
What distance to start at

I delevoped a knee problem training for the Liverpool half Marathon earlier in the year.

I did 4 weeks of cross training but the problem stayed so I decided to finish the race and then give up sport all together. It's now over 2 months since I did any sport and I want to start again.

I keep seeing races that I'd like to enter for but I don't want to rush it, I'm sure that part of my problem last time was probably increasing too quickly.

So, what distance do I go for? I'm pretty certain that I could do 5K tomorrow and even further if I do a run/walk but I'm not sure what a sensible starting point would be. What bothers me is this 10% increase a week business, if I start at 2 km and increase by 10% per week it'll take me 10 weeks to get up to 5 km. If I start at 5k then I'll be up to 13km! That's a hell of a difference.

I can see I'm going to have trouble taking it easy.


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