
Sub 3



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    TippTopTippTop ✭✭✭

    I'd be hopeful of/happy with something around PMP Gobi, dependant on how my speed is coming along and how tired I am as I'll still be in base/high mileage by then.

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    GobiGobi ✭✭✭
    TT, you need to talk numbers mate I can no longer keep up with


    That and no clear understanding of your goals at this point etc :¬)
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    TippTopTippTop ✭✭✭
    image Goal for London remains a sub 2:25, so at Wokingham I'm hopeful of 72:30 +/- as circumstances dictate.
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    GobiGobi ✭✭✭
    Oh right. I ran 72.XX pace last Sunday in the 10 miler so if all is good I might join you for a little blast at Wokingham then.

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    TippTopTippTop ✭✭✭

    Nice one Gobi. Shall we meet up around the 2 mile mark after I start off too fast as usual? image

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    GobiGobi ✭✭✭
    LOL TT, more than likely but in theory you might pullaway again after 11 miles or so :¬)

    Where is everyone else today ?
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    TippTopTippTop ✭✭✭

    I'd be just as likely to die on my ar$e at 11 miles as I would be to pull away image NHTT on Saturday will give me some idea of how poor my current speed is (as is typical for base I'm feeling strong, but not fast). Mind you, it's supposed to be sub-zero so it may not give too accurate a picture at the same time. How slow or not is the course?

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    PadamsPadams ✭✭✭

    Gobi - I'm here (briefly). Talking of houses, just relieved myself of about 6 years of savings for my completion date on Friday.

    Last night we did the first rep of the track session on the track (aka ice rink), then decided grass would be safer! The mile on the ice rink was 5:10ish, then we just did laps of the football pitch based on time (i.e. 5 mins for the "mile" reps). Much kinder on the legs and still a good workout - the only downside is you don't get proper splits. Worked out nicely though as each lap of the pitch was taking almost exactly one minute.

    TT - think you'll be a bit quicker than 72:30 at Wokingham (although I guess you won't be tapering?).

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    Dan ADan A ✭✭✭
    coronium wrote (see)

    DanA - I'm sure it is always wise to eat before running 50M. 80M in a weekend also sounds like 'fun'. Any plans to run London to Brighton this year?

    Coro - Might do, but depends when it is.  Want to try for a sub-2.45 marathon in Autumn, as only mara will be FLM before then, and since it's only a couple of weeks after MdS I'm not expecting much (then again, at FLM I rarely do seeing how my best there is 3.10 in seven runs, and doesn't get into my overall top 10).  Although I will be doing the Mont Blanc marathon in June, where anything under 5 hours would be pretty handy; all as part of the build up for a third run out at Ultra Tour Mont Blanc in August; got some serious demons to slay after last years DNF.  Think I'm getting a bit obsessed about it now; I've got a 3D map of the route up on the wall now.

    Have managed a 61 min ten miler and a interval/speed session on the treddie already this week, so absolutely no fatigue from the weekend.  All bodes well.

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    TippTopTippTop ✭✭✭

    Congrats on the house completion Padams. I'm worried about the same thing with club tonight. Planning on a bit of threshold, but worried about the grip on track, so may see if I can find a 'safe' piece of road...... Nope, not tapering for Wokingham. As it's the second last week of my base mileage will be mega high, so I'd be more than happy with 72:30 there.

    Quick recovery Dan!

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    Brian61Brian61 ✭✭✭
    BR, I have just bought a treadie on Ebay - NordicTrack C2000
    Waiting for delivery. Will let you know what it's like.
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    TT - IMO you should be looking for something quite a bit faster than 72:30 if sub 2:25 is the target. Other than a good tempo run I'm not sure what 13M @ MP will give you? Even untapered I would guess something closer to 70 would be a good target and I'm sure you are capable of this (if I remember correctly the Spring '08 sub-230 guys ran 68/69 at Reading last year). Macmillan equates 2:25 to 68:45, 30:55 and 14:50.

    Gobi - good luck for the house and the tunnel.

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    GobiGobi ✭✭✭
    cheers chaps

    DanA you are a tough man indeed.

    Place your bets

    Gobi - Elbtunnel predictions:
    TT - 2:36:46
    Gobi - 2:38:xx
    RB - 2:40:50
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    TippTopTippTop ✭✭✭
    coro - I reckon I need 69:30 to make sub 2:25 a viable possibility (last year's conversion was 2 x HM + <6mins), but don't see how I'm going to be in that shape until mid to late March. In terms of Wokingham, don't forget that as well as doing it untapered, I am also doing it off of base training, am still working my way back from the stress fracture, and am carrying a few extra kgs image. From previous experience of the threshold training I'll be doing for the 8 weeks pre-taper that is where I'll make the necessary gains. Tbh, I'll be chuffed if I can run 72:30 at Wokingham.....
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    Gobi - Elbtunnel predictions:

    TT - 2:36:46
    Rach E - 2:36:02 (with a 76:02 second half)
    Gobi - 2:38:xx
    RB - 2:40:50

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    TippTopTippTop ✭✭✭
    Inside info on the pacing Rach? image
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    GobiGobi ✭✭✭
    or a wild crazy idea ?
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    Lol no, TT. I'm just thinking of the encouragement of zhose crazy charmans at the halfway point.
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    Cheers DO2. Haven't heard of them to be honest so I'll give them a look. When do they train? Just thinking back to your bleep test, I take it that was the ladies college? I'm 5mins away from there if you're spending time my way.

    Gobi - Elbtunnel predictions:

    TT - 2:36:46
    Rach E - 2:36:02 (with a 76:02 second half)
    Gobi - 2:38:xx
    Ode- 2.39.50 (Too much traffic like last year)
    RB - 2:40:50

    Did the 9 with 4@hmp last night but only managed the 3- Heavy legs for some reason. Came in at 6.05's which is pleasing given first speed session since September.

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    Tmap: running long runs as time on your feet leaving you refreshed enough for a hard week ahead. John Boyes ran 2hrs 13 at his peak.

    Speaking of which, a few of us are off to his place in the Pyrenees in March for a training week. Marigold is hoping to go a whole week without doing any hills!

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    PadamsPadams ✭✭✭

    Treadmill at home is tempting. Think I'll get a fridge/freezer and many other essential things first though (obviously not quite as obsessed as BR/Hilly!). 

    Coro - no-one's done a 68 HM (yet...)

    Gobi - Elbtunnel predictions:

    Rach E - 2:36:02 (with a 76:02 second half)
    TT - 2:36:46
    Padams - 2:37:11
    Gobi - 2:38:xx
    Ode- 2.39.50 (Too much traffic like last year)
    RB - 2:40:50

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    Gobi - Elbtunnel predictions:

    TT - 2:36:46
    Rach E - 2:36:02 (with a 76:02 second half)
    Gobi - 2:38:xx
    Ode- 2.39.50 (Too much traffic like last year)
    RB - 2:40:50
    CJ - 2:38:30

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    Afternoon losers, how's it hanging? It's a bit chilly out there and not looking forward to run after work... hey ho... That's January for ya image

    Cheers Pug image

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    (just reposting owing to x-posts) 

    Gobi - Elbtunnel predictions: 

    Rach E - 2:36:02 (with a 76:02 second half)
    TT - 2:36:46
    Padams - 2:37:11
    Gobi - 2:38:xx
    CJ - 2:38:30
    Ode- 2.39.50 (Too much traffic like last year)
    RB - 2:40:50

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    Heard a story last night and it certainly helped me forget the pain in my legs from the session - Anybody on here ever turned up for a race, at the address where you send the entry form to?? I pi**ed myself!!! image

    Gobi - Elbtunnel predictions: 

    Rach E - 2:36:02 (with a 76:02 second half)
    TT - 2:36:46
    Padams - 2:37:11
    Gobi - 2:38:xx
    CJ - 2:38:30
    Ode- 2.39.50 (Too much traffic like last year)
    RB - 2:40:50
    IW (Chalkus) - 2:38:22

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    Brian61Brian61 ✭✭✭

    BR, Thats the one. Guess you know how the action goes on Ebay. Suffice to say there was 1 bid until 2 mins to go, I ended up getting it for 510, (just between me and you).

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    JoolskaJoolska ✭✭✭

    Ah, I like a nice list on a Wednesday...

    Gobi - Elbtunnel predictions: 

    Rach E - 2:36:02 (with a 76:02 second half)
    TT - 2:36:46
    Jools - 2:36:59 (sprinting to the line...)
    Padams - 2:37:11
    Gobi - 2:38:xx
    CJ - 2:38:30
    Ode- 2.39.50 (Too much traffic like last year)
    RB - 2:40:50
    IW (Chalkus) - 2:38:22

    8 miles for me on the mill this morning and then 15 mins on the cross-trainer to give me something like 10 miles for the session.

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    Brian61Brian61 ✭✭✭

    Gobi - Elbtunnel predictions:

    Rach E - 2:36:02 (with a 76:02 second half)
    TT - 2:36:46
    Jools - 2:36:59 (sprinting to the line...)
    Padams - 2:37:11
    Gobi - 2:38:xx
    IW (Chalkus) - 2:38:22
    CJ - 2:38:30
    Ode- 2.39.50 (Too much traffic like last year)
    RB - 2:40:50
    Brian - 2:42:03 (Too many rats to dodge)

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    Rach E - 2:36:02 (with a 76:02 second half)
    TT - 2:36:46
    Jools - 2:36:59 (sprinting to the line...)
    Padams - 2:37:11
    Gobi - 2:38:xx
    IW (Chalkus) - 2:38:22
    CJ - 2:38:30
    Coro - 2:39:06
    Ode- 2.39.50 (Too much traffic like last year)
    RB - 2:40:50
    Brian - 2:42:03 (Too many rats to dodge)

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