
Sunday 17 December 2006



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    Hilly and BR - you two are nutters. But it seems to be working and what is more (and in my view even more important) you seem to be loving every minute.

    Tom - very encouraging indeed.

    Scoobs - many thanks for the e-mail and keep the spirits up.

    Well raced to Paul and RFJ minor.

    Still pretty down from a running point of view and limited to 30 mins a day with one longer run of an hour due to achilles problems I simply can not shift.

    Did however lovely 60 mins run with Tim in forest yesterday am and then today 30 mins in forest on my own and then to the international X-Country event in Brussels (Mo Farah, Hayley Yelling etc running) with Tim, Mary and Lucas. Tim ran the 10km open race and had reasonably solid race without killing himself and we all had good time watching the top-class races.

    Hi to all from tim.

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    Hi peeps

    Yes, SIT, agree - BRilly are nutters but nutters that get my respect !! 6 mile race in the middle of an 18 wheeler indeed.

    What - very pleasant 9 miler in Zomerzet this morning; all round and over Ham Hill.

    My cold now looks like it is saying goodbye so (hopefully) a chance to get some sensible mileage in before Christmas. A sort of a 50 miles to go before any presents sort of thing sounds good in the comfort of an armchair with chocolate cake settling down ... but I need to be careful, or Xmas morning could be a long run.
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    Afternoon all,
    Not mailed recently due to hectic shifts and exhaustion from caring for the new ankle biter. All is slightly better now in puppy land but there have been a few "what have we done" moments.

    Ran and won the London Fire Brigade xc championships on Wednesday which earned me a couple of quality! fake metal trophies, one for V40 as well as the win.

    What: Reps 8 x 3mins
    Why: Have neglected rep sessions in favour of tempo.
    Haven't read back yet but hope all are running and racing well.
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    HillyHilly ✭✭✭
    SiT - sounds like a good day. Well done to BT. He's not posted for a while, but obviously still running strong.

    DM - is Ham Hill around Montacute House? If so I've done a good off road 10 mile race there.

    Rundown - well done on your win!
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    Congratulations Rundown on being the top of the pile!
    Congratulations Tom on some quality outcomes from the rep sessions. Hmm. There might be something in that approach.
    Congratulations BR and Hilly, it was obviously a good day in the high mileage camp too.

    Cross training: 10 year old looked after herself on the ice. I had only got the 6 year old to assist. She helped me up a couple of times, but we held hands for mutual support. I didn't think that I could get concussion in the backside, but I tried. It's those boots that are killers, they clamp onto the ankle bones. Last year they were bruised for a week.

    Do you know, I fancy a run tonight. Otherwise I'd have a zero mile week.

    Lyrics: Serving pizzas all around, deep pan, crisp and even!
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    Rundown - don't those trophies set the world on fire then?:-)

    <sorry - bet you've not heard that one before>

    SiT - thing was there was a free buffet included in the entry fee and all there was left by the time we finished were 2 manky cheese sandwiches which some guy wanted...
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    Evening all,
    RFJ - you sound one proud Dad - congrats to your son.

    Paul - glad you could get that xcountry run in without any hiccups - good luck with your temptation!

    Well run Poppy!

    Tom - well done - nice positive report.

    M& Venom - glad to see you have settled in nicely though probably never meet you - you in Wellington and me in Auckland.

    Good training Wardi and Clink.

    BR - you sound very happy with yourself.

    Hilly - tough way to do 18 miles!!

    SiT - glad you're out running again. Say Hi to Tim. Great watching all those top athletes in action.

    Rundown - congrats on your double win!

    Blisters - top prize for being a great Dad.

    What - 7 miles hilly in very hot conditions.
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    Lots of congratulations inj order here=to Rundown(well deserved), Brilly(im too knackered after races to run any more, whatever the distncae), and to Tom

    and to the little RFJ

    Glad you are back runing Sit

    i wimped out of my long run and only did 6.4 miles
    lovely day out there, but body screaming for rest

    Ive done 58 miles this week, which is a lot for me(especially when it doesnt include a race), and its been a very tough week emotionally

    so ill have to be happy with that
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    Tom, excellent XC race
    BR and Hilly, excellent racing and running
    Rundown, congrats on the win

    Todays race was excellent. Over 100 runners entered on the day with just under 500 completing the course. Organisation was "slick" with no disasters to report. I do wonder on what sort of a being the Tshirts are modeled and sized. I collared a mediun and the sleeves go down to my knees. Now I know I am vertically challanged but this is rediculas.

    Training -

    What: 3.5m warm up, 20 x 1/4 miles, 3.5m warm down
    Why: everyone else got to race ;o)

    Last hard: Today
    Last rest: 10 days

    Oh oh, and there is a picture and a little scribbling about me and the Abingdon Marathon in the Jan issue of Running Fitness mag :0)
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    Well done Soda head
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    and its GREAT to hear form M and venom
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    Travellers 6 mile road race.

    This was hilly and difficult to pace. I think I judged it pretty well and ended up with 36min 35sec with a fraction over 6 as by GPS and an av of 6min 04sec min/miling

    4mile warm up, round the course again with Brilly and then another 5 1/2 on the treadmill.

    Total almost 22 miles for the day!

    Why; miles make champions.....I've seen that posted somewhere on this thread

    Now I MUST refuel; back later.

    ....now where did I leave that beer...
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    Ha ha BR. Embarrassingly there was another trophy which you don't get to keep, a brass(ish) firefighter statue holding a pair of cutters, fairly heavy afair which I won in last years race. Managed to drop it in Starbucks in the morning on the way to the race snapping the fireman clean off the base, chipping the back of the fire helmet and severing his left leg. Tried and failed with superglue, no nails was attempted at the fire stn where the post race buffet was held but the last I saw of him he was lying on his back not looking too good. luckily they made no attempt to present him back to me!

    Thanks for the congrats
    Sodahead - well done organizing the race, must be more exhausing than running in it.
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    You get a Fireman to keep for a year?

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    You did blisters, but not now I've killed him!
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    Excellent, excellent, most excellent. I've been waiting/wanting to hear you report on an exxcellent race and now it's come to fruition, it is a most satisfying experience. Very well done.

    Unfortunately, for me, I had a dreadful race today, but at least learnt an important lesson - DO NOT race when you have a cold!!! Tried to run the Telford 10k, almost pulled out after the first lap (and probably should have), finishing with a 35:33, which is (hopefully) a good minute slower than BR will pace me through Caythorpe 10k on New Year's Eve.

    Hope everyone had a good day.
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    Fell LoathSome:-) I stand corrected.
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    GobiGobi ✭✭✭
    what: crap XC run D&D 48.53
    why: bent 2 spikes within 3 mins so no grip
    last hard: this was hard
    last rest: 9 days
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