
Sub 5 hours



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    ooh bloody hell roobs!! how was that for you??

    Thanks cinders.. will do.. was in a sweat all night though so thinking it aint looking good.. also have people coming over tomorrow evening for a party fireworks thingy so not sure if runnign and getting sicker is a good idea

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    Still no Delia?????  The last time a pregnant sub-5er was missing we ended up with little Thomas.  Wonder if history is repeating itself.  Or perhaps Delia has had such a hectic day on her last day she just hasn't managed to get on here today.

    She must learn how much we worry when our pregnant ladies disappear for a dayimage

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    don't run bootsieimage

    hummm - dumpling arriving or delia overwhelmed by last day at work????

    god roobs - must have been really weird if you haven't seen him for 22yimage

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    he he he

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    and dont run bootsie
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    morning hippo.. feeling alot better than yesterday but rang my running club coach and told him not running.. going to go for a nice walk instead.. i am still coughing and splutting so aside from anything else i really wouldn't enjoy it or get a good time.. no point in not enjoying myself
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    good, cos you know i should not have done baechy with my cold and now i am STILL ill

    do as i say, not do as i do


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    i know the only thing i was thinking was that its only 4 miles but then i ts a tough 4 so i agree better to feel better now and go running monday night that to be out all next week.. will start training once i'm better for crowborough 10km
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    thats the spirit


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    No Dumpling yet, peeps. Sorry!

    Been a REALLY hectic last couple of days - work really eeked out every last drop of energy they could from me. Spent this week teaching at least 3 lessons a day. I'm just starting to recover now! I'm so very glad to have finished but I can't quite get my head around not having to go back on Monday! I will keep you all posted though so you'll know when I disappear for the right reasons!!

    Roobs, I'm so glad that Bradley's dad looked rough! I hope you flashed a winning smile (hiding the death stare you might want to be sharing with him!) and strutted your stuff suitably to show him what he missed out on!! Tee hee!

    Cinders, hope Thomas is feeling better? Poor little mite with conjunctivitus on top of his last few weeks of poorly tums etc.

    KP - what did the hospital say about Bert?

    We've still go no flooring here at Chez Delia - the house is a tip! It's driving me mad - this is all from the poxy fish tank debacle last month!!

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    Oh, and Bootsie, if you're not well don't be running!
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    oh delia - poor you, if no floor let's hope dumpling stays putimage

    hippo excuse hollow laugh - do as i say not as i do indeed imageimageimageimage

    i am a happy bunny - braved the wind and rain this morning and ran on southsea seafront (husband doing additional nhs outreach clinic which predictably for a saturday morning only 50% patients turned up)

    ran 11.1miles in 1h 46 - obviously running against the wind at the beginning was cancelled out by speedy last couple of miles with wind behind me!

    that's the fastest i've done for over ten miles so am now feeling positive about next weekend - it would be great if i could go under 2h 15

    hope you're having a nice relaxing day bootsieimage  

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    hello image  I went swimming today and bought XL calf length shorts to see if they accomodate my belly given I am normally a M I am thinking it could be a bit baggy.

    Yay for delia being off.

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    Diana B, sounds like good running to me! You certainly were braving the elements - it was a disgusting morning down here today!

    I don't think I've got the idea of this relaxing thing before baby comes...today we've done a B&Q trip, a tip run, cleared the cupboard under the stairs, the one in the lounge, cleaned the fish tank, cleaned the kitchen and loaded a whole bunch of stuff in to the loft (Mr D did that bit!) and into our fitted wardrobes! I need a sleep now!

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    Now that sounds very relaxing Delia..................not!!!!  Norty Delia image  Wonders though if that's your "nesting instinct" kicking in he he.

    Good running Diana, its been horrible here all day.  Still some brave souls are trying to set of fireworks!

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    Evenin' all,

    Roobs, you are so funny!

    Tracey/Bootsie, how is the sniffles?

    Oh BTW, recovered from my tumble thanks the bang on the head has only improved the jokes!

    Had two nice suprises this week, on Tuesday my niece Dawn came down the club and wanted me to help her to pass the TA entry. She has to run 1.5 miles in 14 mins. Thought that would be good.

    And secondly... I got promoted! YaY!! 

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    Well done on the promotion, I clearly missed the post about a fall.  Hope you are ok.  (())
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    congrats snowwy - what have you been promoted to?

    delia it is definitely nesting! and it was pretty blowy at southsea - but i counted at least 20 runners whilst i was out so i wasn't the only mad soul image

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    evening all.. feeling pretty rotten.. being out in the rain all night at the fireworks didn't work at all i dont htink to be honest! Having a night where i need a good rant but think it should be the kind of rant in my head really!!! I hope everyone is having a better one than me to be honest!!!

    Really gutted about missing the run today  but know it was the right thing to do.. all the same dont think i should have treated myself to those chips all the same time!! 

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    Hope you feel better this morning bootsie

    I'm waiting on my brekkie going down and then we're off for a run

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    Morning all

    Well done Snowwyimage

    And yes Delia's definitely nestingimage

    As for Bradley's father, I was very cool........... He basically buggered off to Italy to play football when I was pregnant and left me to bring up the baby alone. He wants to meet Bradley but I told him that I don't think Brad wants to meet him. I think that on the quiet he will meet him and hear what he has to say but he plays his cards close to his chest and doesn't say much. His father didn't recognise me at first - he knew he knew me but I look sooooo different to how I did 22 years ago. Anyway, I think I have aged better than him which made me laugh all dayimage He was sooooooo good looking and charming in his day.  He has also seen Bradley on facebook and said what a good looking lad he is - just hope he doesn't take after his father and lose his looks. I have blogged it all on fetchimage

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    I think people's personalities shine through Roobs and that is why you look fab and he looks like shite.  image
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    I second that, KP!

    Roobs, I can't believe he left to go to Italy! Bliddy idiot. I have to say though, I'd understand if Bradley met with him to see what he has to say. I've done the same with my real dad - silly as it is, I think it's hard not to let your curiosity get the better of you with that sort of thing. Hope you and Bradley are both ok. (((big hugs)))

    Mr D's got the sanding going already. Have to strip back all the skirting boards and the bannisters in the house so we can gloss everywhere before the new flooring comes on Thursday.

    Just catching up on the Hollyoaks omnibus while he's busy working! hehe!

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    congrats snowwy... feeling a bit bette rthis morning.. still gutted about the run but still feeilng pretty ill... have to head into london now for the day.. thnk i just need a day in bed!
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    Day in bed sounds a lovely idea or a sunny holiday.  My sore throat is back with a vengence grrrrr !

    Well done snowwy, do you get a nice payrise too?

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    Hi Cinders,

    Yes I did, but I wont bore people with the Job title.

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