
Left Bruised and Bleeding...

So, there I was, tootling along on my r*n, minding my own business, when I noticed a sheep leaning against a hedge. Nothing odd there - I am in Wales, after all, except this one didn't run away as I passed. I glanced over and I realised why - she was completely trapped by thick brambles wrapped around her. Being a kindly soul, I thought I should do the decent thing and attempt to get her free. I headed toward her, and as I did so, she got a bit spooked and started to struggle - sadly, tho she was too firmly trapped to escape. I decided to climb over and help her out. As I blundered delicately over the barbed-wire fence, Dolly (let's call her that) started to get even more spooked, and hurled herself with all her strength away from me. Unfortunately, the hawser-like brambles trapping her continued to hold, and Dolly's momentum launched her into the air like a Peter Powell stunt kite in a strong wind. I watched in helpless fascination as this fully grown ewe followed an arc through the air, heading inevitably towards me. The next thing I knew, I was lying on the ground, trapped between the barbed-wire fence behind me, and Dolly, heavily bound, astride me. Now, being Welsh, I can't deny that this was a postiion I'd only imagined in my wildest dreams, and being well-brought up, I took the opportunity to introduce myself. At this point, Dolly became REALLY spooked, and threw herself in desperation against the surly bonds holding her. By using me for purchase, she managed to get up enough speed to uproot the brambles, and headed off to the far side of the field, dragging her bramble harness across my chest and legs. And that was it...not a glance back, not a word of thanks...no flowers, no card!

So, as I head off to hospital to get my tetanus updated, and try to figure out how to explain the scratches on my back and front to my wife, I'll leave you with a word of advice - if you feel the urge to wrestle with our four-legged wooly friends - wear protection!!


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