
Adding a hill session

I need a bit of help with my training schedule. I’m currently trying to create a solid basis over the next few months from which to start training for my next marathon.

I’ve got a schedule which builds up mileage each week, and the main sessions are long run, tempo run and speed work – one each per week. I do a couple of easy runs, and have 1-2 rest days each week. I’d like to include a hill session as well, but it seems that it would upset the hard/easy balance I’m told runners need to observe.

Should I add the hill session on at the end of one of the easy runs? If so, does it then become a hard session and will I need to do an easy session afterwards?

Or, controversially, is it ok to do hard sessions on two consecutive days, if they are followed by a rest day?

Thanks for any feedback.



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    If you want to keep the hard day easy day cycle then I see you have two options.

    1. Rotate intervals and hills i.e. one week do hill and the next intervals. Both sessions are comparable and should produce similar benefits.

    2. Run your long run over a more hilly course and accelerate gently on the uphill stretches.

    If you have hills, intervals and a tempo run in one week its probably too much (depending on your fitness level).

    PS. my favorite was Mrs Onion - always crying!
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    Thanks Martin.

    Despite doing FLM this year, I don't feel my fitness level is as good as it could be, so I'll probably alternate the hill session with the interval run for a bit and see how I feel.

    I'll also try experimenting with running a more hilly route for my long run.

    Thanks for your advice.


    p.s. I think I liked Dill the Dog, but the lion pic suits the user name best (which didn't come from the Herbs!)

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    DustinDustin ✭✭✭
    I run intervals on Tuesday, midweek long run (6-12miles) on Wednesday, alternate fartlek with threshold/tempo runs on Thursday,rest on Friday and do either hills (2 weeks in 4),steady runs with 'strides' (1 in 4) or hard short run (1 in 4) on a Saturday.
    Sunday is a long run or a race when,like Hursty,I 'attack' the hills and run up them hard.Monday is rest or 3-4 miles slow recovery.

    Obviously this isn't set in stone but I try to stick to it.

    Hope this helps.....
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    I do hills every 2-3 weeks and use the hill session as my hard session. Jog to the hill (1.5 miles easy), then 10 times up and down fairly hard, then go over the top of the hill and home at an easy jog (about 2 miles).
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    Thanks Dustin. It's good to see what other people do for training, at the moment it's just me vs Hal Higdon, so I'm not sure if I'm doing bad things by tampering with the schedule too much.

    I'm trying to be more scientific with my approach, because in the past I've not been, and I want to see if being more stuctured really works.

    I'm also trying to include some longer runs midweek as well. I stopped doing them this year for FLM (new manager, job stress) and regretted it.

    Thanks for your input. Much appreciated.

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    Thanks DS too, your reply wasn't there when I replied to Dustin's!

    How long is the hill you use? I'm planning to use a short sharp hill, with a number of reps, and see how that goes.
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