
Talkback: Lucozade Sport Super Six: Vicky (sub-4:30)



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    No wibbling allowed, love.

    You'll get in trouble with Richard, for a start.

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    I second that- no wibbles Hash you can do it!!!

    Just popped in befpre work to wish all those racing good luck- I'll be thinking of you while chained to my desk!!!

    Happy valentinesday too

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    What do you do that involves being up at this time of the morning Vik?  And are there any jobs going?  I may as well!

    Eeek, thanks for the reminder, his card's still in the car

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    i work for BA at terminal 5 lovely double shift but it means im off next weekend for brighton half- one good thing about the job is that we can swap our days off so have lots of time off for training even though i worked like a nutter in december!
    More to the point what are you doing up?
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    Hash I should have come and chatted you on here at 4.30 when I was awake - mu usual 'head full of work etc' keeping me up........hoping yours wasn't the knee!!!
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    I remember you'd said now Vik

    Mercifully no Pinks, just the side effects of being a girl.  I get the same with work stuff too - annoyingly I get my best ideas of how to solve problems at 4am, so it's kind of self-perpetuating.  Everything okay with yours?

    The knee's not so bad now that I know how to relieve it when the pain comes on -  roll the ITB and priiformis on the foam roller, and hang off the fridge like a bat to stretch out my spine.  I'm going to do Liz's short run today, very gently as it's my first consecutive run - just 15 minutes, then a walk break, then another 15 minutes. 

    There's a really lovely bit of the village that's like a little woodland path, but is technically a lane and even has street lights on it among the trees.  I absolutely love running down it, doesn't matter what season it is.  Right now I can see through the trees to the fields spread out beyond, but the track itself is lovely, like running through crunchy woodland.

    Have fantastic LSRs all those that are doing them, and tons of luck to Rod for today's 20 miler

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    Blimey it's quiet around here, hope all the LSRs are going well

    Ooooh that was lovely!  Took it very gently, had my walk break after 15 minutes (but switched the timer off).  A lovely, damp, gentle winter run, no effort, just taking in the scenery.  That's an hour's running or six miles over the weekend.  Okay it's not much, but it's progresss, and progress feels good.

    1)  - 1m - 10:06(10:06/m) - 134bpm avge  - 145bpm max - 48cal
    2)  - 1m - 10:00(10:00/m) - 138bpm avge  - 147bpm max - 48cal
    3)  - 1m - 10:06(10:06/m) - 143bpm avge  - 152bpm max - 50cal
    4)  - 0.23m - 2:22(10:17/m) - 142bpm avge  - 147bpm max - 11cal

    Got to a really sad bit in The Archers.  I won't spoil it for Eva by going into detail, but at the end it finished with some classical music rather than the theme tune, it was incredibly moving.  I was on the warm-down walk at the end when that happened, walked past my bemused neighbour in tears, and before I could tell him why he said "oh dear, bit muddy was it?".  Let's just say he's not a runner!

    Right, shower and Sunday lunch at the Piggie.  Bye!

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    spinkletoes wrote (see)

    No wibbling allowed, love.

    You'll get in trouble with Richard, for a start.

    arf! image
    Great to hear you're back out the door Hash and running. Your attitude to all of this is exemplary and I for one I am very proud of you. Looking forward to catching up in 2 weeks time
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    AndyVAndyV ✭✭✭
    Good stuff Hash. Let's hope I have at least half your patience!
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    Nice timing with the Archers Hash, wouldn't have wanted you distracted in the middle of the run image

    vik - I'll have to get Mr Sparkly to watch out for you next time he goes through T5

    Decided to can the long run today.  Firstly because my back is feeling really stiff and although it will probably be fine running is likely to go into spasm afterwards.  Secondly I fuelled really badly yesterday - coffee, 5K, coffee, tead with one cheese scone, coffee.  Then i walked to Waitrose, felt really giddy and then got the shakes at the till so had to visit the local tearoom.  A bit light headed this morning so going to focus on eating instead of running.

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    Hi Peeps,

    Just done 14.2 miles - it was bloody torture!  These long runs are doing my head in, wonder if I can pick your brains with a few questions? Apologies to Hash, doesn't seem right me moaning about being too slow when you are only just starting running again, but would appreciate some advice.

    I'm aiming at a 4hour 30 time using the RW Garmin schedules.  However I'm conscious of not over training so am checking my training speeds against the RW recommended heart rate ranges.  All is good for the faster paces, speed and HR match up nicely.  My problem is at the slow end, I can't run to the paces suggested within the recommended HR range.  Not too bad for the short mid week slow runs, but as soon as I'm on a long run I have to keep taking walk breaks to get HR down and end up with a really slow average pace, and I've completely given up trying to keep to the HR suggested for easy recovery runs / warm ups as they'll all be done at walking speed! Anyone know why this is? I was doing a lot of slow aerobic runs before Xmas to try and boost my aerobic run performance, but obviously to no avail.

    How hard should a LSR feel? Last week I largely ignored HR and managed to do 12 miles at the 11:30 training pace suggested for a 4:30 marathon time.  HR was 154 rather than the 149 which is the top end of the suggested range, but I felt pretty happy with that. My known max HR is 189.

    However today's stats on the same route, plus a bit, were average 11:51 pace at 156 bpm avg.  I followed the same nutrition and hydration regime as last week, and felt well rested, but it was torture.

    This HR is virtually the top end of the suggested marathon pace range, which means I'm looking at around a 5 hour 10 marathon. Furthermore it felt so hard.  Not out of breath hard as speedwork does, but just the effort of putting one foot in front of the other seemed too much at times.  I just wanted to sit down! Do other prople feel like this?  Have I just overestimated my capabilities?

    Sorry for the lengthy post just wanted to get it off my chest, and see what you thought.

    Finally a question for "Lucozade Emma".  How does milk rate as a recovery drink, seems to have a good balance of carbs and protein to me, and I don't like milkshakes?  Must admit the post run refuelling was the best bit of today's run - a large glass of milk and a pile of bacon butties!

    Thanks for your help and advice people.

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    SR I never run to heart rate or I would have to walk all the long runs.................I think they are a guide and everyone is individual.........How did you work out your max heart rrate out of interest?

    I go by the more unscientic methods od can I talk comfprtably and maintain a conversation all the way around the run.( even if I have no-one to talk too)..If I can and its not killing me then the pace is fine..........

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    Thanks Seren.  Calculations for max HR are rubbish.  Need to measure it and it's not pleasant!  Good warm up for a few miles, then 3 mins running as hard as possible (better if it's slightly uphil), jog for 3 mins, and then another 3 mins as hard as possible.  Whatever the max HR you hit in either of the 3 min sprints is your max HR.  Only time I've hit my max since is in the last few hundred yards of a 10K, so pretty sure it's accurate.
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    Rich, Pix, Andy, Luc, Christina I love you lotimage  We really are a team, aren't we?   Wonder if it's been like this in past years?

    Andy you have RW mail.

    Sounds sensible Bridget, you've done some amazing mileage recently and some great times too.

    SR - first of all very well done on the 14 miler.  I honestly think that atmosphere has much to do with time - look at my times yesterday and today.  Yesterday I had no intention of racing anything.  !5 minutes beforehand I was standing in the petrol station in Tescos, literally shaking with cold filling the car up, and seriously considered knocking it on the head and going home.  Everything felt wrong, it was too cold, I couldn't decide how many layers to wear.......  But somehow on the start line with loads of other runners, it all changed.  Blouse was willing me on from afar, Gary the fizz had given me a freebie session because he wanted me to do this, Gareth from Lucozade was there saying hi and asking how I was, I had friends around me and all had all  the good wishes from this thread in my pocket.....  Somehow a race atmosphere is just different.  No matter how good I'm feeling, I can't re-create race times doing a solo training run.  Even pre-injury and with Nightwish thumping down the earphones, I can't get within a minute and a half or race pace, yet put me in a race and the first few miles at least are waaaaay faster.

    If I can offer one piece of advice, don't sweat about times just yet.  Speed will come, but for now just work on the stamina of running long distances.  Once your body's used to doing that, speed will follow, but you can't do both at once, it's asking too much.

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    Just wanted to say "Hi"- am mostly lurking on Andy's sub-4 thread, but occaisionally drop in here- Im' training for Lochaber- april 18th. It'll be my 5th marathon (wow, that sounds odd!).

    Relaxed- I always do a 3 run per week scheule, since crippling myself trying a 5 run per week job first time. It's fine, and keeps the injury risk down- are you doing the "FIRST" paln?- come over to the three runs per week threads if you want.

    I've said this on at least one of the other talkback threads- but given the very high rate of injury problems on these threads, have any of the coaches considered a switch to 3 runs per week ?

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    'Fess up time again

    I feel a need to be much more positive on this thread than I'm actually feeling.  Daft, isn't it?  I mean, I'm surrounded by friends, I've had nothing but good wishes and support, and yet I don't feel able to come on here when the moments of doubt hit me.  Let's face it, I've missed 7 weeks of a 16 week schedule, it's not good, is it?

    Oft expectation fails, and most oft there
    Where most it promises; and oft it hits
    Where hope is coldest, and despair most fits

    All's well thad ends well, in more ways than oneimage

    What I didn't say this morning was that I was dreading a horrible reaction to the consecutive run.  For me, today was make or break, I either got back into training or accepted that it probably wasn't going to happen.  Yesterday I had a reaction to the race, but seemed to find a solution, so would it work today?

    I did a massively long warm up, followed Liz's advice to the letter re the easy run and walk break, then a massively long cool-down.  Probably nearly a mile's worth, to the point that I was getting cold.  Then I came indoors, stretched for about 20 minutes, did back exercises and iced.  Had a shower, drove us to the pub, strapped two ice-packs to my knees in the loo, and had another icing session whilst waiting for food to arrive.  Just as well they know me in there!  I walked around a bit every 15 minutes whilst we were having lunch (sorry, Blouse).  Then I drove us home, more back exercises, more icing and........imageimageimage

    I'm fine.  Utterly totally absolutely fine.  No reaction, no screaming piriformis or ITB, no painful knees, nothing.

    Liz I know you're working away from home most weekends and can't get online.  When you do, don't worry about reading back, just know that yesterday's parkrun was great, half a minute faster than last week, today was fine, so gimme miles!!!


    Got the fizz tomorrow, but otherwise the rest of the week is yours.  Just tell me what to do to get back on track and I'll follow it to the letter.

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    Sorry, tricialitt, x-post despite the huge time gap, I'm trying to do several things at once here.

    I didn't even get off the starting blocks and my injury wasn't as a result of the schedule, but I take your point.  I've run my two previous marathons on three sessions per week, and if I wasn't trying to make up time I'd still be doing the same, Liz had wored out a bespoke plan for me.

    Generally the fizz says consecutive sessions are a bad idea as the muscles don't have time to recover, so there's a lot of mileage (excuse the pun) in what you're saying

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    well done Hash - lovely pacingimage

    scuba - I don't run to heart rate either - I'm sure it's a good method if you have the right numbers to start with.

    I've done my long run at average 11:30 today - which is fine I think, and I also really struggled in the last few miles and had some walk breaks up the hilliest bits - completely shattered now TBH - not looking forward to the ironing mountain image

    Archers omnibus very moving - had a little sob but no-one about to see me. then on desert island disks chap chose "2 little boys" - and that's me sobbing again image

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    oops - xpost with everone!

    when I looked at the FIRST plan -I though the paces were far too fast for me, I'd rather do little and often I think.

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    PG3PG3 ✭✭✭
    Sounds like things are going well for most on here. I did 14 miles today at 10m15 pace. My plan states 10m30 but i do tend to stop quite a lot and faff (ipod, traffic lights, plasters for a blister, wine gums x2). I was quite bored and i did a bad route and ended up going round and round clapham common which was driving me mad, but my left foot (old ongoing problem) started to really hurt. I knew this could be an issue, esp as i am quite heavy at the moment but I was hoping.

    Anyway, i have a physio appt and its been in an ice bucket but i know that the best thing to do is lose weight, so i will try and stay away from the pies and hope.
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    No Sleep Till Bramley  image

    Hi all well today I had to dig deep, the band I did last night finished their show at 0100 I got to bed by 3 and up again at 7.

    ! hour 40 minute drive to Basingstoke.

    Guess what made me do it, you lot on here image

    the run couldn't have gone better I finished in 3.03.09 my last mile was 8.25 I felt incredibly positive and in my own little world ran a smart race I am so happy.

    Sorry to bang on about it, I've only just arrived back hung arounnd after and got a sports massage for £7 a charity thing it was very good and thorough and helprd the old legs no end.

    I am tired now but I don't care out for a pzza tonight witha friend will read back on how all have done later and post my results.

    I have something now I didn't have before Belief.

    I saw Mick and Phil at the end, Mick actually said he thinks I will be fine with VLM as I have a positive attitude and am not being wishy washy about it his comments mean a lot to me from an amazing bloke.

    Right bath time now, later.......

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    16.04 miles at about 9:49mm pace. Its hard running on your own, but I got through several From our own correspondent podcasts and 3 Archers episodes, so that whiled the time away.

    Also saw quite a few pheasants and clumps of snowdrops.

    Spring is coming - it may be slow but its coming.

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    Just wish it would hurry up JB image

    Definitely the right decision not to run.  The ibu has worn off and I am stiff again.  Washing the kitchen floor, vacuuming and ironing may not have helped but with OH poorly all week needs must.

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    WOOHOO!!!Finished the Stamford 30k - sooo tired, very achy but feeling estatic at finishing so strong. Finished in 2hrs 40m so overmoon at the time!!                      Thanks for all your support guys. Incredibly tired and the hills needed a guy rope and mountain boots at some point but feel like I'm almost ready for London now. Probably not run for a few days to recover so no more moaning...just yet image

    Rod - well done on your run honey and well done to Hash and all the others running today. This is certainly the "positive" thread - I dont think I would even get out of bed to run somedays without all your support!

    Both feet have massive blisters, one that popped and is bleeding bad but funnily enough I have a grin from ear to ear and it kinda made it all worthwhile image

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    Glad to see so many posirtive runs here............I'm biased but if you an get a sports massage then do.........it really helps after a long run............you may have students near you taht look for practice............or inCardiff they do a special deal for £16 you get an appointment with  a qualified member of staff and then a free one the next week with a student...........other areas might do something similarimage

    Lets hope the next week is good for all.......imageimageimage

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    Well done kim!  Took me just over 3 hours last year.
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    Kim what a result this is the positive thread for deffo, maybe with more sleep i could have done a sub 3 once again I aired the side of caution but I am a negative spit type runner, today it just felt different I cant explain why, my feet are tired no blisters but a painfull toe nailon right foot next to big toe, the nail keeps falling off I'm not even sure if it has grown back all I know is that it hurts  trip to the nurse in next couple of days.

    seren nos wrote (see)

    Glad to see so many posirtive runs here............I'm biased but if you an get a sports massage then do.........it really helps after a long run............you may have students near you taht look for practice............or inCardiff they do a special deal for £16 you get an appointment with  a qualified member of staff and then a free one the next week with a student...........other areas might do something similarimage

    Lets hope the next week is good for all.......imageimageimage

    Seren my post Bramley sports massage was £7 all in the name of charity, 2 young ladies one to do each leg, one of them was sooooo strong I did yelp a bit at one point image
    But it did help the walk back to the car and now I feel not bad at all.

    I have a lot of reading up to do later looks like some good runs going on today Kim watch those blisters won't you,

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    Thanks for the advice Seren, Hash and Jenni, all sounds very sensible.  Sounds like the best plan then is just to do them at a comfortable pace and stuff the HR!  Mind you my pace today - 11:51 was just about within a minute and half of race pace, so I hope I get the atmosphere benefit like you Hash.

    Rod, Kim - amazing runs, excellent, well done.  You both have every reason to feel pleased with yourselves.

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    Heart rates aren't the b all and end all SR as posted earlier max hr is not always what it should  be when worked out by taking your age off 220 , you get to know what is comfortable, I would go with that, thanks for the kind words about the run I am pleased and in about an hour will be more pleased when that Pizza is being eaten image
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