
Mirena Coil

Hi folks,

 I'm new to the site, well have been reading the threads and getting loads of good advice from them, but never really had any questions up until now, and its one for the ladies so hope someone can help.  I'm having the Mirena coil fitted today, So I'm just wondering if any of ye running ladies have any advice for me.  I have two 10k races coming up and the training is going really well so would be gutted to have to stop now.  If any of ye have any advice that would be great - went out for a run this morning just in case its a while before I get back out againimage but I'm hoping its just a case of rest for a day or two and back to it again - have 8 miles planned for Sunday so really dont want to miss it.

Cheers for any thoughts



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    I've had a couple of coils fitted in the past, you may get a little bit of cramping immediately after, but no further issues, no rest necessaary, you're supposed to check it's still there occasionally but that's the only maintenance necessary. This is all assuming you don't have any other issues of course.


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    You shouldn't need to have any time off at all. As SJ says, you might get cramp or feel a bit uncomfortable for the rest of the day after having it fitted, but you can take some ibruprofen, and by the next day you should be back to normal.

    Be prepared for it to be painful to be fitted (apparently it is less so if you have had children, as your cervix has been stretched before) but the majority of women have no periods within a few months of it being fitted, and it is the most effective contraception invented so far, so it's worth it.

    Good luck for your 10ks!

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    I wouldn't say painful, uncomfortable!


    ps I wouldn't have any other form of contraception myself

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    Cheers for that SJ and Flyaway,

    I  have seen mainly horror stories about it on the net, was getting a bit nervous, so glad to hear a positive side to it - have 2 kids so hopefully that might make it a bit less painful for getting it fitted, someone else described it as a bit like getting a smear test will get some ibruprofen to have handy. 

    Delighted to hear your both happy with it as a contraception choice and not having any more periods would be worth it alone, might make the 10ks a bit easier!!! image

    Thanks again


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    I thought the Mirena coil was just a souped up version of a normal one ie. with a few hormones on to be extra effective, I didn't realise it stopped your periods (I just have a bog standard one I believe!)

    To be honest I think I'd miss my periods if I didn't have them for any other reason than being pregnant! but then they've never really troubled me that much not being very heavy so I've been lucky.


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    Hi guys

    Just thought i'd shed a little light on the 'coil' situation. The old style coil is called an intrauterine device whereas the mirena is something slightly different and is called an intrauterine system. The IUD works primarily by preventing sperm from reaching an egg so it cannot be fertilised. The mirena works by thickening the cervical mucus so that, again, sperm cannot reach and egg. In addition it thins the lining of the womb so that a egg cannot implant and in the majority of women it stops an egg being realised therefore stopping periods.

    The IUD can cause people to have more painful, heavy periods whereas the mirena tends to stop them or make them lighter. For this reason the mirena is becoming increasingly popular.

    In my personal experience and that of my friends the side effects of the mirena have been very minimal. It initially (~5days) caused some tiredness, mild cramps and slight mood changes however after that it has been plain sailing. The bleeding pattern experienced at first can be quite erratic and therefore irritating but it soon settles down.

    I presume you are having a mirena because you are in a long term relationship, this is one of the criteria for having one fitted. This would be my only warning point that it doesn't protect against STI's and therefore if you were to meet a new partner it is worth them getting checked. The reason being that whilst you may not get pregnant you can still get asymptomatic infections such as chlamydia which can lead to pelvic inflammatory disease and eventually infertility.

    Sorry to sound quite so official and medical! A good place to check out is www.fpa.org.uk as they tend to have quite alot of information.

    Hope it goes wellimage
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    Hi Sammy,

    thanks a mill for all the info and the web link, yep married to the ball and chainimage with two kids so we thought it was time to have a more relaxed attitude to getting jiggyimage!!! Got it fitted yesterday and apart from the initial cramps after getting it in (which felt a bit like mild contractions?!) I feel fine today,  totally normal, I do feel a bit tired but with getting up with the kids and early morning runs I'm usually tired!!!

    Yeah I know what your saying SJ, not having periods with not being pregnant will take a bit of getting used to, but they cripple me and since having my last baby I've had to take a day off work nearly every month with the pain, so my gp thought this was the way to go.  The Mirena seems to be popular so I'm hoping it will make life a bit easier now and wont interupt the training plan as much.  So I think I'll be heading out for my 8 miler tomorrowimage! Thanks again guys for your thoughts and advice ye have been really helpfull.


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    Can't see how to post new thread (I know this one is 7 yrs old)... BUT... just had mirena put in 2 weeks ago and my performance has been hindered! Is it just a blip??? Was comfortably doing 3.5/4km continuous but really struggling to get past 2km before thighs are burning and calves really tight. Only since mirena went in - nutrition and fluids the same although I do drink a little more if it's warmer than normal.  Thoughts/ideas please? Thanks x
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