family is a sad time, but running every day is a good consolation.
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    Coe did a great job, the sad thing is that Tony Blurgh will take the glory despite his half hearted support!!
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    WOOHOO! ITS LONDON 2012!!!
    Great news that London has the Olympics for 2012, talk about nail biting stuff!

    Guess it means I will have to get into some serious training now! Looks like its the 10k track or Marathon for me if Im gonna make TEAM GB, will have to beat PANTMAN to the place though and BR! ;p

    my serious track season is over, meaning my training is now geared towards 5k/10k races then XC Season. I will still run in two more actual track races! 1500m tommorow at my home track and then the BMC 1500m at Invicta in September!

    Though looking at the standard, I will probably get lapped in that one! :) lol
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    hey lizzy - i guess i spent most of the race thinking "god i'm so slow" and "oh no not again" as i got slower and slower.

    interspersed with "perhaps i can keep up with this one" as yet another person came sailing past - only to realise 100m later that i really couldn't.

    i really enjoyed the only trail race that i've ever done - and my club has finally confirmed that we will be entering a xc league this winter that i'm definitely looking forward to :-)

    wardi - congrats on the new pb
    wabo - nice one on the swimming. maybe find a late season sprint tri :-)

    AF - I realise it wasn't much of a report but i was feeling a bit annoyed!!!

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    Evening everybody.

    Couldn't get away from work in time to catch train to Battersea this evening, so will take the opportunity to write a 7 year marathon training program. Will start by getting my mile pb down to top class marathon pace. That should leave me a year or two to get the other 25.2.

    Good luck to any racers tonight.
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    I'm not a fan of Coe's politics either but as he's running the Olympic bid and not the country I'm not bothered. I wouldn't want see him knighted because I'm not generally in favour of the honours system (or the monarchy). He's clearly done a fantastic job and his reward is winning the bid.

    It would be superb to have forumites at the games!!

    Dustin - congrats on the bet!
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    Dustin (and others)...

    As Seb Coe is a peer, knighting him would be a demotion in position to a baronetcy.

    The South Yorkshire lad has done a grand job:-)

    Micksta - 7 years to sort your training out then:-)
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    M. I know exactly the sentiments you express! It might be worth your while reading some of the books on sports psychology, and perhaps doing a few of the exercises (visualisation, self-talk etc.). I did this for a while and I just got faster, with no extra training, what a magic season that was, minimal training AND prizes! You do need to keep doing it though, as the effect does wear off.
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    BR. I agree. The South Yorkshire lad has done a good job.
    All those years running for Hallamshire Harriers here in Sheffield were the makings of him! :))
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    I have a claim to fame. I was at Loughborough Uni at the same time as him in the 70's and spilt beer over him after a 3 legged pub crawl during rag week!
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    HillyHilly ✭✭✭
    Great news today with the Olympics coming to London! Great news for us too in the South West as the sailing is going to be at Porland, so exciting!

    Massage went well today. The physio did some mysofascial release and work on my back. She said the tightness wasn't as bad as she's seen them in the past, so obviously they'd gone down a lot since Sunday. She also said there's no reason not to race on Saturday:o) My race on Sat is a 8 miles fell race up to the highest point on the south coast (Charmouth challenge)so pretty pleased she gave me the all clear! Never done this race before, but have heard lots about it and no it's going to be tough!

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    HillyHilly ✭✭✭
    read know for no!
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    Evening all,

    Couple of days away for work but managed to get an hours easy plod in each morning which is good as this week is a planned down week with race at end of week.

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    WardiWardi ✭✭✭
    Many thanks for the congrats everyone, it is 2 years since my last 10k PB so it means a lot. I cannot remember the last time I saw so many runners finishing a race all resembling drowned rats!

    I took a bit of time after the race to ask the host club to thank all the marshalls who stood out there in the rain. They seemed to think that we were the worthy ones for turning up! When I got home I had to cover every available hanging space with the soaking wet kit that I had run in, warmed up & warmed down in, plus assorted caps, towels and shoes.

    So sorry to hear you had a bad run M, after the triathlon dog incident you must be thinking that a curse is upon you!

    Congrats on the job offer Lizzy, and I like your approach to life vs work.

    Podro.. a hard session and a race in the same day doth not maketh a top notch race performance. Still, well done for giving it a go. To answer your query.. the 10k series I'm doing is open only to a handful of clubs in the York area. Alternatively , coming up are the Harrogate 10k (Sun 31/7), York 5k (Tues 9/8, a very fast course), Tholthorpe 10k (4/9, pretty flat).

    MTB.. a pleasantly unexpected prize, good stuff.

    Bad luck with the off road race Paul, it ain't my strong point either. Us tall fellas tend to sink!

    Tonight.. 5.5 miles easy off road, and it's breezy and wet again.

    Great news for London, looking forward to 2012. I'll be 54 by then but to be fair I'm still improving {o:
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    Wheeeee - we have been in tears of joy here at the London news. How exciting. I will be 35!

    Tactical error today: combining two training sessions into one! I did the four ten min pieces on the erg, then hopped straight on the treadmill for 5 miles. My legs felt like jelly for the first mile, along the 'what is this strange motion you are now making us do?' kind of lines!! Won't do it again, methinks.

    Enjoy the celebrating!
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    nrg-bnrg-b ✭✭✭
    Well Done Seb Coe & the London 2012 Bid Team.

    Wardi: Brilliant result. Hope you like the champers.

    paul l.: LOL. If only I had properties to sell.

    John Douglas: I'm pleased to hear that you're back in training & that the NB150s are working out for you. Please go easy.

    Wabo: On the Central Line train I can make it to Stratford in 9 mins from my front door. Could probably run it in 30 mins.

    Minks: Age has not stopped Fauja Singh.

    Hilly: Glad to hear the massage was fine and that you could race.

    Lyrics were Beats International with "Dub be good to me".

    And to think that those of us who are parents may be raising potential olympic champions.......what a cool thought :-)
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    done a good track session tonight. It was 3x1000m, dont know what times though, well under 3:30 though id say. The longest reps ive done so it should benefit my speed endurance which im lacking. also finished off with 6x80m sprints.

    London 2012, ill be 22 almost 23 so hopefully ill have run 1:45 in the 800m by then and i will. :-)
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    Hilly glad to hear you are ok for Charmouth. I'm also doing that race for the first time, I've heard it really is a challenge :)
    I'll look out for you.

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    Congrats on getting the Olympics!
    Chris - you've got plenty of time - just remember if you can't get your time down there is always the 1500m.
    Paul M - congrats on the sub 10 2 miles with a little help from URR.
    Hilly - glad the legs are feeling a little better.
    Wardi - great stuff and SSS - what a good club person you are - doing your run then marshalling for the others.
    Good on you Wardi - 2 yrs since your last PB - I'd have to look a long way back to find mine!
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    Evening, all
    Nice PB Wardi.
    Congrats to Seb & London. I'll have to make sure I keep my Sports Massage Assoc subs up to date till then, to find an ineresting job (or more likely voluntary position)

    What: 12 miles
    Why: midweek 2/3rds distance of long run, medium endurance run
    Last hard; yesterday
    Last rest: Thurs
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    First of all big congrats to our Olympic bid team for getting the Games to London..... and beating the French - now that is sweet.

    The 5K tonight, conditions were very poor. Heavy rain and strong wind immediately deterred Soda Jnr from going so I trudged of alone to the venue.

    Got to Redcar and met up with clubmates and decided on a warm up strategy - 10mins before start run to start and if there is time - do some strides. So we ran into the gale force wind (I kid you not) and immediately turned round and ran with the wind (and rain) then lines up at the start line. A good group from Sunderland and some fine young runners from New Marske planted their feet on the start line. I took one step back cos with conditions like these I wanted to see what was going to develope in front of me so the gun went and -

    Off we set.

    A Sunderland runner and our (Loftus) young gun blasted of in front with a group of 6 runners in "pack 2". I settled into the back of this pack and as we rounded the first corner was well shielded from the aweful wind.

    1K in 3.19. If conditions had been good this was my target time so very pleased with the opening K.

    2K in 3.19. Well pleased, the runners ahead/around me were pressing on nicely into the wind.

    3K in 3.16. This was controlled down wind and maintaining contact with the group.

    4K in 3.40. Nightmare!!! The pack had slowed but it was suicide to try and take the running on so I stayed tucked in.

    Rounded the final corner and everything was now down wind. The speed was upped considerably by all the runners. I passed the Super Vet who normally beats me and continued to surge. Some of the young guns came past me only to fade in the last 250mtrs. So I was running (in a controlled fashion) relaxed and fast I completed the last K in 3.06 for a race total of 16m 39s and 7th place overall.

    A PB by 15 Secs. Given the conditions in which we ran that came as a bit of a surprise - a very pleasent surprise.

    Now prizes are given out on a age related basis and I had hoped that I had done enough to beat the "Super Vet" that I left behind me in the last K. Not a bit of it. I beat him by 6 seconds but he beat me by 0.8% on the age related system
    Now this race is won on age related system so I took the second prize with some decent banter with the race winner.

    Despite the terrible racing conditions a excellent result.
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    First of all congratulationss to our Olympic bid team for getting the Games to London.We don't really hate the French - Chirac maybe, Destang too. But not all of the rest of them.

    Wardi_ excellent performance, you must be chuffed to bits! I knew you had that sort of time in your legs, but there's always the "doing it" part that's tough. Just think, another 3 seconds quicker and you'd have beaten my pb....;-)
    WP- rest well, sleep well, and try not to get over excited about 2012..
    BR- A postponed run? Obviously not 2x posponed runs...
    Paul L - If your targets are faster than you off road (slippery = clue) perhaps you need the proper footwear?
    Hilly - fingers crossed for you calves - what else can I say? Apart from good luck with the race.
    Jon Douglas- you'd better re-read your post again - SHE might not thank you, whoever she is.
    Podro- tough luck at Harrogate, race well Minor at Hyde Park. You get about a bit don't you?
    Melli- some significant mileage sneaking in there, amongst the usual personal plaudits.
    Minks/SGQ- Aha, job interview! I thought he was off for the snip...
    Dustin- We are going to pay by all giving up our weekly walnut whips, according to Red Ken. No hardship there then.
    BR- Coe surely isn't from South Yorkshire originally? That accent makes him sound like a a a Sebastian.
    Sodahead- that was a very cool race you ran there. Using those around you to (ahem) break the wind on your behalf. And a really good PB to top off the podium placement. Not bad, eh?
    Me: A lovely if breezy day in west Wales. The highway maintenance crew that I went to talk to had found a wonderful corner of the world in which to work, so I went back there later. Narrow lanes with high stone filled hedges, very "country", rolling, quiet and unspoiled. I drew a map on my arm, to aid navigation, this worked a treat and I had the confidence to keep going onwards at a decent pace. Finished 1h40m later, and measured it out as 12 miles. Very satisfying. It's only a shame that there isn't a decent restaurant in the whole of Pembrokeshire. The place I found called itself a seafood restaurant, but was in fact an eat-in fish and chip shop. "Can I have some fresh veg with it?"" We've got mushy peas..""No thanks".
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