
24th Tewkesbury Half-Marathon



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    Jo20 - #12
    Trinity - #50
    RichK - #51
    Blisters - #269
    Runner-bean #474
    Amanda 34 #502
    Matt W4de #510
    Julie #635
    TW3 #703
    tobblob #756
    upthelane #652
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    Things are looking more positive...
    I will go for a short run tommorrow and Make my decision on Saturday.
    I might come even if I just take it easy. 13 miles running somewhere different with fellow runners must be worth the travelling...
    I just know that I would love to break that 2:00 hour barrier.
    Nevermind if not this week then maybe Cardiff in October.
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    I'd love to break the 2 hour mark too but it's looking unlikely. Feel same as you, Julie, it's a lovely run if nothing else! Hope it's warm but not hot, sunny but not too bright, no wind........I hate wind.
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    Hello All :)

    I'll add my number to the list:

    Jo20 - #12
    Trinity - #50
    RichK - #51
    Blisters - #269
    Runner-bean #474
    Amanda 34 #502
    Matt W4de #510
    Adverse Camber #600
    Julie #635
    TW3 #703
    tobblob #756
    upthelane #652

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    The weathermen can't make their mind up, Jo.

    BBC says 17 deg, showers and sun and a 7mph wind from the SW.

    ukweather.com says 13 degrees, showers and a SE wind of 12mph.

    17's too warm for me for a fast time, so I'll stick with the ukweather forecast - even if it is wetter and windier!

    But as Bob Dylan memorably sang, "you don't need a weatherman to know which way the wind blows".
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    But also Bewitched sang - "Blame it on the weatherman"

    Whoops, Did I just type that.
    For the record I’m not a avid Bewitched listener... OK!!!!!!

    Right, off to find my demin ;)

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    It would have been significantly cooler to have mentioned the R Kelly track "Weatherman", but B*witched were better looking...
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    I don't mind rain esp if it's the Weather Girls' rain! MEN!
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    TW3 - would R Kelly really have been "cooler"? methinks not ;o)

    Anyhoo - I'm in, if for no other reason than to trip up RichK for putting dodgy pictures of me on his website!

    Jo20 - #12
    Trinity - #50
    RichK - #51
    Blisters - #269
    Runner-bean #474
    Amanda 34 #502
    Matt W4de #510
    Adverse Camber #600
    Julie #635
    TW3 #703
    tobblob #756
    upthelane #652
    Wickett #780
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    Ran 3 3/4 miles this morning slowly
    No problems so far.
    Only got to run another 10 and I'll be fine.
    I'm sure if it was raining men I'd manage it in a PB.
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    AC... I didn't know you was doing this one.... or did I?
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    You did indeed.

    It's technically my last long run.
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    I'm getting that nervous belly feeling already. Am going to try a slow 5 miler tonight with my son to keep me company. Looks a bit cooler out there now, if a little windy! Say Hi if you see a slow capped lady and a 10 year old on a bike next to her running round Gloucester/Twigworth/Churchdown!
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    (shhhhh) But Glos-Twig-Churchdown is more like 8 miles than 5. It's a nice route though, and don't forget to say Hi to the ostriches.
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    Went to the physio again today...this is roughly how it went...

    Physio: "your leg will probably be a bit sore so I wouldn't run on it today, but you can tomorrow, you should be ok for up to 5 miles, but don't do any more than that at this stage"

    Me: "so Tewkesbury is out then?"

    Physio: "when is it?"

    Me: "Sunday"

    Physio: "this Sunday?"

    Me: "yes"

    Physio: "I'm afraid so"

    Jo20 - #12
    RichK - #51
    Blisters - #269
    Runner-bean #474
    Amanda 34 #502
    Matt W4de #510
    Adverse Camber #600
    Julie #635
    TW3 #703
    tobblob #756
    upthelane #652
    Wickett #780

    Trinity - #50

    So that's 3 races in 3 weeks that I've had to drop out of :(
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    I thought that you were a Physio Trin?

    Therefore you should know your own body.
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    I'm not a physio Blisters... I do sports massage, as well as other natural health therapies.

    And I do know my body... which is why I deferred from FLM, withdrew from Great West Run and I'm withdrawing from this race too
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    I think everyone needs an independent voice to tell them if they are ready to run or not.
    We are all biased with our own bodies thinking that of course were ready for it.
    I probably shouldn't run on Sunday but I probably will and hope that I won't regret it in a week or two.
    And if this sunshine continues I will definitely regret it. Having only started running in Sept I'm not used to sunshine. How do you cope. I overheat easily in January in shorts........

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    Thanks julie... I picked up an injury at the Oakley 20, which was supposed to be my last long run before FLM. I've been desperately trying to get it fixed ever since.

    My physio still thinks I'll be ok for Copenhagen marathon, but that's only two weeks away
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    That's really tough, Trinity. I really hope you can make it to Copenhagen - hopefully you've enough background fitness to see you through.

    Here's another who shouldn't really be running Sunday - I re-pulled an old groin strain 10 days ago, had to pull out of the GWR and have only managed a few short ambles. Hope their pick-up system's working....
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    Trin sorry you have had to pull out, and hope that this helps your leg recover more quickly.
    I'm far too in denial to locate that white envelope with number inside.. but I shall be in hideous bright green and yellow Malvern Joggers vest, and wearing baggyish navy shorts.

    Jo20 - #12
    RichK - #51
    Blisters - #269
    LDBadger - Vile Malvern Joggers vest
    Runner-bean #474
    Amanda 34 #502
    Matt W4de #510
    Adverse Camber #600
    Julie #635
    TW3 #703
    tobblob #756
    upthelane #652
    Wickett #780
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    Put me out of my misery, LDB. What's going on in your picture?
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    They're her baby Guinea Pigs, TW3 - and my advice - say something nice about them! The badger has sharp teeth and claws and is very proud of those little fellas!

    I'm just glad I don't have to look after the filthy little....
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    I love Guinea Pigs. Especially roasted with a nice...

    No, honest. They're sweet. So why does a badger (OK, albeit in name only except for the convincingly real claws and teeth) have guinea pigs as her image?

    I think it's time for some serious psychoanalysis of members' name and images.
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    You're right - because, for example, a TW3 is obviously a description for a fella running down a road.....

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    AeschylusAeschylus ✭✭✭
    ...and 'Wickett' clearly describes someone with a commitment to a particular sport...
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    I should have made it a TR3 and I'd have been going a lot quicker (that's a very old sports car for the youthful people out there).

    I was really imaginative. I was the third person with my name on the forum so I just reverted to the initials.
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    Good job you're not TR7, you'd never finish a race.
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    Can you change your name and if so how....
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    julie...just go into 'My Details' above left, and put another name in your 'nickname' box :)
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