
Pinewood 10K



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    Hi Running - I was the tanned one. Which one were you? Did you say well done to me after I had crossed the line?
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    yup, just before i collapsed against a tree!
    was wearing the white england top
    you looked comfortable as you ran past me earlier!!
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    46:28 for me according to the results!
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    Yes they were a couple of seconds wrong with mine too but hey who cares about two seconds. I knocked nearly 2 mins of my previous PB so Im happy. Are any of you doing Aldbourne, we should say hi at that one.
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    Hi guns myself and duracell were trying to find you but didn't have any joy,you weren't sitting next to us afterwards having a coffee with a cycling shirt?
    if not it wasn'y you,anyway i smashed my pb and finished in 46.20 i was well pleased with that and sprinted to the finish and left duracell bunny behind,(only joking duracell)she kept me going and leant me one of her batteries!
    Hope to meet up with everybody for aldbourne.bye for now,keep training!
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    Hi runforest, no that wasn,t me but i was sat on a bench drinking water watching the latter runners come home, there a pic of me (n0. 331) on now!! lol

    yes, we will have to arrange to meet before the race at aldbourne :-)
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    That was a really good race - got a PB (62.08 by my watch, just about to check the official results).
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    Seen your pic now Guns - not one of me luckily. Cannot believe you finished right in front of me Running-or-Chess - what are the chances of that? Well done everyone, lots seemed to get PBs must be a fast course. By the way are any of you doing the Swindon half, Im signed up for Bristol one but may push the boat out and do both but RunForest is not so keen so wondered if anyone fancied at least starting event with me.
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    DB I'm doing Cardiff and Swindon consecutive weekends* and they'll be my first ones so I'm darn sure you can manage ;-) lol

    * - while on that subject, anyone want to sponsor me ? :-)
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    Who you running for Tim? I got sponsors for Bristol and Bath last year but not bothering this year, just running for fun! lol
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    that was spooky alright buns.
    i wont be doing the swindon half (just recollected i won the swindon half junior prize when i was 16 or 17 & won....a portable chess computer thingy-it's a funny world).
    just spotted a 10k in reading on 040905 that looks extremely flat & fast but closing date is strict & 3 days away.
    it's a 9am start dagnamit!
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    I'm not so sure if "flat" was the correct description but certainly seemed well marshalled and always nice to get a free tee shirt. Quite a few PBs aswell by the sound of it so must have been fairly quick. The Headington event would be a good one to aim for (quick plug for my club), it's another new one and I believe it has also been described as "flat".
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    Im thinking of doing Headington one on the 4th although quite a trek for me as Im not from Swindon area. Think I will do Swindon half as well as Bristol half - should be a good challenge. These courses never are flat I have discovered the last few months but nice scenery all the country runs.
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    Yes the elevation is always subject to variety in these races which usually goes with the pleasant scenery. There's the Oxford Aviators coming up in September I think which is on an airfield, pan flat but probably a bit dull. I'm running the Headington 10K as it gets me out of Marshal duty, I *think* it's a new course so no telling what it will be like yet.
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    DB - The Drake Music Project http://www.drakemusicproject.org

    They aren't switched on to running-related fundraising but they're sending me a t-shirt and some forms at least ;-)

    I'm going to do Cardiff as quick as I can (probably only about 2:30:00 though !) and then just haul myself around Swindon the following weekend
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    Cool I will probably be hauling myself around Swindon too as want to get a good time at Bristol and beat last year's. Look out for me at Aldbourne and I'll sponsor you then.
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    Tim - were you at Aldbourne? If so, have you had your haircut since Pinewood? Think I may have seen you.

    All - has anyone had problems with getting their photo of the race?
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    I didn't know you could get a photo, where's that ?
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