
GULP just entered my first half marathon



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    HI Jen jen- have both £9 socks (nike @ sweatshop) and £5 for 2 pairs socks (M&S) and not a vast difference between the two really.  Nike's are a bit grippier.

    HLs off because local Borough Council made a decision to advise school closures on basis of weather forecast; however Mr FL (who's a pilot) has checked the Airmet forecast and says it was a poor choice.

    I'll reserve judgement until the am but suspect he is right.  They should have done a delayed start if they were concerned.  He reckons forecast for weekend (good on Saturday and rain Sunday pm) means the HM should go ahead.

    Tea tonight- Mousaka, baked pots, kale and carrots.  Friends round tomorrow- we're having Delia's venison sausage casserole and a WW baked lemon cheescake- yum.image
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    Good morning everyone. image

    I had pizza last night. First one in a very long time. image

    I'll have the fish fingers, chips and beans tonight after (hopefully) running around the Fradley 10km course and before going off to play badminton. It's snowing again though but hopefully it'll be clear enough for a plod at around 3pm. image

    *heads off to the lab to do some work while thinking about cheesecake!*

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    Aha- we have a mad scientist on the threadimage

    We're having Pizza tomorrow night for tea- it's a nice recipe where you make the base from a combo of mashed potato and flour; haven't had it in ages but it's my HM carboload. (Actually been carboloading all week- blame the weather.)  Hae officially postponed diet until after skiing, just not in the right frame of mind at the moment, but can be then (thinks confidently).

    Weather upate- snowed a bit in night, woke up at 6.11 to  2 very load claps of thunder, now raining which is good news for the HM course but means school closures were unnecessary. HO Hum, they can't win.

    Oh well loads to do so going to be disciplined and log off and get them all done and make HLs do work and tidy up their lego mountain!

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    So that explains why your picture is an airplane Foxy if Mr FL flies them image

    Sounds like your race is on then, I had a  look on the website, are you going for Liz's course record? Very exalted company in your race! I'll be over the moon if I run twice that, 2.22.18 LOL image

    Morning Edster, if you are a mad scientist could you invent some tasty no-calorie cheescake? Hope you get your run in today, our snow has all gone now as we've had rain to clear it.

    Have done another Dr Bob this morning, a jazz mix which ended in a sprint of 186bpm. Didn't know I could move my legs that quick but managed to do it all. Did 5 miles in 55 mins, averaging 11 min miles WOOOHOOOOO, very chuffed about that. I feel another race coming on with the stick man to see if I can break that 30 min 5k time......................image

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    Nice running JT! image
    Have you got a 5k race lined up then?

    I wouldn't say that I'm a mad scientist. Unfortunately it's not that kind of lab. It's just full of telecomms equipment that we supply to BT to we're just testing new software / hardware. Boring!!
    Would prefer to mix chemicals together and create a Frankenstein type monster. Or the cheesecake of course. image

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    Morning All

    More snow last night freezing conditions not much chance of getting out this weekend, more treadie work.

    JuliaT - good tip shall try it out one day.

    Foxy - fingers crossed for your race sounds a bit more likely to go ahead.

    Question for you heart rate runners - Would/Do you race in your comfort zone knowing that everything should be O.K or would you run at a slightly higher HR.

    Back to Risk assessments.

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    Made it home from my night shift!!Better late than never!

    Snowing quite heavily from 5.30 am so decided to put on my walking boots and trek home,about three miles.Quite hard work lugging my heavy bag and trudging through the snow so I was hoping that equals a four mile run which I had planned for today!

    darren -risk assessments are evrywhere these days.can't remember having to do them 15 to 20 yrs ago..sign of the times I guess!

    Now I'm off to bed,OH in charge of children-our decapitated snowman still standing!
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    Bad news about your race FL. image

    You'll just have to do a 13 mile training run instead. image

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    Funny you should say that- weather permitting, probably do an 8 miler tomorrow afternoon when my hangover has cleared, and then do my New Years Day run to my in-laws for lunch (10.5 miles) on Sunday, possinly tweaking it to include some more of the HM route.

    Knowing runners, I suspect I won;t be the only one out there.

    I feel bereft- for the last 12 weeks Saint Garmin has told me what to do and when to do it, suddenly I have to think for myself....HELP.  Will sit down this arvo and decide what to run until the next one, but still not taking my trainers skiing (probably!)

    What sort of mad scientist are you?  My sisters and b-in-law are all pharma chemists, I used to work in clinical research?  Surprisingly, despite this genetic predisposition, our foreheads are still of normal size!

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    Sorry to hear about your race FL, I would be upset aswell, after all the preparation we have to put in aswell, guess they have to think of 'Safety'.

    Went for a 4 mile run this morning in my new trainers. They are rather comfy, although I think they will need a few more runs to break them in properly.

    Desperate for a new running kit now though, my trainers looked rather new this morning, & the rest of me, well, looked kind of old (yes,me included!)

    Well done on your 11 min miles JuliaT, that is fantastic!!!!

    Jen-jen x

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    Latest update is they are consulting with relevant authorities with a view to reschedulin gso to keep hold of number.  Decision will be made in next 14 days.

    Anyone want to put money on it clashing with something else I want to do!?

    Making cheesecake Edsterimageimage

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    Cheesecake? Did someone say cheesecake?!


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    Baked lemon Cheesecake is in the oven, along with banana fruit loaf and Caesars Cinammon cake- guess what I do when I'm cold and fed up?!

    bit slushy round here but rain doing a good job of getting rid of it.  Making HLs tody their playroom, why should I be the only one feeling grumpy!

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    Oh thats a bummer about your race Foxy, must be so disappointing to know you've put all that effort in and its come to nothing.  Fingers crossed that it is rescheduled on a free day.  Ooooh you will love love love helping train a total newbie, I think I brag more about my newbie friends achievements that I do my own LOL.

    After it took me 4 attempts to get my car in the drive last night I made the decision to give the gym a miss, so have only managed to get a 4mile run in this week (treadmill).  Did walk to and from work on Monday & Tuesday in the snow, about 3 miles each day so that has to count for something... Was thinking that when the weather picks up there's no reason why I cant run down to work in the morning, its all downhill and only 1.5miles so I wouldnt even really get a sweat on... 

    Have got a 6mile run planned along the canal tomorrow, Mr CS says he'll drop me off, go to Tescos to do the weekly shop and then pick me back up again... Gotta love Mr CS.  Just hope the towpath isnt too slippy, dont want to be falling in the canal.

    Jen-Jen get splashing through some puddles girl...  Bright white trainers are an absolute no-no LOL.  I was looking at the RFL photos from last year and I must've only recently bought my trainers as they are all nice and bright white... That didn't last long I can tell you...  image

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    Yes, i know what you mean about the bright white trainers. I did feel quite proud of my old trainers when I went into the running shop yesterday, they were filthy, they looked like proper runners trainers!image

    My new ones do look lovely all sparkly white, but I think after my 10 mile run on sunday with JuliaT, they will be rather dirty.image

    Jen-jen x

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    Very sorry about your race,to have it cancelled two days before is gutting but suppose they didn't have a choice.Just the luck of the draw but very disappointing for you..

    My husband sent a couple of snowy photos to his colleagues in Boston,US and apparently they just fell about laughing at the amount of snow we've had considering that its still enough to cause serious disruption here!

    I like the look of the new Mizuno Wave Inspire 5 trainers-would like to stay with Mizunos as the 4's suited me so well.This talk about shiny white trainers has got me quite excited once I finally get to the running shop!
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    Oh Foxy I'm so so sorry after all that hard work and training you've done. You must be absolutely gutted image. I'm gutted for you. I love all the old planes, we go to the Southend airshow and watch the Battle of Britain memorial flight and have been to Duxford. I get goosebumps down my back and always want to cry.

    Edster, no 5k's booked yet but R4L in June and bound to be others. It's just an urge I have to break 30 mins. Our snowman looked like Frankenstein, his head finally fell off and he is just a small pile now image

    Darren I plan to run the first half of the race in my comfort zone so that I've got a good distance done then, as long as i'm feeling good i hope to be able to gradually start winding up the pace. Going to start trying that on the long sunday runs, sshhhh don't tell Jen-jen image. Mind you our race finishes with a couple of miles uphill ....

    Hi Susiebe, hope you slept well, but not for very long it seems....

    Hi Caz, I walk to work and back, 1.5 miles each way. Can't run it as i get too sweaty by the time i'm there, not a good look!

    My new trainers got filthy today, 2 mums with pushchairs blocking the path so i had to go on the mud, selfish women image. Jen i'm picking out a nice clean route for us, will they be ok over 10 miles so soon or do you want more time to break them in?

    Off to do tea, lentil, chickpea and butter bean curry with naan bread tonight image

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    Thanks everyone for your kind words, I'm having a David Tennant fix to take my mind off things.  Boozy friends arriving in just over an hour so getting HLs ready for bed.  Big Boozy blow out tonight. 

    All my trainers look filthy and I love them that way- sort of badge of honour.

    Just checked the weather, looks like it should be thawed enough to run mid-afternoon tomorrow, but they are forecasting -8 tomorrow night so I guess you can see the organisers' point.

    May run to or from my out-laws on Sunday depending how it is underfoot, last thing I want is an injury b4 skiing- icing on the cake an' all that!

    Cheers *Hic*

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    Sorry about your race Foxy have a bottle or two tonight hey.

    JuliaT my thoughts as well about upping the tempo 2nd half but mostly uphill as well.  Just come in from 8 miler first 4 miles at 151 then upped a little. Sun came out today and main road is clear for a while.

    Take care all.

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    Have a few drinks for us too Foxy, something like 'sorrows' and 'drowning them' comes to mind.

    8 Miles Darren, fabbo! The training stuff I've been reading kind of says that for upping the long run mileage you should take it really easy and within your comfort zone. Then have a run or 2 each week which is 3, 4, or 5 miles long which you go faster, for me that means HR in the 150's. Really tho as quick as you can manage. Then 1 run a week with either sprinting in it or a few hills  (  image  ) sufficient to get your HR high for a minute at a time with recovery's in, for me i attempt to hit the 170's.

    When you get to the last few weeks before the race tho (about now for me and Jen, 5 weeks to go) then on the long run up the speed over the last bit. e.g on our 12 miler we will speed up on the last 4. I think your good runner with lots of experience would probably run the whole race at a faster pace but i don't want to blow out before the end! and i'd like to enjoy it too........image

    If you like i can type out my current training plan. Part of it came from this site and then it was tweaked by a women at the gym's husband who is a personal trainer and all round running club guru.

    Hope the risk assessments are coming along ok

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    Hi All

    Very kind of you JuliaT I have 3 training plans by me which all agree in what you are saying.  I have also read somewhere about getting the base miles in and not to worry about speed training etc. to much. Before Xmas/ankle things were going very well I was doing a long run an easy run a Tempo and either hills or intervals but now I feel it more important to get the base miles in and if the race takes me longer it doesn't really matter.   Risk assessments all done why the firm have picked on me i will never know, they know I'm more figures minded than written.

    Take care all

    By the way JuliaT my max heart rate is 200 which I have entered into Garmin my rest is 49 how do I enter that in

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    DC.  I think you need to use you RHR in conjunction with your MHR to calculate Working HR range and that's what you enter in your Garmin, it's ages since I set mine up but I did a lot of HR research on this site and that's where I got the info on it.  If you can't find it, I've probably got it somewhere filed away and will dig it out.

    Bottle count=6 (6 of us) but 2 men drank the lion's share.  I had several glasses of cava, a glass of red and a couple of glasses of pink fizz.  Bed at 2am- ouch! Basically feel fine except tired and I'm thinking afternoon nap today- a rare luxery as usually it mucks up my night sleep patter but can probably risk an hour today.

    Altho' if it thaws enough I might risk a gentle plod but Mr FL is scared I'll do some damage b4 hols.

    Now just waiting to see what they decide about rescheduling and also need to do some training plan work for me as to what I do over the next few weeks (apart from throw myself down a snowy mountain with planks tied to my feet!).

    Risk assessment- hideous task, we have to do them at school, esp. for trips etc.

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    Morning all

    Foxy - glad your feeling O.K after last night.

    This is how I work out my HR hope it is correct

    Recovery 60% - 200 - 49 * 60% + 49 = 140

    Long run 60 - 70%  as above and  200 - 49 * 70% + 49 = 155 between 140 - 155

    Undualiting & intervals 70 % - 85 %  between 155 & 177

    Tempo 85 % = 177.

    For my long runs I usually aim for low 150's.

    Off to running shop now.

    Take care all

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    DC- just found lots of stuff I have printed about HR (I got really into it for a while until I couldn't get my heart rate high enough so went back to training by speed- I might go back to it again for a while).

    I will have a quick check........

    OK -your numbers look good.  How did you get your max HR.  Did you do it on a treadmill or do the running up and down hills until you are nearly sick thing?  The bog standard calculation is notoriously inaccurate, looking at what you have I supect you have actually tested yourself properly.

    Hope you have fun at the running shop.

    I am writing training plans today: mr FL is doing a 10K in June, my friend her first 5K in July and me, well I'm just confused.

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    imageAfternoon all. What a beautiful day and this afternoon I remembered why I run. 

    Mid-morning I rang a running buddy and we set a date for 2pm.

    Instead of spending the afternoon sleeping off my late night on the sofa, we have done a beautiful 8 miler in glorious weather. Not because it was on a training plan, but just because we could!

    Stunning scenery of snow covered fields with camoflaged swans but underfoot it was fine, even on the back roads and a private road we use.  Wore my trailfoxes totally unnecessarily.  Just over 8 miles at an easy 10.04mm.

    Mr FL is planning on popping out for a quick 6 miler tomorrow first thing.  We're off to the in-laws for lunch and I'm full of good intentions to run home incorporating a good half of the HM route.

    Hope everyone else has had a good day and had a chance to get out there a grab a runner's high!

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    Hi All

    Foxy - Yes ran (sprinted) up a hill about 200 metres 5 times untill feeling sick. I always try and run by heart rate due to the fact I haven't many flat stretches of road round by me so all my work is on undualating routes.

    Got on well with running shop nothing drastically wrong with Gait (nothings changed) l land a little on my heal but pretty straight with foot and legs.  The staff where much better though than the first shop I had my gait analysis done.  I have been wearing the correct shoes but tried a lot on found that the Asics gel - cumulus to be a good fit so obviously came a way with a new pair to try out.  Suggested my achillies problems with my hill training.

    Take care all

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    Hi all, did a speedy 5k run this morning to get the legs going in preparation for our 10-miler tomorrow. Glad you feel so chirpy Foxy after your disappointment, athough the snow is a pig for disrupting the schedule it really is beautiful isn't it image

    Darren, your HR sums seem good to me, I have my max HR in as 185 which is the most I've ever got it up to. I have erred on the side of caution as do not want to have a heart attack and if it gets in the 170's I feel that's as hard as i want to push. At last! Someone else with a resting HR in the 40's. I see loads of ladies at work as we input all the data into our computer and nobody gets that low. I feel we are superfit !

    If you click on my bookmarks just below my name (above) I have put the Garmin compatable HM schedule there. You can do that either as pace or HR and there is a place where you can personalize the figures so work out where you fall in the zones. They use words like Easy, Steady and stuff. Just DO NOT DO THOSE INTERVALS THEY WILL KILL YOU! They want half a mile at a time at 97-99% max HR.

    Using 185 as a max HR I get:

    Easy, 69-74% - 127-136

    Slow, 73-78% - 135-144

    Steady, 79-84% - 146-155

    etc. If I keep in the 140's I can keep going forever, 150's for 4 miles or so, 160+ i can only sustain for short bursts.

    I told you some pages ago that I had become a heart-rate anorak! image

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    And another one with new trainers, hurrah image
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    Good afternoon, we did our 10 miler this morning and tried to avoid getting Jen-jens trainers muddy. I had to wear sunglasses against the glare................

    Took jelly tots but I found them too chewy, they made me dribble so am going to try jelly babies next time, need something that disolves a bit quicker.

    Roast dinner today image

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    Afternoon All

    HL's  free zone now gone to a party with Disco Daddy I will keep this greeting short so I can get a snooze in.

    Lovely morning today to take new trainers for a spin but snow started again.

    Foxy hope all is well and you have managed to get out and had a good run.

    JuliaT - Looked at your bookmark training plan while the mileage I agree with the HR I feel is way out half marathon pace is 87 - 91 % while the pace looks about right.  Could you explain what the numbers are under the pace box.  I may just pick up the last few weeks of this schedule now.

    Take care all

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