
Deca, Triple, Double, Single IM



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    And Miss H you never replied to my email!

    Any way, I do agree with BtS. But this is some thing Symes has been considering for a while and was thinking of doing the one in Mexico. But as you might also understand that is a massive undertaking more so in the actual cost of doing, supporting and the whole logistics of the thing.

    Also unlike the deca where you do all the swim, all the bike and then the complete run. This event is being broken down into 10 IM's over 10 days, thus the chance for each person doing it to get some very good recovery in before starting the next IM. It also gives the people supporting and helping to make sure the each person is ok to start the next days IM. I do think that a person has a much better chance of recovering quickly from this event then the other type of deca.

    So, just one more person needed with the money.

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    Surely a deca is where you spread the IM distance over 10 days isn't it? image
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    we should have the extra one, there were a few at nantwich who said they would cough up some ££ and they should log on later to confirm image
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    kittenkat wrote (see)

    However I concluded that Symes is a big boy and that ultimately he will only start this thing if he's fit to do so. 

    And that nobody who's coughed up £20 will give him any grief if he decides, at any time before or during the event, that he should pull out.  The cash is for entry, not starting or finishing.
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    LIVERBIRD wrote (see)

    I take it that's aimed at me then?

    I'll give twenty quid. And I'll actually pay up. Unlike some people who shall remain nameless and lose a bet with Puffy....image

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    He might change his mind when he's doing the triple in augustimage
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    The Symes Suffering and Misery Fund, incorporating Meldy & Gertie's pub crawl.
    Suggested donation £20

    1. Ditchy
    2. Purpletrilady
    3. Seren
    4. Meldy
    5. Gertie
    6. FB
    7. Barley
    8. LN
    9. Hope
    10. Gaz
    11. SA
    12. Arctic-lady
    13. JPenno
    14. Crashie
    15. Mouse
    16. Madlot
    17. ATOM.
    18. Cake
    19. Kittenkat
    20. Debbo
    21. Lee the Pea
    22. JD
    23. Wicket the Lazy
    24. Gyraffe
    25. IronMin
    26. Rosey
    27. Little Sister
    28. OrangeCannon
    29. Cheerful Dave
    30. Ferret
    31. GOM
    32. Magna Carter
    33. Happychap
    34. flyaway
    35. sweet feet
    36. Cougie
    37. M.ister W
    38. Tommygun2
    39. Lexi H
    40. Kryten
    41. Garr
    42. Rodeo CLown
    43. CologneJim
    44. Artful Hen
    45. Trogs
    46. Ali Aird
    47. Aitch
    48. Oxy
    49. Holly_G
    50. Liverbird

    Thats the entry fee sorted, now over to Symes (and Mrs Symes) to confirm he wants the entry.

    Cheerful Dave wrote (see)
    kittenkat wrote (see)

    However I concluded that Symes is a big boy and that ultimately he will only start this thing if he's fit to do so. 

    And that nobody who's coughed up £20 will give him any grief if he decides, at any time before or during the event, that he should pull out.  The cash is for entry, not starting or finishing.

    Totally agree, everyone should hopefully accept that there is no obligation on Symes to actually start if he is not fit to do so.

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    Just wanted to post this and make sure people are happy with this suggestion. 

    I am going to contact Steve tomorrow and put and tell him about what we are doing. I'm going to do this for a couple of reasons

    a) It is a good way to put the pirates name forward once again
    b) to show support to Symes and Enduroman
    c) if for any reason that Symes is unable to do the event (IE injury or illness), we can if Steve agrees transfer the place onto some one else, if some one is willing to step forward.

    Because if Symes does have to pull out for any reason we will not get the full entry back and it will be a nightmare to return all of the money.

    I would also suggest that if no one is willing to take up the place then the money that is returned we donate to a charity of Symes choice.

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    JPenno - if you had read my post from yesterday, I have been in contact with Symes and the answer is yes he will do it if we reach the 50. 

    I will also go about the collection of the £20 from each person and make sure the entry is paid for. But this is all dependant of people paying me the money that they have promised to pay.

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    Nice try GOM. If Symes buckers you *HAVE* to take his place. image
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    Gyraffe wrote (see)
    Nice try GOM. If Symes buckers you *HAVE* to take his place. image

    love the idea...........

    If symes can't start it then maybe we wil have to set up a pirate relay team and do a day each..........if we wear the kit they won't noticeimage

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    I agree with all the above, also we carry on after the magic 50 collecting the £20's and if everyone coughs up and if there is money left over then we grab the next deal we can on gels and stuff because I believe he may be in need of a few!!

    Cheerful Dave,  good point,  we are buying him a place and not a finish tshirt   image
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    Feck me that is three times now that you have agreed with me!

    Right peeps, over the next week the people on the above list will all get a PM from me asking you to email me. I am going to do this so that I can send you all a PDF with instructions on how to make the payment. Please don't PM me as I will tend to ignore it, it is much better to contact me via the email address that I will give.

    Those of you that already have my work email address this is the one that I will be using as it is the one that I access to, where ever I might be!

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    cool Gom, thanks for organising the collection and stuff.
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    It wasnt you I was agreeing with, I have given that up for lent
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    Its a long time before lent starts again!
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    kittenkat wrote (see)

    I don't agree with anyone (does that work??).

    We suport Symes, financially and just Pirate 'stuff'...

    but if it all goes tits up, he's injured or whatever; I would rather we just have a sub that 'will' step in and give it a go.

    Bollax to soft 'relay' shit.

    Blag a deca image

    Tis the Pirate way...

    I would suggest what Seren was saying was a little tongue in cheek.

    If no one steps up to the mark, then I would suggest as above the money that is returned (if any) goes to charity.

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    I have no doubt we will have more than one pirate to support
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    KK stop being all Tritalk  image
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    Once again, Holy Crap, thank you all for doing this, it is much appreciated.

    As far as the race itself, apparently those lovely people at Enduroman provide three meals a day plus camping while the event is on for the 'athletes' and they also put up all gels and iso type drinks as well, which is quite a saving really.

    Sadly it just leaves me to get up at 6.45 each morning, go for a swim, bit of a bike ride and then a run/jog/walk/stagger for a few days. As Mrs S's brother so accurately put it, once you get past 6 or 7 it's pretty straightforward really, hmmm
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