
Sub 3



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    UG Well, upto Xmas mate I hadn't done a single speed session, never had. I ran 35:58 at Ribble Valley 10k on New Years Eve...

    Now, over the last 7 weeks, I've done speed work for the first time.

    Basically I'd advise the following:

    1/2 Mile warm up then 6 x 1 Mile reps at 5:50 m/m pace with 90 seconds recovery... so this for 4 weeks reducing the recovery... i.e.

    Week 1 = 6 x 1 Mile 5:50 90s Recovery
    Week 2 = 6 x 1 Mile 5:50 80s Recovery
    Week 3 = 6 x 1 Mile 5:50 70s Recovery
    Week 4 = 6 x 1 Mile 5:50 60s Recovery
    Week 5 = 6 x 1 Mile 5:50 55s Recovery

    Week 6 = 1 x 2 Mile 5:50 90s Recovery then 4 x 1 Mile 5:50 55s Recovery
    Week 7 = 1 x 1 Mile 5:50 55s Recovery then 1 x 2 Mile 5:50 90s Recovery then 1 x 1 Mile 5:50 55s Recovery
    Week 8 = 4 x 1 Mile 5:50 55s Recovery then 1 x 2 Mile 5:50

    Now, I've been following this plan for 6 weeks and started on the integrating 2 mile rep... so I'll let you knwo how it goes.

    I've been running them with a mate and aiming for 5:45 m/m pace, but usually more around 5:40 pace.

    This has given me on tired legs, a 28:06 5 Mile race and 36 hours later a 35:29 10k

    Not sure what times your aiming for but am sure these rep sessions have increased my pace without a doubt...

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    Gobi, as a comparison to Pug's progression, mine was as follows:
    37.5 - stuff - seemed to be my 'natural' level without hard training.
    35 - miles, no speedwork
    34 - V02max in summer
    33 - More endurance including long reps at target 10km pace
    32 - 32.5 - TBC, but more VO2 stuff - just need to enter a 10,000m race to see if its working!
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    GobiGobi ✭✭✭
    LOL CRaB, I was also stunned that we did not share even 1 photo.

    cheers Pug interval work I have done predicts a 5km close to 17 mins if I get it right

    ideal world I want to run sub 17 and sub 35.

    presently 17.30 and 36.44(run last August)
    I have been faster over 10Km in a split in longer races

    have been too busy running ultras to test my speed properly this year but it will be happening soon.
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    GobiGobi ✭✭✭
    cheers JEJ

    my natural level was around 40 mins
    36.44 achieved largely on ultra training

    35?? we will see
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    2005 Marathons

    Name: Dull
    Height:5' 5"
    Weight on race day: 10st 1lb
    Age on race day:48
    Approx Avg Weekly Training Mileage:55
    Date:Apr 2005
    10k split:41.39
    20k split:84.34
    Half split:1.29.16
    30k split: 2.08.53
    40 split: 2.55.01
    Finish time: 3.05.17
    Water: Every Im
    Energy Drinks: Lucozade

    Warm but not massively hot

    Name: Dull
    Height:5' 5"
    Weight on race day: 10st 2lb
    Age on race day:48
    Approx Avg Weekly Training Mileage:55
    Date:Oct 2004
    10k split:42.45
    20k split:86.23
    Half split:1.31.30
    30k split: 2.14.24
    40 split: 3.05.55
    Finish time: 3.17.03
    Water: Every 5k approx
    Energy Drinks: Yes but don't know what

    Very Very hot 28 degrees

    Name: Dull
    Height:5' 5"
    Weight on race day: 10st 1lb
    Age on race day:48
    Approx Avg Weekly Training Mileage 70
    Date:Oct 2005
    10k split:41:00
    20k split:82:36
    Half split:1.27:30
    30k split: 2.08:44
    40 split: 2.51.55
    Finish time: 3.01.54
    Water: Every 5k approx
    Energy Drinks: Yes don't know what

    Nice and cool
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    GobiGobi ✭✭✭
    ps. JEJ

    what do you define as a long rep ??
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    Gobi - 5 x 1200m (300) @ 80s per lap at first. Now I've built up to 4 x 2km @ 78s (just inside threshold) or 4 x 1600 @ 73 - 74s (more of a V02). Next upgrade is to 3 x 3km @ 78s laps, maybe quicker now that training partner is looking to make his next injury comeback. With him recoveries are minimal, without they tend to be 400m jog for the long stuff.

    Equally as important for 5km training are shorter, faster reps like 12 x 400 (100) a second or two inside 3km pace. I'm looking to resume these from next week, but haven't set foot on a track in what seems like an eternity; recent reps have been from bridge to signpost (or similar) on a disused railway track - turned trail.
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    mile reps I'd assume? That's what I class long reps as... probably anything over 1200m... but I think the mile reps... they've increased our best runner Steve Crowe off the chart, so if it works for him, 33m 10k... then it'll do for me!

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    This page has some good long rep sessions:


    The emphasis is on running at target 10K pace whilst keeping the recoveries short so that the average intensity of the session is similar to threshold run. At the moment I am doing one 4x1600m and one 6x1000m session a week, both at 85s/lap with 75s / 65s jog recoveries. I'll find out if it's working at the Silverstone 10k the week after next.
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    JEJ - Do you think it's also worth doing the 12x400m when training for 10K? If so, what sort of pace should they be at for a target 35:30 10K, and how long should the recoveries be? At the moment I'm doing the two long-rep sessions I mentioned above, 6 miles @ 10mile pace, a steady 'long' run of 12-14 miles and a couple of 6-8 mile slow runs.
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    Ed - going by Pug logic, seeing that those are the two key sessions proposed by my training partner, a 28min man, then surely it'll 'do it' for me too ;-) Clearly talent has nothing to do with it.

    Yes - I would recommend the 400's as a second session with a threshold / tempo run as a third if you can fit it into your week. A 35.30 10km runner should be capable of around 77s per lap for 3000m, so I'd try a session at 75s per lap. For your first one split them into 3 sets of 4 x 400 with 100m between reps, 400m between sets. If 75s feels easy, try 74's the following week.
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    Blisters I'm racing a half in 2 weeks, Ranelagh, which one you doing mate?

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    nichs2nichs2 ✭✭✭
    nice to see CRAB making friends on another thread!

    10+10+10=29(k) according to einstein
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    n2 Just doing what comes naturally ;o)

    FFS though. Let's question something as fundamental as a distance marker in such a major event in public rather than do some most basic research ie Google km per mile or something. I should have let it go but sometimes you just got do what Roy Walker always used to tell us to. At least I held myself back on the Garmin brigade - think I showed great self-restraint there.

    Anyway might as well add something about running.

    Reps - discuss.

    How about womble for ~7:30 - that makes a to b ~1 mile. Turn around and run like fck from b to a and record your time (T1). Jog on for (rest required)/2 turn around and keep jogging to a. Get your NADS out again until you reach b and record your time (T2). Jog on for (rest required)/2 turn around and keep jogging to b. (I think you get the picture here.)

    Repeat until you're fckd. Make sure T1 ~= T2 if it doesn't next time slow down. Over time (sustainable) T1 will reduce.

    Not rocket science and all you need is a simple stopwatch, a pair of trainers and a desire to improve as a runner.

    As you were then.
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    Hey Up folks.

    Have done a couple of easy wombles this week, as well as some easy pedalling and a few PJ's. Took a CRABesque visit to the lido at lunchtime too, and bagged a gentle 30 min swimble too.
    Slight chest improvement - but at least I've had a week of activity. Chest is pretty sore now - but thats mostly on the outside, I seem to have been left with some sore chest/rib musculature (not DOMS). Mrs TR says it is cos my diaphrragm worked too hard when I was sick. Who knows ! I've got a cracking set of ribs nowadays, I look like a skeleton with some slabs of muscle hung on it - still tip the scales at just over 12 stone too. More of a 24 pack now than a 6 pack.

    Blimey, I did reps like that round the local prom - in lieau of a running track.

    I liked the reps and the 3x10 mins on the MG plan (trying to better the distance each time - looks like CRAB knows where I'm coming from). I'll be doing some more of that when I'm top notch again.

    I'm not planning any races until I'm well now. There's a couple I'm hoping to make but they are enter on the day races anyway. So it's easy plodding for a few weeks and then I'll re-assess.

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    OUch OUch (I wish my typing fingers wouldn't do that) I too am seeing my FLM as a success, despite the below par time that the record books will show. My success is measured thus:
    2006: raced all year, increased weekly mileage when able, suffered major back spasm August, only got one pb all year, in March. A real question of introspection and deep digging, that was.
    2007: already pissed on everything that I achieved in 2006, with the exception of a marathon time. 3 pbs to date, indicating that I am fitter than last year. Really ready to gun it, and am targetting the next guy in the club. In fact I'm ecstatic that he had a worse FLM than I did. Not that I'm vindictive, oh no.

    Pug: Not Ranalot I'm afraid, but Tewkesbury. It's got great PB potential, but that's unlikely 3 weeks after FLM. I'll still shoot for the moon though.

    Reps: mile ones seem to have the best cumulative effect for me. However, if the fade appears to be significant at the 5th one, then maybe do 800m reps the week after. Obviously one has to do twice the number. Ugh. Best done with the club, as there's no hiding place in the train.


    Anyone done Manx Marathon?
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    GobiGobi ✭✭✭
    interestingly we all do similar sessions just seems to be about getting the pace right to progress.
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    It's not on your VO2Max, it's your lactic threhold ish... it's the point before you start dying a death... VO2Max sessions I'd leave to the 800's or 400m reps... but I never do them so I don't care :-)

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    nichs2nichs2 ✭✭✭
    I like your take on flm 2007. I too got 2 pbs this year that date back to 2001 and I am really enjoying my training....

    Forgot to mention, got knocked off my bike on the way home yesterday. Bloke in a Volvo saw a parking space and just swerved to the left.....bent front wheel but thankfully no injury.....£75 replacement, I bet he doesn't pay!
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    nichs2 glad you've seen the light wrt FLM.

    Hope everyone's recovery is going well. Did my first run yesturday - felt great at first but tired quickly. Enjoying the break TBH.
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    N2 - claim through your solicitors - I got knocked off a few years ago and suffered very minor back damage in addition to the bike damage - gained £2.5k in the process.

    Hey All,

    Another ruse - shamelessly stolen form another thread.

    Write your own finisher's certificate from the official FLM photo site.

    Not only can you alter your name and number, but also your finishing time.

    Put it proudly on your wall at home - showing how you finished FLM 07 - the hottest on record, in a new world best time of 1:59:59. Or maybe leave it at the bottom of a draw of old documents so that when you eventually pop off, your grandkids will find it when helping clear out the house and think you were an all time sporting hero!

    Or even better "Dear FLM, I would like to claim a place on the elite start for 2008 - please find enclosed my "official finisher's certificate" from 2007 which clearly shows my time of 2:44:59...

    ...just a thought. GFA start could be crowded next year?!?! :-)))

    Off for a run - can't resist any longer - have used swimming as a replacement this week, and have developed a permanent body odour of Chlorine!
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    10 Mile road race on tired legs and burning sun, died a serious death, but still managed 8th position... Wrexham 10 Mile Road Race... from 6 mile was a gonna.. head's toast now hahaha... still a good tempo run suppose, at 5 mile was shattered... but then again with this weeks mileage, went through 5 mile in 29:14 which was off pace, so raced the race and picked off 3 runners, which I'm chuffed about. Good stuff... bring it on, I'm a wrecking machine ;-)

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    n2 Yeah go on defraud the insurance industry and then let honest bu@@ers like me pay for it out of our inflated premiums. (Oh and then have the bare faced cheek to brag about it.) FFS reads like a Viz Top Tip doesn't it? I despair sometimes ;o(

    On less controversial matters I think I wasn't right last week at FLM. The HR was much higher than expected and just bagged ODE's favourite session progressing from 13-16kmh (did 15mins @ each rather than 10mins though) in the Sauna Suite at CRAB Towers and the HR never went above 160bpm whereas on Sunday it never went below it even at the sedately 6:45s.

    As you were then.
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    CRAB - time of the month???

    I never said anything about defrauding - just refecting on what happened to me - I was as surprised as anyone about the amount of money that came my way, but I never exagerated my symptoms, merely reported them as they were, and went through some physio to try and correct them.

    From memory, the guy who knocked me off said he didn't see me - which I understand to mean he wasn't looking / paying attention to the road, and thus anyone reckless enough to insure him deserves the karma rebound of a legit payout caused by his carelessness.

    Conversation after the event went something like:
    Him: I didn't see you.
    Me: But I'm wearing a bright red top.
    Him: Yes. And the bonnet of my car is read, so you must have sort of merged in to it.
    Me: Too bloody right I did - the moment your car hit me.

    BTW - Sorry for defrauding you of your "lets compare 2007 with 2006" idea earlier in the week. Must pay more attention to your excellent posts, then I can give credit where its due if I recycle anything.

    One more thing - you may like to check out some reading on the effects of heat on HR during exercise - generally there is expected to be an increase as ambient temperature increaes. Not sure of the ratio, but might be worth checking out before you diagnose yourself with anything terminal.

    On the other hand, going back to my opening line of this post, perhaps it was PMT?
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    Been for another womble today. Approx 5 miles in the sun, lovely stuff. First day time run since the weather has warmed up, got a lovely sweat up , and popped out a few even sweatier PJ's in the garage afterwards (nice and warm in there too).

    Felt slightly better today than I did on Monday.
    Should be in top form by Christmas !!

    So it's been a good day, Liverpool took a day off and gifted Pompey 3 points, in order to save themselves for Chelski. Jose won't be happy, what with Phil Neville scoring goals for Man U too, and Chelski still didn't get a penalty. Can't help bad luck !

    So CRAB my man, is the 10-15x100 off 2 min, for example a 1m 45 swim and 15 sec of rest? If it is i'll only have a few seconds of rest (not sure how much under 2 mins i'll be - but I swimble at 30 sec per). May have to take a few seconds more.
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    Do2 My mistake. Not sure it's time of the month but I am a bit feisty this week - usually coincides with injury setback (so generally weekly not monthly) all okay on that front though(considering FLM) so not sure where the red mist came from. Bit out of character to have a pop at the metrically challenged bint on t'other thread as well earlier in the week. If it wasn't for the fact he was deeply anal-ysing his FLM build up and had just been knocked off his bike I'd offer n2 out for a scrap again ;o)

    Fully conversant with heat and HR correlation but there's no way the treadmilll in the Sauna Suite (at ~4pm) had a significantly lower ambient temperature than the 1st 8miles at FLM. So I don't HAVE anything terminal more I've just RECOVERED from something terminal - if that's possible. Running 6m/m after a 6mile warmup at the same HR as 6:45's the week before is not normal behaviour. My HR is ~4secs per mile per bpm so on the basis of last week 170 would have been about right for today or ~150bpm last week. I was expecting to run FLM at ~155bpm and then have the legs give way at mile 20 through lack of running so the early doors 160bpm wasn't exactly a pleasant surprise.

    Christ I'm waffling perhaps I am up on the blocks after all ;o)

    As you were then.
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    TR Do them off a longer interval then son. Horses for courses - there's some top triathlete guy who does something mental like 80x100 off 90secs and lists it as his fave sesh!! (Doubt JEJ would bother getting out of bed for anything that trivial.) If you seriously want 2mins REST between them I suggest you might want to try and avoid getting your hair wet, put on too much perfume and then start showing us your growler whilst doing your level best to avoid upping the HR into three figures* ;o)

    *Flip flops seem to be pre-requisite poolside wear these days too.

    Mutton dressed as kebabs the lot of them.

    Can't recall exactly who the Bantam was but chins up son. Every cloud has a silver lining and all that - the Cherries are safe ;oP

    As you were then.
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    Try this one for size.

    TR Do them off a longer interval then son. Horses for courses - there's some top triathlete guy who does something mental like 80x100 off 90secs and lists it as his fave sesh!! (Doubt JEJ would bother getting out of bed for anything that trivial.) If you seriously want 2mins REST between them I suggest you might want to try and avoid getting your hair wet, put on too much perfume and then start showing us your growler whilst doing your level best to avoid upping the HR into three figures* ;o)

    *Flip flops seem to be pre-requisite poolside wear these days too.

    Mutton dressed as kebabs the lot of them.

    Can't recall exactly who the Bantam was but chins up son. Every cloud has a silver lining and all that - the Cherries are safe ;oP

    As you were then.
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    nichs2nichs2 ✭✭✭
    Chill out man!
    I have no intention of trying to claim a penny. I get knocked off my bike by 'Volvoman', who tells me he's sorry cos he's a cyclist too!!ffs...Two scaffolders come piling over the road cos they've seen this w*nker knock me off and want to sort him out....I'm dusting myself down and all I'm bothered about is my front wheel which is about a straight as Graham Norton. 'Volvoman' says he's sorry and gives me a phone number (a la Graham Norton), he says he'll pay for any damage. I have replaced the front wheel for £75 and will try to get some money off VM, but all I said in my post was that I don't hold out much hope of getting a penny off him. I have spent most of the day sorting out my gears as well cos they were also fecked.

    It was DO2 who mentioned a claim (thanks DO2). Now calm down or your heart rate will go through the roof in this heat!!!!
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