
Sub 3



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    TRTR ✭✭✭
    Sorry thats too technical a question for me DoT.

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    On my watch it was so I think they rounded it up. On the basis that I wasn't racing hard all the way round and it wasn't a pb, I'm not going to lose any sleep over the difference anyway tbh.

    Knee / calf feels fine today - but the I've not done anything to speak of - will train tomorrow night at club for some efforts of some descriotion and prob book in for a sports massage anyway.

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    TR - if you're gonna pick a race then bloody well do it justice - make sure you're fit and prepared and don't give yourself any reasons to be pulling out of it!
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    TRTR ✭✭✭
    Sounds like you've got over the injuries then. Which is good news.

    Full steam ahead for La Rochelle. After the problems you had back in the summer a decent run/time there will be top banana, and a reward for a carefully managed rehab.
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    TRTR ✭✭✭
    Have you been talking to my wife ?
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    Yellapunts - I feel for you, that sounded like a right rough ride and downright
    bad luck.

    Gobi - can relate to your birthday race report (with out the birthday part).  And really liked your comment regarding joining a club - nicely sums up the point.

    coronium - respect to your work/family/run balancing efforts.

    Well done to the podium finishers, again.  The "Usual Suspects". If I could only stop trying to compare myself with you guys I might actually believe I'm a good runner.  Pick your races and all that image.  And dull's just as bad - stop focusing on the V50 that went sub-60 and think of all the V50s that could never have run 10 in 64 at any stage in their life.

    PaulA - WRT knocking off those few minutes, how have your previous marathons gone so far in terms of pacing?  i.e. do you struggle at the end or find you're able to maintain pace?

    DoT - can't give you a labcoat answer, sounds like you've picked your tergat pace range so maybe let the legs chose something in-between on the day?

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    TR - she didn't tell me she was your wife!
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    Gatorade- Berlin was the first time I ran an even split marathon, until then I had always run positive splits. I felt really strong at the end and ended up running at an even pace (albeit with more effort) right through. I was hoping for 3:04 but did find myself doing the maths at about 25k to see whether a sub 3 was possible. Decided to stick with the pacing plan and guarantee the PB.

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    PadamsPadams ✭✭✭

    Dan A - I will probably be doing at least one of those two HMs. I might do Watford as a MP run and Wokingham as a full-on PB attempt.

    Do2 - depends on what's important to you, but if I were you I would really want the FLM Champ time and in that case you want to at least have a chance of getting it if you feel good. 6:30s to halfway will almost eliminate any chance of that, so I would aim for 6:20s. If you really want sub-2:50 probably safer to go for 6:30s. Based on your recent races, 2:50 should be no probs, 2:45 a bit trickier but doable!

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    Morning All

    DO2 - 6.20's.

     Yellapunts- Great race report. Sounds like one of mine. I would have run as well image

    Gatorade- stop focusing on the V50 that went sub-60 and think of all the V50s that could never have run 10 in 64 at any stage in their life. I totally agree. It's the difference between hope and expectation. If you hope for a sub 3, it leaves 2 options success and failure. Expecting a sub 3, failure is not an option.

    Difficult few weeks for me since Stroud. TR knows why and nothing to do with running. Mileage has dropped, but looking for one high mileage week before taper.

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    TRTR ✭✭✭
    Now Padams has put your question into simple terms 2:45 or 2:50 ? I’d say aim for 2:50 and pick it up if you can – you’ve missed lots of training. If you aim 2:45 and the wheels come off, you may not even get a sub3.
    Depends what the minimum is that you’d be happy with.

    If you’ve got earache then it was her !

    Nice to see you, hope you get that one last week.
    Mail me whenever you want, I like Ode mails.

    Felt pretty carp this morning during the pedal (after a day of zero exercise), hoping to get some decent running done this week, maybe some 10’s and 12’s and a bit of MP.

    After my 90 min run on Sunday, which is my longest run for a good few weeks, I should really be looking at getting the 90 min midweeker going again.

    Need to find a January replacement for the Stubbington 10k too.
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    Hi all - I can't keep up with this thread!

    I am lurching from one problem to the next - my calf has now cleared up but I have a really tight chest and no energy - doc thinks it's stress and has prescribed beta blockers... Hopefully I'll get running soon. Last time I did a problem free run it went pretty well, so I don't think I'm that unfit...

    Well done to all of the racers - some vg results coming in.

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    GobiGobi ✭✭✭
    I'm defo doing Gosport as I can enter on the day. Nothing like a half marathon every 2 weeks to keep you ticking over.

    Back to base training on December the 1st
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    TRTR ✭✭✭
    Hope the weather is kind for you then Gobi, last year was nice day. There’s less “exposed” running than GSR too.
    It’s a nice flat course, one little loop of about a mile, and then two big loops, so there’s no surprises after about 7 miles.

    My nippers are keen to race there again, afternoon kick off dependent.
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    GobiGobi ✭✭✭
    TR, i thought you were strolling round this one/
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    TRTR ✭✭✭
    No I was going to stroll GSR and chuck the Kitchen Sink at this one.

    I had a Gosport entry ready to send after a successful GSR. Never did GSR so binned the Gosport form.

    Could enter on the day and womble round, I wombled 12 on Sunday, so will be wombling greater than 12 on Gosport day anyway.

    But I was supposed to go to Gosport and be at least a 1h 22m man by now, according to the master plan, not Uncle Bulgaria !
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    GobiGobi ✭✭✭
    Dear Uncle Bulgaria

    I am sure you could still womble round reasonably fast

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    TR - You could always enter and recruit a body double (again)?

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    JFDI - Give it your best shot, and use it as a bench mark for where you really are now.

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    Sorry - should have added "as long as the injury has cleared up" on the end of that.
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    GobiGobi ✭✭✭
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    TR - I agree - you can run with no pressure coz you've no real expectations at the moment. You might even surprise yourself. But you need to get out there and race - it'll do you good (providing you're injury free).

    Solid couple of days of training for me - 5m slow and 8m a bit quicker today following 11m with 7 at MP (6.20 ish) yesterday.

    On my 14th consecutive day of training and like MtR, feeling good on it.

     Posted Gosport entry this morning....

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    Paying the price for having a work-free weekend: that is, a work-stuffed week.  Squeezed in 5 miles at 7.30m/m just before it got dark and am now at my desk looking at a long old evening ahead (fuelled on the healthy snacks work has to offer: 3 digestives and 3 bourbon biscuits + the banana that was lurking in my cupboard).

    Answer to life, the universe and everything: 6.25s.  A lawyer's compromise.

    Club membership?  It's nicer than I expected training in a group every once in a while (and nice to have a coach who tells me that 'I'm better than I think I am' - begging the question of how good he thinks I think I am...).  But that's something I won't manage tonight!

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    Dan ADan A ✭✭✭

    TR - I'm with Do2 on this one.  Just get yourself along and have a go with no pressure.  The beauty of the course layout is that you have the option of not only dropping out after 7 miles, but even after 1 mile.  That's my type of course.

    At the worst, just tuck yourself in behind some shapely lesser-spotted and the miles will fly past.  When I was there two years ago, I did exactly that with the lead bird, then put in a sprint to finish a couple of seconds ahead.  A quick internet snoop at the 2005 results and photos will back up my tactics image

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    'Shapely lesser spotted'? If there's one thing long distance running does, it's destroy any curves. Look at Paula Radcliffe!
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    TR - Have a go! Why not? It would be so useful for you to start your FLM training with some sort of benchmark as to where you are fitness wise. You have the option to run steady or even do a 'DNF' if your calf plays up. Perfect.

    Another 7 miles D&D, should have gone to the track but didn't get the opportunity so did a fartlek session instead, which I found extraordinarily hard. The last few sessions I have done have felt tough which I think is a combo of increasing the volume and keeping the speed work going too. Still feeling a little tender from the sport massage yesterday too. I have a slightly less tough week coming up next week so hopefully I can plod on until then.

    Good running all.

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    NjordNjord ✭✭✭
    FWIW I agree with those advocating occasional races as benchmark setting.  Regard the following tale of woe.....

    Feb07: 37:xx
    Mar07: 35:xx


    Aug07: 43:xx
    Sep07: 42:xx
    Dec07: 39:xx ?
    Feb08: 37:xx ?

    And so back to square 1......(hehe).  My running is monstrously slow at the moment, which makes it all the more important for morale and motivation that I get occasional feedback that things are actually getting better.
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    NjordNjord ✭✭✭
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    Dan ADan A ✭✭✭
    Joolska - have to confess to running the early miles of the FLM a few years ago about half a yard behind Nell McAndrew.  Purely for drafting purposes of course.image
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    Padams & JEJ - I've just checked the Luton marathon site to make sure we are entered ok - we are so no need (for me) to panic. Scanning the team names didn't provide too much to worry about at first


    but there does appear to be quite a few tri teams

    TRI FORCE HERTS - organiser has ran 72:xx and 73:xx this year
    etc ...

    these should provide some competition.

    TR - run it, can't do any harm (don't quote me on that)

    Re: following a lesser spotted; at GER it was the leading lady who followed Gobi and I - I don't think we provided much of a view for her (maybe if we looked like Brad Pitt she would have been more inclined to share some of her £750 prize money with us)

    Still waiting for someone to light the touch paper to launch the satellite; 5 days late so far, I'm getting bored waiting in Bath. 4 x 1M off 90 sec along canal towpath earlier today – 5:20, 5:12, 5:20, 5:18. Not sure if the speed has fully returned to the legs following Beachy.
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