
diet pills

hello im a runner and very fat im 13.9 stone my bmi is high i tryed slimming world but the lady that runs it in my area is not something i would like to look at she is very very over weight so why would i listen to here i live in germany for my hubby is in the army and we are posted i eat healthy and i do more fittnes then him but i lose a pound then put it back on im a emotional eater i have gone to see the doc and we have decide that i w ould use some pills called orlistat to take 3 times a day thay take all the fat out of you 30 % any way of what you eat i eat my 5 veg and fruit a day and a load of pastsa my running coach says to cut the pastsa down no way what will i eat i dont eat meat but chiken so what do you all think of pills i have to go see the doc every 4 weeks and right down every thing i eat and get weiged every 4 weeks so he is keeping a eye on me and i have to write down what i do for fittnes to


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    JjJj ✭✭✭
    Stick with the programme, as they say, Patricia. If you're being properly monitored, and you're being sensible with your diet - you obviously are with your exercise, as you're a runner! - then Orlistat may well help.

    I'm sure your doctor has explained that the treatment is NOT a substitute for exercise and healthy eating.

    But if you're seeing him/her every four weeks and everything you do is working together as it should - you won't be over 13 stone for much longer.

    Best of luck.
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    JjJj ✭✭✭
    by the way - I don't know how MUCH you're running, but too much pasta may well be putting your calorie intake over the odds. I would imagine that portion control might be an important thing for y ou to consider.
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    Hi Patricia
    Echo what Jj says.
    Just by posting on here, you have already started to take the steps to be an even more fabulous person than you already are.
    Rather than focusing on your weight, have you tried measuring yourself too - sometimes the inch loss continues, even when the weightloss plateaus, as you tone your body up. You might also find that the wellbeing you feel after a run (run/walk, walk, etc - it's all good) helps you in other areas of your life too.
    Good luck in your training for the half marathon, and have you thought about logging all your training - it can be very encouraging as you see the miles creep up.
    I use Fetcheveryone (I'm hopeless at links, so you may have to cut and paste the website)


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    thank you iam on my way out for a run right know and i think i will messure my self to day then again in a week or so i wll let you know how it works out
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    I was prescribed Orlistat (being 20 stone I think I needed it!) but came off it myself after about two months. It makes you shit through the eye of a needle about four times a day, it's not pleasant BUT it did shift a few lbs of weight.
    I didn't like it so I made sure I ate very healthily for a while and that had the same effect (weight loss I mean, not the toilet runs).
    However, my eating habits have gone back to what they were a year ago and the weight has gone back on. I find if I do a weekly weigh in I cheat at the start of the week hoping to lose weight in the last few days, this didn't work either so I have gone back to daily weigh ins. As long as I don't put any on I am happy and by the end of the week I usually lose a few lbs. That's fine by me. I do run 4/5 times a week, only short little 2 -5 mile runs but it's all exercise which is all good.
    Don't know if that helps at all but hopefully you will find something that does. God luck
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    Hi Patricia :o)

    Statistically, orlistat combined with a lowish fat diet does have a marginally bigger effect on weight loss than dieting alone, but they're not miracle drugs by any means. And as Phil points out, if you lapse from your diet (or sometimes even if you don't) nations will fight to have you in their Olympic squitting team and you'll avoid sitting on seats that have white cushions.

    Good luck!
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    thank you i dod do i weekly weigh in i still do slimming world at home just dont go to the groupe for the lady there i feel does not give me any motivation so my family and my friends helpme out in that but i have got the bug for running i run every day and for a 1 hr each day heart rate is in the 70% and on sat i run for 2 hr that will be pushed up soon for i am doing the great north run and i do speed work 2 times a week i have some friends that are feeling that i leav themout and just do running know but these friends dont do any fittnes thank you all for you help
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    Patricia -- I'm really surprised that you're not losing weight if you're doing htat much running. You may have a very very weird metabolism, but the more likely thing is that you're just eating more than you need to. I love pasta as much anyone, and it provides great carb content for energy, but you may have to make some changes to your diet.

    Personally I'd forget pills, fad diets and groups, and just manage my own regime. You need to log everything you eat and list its calorific content. Yep, weigh that pasta. You may be shocked at how much you're absorbing.

    Have pasta a couple of times a week but get your carbs elsewhere too. I'm also trying to lose weight, and am finding it quite easy most of the time, eating a lot of salads and veg. I've cut right back on potatoes, bread and pasta, and it's made a very big difference. I appreciate that we need carbs for running but I've just reduced what I take in.

    My bigger problem is that I can have 5 or 6 days a week of good eating, then I go to the pub or have a bottle of wine at home, and my resolve disappears. I end up then having a binge for a day or two. If I can get rid of this tendency, I'll be fine. Despite that, my weight is still steadily reducing, and have lost about 20 pounds over 3 months so far, which I'm happy with.

    Good luck.
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    thank you very much i have tryed to cute the pasta down and i now for lunch feel up on just veg and fruit and breakfest i have weetabix with skim mik in the morring and then at tea time i have meat and veg and will cut the pasta or potato down i hope this works thank you all for your help
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    thank you very much i have tryed to cute the pasta down and i now for lunch feel up on just veg and fruit and breakfest i have weetabix with skim mik in the morring and then at tea time i have meat and veg and will cut the pasta or potato down i hope this works thank you all for your help
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    Patricia, has the doctor checked your thyroid?
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    Hi, Patricia, I notice from your mails that a lot of your carbs are from "wheat" based foods (Pasta, bread etc), these can sometime cause problems if you have a sensitivity, as per previous mails, try to change your carb sources.
    Give pulses, lentils, brown rice, quinoa, oats,cous cous, green and yellow veg a try, and make most of your meal vegetable/salad based. Also try to eat raw veg/salad, every time you have something cooked.
    I lost weight this way, and also kept up fantastic energy levels.
    P.S. Also low-fat rules apply.
    I did go further and cut out dairy,eggs and meat, but that is a personal choice.
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    As Hourglass says, don't get too hung up on the weight loss thing - remember muscle weighs more than fat, but takes up less space. As you get fitter and replace the fat with muscle, you could be getting thinner without necessarily losing as many pounds as you expect.
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