
Mon 13th August 2007

Morning peeps.

What: 45 mins in the rain, traditional Scottish Monday morning rain.

Why: Cause I enjoy my sport ! Got totally soaked, but it was good to be out !

Last week of school hols up here. My kids not exactly pleased.

Have a good one peeps, if you can.


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    Morning All

    Gobi: Great stuff
    Pammie: well done you must be pleased.
    Beezgirl: Wish I could run that fast, actually wish I could run at all at the moment!

    What: 21 miles on the Bike through the desert at dawn it was strangely beautiful. 30 minute swim at lunchtime

    Why: Injured but determined to stay aerobicaly fit

    Last hard: Yesterdays swim, I hate swimming though at one point I almost started to enjoy it, stroke, stroke, stroke, stroke, breath, stroke etc quite relaxing.

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    GobiGobi ✭✭✭
    LOL DD, are you sure you were swimming?

    Firstly, thank you to you all for the well wishes I am very happy. I have to say that having the company of a quality athlete for 44kms was brilliant and a lot of conversation on training and racing was had. I can also recommend this as a good training run. Yes you run in fields up trails etc.. but a good chunk was on road which allows for some very solid running. Oh and it is not really that hilly:¬)

    What: lunchtime 3 ish
    2-4pm with Peter
    Why: easy day
    Last hard: Thursday
    Last rest: 8 days
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    Sorry - too lazy to read back properly... although I did spot RFJ is back and running :-) ... but that WP's heel is not playing ball :-(

    Race report - 4.6 mile Round Brownsea Island Swim in Poole harbour - first salt water swim, also longest ever swim. 83 people in all. Incredibly well organised (although I think they were a little over-the-top in their description of the 83 bags as "a logistical nightmare"). It's a fairly crowded start - lots of people swimming into me... I just repeat the non-competitive-leisure-event mantra and let them past. Swimming in a straight line is made harder by a few small waves. Also sighting is really hard as there are a few sand bars and jetties to swim round - it's hard to spot them over the waves and through the fogging up goggles. Half way comes quite quickly - no idea of the time, but my arms feel good. The water's a little rougher here, but also this is where the tide really starts to help. I start stroke counting and trying to catch people. Manage to overtake 6 people on the second half and not get overtaken once. With finish line in sight I try to pick up the pace again, arms still feeling good. Cross the line to the welcome sound of the finisher sounding the foghorn.... and then here Shiraz shouting "I beat him" - an even louder foghorn :-) My time was 1:38:58 - Shiraz was 2 minutes ahead of me... she ended up fourth, 4 minutes off first place, but again finished strong - so I think we've both aims for next time...

    What: run tonight
    Why: After 5 weeks of sub-20 mile running, it's time to get something in the bank
    Lyrics: Yup

    Still sunshine out there :-)
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    GobiGobi ✭✭✭
    nice one HW, good job you can still out run her JUST !!!!!!
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    had friends staying for the weekend and not seen what's going on till just now so congratulations gobi on the WIN!

    i see beezgirl has been doubly successful and a nice pb and pammie got a well earned SB yesterday too

    enjoyed trini's report - sounds like your big strength is the kayak

    good wishes to everyone with bothersome bits - scoobs, AF, WP, DD, RFJ
    SGQ - keep to plan it's the target race which matters
    good bike miles popsider

    sorry FL sounding exceptionally fed up, we need to cheer you up somehow

    mikeS - training well, have you any races planned before start of borders?

    i'm still not firing on all cylinders. did the sprints on friday after a slow warm up got going ok but whacked again saturday so rested. set off for 12 miles yesterday, again felt fine at start but really rough and quite wibblywobbly by about 7 and had to call it a day at 9. not sure quite how to plan this week now as 10k race on sunday. any suggestion welcomed!

    lyrics - oh yes

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    nice swim holly and shiraz - you two have a real in house competitive spirit don't you!
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    Gobi, congrats on a good win (and a very enjoyable run regardless of result as well apparently).
    Beezgirl, running a 1/2 mara pb in those circumstances rieks of lots more to come.
    Nice swimming, Hollywood.
    tinebeest - remember to start doing that next year in march/april ;-)
    Well done, Pammie.
    I hope FL and Hipps feel better soon.
    clink, is it just your average rough patch you have to wrestle through?

    Managed a 10k progression run on the tready last night, from very slow to last k near 10k pace, I like this sort of thing on the dready.
    Knew yesterdays lyrics too, but so used to not knowing I forgot to mention it ;-)

    What: 6 miles midday/ 8 miles pm
    Why: aerobic miles, ticking over
    Last hard: yesterday?
    Last rest: friday
    Lyrics: back to my familiar state
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    Morning all

    SGQ - Sorry to hear you had such a bad race. As someone has already said it would have been a good training run and all counts in the end.

    Beezgirl - No way could I do two races so close together and to get such good results - well done.

    Gobi - Fantastic. Many congrats.

    FL - Changing your club sounds a good idea. I had to change clubs when we moved last year. Feel much more inspired and supported with this one.

    Pammie - Super. Well done.

    Lots of injured around so healing vibes to you all. Hope you are all back on the roads soon.

    Well did my 10k race yesterday that didn't turn out to be so flat and fast as promised. Felt really hopeful at the beginning although the sun was beating down and we were all fighting for the bits of shade. Off we go round the market place and out towards the coast road, turn the corner into the wind and a long stretch of straight slightly uphill road which makes up all of the first 5k. It was horrible, and at 4ks I'd had enough. Change of plan no pb today just work hard and do the best you can. Couldn't wait to turn the corner, hoping for a gentle downhill on the way back and no wind. No wind but it was now sooooo hot. Could see a lady about 100 metres infront who had overtaken me at the beginning and seemed to be getting closer. Decided to try and catch her as we came back into the market place. Felt really pleased as I overtook her and two other ladies on the last lap of the market place and finished about 40 seconds outside my pb. Disappointed to start with but as I got chatting after the race felt pretty chuffed as most people seemed to be at least 2 minutes down on their expected time so things not looking so bad now:)

    What: 7 miles easy
    Why: Sun is shining and legs feel good

    Enjoy the day
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    happiness - very satisfying when you look back and put into perspective that your race was actually a good performance though you felt horrible while doing it. that you passed people in the later stages and most people were well down on expected times only goes to show you were running strong and did well. decent conditions and that pb looks set to topple

    imski - you may well be right - been going steady for longer than usual so probably overdue a bit of a bad patch. getting anxious about looming races though and hoping i didn't peak too soon
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    Tinebeest: well done on the shorts, its not exactly been a summer to get a tan! Usually I find that a combination of the early starts = lack of people staring, but lack of tanning potential
    Well done, Trini – sounds amazing
    Way to go Gobi, we have a winner in our midst. Not exactly your typical celebration!
    Beezgirl: Hurrah indeed for the PB! Hope the fall wasn't too serious – a little too much celebrating going on there was it...or pure exhaustion?

    Hippo:sorry to hear about the absence of mojo. See my recent running log too, far too many aimless miles, far too little structure. With nowt to properly target until FLM 08 I've slipped back into the 'running for the sake of it' mentality. I thought I had shaken that off, but not so. Hope you can figure it out...and if you do come across any advice please pass it on

    FL: Its that lack of appreciation and undervaluement that led me to leave my job...and I was in the private sector. Like Hipps I hope you sort yourself out and I thoroughly commiserate with your 'grudges'

    Sympathy to all those on injured bench

    Another Monday morning here...what is the old saying 'red sky at night shepherds delight, red sky in the morning shepherds warning'. Anyway, bar the rabbits and the hawk, utterly peaceful out there. So...

    What: 1 hr easy
    Why: Sun was breaking through the clouds

    Might do a spot of gardening later too – feel a lot better though for not having done a hard lot of work yesterday

    Enjoy the day
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    Morning all. I guess I count as a rare visitor these days. Panicking nicely now, depart Wednesday for another stint of teaching in China. It's nice to be able to read just the page showing and get a glimpse of where people are, who's on the bench, who's celebrating, and who is just scratching their heads and wondering what to do.

    Ran only once last week, stole a run this morning to make sure that I got out at least once this week too. It isn't so much a loss of mojo as being old, and too short on energy to do all that is necessary and still get out there.

    But on the To Do list before I go is to shoot the FLM application off, and write the necessary e-mails prior to attempting to recruit a team from work to run it with me.

    I enjoyed this morning's run. A scant three miles, but no walking. I did put the breaks on a couple of times when I felt tired, but each time before long I had speeded up again. Flew down the homestretch, really really enjoying just the feeling of the world spinning lightly beneath my feet, touching so gently there's hardly a sound. Maybe it doesn't even qualify as "training", or then again I could call it fartlek, and make it sound as if it were.

    Here's to the next time, whenever.

    take care all.
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    Pammie*Pammie* ✭✭✭
    Good Morning

    Gobi - I understand you won yesterday. Thats fantastic - Super douper
    Hollywood - Crackin' race.

    DD - hope you cannget injury sorted

    **Race Report**

    Better than pleased... although still almost 2 minutes slower than pb, it is getting there, so must be doing somrthing right
    Arrived there mega early, we are talking a good 90 minutes, and there was already someone doing there warm up. Had a little wander around, talk to a few people, saw a few clubmates some who'd i not meet before (due to working committments). So introduced myself by which a few more had arrived. Talking to one of the ladies asking about the time she was expecting to do, a little bit faster than myself by about a minute. So had a dilemma.
    Do i do what i did in previous race shoot off like a cannonball at the start and try to hold on. Or do i try and keep up with her.
    The start was on a narrow congested part so couldn't blast off couldn't run naturally for most of the first km, too many people to try and overtake.
    I try and keep pace with clubmate, but she got ahead of me, then i see a male club mate and try and keep pace with him, although i can still see lady runner.
    Its a 2 lap course, pretty much flat except for one incline, a lovely route as well. A nice course
    2nd lap try and pick up the pace a bit, catching up with female club mate and i get passed her, she gives me a cheer of encouragement, but i can't speak. Race finishes on the track which i always love, about 10 runners ahead of me so try and run faster but can't seem to quite catch anyone.

    My splits which i'm more excited about and can't quite believe (with HR)
    5:23 (150)
    5;17 (162)
    5:21 (165)
    5:16 (167)
    5:11 (170)

    Overall 79% WHR, so theres plenty of room for improvement

    Next 5km: Bank Holiday Monday
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    GobiGobi ✭✭✭
    Well done and thank you Pammie
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    Good luck Stickless :)
    Well done Pammie*, whilst there is room for improvement there is hope and possibly motivation...something which I for one seem to be thoroughly lacking at mo.

    That said have just downloaded Olympics schedule for Beijing next year from website - something to look forward to watching after I graduate...perhaps two weeks of putting my feet up, dealing with all the awkward time differences and watching as much as possible. After all, I missed a lot of the daytime stuff in 2004 as I was at work at the time

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    Morning all,

    I think you are all right - I should just write off yesterday's run, put the miles in the bank, and carry on with the training.

    What: rest
    Why: Monday - it's what the schedule says
    Last hard: yesterday
    Last rest: Friday

    Have a good day.
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    Morning All,

    Gobi: Congrats on the win. You are having a good year. Did someone say Rach won as well?

    PH: Where was your bad outing? Did I see your streak is still on-going the other day? You're incredibly valued on here.

    Beezgirl: Well done on the HM PB. Great pacing too.

    Pammie: Big improvement on the 5k. You're reaping the rewards of all the good advice from here :-)

    FL: Sounds like you need to change something. Just don't change everything at once.

    Holly: Great swimming from you and shiraz. Waves/Tides/Sandbanks - sounds scary! But then I have trouble swimming in a pool.

    Happiness: A good run in the conditions. Leave the PB for a cooler days on a flat course.

    Thanks for the healing vibes. It's my old friend PF, not the achillies.

    What: AM: 7m/PM: 5m
    Why: Recovery
    Last Hard: N/A
    Last Rest: 47 days

    Have a good one

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    Good to see stickless on here

    AF-it was that race gobi won, the 54321 "marathon"(27 miles actually)

    and yes, my streak is still going-oh gosh-today will be day 500

    Sorry to hear of the PF

    Nice 5k Pammie

    Holly-rather you than me with that swimmin!
    I have so amny hangups about training that its amazing i run at all
    head needs sorting big time
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    GobiGobi ✭✭✭
    Yes AF Rach won the 10km part of the day outright :¬)
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    Morning and thanks a lot for the insightful comments re: change. I'm not planning to change or get out of my job, I understand the feeling of being undervalued and plan to apply for new posts in my career come the new term and at least I get paid for this. I was referring to being undervalued during my working day then going to my running club where I feel a bit unfit as everyone seems to be fitter than me and there's no thanks for what I do (committee member and press secretary).

    Basically, I'm at the stage where I'm finding it hard to start structured training to get back to the level that I enjoyed being at. I love racing and the friends I meet in running but want it to be more enjoyment than it seems to be. Then again, it might be that I'm not back in the swing of things having had 2weeks off running.

    Think I'll get my kit on now and push myself out of the door for 30mins.

    PH - I understand totally!
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    fell liker

    i think it is a malaise affecting a lot of the public sector-which for years has run on unpaid ovetime/goodwill etc

    and people are getting fed up
    I dont intend to leave the public sector-my year off helped me decide that
    but i am not going to be a doormat anymore
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    Morning all,
    Some impressive stuff from the weekends racers, Gobi and Beezgirl stand out as does Pammies big improvement, well done everyone.

    pm: 7-miles steady paced run aim for 6:50-7mm pace.

    Aerobic endurance and running with a plan.

    Outstanding marathon win and 10k by Rach E also, beginning to think Ive made a big big error in challenging you guys at the GSR! hee hee hee

    What a great weekends work for you! well done on both of your races!
    Hope the back injury is not serious though, thats the kind of thing I usually get upto.

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    Morning All,

    What:18miles on the bike (19mph) at 141
    Why: Vitruvian
    Last: hard: 8 July
    Last rest: 6th Aug

    Just had a quick scan of Sunday's thread.

    Trinni - well done on your multisport race.

    SGQ - sorry your time trial didn't go well. I wouldn't draw too many conclusions from a single bad run - it might be the result of the hard training.

    Dave - HIM distance is 1.9km. Glad to hear the hip is feeling better.

    Gobi -congrats on your first place!

    popsider - that is a big bike week, well done.

    Beezgirl - well done on your HM PB.

    Pammie - good work on the season's best.

    Hollywood - Excellent time at Brownsea Island! Well done mate. That would make a well-sub 1hour IM swim - or is it an especially quick route? Congratulations also to Shiraz. Would be good to see you go 1st and 2nd next year - though I would suggest which way round!

    happiness - well done on your 10km.

    Stickless -hello! Hope you have a good time in China.
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    Just back from a 45 min swim, absolutely shattered my body isn't used to cycling and swimming! Ah well Melli I'll swim a bit further tomorrow.
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    Morning all,

    What: 20 hilly miles on the bike
    Why: need it
    Last Hard: Saturday

    Have a great day
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    GobiGobi ✭✭✭
    DD, I think a chap from Dubai Valley Striders ran at Salisbury, is that your lot ??


    Hope to be in around 57 shape for GSR Rach should be around 61, I'm watching what you post and must say you are not exactly training badly yourself.

    Just been out for an easy 3.2 miles and all feels mechanically sound after yesterdays trails, always a little concern on the first run that I may have turned something and not noticed.
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    Been out for a 49mins run and managed 5.5M (according to gmaps) with HRM (which kept losing its signal - grrrrrr, but was fine after 8mins) trying to keep under 155bpm. This was achieved so somethings are good after all. The endorphins kicked in as I finished the run and I've remembered one of the key things that have kept me running all these years: my obsessive thinking is kept at bay by the exercising!!

    I think some of my problems were overtraining as I had been doing at least one session of running, biking, pilates or swimming everyday, with minimal rest, or rather, active rest. Maybe that's why I was so tired before the hols and have virtually crashed physically (and mentally, it seems!) since getting back from hols.

    I guess I now need to do one of my writing down of my thoughts to exorcise this negativity and remember the simple pleasures that exercise can bring.

    What: happier for doing 5.5M in 49mins
    Why: back to basics
    Last hard: not even going to think about this!
    Last rest: the last 2 weeks of rest!!

    I really need this website to air my woes, so don't feel that you have to read it or comment about it; it's very therapeutic!
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    DustinDustin ✭✭✭

    Been in Wales for the last 5 days, only managed one run, just 5 hilly miles. Did get out for 8.5 miles last night though.
    Only had a brief scan back but looks like congrats to Gobi, did I really miss out on a Thatcher debate? and do I need to track down some wedding photos?

    Today: another 7 or 8 miles easy
    Why: getting back into it
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    Where were you in Wales, Dustin? I was in the Beacons for a week - lots of walking but no running!
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    DustinDustin ✭✭✭
    further north - place called Pennal, close to Tywyn / Tal-y-lyn
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    Ah, nice! That's where they race the train!
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