
Warwickshire Runner



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    8 o'clock should be fine, but just checking with other running partner. We meet in the car park at the end of the entrance road (not by leisure centre)..oh just realised what you mean by toys - the kids climbing frames and stuff.

    You can tell us the long story on the way round!

    If you drop me a mail I can give you my mobile number for this evening.


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    i was really referring to some non marshalled points on the bike course.. well one really.

    the marshalling around the centre and transition was excellent.. honest.

    thermodynamics revision.. you've just gone up in my estimation (even further that is).
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    Just to confirm 8pm is fine with all of us, so see you there.

    Have only done one & a bit laps before, but inspired by your presence and successful Knowle Fun Run (5 miles all ran in 52 mins), who know what we can do.

    See ya there,

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    Have just about recovered from our run this evening! I enjoyed it and it was good to get out somewhere different with some company for a change. If you can put up with my speedy legs (I wish) another time then let me know.

    Ed - nice photo! When was that one taken? Not on Sunday as it looks wet and I'm sure it didn't get that wet on Sunday! Also the run wasn't on road. Thermo test went ok, but needed to have done some more revision on motors. Should get result on Tuesday! Now need to concentrate on my aerobics instructor exam and the 2 Castles!

    But this isn't a site to talk about engineering or aerobics, so I'd better get back to running otherwise they may not let me add anything else!!

    Will aim to go for another run on Friday afternoon (last one before Sunday) so if anyone wants to provide some motivation and come with me, let me know. Thank you!!

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    boo... we obviously need an engineering forum on here then.

    that pic is the second run of the ballbuster last year.. a humanrace event in surrey .. trying to presuade some of the london based tri forumites to join me this year.
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    I could set one up if its disguised as running - or a way to engineer a new running shoe?!
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    I also live in Leam and have been running with Runner Bean (before she got injured - Not guilty!)

    Runner Bean - How's the injury? REALLY sorry I haven't been in touch really. Work has been absolutly manic recently.

    Did the 2 castles run last Sunday which was cool, but was absolutely knackered at the end. Prob more than the marathon! Ran the route a few days before, which I think was the best training I did as I knew the hills were coming!

    I'd like to come out for a run sometime if that's OK. I've been meaning to try Spa Striders for ages but with one things and another haven't made it. If you are out running and I can join you then let me know. Hope the injury is OK Runner Bean and you will be there as well!!


    Oh yeah, I'm an engineer as well - Development engineer on cars. Working on Thermal Systems at the moment! Sorry I didn't get to the thread sooner or I may have been able to help Liz!
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    Injury is GETTING BETTER! I have started AIS stretching (thread on Health and Injury) which seems to be helping a lot. I have lost a lot of speed though and am now trying to slowly pick it up again. Not back to normal (i.e. some discomfort still) but a lot better than it was thanks.

    Will mail you when I am faster again! How did the 2 Castles go?
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    2 Castles was good. 85th place in 42:12. Was absolutley knackered at the dn though aas I pushed it all the way. Around 185 bpm + all the way!

    Please give me a call if you want to go out running. I don't mind running slowly at all! I reckon when you're fit and ready for the run next year we will do it sub 40!! I'm also looking out for another 10K in the area which we can go for. My mate who ran in this race wants to train for a half marathon so it looks like Windsor in Sept could be a favourite.

    Speak soon,

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    Thanks for the offer of help Mark, things turned out ok as I passed the Thermo test not quite with flying colours but nor far off!

    What did you think to the organisation of this years 2 Castles? I was quite annoyed as I had to stand still and get my own water at the second drinks station and we didn't think much of the facilities at the start. I'm also annoyed as my official time is 1 hour 5 seconds, when I'm sure the clock on the car hadn't quite reached an hour when I crossed the line. Still all you fast people don't have worries like that!!

    Runner Bean - I've got my aerobics exam tomorrow and am quite scared, so wish me luck! If I pass then I'm hoping to get a local class somewhere, so watch this space!

    Please let me know if you having another run round Newbold Comyn or similar and don't mind an extra body tagging along. I need to get back into my training as September 21st is getting ever closer!!

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    How do you fancy going for a run next Wednesday? If you're interested then email me. Which side of the park do you live? I'm on the north side in Chestnut Gardens, but I don't mind meeting anywhere. Perhaps at the club house of the golf course?

    2 Castles was OK. We had friends in support with the bags and stuff so that was OK

    Runner Bean - Can you make it as well?

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    Liz - only just had time to visit the forum so I hope your exam went OK. Let me know when you are doing your first class and I'll bring along a bunch of hecklers (only joking).

    Mark - injuries slowly progressing. Managed around 6 miles at 7:40 pace with only a little discomfort on Saturday so getting closer to normal. Wednesday run would be fine - we normally meet at the second car-park (by the kids playground area). We have a range of paces so you may want to do some hill intervals on the way round. I guess a time to set off will emerge over the next couple days.
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    Going back to the GNR and accommodation!!
    I always camp at the site on the seafront at South Shields right by the buses which take you to the start of the race in Newcastle (fare payable - about £2 from memory). The race ends about 1/4 mile from the campsite, it costs about £5 per night for a tent, there are loos on site, free car-parking and lots of other GNR-ers for a pre-race natter!! What could be more convenient? Also, my kids love the beach and fairground over the road, there are a few good pubs around and the metro into town just up the road. The only downsides are the clocktower bell chiming every hour through the night (bring earplugs) and traffic congestion leaving the area after the race (which is the same wherever you stay really). See you there?
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    Sorry only just checked my emails. Unfortunately I can't make it tomorrow. How about another night or next week?

    I passed my exam!! I taught my first class last week but it was only a cover class so I now need to try and set up something more regularly. I really enjoyed it, but was exhausted after teaching just the warm up. I need practise obviously!!

    I've booked myself a room for the GNR in Durham in one of the halls of residence. Not as cheap as camping but not too bad. I just need to find out not about getting to the start and getting back from the finish. Plus some company would be good, so if anyone knows anyone staying in Durham, please let me know.
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    hm... yeh i lonered it when i went.. there were buses from the council house (i think).. which was up the hill from the bus station a fair way.

    no idea how they got there or why.. we just got on & no one asked any difficult questions ! !
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    Again, it's taken me ages to look at the site again as my life has been manic, but I'm hoping to make it out for a run soon. Haven't been out since 2 castles. How bad is that! Runner Bean - Probably busy for the next 2 weeks, but I'll give you a call when I'm free next and arrange to meet up. Glad to hear the running is going well again!

    Spoke to my mate who I did the 2 castles with and he said he wants to do the Windsor H/M so that will probably be my next challenge. Was out with friends last night and I was speaking to a lady from Kenilworth Runners as she was training for a H/M, but I think I persuaded into training for the FLM. I think she was nearly there but she just needed a bit of persuation!
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