
The Coffee Shop



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    swimming not my most fave of pastimes unless in the sea. PPB..... im not 40 yet.... couple of years.
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    Oh PPB and Phal are both 27!!

    Favourite year ever!! :-)

    Flanker - don't do it! Everyone I know ends up doing nothing but training and literally putting life on hold...

    My mate even ended up virtually celebate...

    Thanks to never getting to see friends or women and when he did he was knackered!!

    Sounds like normal life doesn't it! Not! :-)
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    I hate swimming to guys. But toying with the idea of a triathlon next summer. I found out about a good swimming coach in the town who can help me stay afloat. But it means I might get my hair wet. hmm.

    PPB good running. You will be down for the Kenilworth half next year at this rate.

    Where is the masseur? He is off to the canaries any day. Oh we are back onto yellow birds again onions!

    night night chaps, have fun
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    id be ok then, married for 13yrs.... used to my life being on hold lol
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    Aunty Clueless I dont think I am brave enough!

    Not sure where my running plans are going to take me-the goal is nov 26th and a 10km with a decent time!
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    night aunty clueless (((((Clueless))))))
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    rofl.. well if the first marriage had worked - that would have been 10 years this year..

    but instead.. me and OH have manage 7 together.. and hence the hesitation to marry.. :-)

    and swimming Yuck! Yuck! yuck!
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    if its any consolation, my cousins about to start on her 4th husband
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    I can safely say I haven't had a husband!

    Anyone up for a trip to Derby Weds 27th Dec for a gentle 5km plod?????????
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    oh.. don't want another husband - it costs too much to get rid of them!!

    Living in sin is so much more "pleasurable"

    Right OH is lingering with intent to spend on EBay...

    so laters - kiddy winks!

    Nite Nite!
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    whats happening then PPB
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    there is a 5km race from the The Queens Pub in Belper Derby.......just if I can get daddy ppb to leave the sofa and sit in a pub whilst I plod off the Christmas pounds!

    Just a thought........nothing definate and given your all down south its an option as I am in Nottingham for Christmas!
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    derby not far for me...... will have a think. night for now
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    The field was 103 last year and its reasonably cheap entry fee.......was just a thought!
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    OK well Night Night DR! Sleep well!
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    flankerflanker ✭✭✭
    it's a good thought ppb. My neck of the woods. I'm currently working just outside Derby (Burton).

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    i can see another forum outing brewing.
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    JJF goes quiet, and contemplates being nearer to 50 than 40 for the first time, next month.

    Will look into the Belper Race, might be able to pursuade the Flash Family to come for a day out.....
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    Belper sounds good.

    So how are we celebrating you birthday JJ, other than rolling in mud and slurry all morning?

    I vote you bring marj and pay for Itanlian after :-)

    merely an opening suggestion to get the ball rolling.

    (My advice is when you mention you have a significant birthday coming up dont invite 'guess the age' in the hope they may guess you are going to be 40. Because there will be at least one who says 60. And all too many will be accurate. You will get depressed. Dont do it.)

    So what is the date JJ? Lets have it.
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    I previously posted it, and it's the same day as Stoat's! So I can't spill the beans again for her sake.

    I will be racing the next day, in Oxfordshire, so drink will be off the cards. I think a little pre celebration in the mud for the two of us (Obviously not twins, as Stoat is clearly nowhere near 40 yet, and I will have edged into my late ones....) will do nicely.

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    Sorry can't do the 27th...

    I'll be busy going.. "Boo!! Hisss! He's behind you!!"

    No not the in-laws visiting... but yes at the panto! :-)

    Two bug kids off to the panto! Cool!

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    JJ - you say the sweetest things have been reading last pages of posts and thought I was in my dotage people anxious about reaching 30 when geriatric stoat is 40 and has been married 15 years! All Ican say is actually life improves with age. Mr S arranged surprise weekend away for my 40th, took us (inc stoatlets and my parents) to cottage in Somerset (if anyone wants to know where I will happily recommend it). Somehow he managed to arrange for several feet of snow to fall so it was beautiful, cottage surrounded by farmland, farmer lent children sledges so they spent weekend sledging building snowment etc, we went for lovely walks, and then on Saturday night, mum and dad looked after stoatlets and we had meal and night away in local hotel. Bliss

    Best weekend I have ever had.....

    Back to reality, attempt to clean stoat towers
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    Marj, of course, is much younger than I am.......
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    And being a lady will never reveal her true age
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    Can't make 27th I'm working
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    God -I am SOOOOOO Bored!!

    Can't beleive what I am having to do today!!

    Bear in mind - I have quite a senior role...

    working in a stressful, HUGE 1st tier automotive company...

    The company is in serious sh!t at the mo.. with BMW and due to a serious of God level "issues" we're currently in freefall..

    Loads of problems, issues, and monetary losses...

    SO - the god's that be have decided to introduce a "clean desk" policy...

    not even in a gentle - please tidy up, and remove components or anything..

    but in a... movce everything from your desk and environment..

    Contractors will be in on Saturday - if you leave it on your desk. etc it will be binned!!

    What an excellant way to motivate your workforce, and what good value for money!

    Because of course.. tidying up, and plastering over the cracks will make everything all right and all out problems go away...


    I so love my job, and the company I work for....

    and breathe...... 1....2....3... 1008, 1009, 1010... 3050, 3051....
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    and I was ranting so badly - didn't even spell check!!

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    Onions - take as deep breath and slow down.

    Oddly enough, I have been there, General Manager of a large distribution co, with a market in meltdown (When did you last buy a roll of film?)

    Three years later I earn more money in a less demanding job, able to run circles round most of my colleagues, and with a fraction of the stress. (I hope no-one from my company reads this).

    I loved that job, and the industry, but there is no way I'd go back (had a call from my old boss yesterday, doing the same job for a different company, so I headed off the possibility of a recall quickly).

    Take it as it comes, don't let stupidity put you off your aims, and don't ever think that disaster is around the corner. it will just be a different opportunity.

    Status and responsibility are only ever temporary, and we all have 23 problems. Wherever you go it is always "same sh!t, different day".
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    Just a level of frustration...

    Knowing - the real problem we have.. that are being ignored...

    and knowing the focus is on tidying the office...

    Let's all just bury our heads, or just go and snuggle up and sleep for the winter..

    All the meany baddies will have gone away by the time we wake up.. NOT!!

    and intersting _ worked for Kodak when I was at Uni.. just as the impending doom of digital was raising it's head... funnily they though it wasn't going to be a problem - the digital thing would never catch on...

    fortunately in automotive - cars aren't going to go out of fashion.. just the T*ssers that make the bits that do! Grr...

    ROll on 6pm and spinning!! Can see a good session coming on!!!
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