
Padded Cell

Just like me, in fact.

If anyone knows how to find the old one, please let me know...


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    Helloooo? this padding echoes...
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    It must be all in your mind - how can Xtra padding help an echo?
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    Guess what everyone - I thought I was close to finishing my thesis. But then my supervisors got in touch - ha ha ha, oh I was so wrong! Still, this means I get to make a few trips back to the UK while I'm still working on it.

    How is your work Snail? I remember reading that you've also got a new job?
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    yup. Thesis is a dirty word at the moment. Having a mare. And this running lark aint helping...

    so when are you likely to submit now? Any idea?
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    I had hoped it would be in October. Officially, it has to be by the middle of February, otherwise I have to apply for an extension. I have yet to discuss it properly with the supervisors, so I really don't know.

    Why are you having a mare?
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    Oh yes, I met a bloke called (if I remember correctly!) Oliver at the summer school in Oslo. But he was in level 3 Norwegian. Is a medievalist like us. Not sure if you're at the same place in London, but perhaps you know him?
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    lack of time. Leave the house at half 7, unless I go running or to the gym before work when it's before 6, get home after 9 unless I'm at the running club or the gym. Did my first half last Sunday, so have been doing longer runs at the weekend... and trying to finish the house as well...

    oh well.

    Don't know anyone at my own college other than my supervisor - don't even go into college for supervisions, we meet at a cafe in town... easier for both of us and so much more civilised!

    how's everything going?
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    I'm useless at morning running, so go when I get back from 'work', around 6pm - while there is still light! There is a park right next to where I live which has loads of playing fields and a running path around the outside. I'm not sure if it will be safe when it gets dark, but this is Norway, which seems a lot safer than the UK.

    There are no yobs here either. So absolutely no heckling. It's very strange.

    I would like to find a half to do, but the only one I have found is Gothenberg in May. Not sure if I'll be able to motivate myself for it. Working on base training at the moment.
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    Dont remind me
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    How do you two!

    Well done on your first half, Snail! 2:16 is a splendid time. Better than my GNR time but then I do have the excuse of being old and crap.

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    I've found a new excuse for not running: it is too cold!!!

    Where are those nice men in white coats?
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    And where is DavidB?!! Perhaps he'll find this new incarnation of his spiritual home soon?

    Yes, 2:16 is fantastic, well done!
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    oh sh*t.

    It must have been the padded cell. I've been teetotal for several weeks and then this evening - *thud*. Fell off the wagon.

    9 G&Ts and then my new colleagues told me the first 8 were doubles.

    Benz, lovely to see you again, pass the bottle will you dear?

    Tonight IS the last drink before Amsterdam.

    Cheers for the congrats, Hilde and Chimp!! I felt quite pleased. I'm thinking about trying to do sub 2 for Amsterdam - got 3 weeks and 4 days. So only have to knock off 4 mins a week. Not sure whether it's sensible though - think I may just be feeling extremely arrogant at having proved the docs wrong - phoned up the hospital today and cancelled the next rheumatology appt, told them I'd found a better cure!! Hmm, might regret that come winter. On the other hand... :-)

    yes, where is DavidB?

    And Benz, what do you mean by 'not this again'????

    TG - welcome. I do hope you won't regret poking your head round the door. It's an addictive thing, this nice comfortable padding and the copious gin...
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    benz, don't mention the thesis. have you got the gin??
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    Don't talk to me about gin, or alcohol in general. It is so expensive here!!! I paid 46 kroner (around £4.50) for a pint of average lager a few weeks ago. The restrictive selling of alcohol seems to have made Norwegians Friday night party animals - I find that all a bit distasteful, so unfortunately being teetotal is the only way. Sob!! I miss buying wine in Sainsburys.
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    Hilde - what about ordering it in massive quantities on the internet? Even paying postage, you'd prob still be quids in!

    Having said that, it seems they're only charging London prices...

    Anyway, I'm off alcohol again. Though I have a feeling that those G&Ts last night were pure tonic. I certainly didn't feel any effects at the time or even this morning. £6 for a glass of tonic water...
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    may anyone with a filthy thesis join in?
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    you don't even need a filthy thesis, Moosey. A filthy mind's enough. That's how Chimpy got in...

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    (is he the one the padded cell is for?)
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    think the original padded cell was for DavidB, after Hilde had chucked him out of another thread. Can't remember very clearly - he was either on the women's page thread or one of his many women's underwear threads and making inappropriate comments :-) Sadly for women everywhere, DavidB escaped from his cell and is, even as I type, causing havoc in the lingerie department... ;-)
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    yes, i've seen him there, browsing. saying to the assistant 'ooh, she's about the same size as me' when asked what he's after......
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    did someone say "thesis"? argh, that's a dirty word round here...

    ...how do you all find time to run *and* get it finished??
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    I think that DavidB actually exiled himself to the original padded cell. But yes, come and join us with your thesis woes.

    What's yours on?
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    The answer is - I don't!! The more thesis stress I have, the less running I do (because of psychological need to remain close to my computer), but I still have lots of thesis left to do. But when I'm closer to finishing...

    ... half-marathon!
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    Erm, is there a small padded corner available for puzzled accountants. I've used up so much brain energy completing my formal application for membership that I now can't get my head round what should be a very simple deferred income release adjustment.

    I'll just sit over here and shut up, shall I?
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    tell me about it, hildegard - binned a 10m a couple of weekends ago as work had got in the way of training :( doing the blenheim cancer research 10k in a fortnight and then that's it - if the november sumbission is to be met, there's some serious typing to do!

    btw, it's on evolution of middle eastern sand dunes through the last glacial period. a very useful topic to dedicate 3 years to...what are everyone else's on?
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    Snails is on the restorative effects of gin and tonic.

    It's a joint venture with hippo.

    Sand dunes eh?

    That's er.....

    Sand dunes you say?

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    How do you choose the subject of a doctoral thesis?. A colleague has just submitted hers on French Literature (there was more to the title than that, but that was the gist of it), which sounds normal (difficult, but normal), but there are some that just defy all logic.

    Why sand dunes? And who decides if you are "allowed" to do it on a particular subject?

    A thesis on the dynamics of an internet forum sounds good..............
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